Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 8: The final selection of super soldiers


The next day, early morning.

Luke, who was appointed by the military, packed some simple luggage and took the excited Rogers on a special car to the Lehigh training camp in New Jersey.

Before setting off, they met several important personnel of the Strategic Science Corps.

For example, Colonel Phillips with a serious face.

The developer of the super soldier serum, Dr. Abraham Erskine.

Howard Stark, famous in New York.

And Agent Carter, who, as always, maintains a cold expression.


The Strategic Science Corps was a temporary organization specially established by the Allies to win the war.

It was personally approved by President Roosevelt and the heads of European countries.

Elites from multiple fields were summoned, and their main purpose was to fight against the Hydra of the Third Reich—an evil organization symbolized by the monster Hydra.

The secondary purpose is to implement the "Super Soldier" plan and end the war sweeping the world.

The current leader of Hydra is named John Schmidt, nicknamed "Red Skull".

It is said that he was Hitler's confidant.

The power is even greater than that of Heinrich Hillem, who participated in the establishment of the SS and served as the head of the secret police Gestapo.

"Actually, the Red Skull may not be the founder of Hydra..."

Luke thought as he sat in the back of the transport truck, swaying from side to side.

He remembered mentioning in the comics that the origin of the orthodox Hydra was quite early, enough to go back even further.

Red Skull just took the name, changed the concept, and made it a useful tool.

In this regard, he has some similarities with his idol Adolf Hitler.

"Luke, do you think we'll run into Bucky?"

Rogers asked, holding his luggage.

Thinking of Bucky's surprised expression when he learned that he had joined the army and set foot on the battlefield, he couldn't help but look forward to the next meeting between the two.

"Bucky may have set foot on England's soil by this time, fighting for freedom."

Luke laughed, understanding why Rogers was so obsessed with serving in the military.

A little man who has been teased and bullied for a long time because of his thin stature.

There are often only two roads to the future.

Either he is like Rogers and still maintains an optimistic and positive attitude;

Or it can lead to cynical and self-enclosed negative psychology.

The former is rare, the latter is numerous.

And this is probably why Steve Rogers became Captain America.

He is a man who is always on the right path.

Rogers' enthusiasm for serving in the army was not out of strong patriotic feelings - he was not the type of character who was eager to exchange honors for military medals and dreamed of making achievements.

This thin little man probably wants to prove that he is no different from those strong guys.

"Luke, tell me, why did Howard Stark go to Caspian training camp? Is he also a conscripted soldier?"

Rogers asked curiously.

He knew nothing about the "Super Soldier" program or the Strategic Science Corps.

I just thought that I went to the Caspian training camp to receive recruit training.

"Stark is different from us! He is a scientific advisor! He is an official senior officer!"

Luke shook his head.

As two new recruits, how could they compare with Howard Stark.

The treatment of both parties is different!

Howard Stark was able to ride in a smooth and comfortable private car, chatting and laughing with a group of senior officers along the way.

In the evening, you might even go out to have a good time and have a good time.

But he and Rogers could only stay in the back of the transport truck that rocked like a ship.

"Get ready for recruit life, Rogers!"

Luke smiled meaningfully.

For Rogers, who is far from strong, recruit training is no easy task.

a week later.

"Are you okay, Rogers."

After finishing his cross-country journey with heavy weights, Luke handed a towel to the thin little man.

He looked like he had been fished out of the water, and his camouflage uniform was soaked with sweat.

The chest was rising and falling violently, like a bellows being pulled, making a "whirring" sound.

Even a regular five-kilometer cross-country trip is a difficult challenge for Rogers, who is in poor physical condition.

"No, it's okay! I just need to take a rest... That'll be fine!"

Luke looked at Rogers who was talking intermittently, fearing that he would suddenly faint.

The thin little man bent over in front of him is indeed very perseverant to be able to persist until now.

Although every day's training tasks were completed, Rogers finished last and had the worst results.

But in terms of hard work, he is not inferior to others, or even better.

"I feel so much better! Thank you, Luke!"

After taking a few breaths, Rogers looked up at his friend and smiled gratefully.

Without Luke's help, his situation might have been much worse.

From Rodgers' perspective, Lehigh's training camp is no different than the streets of Brooklyn.

There are bastards like this everywhere who rely on their strong muscles to bully those weaker than themselves.

Fortunately, Luke stepped forward, otherwise Rogers would have become the victim of being cornered and beaten by villains again.

"Gather! Gather!"

A sharp whistle sounded, and the recruits, who had long developed conditioned reflexes, trotted over and stood in an orderly queue.

Some of them have already experienced the consequences of disobeying orders, or being a thorn in the side.

That cool female officer with a British accent is not as weak as she looks.

In this regard, the recruit who took the punch, Gilmore Hodge, has a lot to say - he still has a Band-Aid on the bridge of his nose.

What's more, daily high-intensity physical training is enough to release everyone's excess energy.

"After your observation these days, who is the recruit with the best grades and outstanding performance?"

Standing not far away, looking at the group of new recruits being lectured, Colonel Phillips asked.

"It's Luke Cavill."

Carter, who was holding the score sheet, raised his eyebrows.

She really didn't expect that young man from Brooklyn.

Not only is the shooting skill amazing, but the performance in other test items is also excellent.

They are undergoing physical training such as target shooting, marching with heavy loads, and climbing barbed wire fences.

Luke can easily take first place and leave the second place far behind.

"I knew it! Erskine, I said, Cavill is the most suitable candidate!"

Colonel Phillips said, clapping his hands.

He looked at Luke, who was tall and strong in the queue, with admiration in his eyes.

The other party perfectly fits the colonel's definition and image of an excellent soldier.

"Wait a minute! We still have time."

Dr. Erskine, standing nearby, replied.

His eyes did not stay on Luke, but looked at Rogers, who was particularly conspicuous in the queue.

If we say that the super soldier should choose a strong and big man.

Then, there is no need for Erskine to start this secret selection.

Just pick one from the army.

In this world, there is never a shortage of outstanding soldiers who know how to obey orders and have strong muscles.

But it is quite difficult to find a truly good person, a "super soldier" who has power but does not bully the weak.

Erskine knew that he did not have more time, so he patiently selected and explored carefully.

Therefore, he can only place his hopes on Rogers.

That thin, short little man has a rare quality that touches people's hearts!

"You asked me to investigate Rogers' life experience! Yes, he is indeed a... good man! But what will happen? If the bureaucrats of the committee find out that the candidate for the super soldier is as thin as a stick, and he can't even run. Panting little man, what will they think?"

Colonel Phillips said dissatisfied.

In his view, war compares the strength of both sides, not the character of the soldiers.

"The selection is not over yet, the time is not up yet! Colonel, let's wait patiently!"

Dr. Erskine's answer was still the same.

But this time, his eyes shifted to Luke. (End of chapter)