Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 81: ?SHIELD simulation business game


Have you ever seen a mutant

Bolivar became excited instantly and changed his previous reserved attitude.

He said urgently: "General, mutants are a very dangerous species! They are the biggest threat to mankind on this planet!"

"Do you know Neanderthals? They are close relatives of the ancestors of Europeans and once ruled the entire European continent. But 24,000 years ago, these ancient humans disappeared and became extinct!"

"Because Homo sapiens eliminated them! Whether they are lower animals or higher animals, they can survive only by adapting to the environment. However, due to limited resources in nature, when multiple animals are in the same ecological niche, fierce competition will occur."

"Human beings are more interfering with similar species than other animals! Because we stand at the top of the food chain and have a strong ability to utilize and transform nature. In the era of natural selection, there will inevitably be consequences between different human species. Fierce competition. So Neanderthals are destined to be replaced by Homo sapiens!"

"And in my opinion, mutants are the race that is most likely to replace humans!"

The dwarf scientist spoke urgently and quickly, as if he was afraid that the young major general would not know the seriousness of the problem.

Luke raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Bolivar to be a staunch human supremacist and extremely wary of mutants.

If William Stryker also hates mutants, it is because of family misfortune.

Then his teacher Bolivar chose to develop the "Sentinel Robot" after seeing a future where humans might be replaced by mutants.

Of course, there must be some selfishness involved.

For example, describing mutants as time bombs, and then selling weapons to deal with mutants.

This is like what arms dealers are most passionate about, which is to stir up regional conflicts and make both sides rich.

"Don't get excited, Mr. Teslak."

Luke showed no obvious emotions. He had completely different opinions from the dwarf scientist Bolivar.

Mutants simply do not have the conditions to compete with humans at the top of the food chain.

First of all, compared with the huge population base in the world, their number is pitifully small, making it difficult to form an effective social system.

Secondly, mutants are essentially the future direction of human evolution and do not constitute a necessary prerequisite for competition.

In a family, it is very likely that the son is a mutant but the parents are not.

Could it be that a mutant who is a son would hate his parents and even want to eliminate them

So from a more objective perspective, mutants should belong to the evolutionary branch of humans.

The conflict between the two sides is more about discrimination than an undying hatred of genocide.

Magneto always thought about building a mutant empire, but he never thought that a harmonious world composed of fellow mutants would not be so beautiful.

Because in the end, mutants can't even live a self-sufficient life.

Cars in factories will not be produced automatically, and food in supermarkets will not appear out of thin air...

And can the mutants who belong to the minority accomplish this

Magneto can destroy a building with just a few moves, but he can't build a factory.

Even with the tyrannical power to lift the continent and reverse the two poles, it still cannot fill its stomach.

From this point of view, genocidal war is nothing more than nonsense.

Besides, what is the difference between a totalitarian society in which a small elite class enslaves many lower classes and the Third Reich

As a persecuted Jew, he has become the person he hates the most—

I have to say, this is really a great irony!

"Comrade Magneto's ideological realm is too backward. It seems that he has not memorized Ma Zhe's theory."

Many thoughts flashed through Luke's mind. He looked at Bolivar and smiled: "Since you are so interested in mutants, I will take you to see them."

The dwarf scientist was stunned, as if his brain had shut down and his expression was a little dull.

"General, you may not understand what I mean. Mutants are dangerous, and they have all kinds of strange abilities..."

Luke seemed to turn a deaf ear and stood up, eagerly inviting Bolivar to come with him.

He had previously dealt with the Hellfire Club in Rome, Italy, and even briefly fought against mutants.

How should I put it, after some friendly and persuasive exchanges, Luke felt that they were all easy to talk to and not as scary as Bolivar described.

The two walked out of the Pentagon and got into a black car.

Luke named a specific location, and the driver started the engine and slowly drove out of the huge building complex behind him.

The two captives, Azazo the Red Devil, and the Gas Girl are both being held in a jail in Arlington County.

"Teslak, have you heard of Sebastian Shaw?"

On the way there, Luke began to ask about the Black King of the Hellfire Club.

Originally, he expected that the other party would join forces with Hydra and then take the initiative to give away people's heads.

Unexpectedly, this mutant was too cautious and did not appear until the end.

"Xiao? I know him, a very... radical biologist."

Bolivar frowned and thought for a moment, then continued: "Sebastian is a man who firmly believes in the Third Reich's theory of a perfect human race. He once told me that blond Aryans with blue eyes can rule the world. ”

"We met several times in the UK before. Later he returned to Germany and wrote to me several times asking about the progress of the research on the mutant X gene."

Luke thought for a moment, and among the mutant villains, the one with a slightly higher threat might be Mr. Omen from far away in England.

This guy is Apocalypse's number one pawn, chasing the Phoenix Force almost obsessively.

Then, it was Sebastian Shaw's turn.

This guy uses mutants more as tools to pursue the boring and clichéd ambition of world domination.

He was like a salesman, packaging the extreme racial theories of the Third Reich and selling them, and deceived many simple-minded mutants.

"Sebastian Shaw is a mutant."

Luke said directly.

"He has joined an organization called the Hellfire Club and is gathering his compatriots to make big news."

Bolivar looked thoughtful, and he seemed to have guessed the purpose of Luke's appointment with him.

"Can I do anything for this country, General? If it's dealing with mutants, I think I can definitely come in handy!"

The dwarf scientist climbed up the ladder. As a scientist who can start a big company, he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very observant.

A smile appeared on Luke's lips, it was exactly the answer he wanted to hear.

The Hellfire Club is a problem that must be solved.

The old timers have said that we should treat our enemies as ruthlessly as the harsh winter.

Instead of waiting for Sebastian Xiao to accumulate strength and come to the door again, it is better to strike hard and take the initiative to catch him all.

"Very well, Mr. Teslak, SHIELD needs people like you."

Luke smiled and quietly pulled Bolivar into SHIELD.

The future "Father of the Sentinels" is still qualified to join the scientific research department as a supervisor.


Bolivar's eyes flickered. Although he had never heard of this organization, he did not show any resistance.

You know, doing research is expensive.

He has not yet joined Nixon and founded Teslak Industries. He is just a somewhat famous scientist.

First, he has no backer, and second, he has no sponsor. Like other independent researchers, he lives in a small space and cannot even afford to rent a laboratory.

At this time, an official agency came to accept him, and Bolivar simply felt that happiness was knocking on the door.

And as we all know, the military is always the most wealthy investor!

He is also the most beloved donor dad among scientists!

Luke noticed Bolivar's excitement and his smile grew gentler.

All this was within his expectation.

Even a guy like Howard, who thinks highly of himself, sometimes has to socialize with senior officers in the procurement department in order to win orders - in his words, they are "a bunch of guys whose brain capacity is not as big as that of primitive people."

What's more, a down-and-out scientist like Bolivar.

SHIELD human resources +1!

Scientific research strength +1! (End of chapter)