Supernatural Monetary System

Chapter 46: Li Family Flood


Drop! Drop! Drop!

Shi Hu took the phone from Sun Li's hand, looked at Sun Li who was like a puddle of mud, and said with some boredom: "Okay, you can die now! Goodbye."

As soon as he raised his fist, Sun Li felt as if his body was torn into pieces.

However, the next second, Shi Hu stopped, and his cell phone kept buzzing on his body. Not many people knew his cell phone number, only a few.

I answered a phone call first.

"Well, solve it right away!"

"Not dead yet! The money has been paid, it's just a matter of one punch."

"I see. Well then! He's pretty lucky."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Hu said to Sun Li coldly, looking lucky: "You are lucky, it seems that they have reached an agreement! So you don't have to die for the time being. By the way, your master told you to pack up and go back!"

"Saved! Saved! Miracle, miracle, miracle..." Sun Li couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that he would be saved at the last second.

The whole person suddenly relaxed, the powerful pressure was released instantly, he fell directly to the ground, a crazy laugh appeared on the corners of his mouth.

At the Li family, Li Taili was holding a computer and transferring money to Yu Sheng, with beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Yu Sheng still did business with him, but the price gave him a headache.

"5 billion, all for you!" Li Taili said with a trembling throat. This was almost all the resources of the Li family that he could mobilize in a short period of time. The fact that such a large Li family and a future head of the family could only mobilize such a small amount of money made Yu Sheng a little speechless.

With a smile on his face, Yu Sheng looked at Li Taili, sighed and said, "It would be great if it was like this earlier. It would be good for everyone. Little girl over there, why don't you come and massage the master's legs and shoulders!"

At this time, Lan Ziyan stared at Li Taili blankly, feeling reluctant to leave.

Li Taili's face was extremely ugly. He glared at Lan Ziyan and cursed, "Hurry up and go to Boss Yu. He is your new master now."

“…Yes, Master!” Lan Ziyan walked to Yu Sheng’s side tremblingly, tears almost coming out of her eyes.

He plucks feathers from passing geese. He is born a robber for the rest of his life. Not only does he rob people of their money to do business, he also shoots them.

Satisfied with the ending, Yu Sheng chuckled and said, "Hurry up! You really need some discipline. We in Yaoxingzhai are not the Li family. If you do this, I can easily break your legs. But don't worry, uncle is not a bad person. He won't bully you."

He wished he could strangle Yu Sheng to death, but besides being a poisonous person, Lan Zi Yan had almost no offensive power.

Silently enjoying this massage that was neither too heavy nor too light, and did not require much skill. At this time, Shi Hu walked in, looked at Yu Sheng and said, "Brother, it's all done!"

"It's good that it's resolved! After discussion, Mr. Li Taili hopes that we can cure his father, and he has transferred the money to us. Since you are back, let's go to the hospital together!" Yu Sheng chuckled.

Shi Hu, who was standing by, looked at Lan Ziyan and asked curiously, "Who is this little girl?"

Yu Sheng looked at Lan Ziyan and chuckled, "Mr. Li Taili paid for the goods, and since he really couldn't afford more money, he sold this girl to me. I was also in a difficult situation, but thinking that our Yaoxingzhai also needed a woman, I accepted it with reluctance."

As he spoke, Yu Sheng pulled Shi Hu's hand and rubbed it directly on Lan Ziyan's face, "Feel it, this face is so smooth!"

"What's there to touch?" Shi Hu was speechless. He was just a little kid.

However, Shi Hu's face changed drastically, he stepped back a few steps, and roared angrily.


The poison in his body dissipated immediately. He rolled his eyes at Yu Sheng and said, "What is this? It's actually poisonous! That was a close call."

"I..." Yu Sheng was speechless. Looking at Shi Hu's reaction speed, he said in boredom, "Why are you reacting so quickly? I want to see what you look like when you are poisoned."

Looking at Yu Sheng in complete silence, Shi Hu took a breath and said, "It is indeed a powerful toxin, but it is useless to me! But it is still quite scary. I can tease the big golden retriever when I go back later."

