Superman of the American Comics

Chapter 98: ?Welcome to the Hellfire Club


Anna Maria Island, on the beach.

Namor, with two strong arms, carried the surfboard and walked under the umbrella.

As an Atlantean who could breathe underwater, he had no need for this.

But in order to look normal and not attract other people's attention, Namor would bring a surfboard with him every time he went to the sea and pretend to be a surfer.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here too."

Compared to the unfamiliarity and indifference in the last meeting, Namor took the initiative to say hello this time.

These days, he often chats with this middle-aged man who claims to be a German scientist.

The opinions that the other party occasionally throws out always make Namor find everything new and fresh.

Like a ship that has lost its way, it suddenly sees the light of a lighthouse on the dark sea.

Unknowingly, Namor regarded Sebastian Xiao as a life mentor, and he had a little more respect in his heart.

“The warm sunshine of Florida is not common in Berlin where the air is humid and cold.”

Sebastian took off his sunglasses and showed a friendly smile.

"Because of the repressive policies of the Third Reich, there was an atmosphere of tension like white terror, and everyone was worried whether they would become the next victim to be persecuted and shot."

"War is a terrible thing, aren't you right, Namor?"

Namor put down his surfboard and sat down next to Sebastian, nodding. He also hated war.

Previously, the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers dropped mines and bombed submarines everywhere in the Pacific battlefield and the Atlantic Ocean, causing Atlantis to be disturbed.

It's like someone fighting and quarreling at your door every day.

If Atlantis had not upheld the conservative and secluded old ideas and did not want to communicate with the outside world, Namor would definitely have to teach these people a lesson.

As for joining the Allies or the Axis, it depends on your mood.

"Mr. Xiao, do you think it is necessary for a strong person to hide himself?"

After these days of in-depth exchanges, Namor began to let go of his inner vigilance and put his trust in Sebastian Xiao.

Among them, there is of course the psychological suggestion exerted by the White Queen Emma.

There are also reasons for Namor himself.

His father was a captain. When the route was blocked during an expedition to Antarctica, he ordered the sailors to blow up the ice floes. As a result, the princess of Atlantis was injured and she was brought to the ship for treatment.

After that, it’s a bloody story at eight o’clock.

The captain felt that the Princess of Atlantis was so pure and unpretentious, she was different from the American girls he had known before.

The Princess of Atlantis had no contact with the outside world at all and knew almost nothing about human beings, so she was easily seduced by the captain.

The two fell in love at lightning speed, got married, and did everything they had to do.

However, when the King of Atlantis saw that his daughter had not returned for several months, he thought something had happened—she had been kidnapped or hijacked by humans.

He directly sent out troops and after finding his whereabouts, killed everyone including the captain.

A few months later, the widowed princess gave birth to Namor.

This is the tragic experience of Aquaman on the Marvel set.

Any similarity is purely for reference.

When Sebastian appeared, he played the role of a knowledgeable and experienced mentor, instantly bringing Namor into the game.

"Why should a powerful person hide himself? Would a lion hide among a group of sheep to make himself look unthreatening? Unless it is to avoid hunters."

Sebastian smiled, so many days of brainwashing finally took effect.

Before he came into contact with Namor, he specifically learned about Atlantis through Hydra.

Because Namor's skin color was different from that of normal Atlanteans, he suffered discrimination from his tribe and was considered a low-level "alien."

In order to protect her son, the princess had to take Namor to hide in the slums, and later fled to Manhattan.

Until the king got old, he remembered that he still had a grandson, so he summoned the grown-up Namor back.

After a series of struggles and battles for the throne, Namor was finally recognized and became the master of the four oceans and the new king of Atlantis.

Some of this information is information held by Hydra, and some is intelligence obtained by White Queen Emma through penetrating into the soul.

In short, Atlantis has just completed the transfer of power.

The old king dies and Namor succeeds.

There are still many conservative forces in the country who are in a relatively chaotic state.

Namor, who ascended the throne, had never received royal education. He grew up in the slums and the land world, and he was also confused about how to be a king.

"Namor, do you remember the mutants I talked about before? They have a variety of special abilities. It can be said that they are gifted and are pioneers on the road of evolution."

Sebastian sat up, left the recliner, and said word by word: "But they were expelled and hunted by humans. Why is this?"

"Because there is a lack of a leader! A king who can unite mutants around him and make them have the courage to stand up and resist atrocities!"

Feeling Sebastian's expectant eyes, Namor couldn't help but have an illusion - I am that person!

Intense emotions were like raging waves, one after another, washing away his few sanity.

"Mr. Xiao..."

Namor hesitated to reveal his identity as a mutant.

At this time, he had no sense of belonging to Atlantis, and he knew nothing about being a king.

Hearing Sebastian talk about the plight of his fellow mutants, Namor couldn't help but feel sympathy and wanted to be the one-of-a-kind leader.

"Namor, if I guess correctly, you are a mutant, right?"

Sebastian struck while the iron was hot and said sincerely: "When I saw you at the beach bar before, I had a deep intuition - Namor, you are the person I want to find!"

"We are compatriots! Genes are far more reliable than blood ties!"

Namor, who was about to reveal his identity, looked shocked and asked in surprise: "Mr. Xiao, are you also a mutant?"

The latter nodded vigorously and smiled: "Not only me, but also Miss Frost, whom you met before. Together we formed the Hellfire Club."

"The purpose is to save our suffering compatriots, resist human tyranny, and build a beautiful world for mutants!"

Namor frowned, remembering that most of his chats with Sebastian these days were about race, genes, evolution and other issues.

Could it be that Mr. Xiao has been testing me and testing me

"That's right."

Sebastian affirmed.

He seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, his sharp eyes piercing into Namor's heart.

"You are the leader that mutants are looking forward to! The king who saves his compatriots and leads us to create a new future!"

Although Stanislavski had not yet written "The Actor's Self-Cultivation" at this point in time, Sebastian Shaw fully explained what superb acting skills are with his firm eyes and sincere tone.

He said it so hard that he almost believed it, let alone Namor himself.

"why me?"

Namor, who had never been affirmed by anyone since he was a child, asked in an old-fashioned way, as if he was flattered.

"You are both an Atlantean and a mutant. You are the only bridge connecting the two worlds underwater and above the ground!"

Sebastian replied, selectively ignoring that Namor still had some human blood in his body.

"Join us, Namor. At that time, the civilization of Atlantis can rule the world together with the mutants. You will occupy the four oceans, and we will own the land."

Facing this invitation, Namor seemed to have a strange voice deep in his heart, constantly urging him to agree.

"Mr. Xiao, I am willing to participate in the great cause of saving my compatriots."

The deceived Neptune pursed his lips tightly and nodded.

"Great. So—welcome to the Hellfire Club."

Sebastian stretched out his hand, a dark light flashing through his lowered eyes.

After finally strapping Atlanti into the chariot, the next step is to seek revenge from Superman.

Before, the debt in Rome had not been settled yet! (End of chapter)