Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 83: ?The dessert after a meal is the most delicious


Luke returned to New York before nightfall.

He is still living in a tower suite at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and has no place to change.

“The next step is asset layout.”

Regarding the business investment plan, Luke had already sketched out a rough outline in his mind and planned to talk to Howard about cooperation in a while. He believed that the other party would definitely be interested.

The father of Iron Man can be said to be very proud of himself recently.

As a participant in the Manhattan Project, he entered the White House with Oppenheimer and was honored by the president.

Under the name of Stark Industries, the stock price has been rising.

Of course, this is not the result of Howard alone.

The current U.S. stock market is different from the era when Buffett struggled for success and said he had too little experience.

After the downturn during the Great Depression and the war, the U.S. stock market was like a fountain that had been suppressed for a long time, unleashing its full potential, and was about to usher in a long and sustained bull market.

When the post-war instability subsided, those Wall Street stockbrokers closed their eyes and could pick any five stocks out of ten and they would rise.

If he just wanted to make money, Luke could calmly lay out his plans and become the most successful businessman after the 20th century with a precise vision that transcends the times. In that case, the script would become the rebirth of Wall Street instead of the Marvel Universe.

Wealth and status are just icing on the cake for him, not the main purpose.

After all, the five great gods of the universe and the higher beings of the Tribunal of Life will not care about your worth or official title.

"Just leave this kind of thing to the hotel waiter."

Luke returned to the hotel and walked quietly behind Marlena.

After looking at the graceful and busy girl wearing an apron for a while, a smile couldn't help but appear on her lips.

"I like to do things myself..."

Marlena, who didn't know it beforehand, was startled. When she turned around and saw the familiar face, she smiled softly.

Like a wife waiting for her husband to come home, she carefully helped Luke take off his military jacket.

These days, I have been busy with official duties, waiting for the award, and the preparations for SHIELD. The two of them have not seen each other for a while.

"I just made mushroom soup. I'll ask room service to bring some more staple food."

Malena wore a beige floral skirt and a pair of flat heels. Her seaweed-like long black hair was pulled up high, exuding a homely atmosphere.

"Xhosa said it's not good for you to stay in the hotel all day and never want to go out."

Luke conveniently put his arm around Marlena's plump waist. This beautiful woman who came to New York from Sicily has completely different personalities from Carter.

The female agent is independent and self-reliant, and always wants to prove her ability.

And Malena is a typical little woman, home style.

I only long for a solid support that can give me enough security, and I never ask for anything else.

Luke sometimes enjoys the feeling of being relied on, so he often spends the night at Marlena's place.

"I read books, listen to the radio, and occasionally go for a walk in the garden below."

Marlena retorted, with a hint of charming charm in the corners of her eyes and brows.

Luke glanced at the magazines on the table. Most of them were about cooking and flower arrangement.

"Let Kosa introduce a reliable real estate agent some other time. It would not be good to always stay in a hotel."

Luke put the plan of buying real estate on the agenda. He traveled back and forth between Washington, D.C. and New York, and he didn't have any high requirements for accommodation.

But Malena is different. She will inevitably feel bored after staying at the Waldorf for a long time.

And as a traveler from the foodie dynasty, buying a house should be a top priority engraved deep in your soul.

"Mr. Alessandro is usually very busy, so don't bother him with this little thing."

Marlena came over with a deliciously fragrant mushroom soup, and it was obvious that her craftsmanship was very good.

The mellow and thick cream, sliced mushrooms, scattered corn kernels, and diced bacon are really appetizing.

"Trust me, he'd love it."

Luke thought of the mafia leader. The first thing he did after meeting him was to give him a woman.

It can be seen that the other party is an experienced person when it comes to pleasing powerful people.

With a little effort, you can win the favor of an army major general. This is a good thing that many people can only dream of.

"I'm going to put a mark on you later."

Luke recently used the template of Magical Superman to master a new skill that can mentally imprint a specific person.

Just like on the set next door, the shortcut to finding Superman is to throw Lois Lane down the stairs.

Even if he stayed in Washington, D.C., if anything happened to Malena, he would rush over immediately.

However, the above situation is unlikely to happen. If Hydra or the Hellfire Club dare to come to New York to cause trouble, they may be completely annihilated.

Luke is happy to let them experience what the iron fist of justice is!

"Eat first, it's almost cold."

Marlena flipped her hair and waited expectantly for comment.

Not long after, the room service brought a variety of main dishes with a dining cart.

There was foie gras and lamb shank, as well as an oyster, served with a green salad.

Luke began to tuck into the delicious experience of the sumptuous meal.

Stellar energy can support daily consumption, but it cannot satisfy his appetite.

"Sir Alessandro said he wanted to see you."

After Luke finished his lunch, Marlena said smoothly while clearing the table.

The mafia leader who came to the North American continent from Sicily and took a group of family members across the ocean, I heard that he had established a foothold in New York.

Luke asked Uncle Frank to introduce the Irish gang to Alessandro, and with a major general as a protective umbrella behind him, the New York Police Department turned a blind eye to the Italian gang.

Alessandro was also very smart and had no intention of competing with his compatriots or the Irish for business, and he would not touch such hugely profitable businesses as smuggling and contraband.

Instead, they found another way and started gray industries, such as spinach and money laundering.

He opened several underground casinos in one go, and his business has been booming recently, and he has gradually become famous in lower Manhattan.

"Is there a problem?"

Luke lay on the sofa and squinted his eyes slightly.

He didn't want to have too much contact with Alessandro's gang unless necessary.

Since the end of the war, his status has improved, causing Luke to deal with heavy things every day.

Carter is helping to manage S.H.I.E.L.D., which is still under preparation.

The mutants can be left to Bolivar and wait for results.

The most important work still comes from the White House and the Pentagon, the politicians on Capitol Hill who are vying to win over each other, the military officials who come to show their goodwill and friendship, and some big entrepreneurs who want to invest in themselves.

Socializing and banquets take up most of the time.

Sometimes the limelight is too strong, which may not be a good thing!

Luke sighed.

"Mr. Alessandro, you want to use the family name in Sicily and name the Mafia the Corleone family... Of course, you have to ask for your permission."

Marlena came over and stretched out her hand to rub Luke's temples with moderate force, gentle and soothing.

She squatted on the edge of the sofa, her plump and plump body stretched into a beautiful curve.

"You don't need my permission for such a small thing."

After enjoying the massage for a while, Luke turned his head to look at Marlena and said with fiery eyes: "I just want to taste the dessert after dinner."

When the nights are long and you have no intention of sleeping, actively exercising is the best way to live a healthy life. (End of chapter)