Supernatural Monetary System

Chapter 92: The rest of my life's battle


Tick! Tick! Tick…

Drops of rain fell from the sky, continuously hitting Yu Sheng's face. He stood on a small building and stared at the kindergarten intently.

It was raining heavily, and parents came one by one to pick up their children.

"Nothing unusual!" There were beads of sweat mixed in with the rain, and Yu Sheng's face gradually became ugly.

All people are not in the abnormal state of being possessed. The evil spirit is essentially a spiritual energy body that can rely on people's spiritual power.

However, ordinary people have weak spiritual power, and once they are parasitized, they will almost always show a bit of weirdness and make some inexplicable movements. Weak spiritual bodies may even die directly.

However, as the number of people in the kindergarten continued to decrease, Yu Sheng was not even sure whether the evil spirit was still here.

At this time, Wu Gang, who was closely monitoring the situation, also had a very ugly expression on his face. He was stunned until the last child left.

He has been in the army for seven years, and he has never felt as desperate as he does today.

The teachers gathered together and left one after another. The entire kindergarten was empty.

He walked around the kindergarten trying to find the evil spirit, but he knew it was futile because the evil spirit had already run away. There was not even a mouse in the entire kindergarten.

The other party was very cunning, but that was not the point. He knew that he had made a mistake, and because of a moment of mercy, he would kill more people.

Everything was thought too naively. He couldn't save everyone. No one could.

It's over, and everything will start from the beginning.

"Support, support, requesting support, ah..." It seemed like the channel had changed. Yu Sheng heard the screams coming from the headset and he stood up.

At this moment, Xiaoxu woke up, jumped out with a plop, and exclaimed: "Master, are you calling me? I dreamed that you were calling me. It turns out that I can't live without my master."

Looking at Xiaoxu beside him, Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded and said, "Can you feel the location of the evil spirit? Find him out."

He shook his tail gently, and a ripple appeared in the space. Xiaoxu said repeatedly: "Go to the east! Such a powerful evil spirit, my God. It actually has a physical body."

"Can you handle it?" Yu Sheng frowned.

Xiaoxu said repeatedly: "Of course it's no problem, I am a soul beast, and such evil spirits are just a slightly larger piece of fodder."

With a move of his feet, Yu Sheng rushed directly to the east.

"ah… "

Pedestrians on the street only felt a gust of wind blowing, and the water droplets directly attached to their bodies. By the time they reacted, Yu Sheng had disappeared without a trace.

Ten minutes later, Yu Sheng stopped in a small forest.

In addition to Jun County's most famous purple bamboo, there are many other trees around. It looks like a natural ecological museum with a wide variety of plant species.

A soldier, holding his stomach, dragged a meter-long intestine and walked tremblingly towards Yu Sheng.

"Save me, save me, save me..."

With a snap!

The man fell to the ground more than ten meters away from the rest of his life, without a breath.

Yu Sheng frowned slightly and stared at the back of this man. A three-meter-long bison walked out slowly, swinging its tail like a steel whip.

"Human is so vulnerable!" said the bison with disdain.

His heart trembled violently, and Yu Sheng's face was covered with cold sweat. This evil spirit was not afraid of the daytime at all. Although there was no sun now, the daytime was very scary for the evil spirit. And the key point was that it had completely become an energy entity.

"Master, I'm here!" At this time, Xiaoxu rushed forward and shouted at the buffalo, "Little baby, come to my mouth... Let me taste you..."


Before Xiaoxu could show off his arrogance, he was hit by the evil spirit's tail and flew away. He rolled on the ground for more than twenty meters before stopping, completely stunned.

"A strong man of mankind..." The buffalo looked at Yu Sheng with his eyes brightened, and said rather tabooly while swinging his powerful tail, "This matter has nothing to do with you. We are only avenging those greedy people. If you leave now, I can spare your life."

"A strong man?" He was slightly stunned. It was the first time in his life that someone called him a strong man. He didn't expect that the person who called him that was not a person, but a cow.

To be exact, it's not even a living thing.

With a faint smile on his lips, a ray of fire appeared in Yu Sheng's hand, and he said with a faint smile: "I really don't want to care about these people's affairs. But you must die..."

"After we take revenge on these greedy people, we will die naturally. We are just spiritual beings. We are strong but too fragile at the same time." The bison stomped its front hoof and said seriously.

He spread his hands helplessly. If it wasn't the evil spirit he discovered, he wouldn't want to get involved in this mess at all.

However, as the first discoverer, if he did not take action to solve these troubles, he would be afraid that those villains would stab him in the back.

After all, someone has asked him to stand on his side now, and this is a dangerous moment.

"Sorry!" Yu Sheng gave a helpless smile. Sometimes life is just so helpless.

The buffalo also understood that Yu Sheng had to fight and had made up his mind. He looked at Yu Sheng and said, "If that's the case, it looks like there will be a fierce battle. Go ahead, strong man of mankind. Let me see what else humans have besides being despicable."

“Then I won’t be polite…” Yu Sheng couldn’t understand why the evil spirit actually called him a strong man, but since he was asked to make the first move, there was no need for him to be polite.

But at this time, Xiaoxu, who was given the food, jumped up and said angrily, "Damn food, you dare to fight back. Look at my power!"

The buffalo glared at Xiaoxu, who stepped back a little in fear, but after all, he was a creature at the top of the food chain. He shook his body, and suddenly his beard grew wildly.

The huge beard was astonishing. Yu Sheng looked at Xiao Xu in disbelief. It was the first time he saw him get angry, and he didn't expect him to be so awesome.

However, the evil spirit of the wild bull moved its front hooves and rushed forward like a high-speed train. The pair of horns emitted a bright light, and he wanted to pierce Yu Sheng directly without any hesitation.

"Kill me first? You are so smart." Yu Sheng was shocked. He clenched his hands, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the muscles of his whole body mobilized powerful strength.

Dragon Catching Hand!

He just moved his hands and suddenly looked like a dragon.

Click! Click!

There were only two crisp fracture sounds, and Yu Sheng grabbed the horn with both hands. A trace of pain appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his thumb was broken, revealing the bones.

"What a great strength!" Yu Sheng's face looked a little ugly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This way he can't escape.

The lightning ring in his hand flashed, and suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the bison directly.

There were bursts of green smoke and bolts of lightning that hit them all directly.


With a roar, Yu Sheng's face changed drastically, and he was shocked in his heart: "Damn it, a lightning magic ring worth 20 million. A million volts can't defeat him!"

Just as Yu Sheng was about to activate the other teleportation ring in his hand, Xiao Xu was finally ready and shouted, "Master, I'm here to save you!"

Countless tentacles rushed directly towards the bison. The bison was stunned and wanted to escape!

He had already felt the powerful force coming from the ring. Yu Sheng was overjoyed and tried to stop it.

A small beard wrapped around the bison's hind legs, and the bison was stunned. Its body seemed paralyzed and it couldn't move. Suddenly, countless tentacles wrapped around its body, covering it completely in an instant.


With a final roar, Yu Sheng was just about to withdraw his hand when suddenly a silver light emanated from the system on his chest. At the same time, several waves of pure white and infinite power of faith directly penetrated into Yu Sheng's body.

(End of this chapter)