Supernatural Monetary System

Chapter 75: My requirement is simple


The fire burned half the sky red.

Then there was a heavy bombing, and Yu Sheng finally understood what he was doing with these tank regiments. They were here to destroy this place.

In his mind, Xiaoxu said helplessly: "My big granary!"

"Forget the granary! Do you think you can defeat this evil spirit? If you can't, you have to be more careful in the future and stay farther away from it." Yu Sheng asked.

Xiaoxu also observed the two bodies and said decisively: "If it's one on one, it shouldn't be a big problem. But one against three, master, where do you think it would be safer for us to escape to?"

“…” Yu Sheng had no idea what to say. This time, Xiao Xu didn’t even bother to brag. It was obvious that he couldn’t win.

Having a headache, He Jun took a breath, smoked a cigar, and walked in front of Yu Sheng. He said solemnly, "Let's go. If these guys cause trouble, it will be your responsibility. Prepare to deal with it."

"I... who the hell did I offend?" Yu Sheng looked innocent, but he seemed to be unable to shirk responsibility. He sighed and said, "Then find the big boss behind him. I've done the work, so he should at least pay me! He made so much money by doing it, and he still wants me to clean up the mess."

The corner of his eye twitched, and He Jun snorted coldly, "Don't worry, no one can escape. Since such a big mess has been caused, everyone involved must pay the price. If you can settle it, let alone asking them to pay, they will agree even if you ask them to cut off one of their arms."

"Damn! Are these things so powerful?" Yu Sheng said speechlessly.

Seeing that Yu Sheng didn't know how terrible the evil spirits were, He Jun said seriously, "Do you know about the plague that broke out in Lancheng fifteen years ago?"

After thinking about it carefully, Yu Sheng nodded and said, "It seems to be some virus. It is said that many people died, and we were vaccinated at that time!"

"That was the thing that happened last time! It shouldn't have happened after cremation was implemented nationwide. I didn't expect... Man proposes, God disposes! If hundreds of thousands of people die again this time, the consequences will be disastrous." He Jun said worriedly.

His heart skipped a beat, and Yu Sheng realized the seriousness of the matter. As an insider of this incident, he was afraid that it would be useless even if he escaped to the ends of the earth.

With a headache on his face, Yu Sheng sighed: If I had known this would happen, damn it, I would never tell anyone that I came to this damn place.

At this time, Wu Gang on the side suggested: "Minister, let me take people to hunt it down. If we bring the newly developed laser gun, we should be able to get rid of this monster."

"How can you do it alone? You don't even know where the other party is! Go back first. It's better to leave professional things to professionals. Now is not the time for us to take action. Once the target is confirmed, it will be time for you to take action. There is no need to be impatient." He Jun frowned.

However, Wu Gang said anxiously: "But this thing grows very fast! If the Quanzhen Sect's real person had not died with him last time, I'm afraid Lancheng would have been destroyed. We must not leave it alone."

"Don't worry. Now that we have the power grid, that thing is still very afraid of electricity. After all, this is not fifteen years ago. The biggest problem now is to establish special forces like your Black Fox and Iron Wall. I don't know if this is part of the synchronicity phenomenon. If so, that would be really bad." He Jun arranged.

Synchronicity is the phenomenon of unrelated events occurring in different parts of the world, yet having a certain degree of similarity.

We were busy until noon, then we slowly stopped working.

Yu Sheng took a pill, sat on the tank, and followed everyone back to the headquarters. There was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"The system will take at least twenty-five days, and at most eighty-seven days to recover! It will take at least two months for me to reach tiger level. I still have 200 million in cash. I have a lot of elixirs and weapons, but they are useless. If the evil spirits erupt before the system recovers, and I am thrown to the front line by He Jun at that time, the best case scenario is that the three of them will be separated and I will have to kill them one by one. In the worst case, if the three are together, I will have to deal with two so that Xiaoxu can kill one. I don't know how strong those professionals are, but it seems that they are not professionals, otherwise it would not be so difficult to deal with them. It's just that the power they possess can cause damage to the evil spirits. Damn it, they didn't consider dealing with such a thing at all, and they didn't exchange any weapons for this purpose at all. The safest thing is to wait until the system recovers." Yu Sheng said thoughtfully with a headache on his face.

However, he made up his mind, which was to delay until the system was restored.

On the parade ground, 176,000 people formed more than 20 square formations.

He Jun and a group of leaders were standing on the podium. He Jun held the microphone and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Today is a special day. I believe everyone has heard about it. We are now forming two special forces in each of the five theaters across the country. The two special forces formed by our Eastern Theater are Black Fox and Iron Arm. Those who can enter these two teams must be the elite among the elites. Considering the importance of the teams, we are selecting them throughout the entire Eastern Theater this time. Now, please invite the captains of the two teams to come on stage. They will choose the assessment method to determine whether you are special talents."

"Please come in!" Yu Sheng looked at Wu Gang and said.

Wu Gang's eyes twitched. Looking at Yu Sheng, who was wearing strange clothes, he said speechlessly, "Boy, you don't even wear formal clothes for such an important occasion."

Yu Sheng was equally speechless and said, "I want to wear it too. But there isn't any! There isn't even one suitable piece of clothing in such a large military camp."

"Bullshit!" Wu Gang scolded, "Didn't the minister give you clothes?"

Thinking of the clothes He Jun gave him, Yu was furious and said, "Those were his old clothes. Can you imagine someone like that? I am an official after all, but my first official uniform was given to me second-hand. What's even worse is that it doesn't fit me at all. It would be embarrassing to wear it..."

"It's even more embarrassing for you to dress like this!" Wu Gang said with a grim face.

After looking at himself, Yu Sheng said shamelessly: "No, I think it's pretty good! I designed it myself, it's very impressive. I'm sure people will turn their heads to look at it."

“…” Wu Gang and Yu Sheng walked onto the stage in anger.

Wu Gang walked forward, glanced at everyone, and said with full energy: "My requirement is very simple, the elite among the elites. No matter what position or responsibility you have in my team, I require you to complete the task 100%! If you don't have this confidence, you can directly withdraw from the selection!"

With just one word, no one around him quit.

"That's it!" Seeing him take a step back and give up the microphone, Yu Sheng walked forward.

Immediately, many people below started to snicker, but as expected of the army, not many people were whispering to each other.

Yu Sheng took a breath, scratched his head and yawned, looking at everyone lifelessly and said: "My selection is not as strict as Captain Wu. First of all, except for real estate, the assets of the family are in the nine figures, that is, hundreds of millions of assets, all stand out!"

(End of this chapter)