"I thought so too!" Yu Sheng nodded, eager to try it.

Li Taili, who was standing by, looked at the two men and said carefully, "You two, you have taken the money and captured the person. So when will you treat my father?"

"I almost forgot!" Yu Sheng nodded, looked at Li Taili and chuckled, "Don't worry, even though you're not a very good person, business is business. We will still save Mr. Li Guangdou. Let's go!"

As they spoke, a group of people got into the car.

A few people had just stepped into the car and arrived at a room less than a hundred meters away from Li Taili's villa.

A man in black put down the telescope in his hand, took out his mobile phone and reported: "Boss, Li Taili invited the boss of Yaoxingzhai to come for a meeting, and now he is leaving the villa complex."

On the other side, Li Taili's brother Li Taiyi put down the phone in his hand, frowned slightly, and muttered softly: "What does Li Taili want to do?"

At this time, an old man in front of him said thoughtfully: "I heard that the owner of this Yaoxingzhai is a boy named Yu. He was born ordinary but started low and ended high. From what I see now, there may be those legendary cultivators secretly helping him behind the scenes. If he leads to Li Taili, it will be very detrimental to our plan."

"Grandpa, what you said makes sense, but we still don't know how powerful Yu Sheng is. And there are also Shi Hu and Jin Fucheng. Now we are in a difficult situation. I didn't expect that the idiot has such an IQ." Li Taiyi said with a grim expression.

The old man in front of him was his grandfather Fu Chenglong. Although he was old, he was a wise man. However, after carefully observing for a few seconds, he said, "I think that even if Yaoxingzhai has the help of Taoists behind it, it will not get involved in the competition between regional forces. Since they opened a shop, it is nothing more than for money and power. Ordinary forces have no meaning to Taoists, so they come for money. Something must have happened, causing them to lack a lot of cash."

"Grandpa means that we can use money to support the rest of our lives." Li Taiyi nodded. This is a good idea.

However, Fu Chenglong shook his head and said, "You are still not mature enough, Yi'er. Since the other party came for money, Li Taili must have paid a high price, and the other party is unlikely to directly participate in the fight. After all, it is not good for making money. So why did Li Taiyi invite him?"

"Could it be... I heard about what happened at the Luo family that day. Yu Sheng showed off his unique skills and actually saved Qin Xinyu who was about to commit suicide on the spot. But grandpa, Li Taili has been waiting for Dad to die for a long time. He would save Dad? He has the brains to do so." Li Taiyi said in disbelief.

Fu Chenglong leaned on his crutches and said, "He must have gone to the hospital. It seems that Li Guangdou is not going to die. But you have taken 30% of his fortune while he was sick. It seems that you should stop now."

"But if Dad wakes up, what will the 30% of the family property that I occupy mean? He can take it back with just one word. And he will definitely be more wary of us in the future." Li Taiyi said anxiously.

Since Lee Tae-yi was born to his wife who was betrothed to him, he was the product of a family marriage, while Lee Tae-ri was born to Lee Kwang-doo and his lover. Therefore, after taking power, Lee Kwang-doo valued Lee Tae-ri, who was born to his liking, instead of Lee Tae-yi, who was more talented.

There was resentment in his eyes. He had waited so long for this opportunity, but he didn't expect it to fail at the last moment.

Fu Chenglong sighed, holding the cane in his hand, and said thoughtfully: "Now is not the time to complain. You should take the Mei brothers to the hospital now and delay time as much as possible, mainly to detect the strength of the Yaoxingzhai. Fortunately, we have kept a trick just in case, and now all these companies are our people. While there is still time, I will try my best to arrange our people to occupy some positions, hoping to achieve the effect of defeating the strong with the weak."

"Then I'll leave everything to grandpa. I'll go to the hospital now!" Li Taiyi said with an extremely grim expression.

He rushed out in a panic. Fu Chenglong's eyes showed a deep look and he sighed, "Young people are always rash in doing things."

(End of this chapter)