Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 102: The living hell (4)


Xie Chi knew how heavy he was, and the old man would never survive.

Although he is far behind Xie Xinglan in terms of force, he is not powerless. His body has been transformed by Heaven and has been improved by many battles, which is far from before.

But the old man was not dead.

When he fell, a wonderful scene happened.

In the pool of blood, the ice and snow under him quickly melted away, revealing a solid layer of ice that was twenty centimeters thick, but instantly melted into a pool of blood.

Beneath the ice is neither soil nor river water, but... blood pool hell.

The old man said before that the locations of the Eight Cold Hells and the Eight Hot Hells are fixed, and the locations of the Blood Pond Hell and the Knife Mountain Hell are randomly changed. Now, the Blood Pond Hell just randomly reaches the next level of the hell they are in.

Countless firefly-like bright factors flew from the old man to Xie Chi. A warm current surged through Xie Chi's body, dispelling the chill in his limbs. At the same time, the old man's body became more and more transparent, as if the cold wind was slightly stronger. point and he will be blown away.

Xie Chi understood that he "eaten" the old man and gained the old man's energy.

The ice layer under the old man melted into a huge human shape in the blink of an eye. With a click, the ice layer was torn apart, and the old man fell down. With a "thump", it fell into the blood pool, splashing huge blood flowers.

Xie Chi squatted on the edge of the ice and looked down, and there was scarlet in front of him.

Footsteps suddenly came from the blood pool hell.

Xie Chi waited silently. The old man said that there are 2 to 3 people on each floor of hell, and it is not surprising that there are people in all the blood pool hells. If he was lucky, he might be able to see the actor he knew.

In less than a minute, two strange men appeared in Xie Chi's field of vision.

The two glanced at the old man who was struggling and calling for help in the blood pool, looked up at Xie Chi, who was on the upper floor, and said with a wicked smile: "Little guy, it's okay, this old thief has lied to you, we will laugh at him and add food. Snack."

Hearing the extra meal, Xie Chi fully understood - those who failed in intrigue with fellow inmates on the same floor will immediately fall to the next floor after absorbing a large part of their energy, and accept secondary exploitation on the next floor until a certain floor is willing to accept it. so far.

Falling to nowhere, exploiting to the point of being incapable of exploiting, the old man is greeted by death.

Xie Chi looked at the two of them, and raised his brows: "Do you have a good relationship?"

"Tsk, that's not true, I want to eat him too," one of them shrugged and glanced at his companions, "The problem is that we are about the same strength, and it's not worth it to fight both, so we should take a step back, anyway, the blood pool is hell. It’s neither cold nor hot, and it’s not that big of a drain.”

The other person knew so well that he was too lazy to speak.

Xie Chi nodded.

"Are you new here? You are so adaptable, how dare you chat with us? Are you mentally good enough? Why don't you try to go to the next level? You have killed your inmates and are qualified to go to the next level. It depends on whether the upper floor is willing to pull you."

"Thank you." Xie Chi waved his hand down lazily.

"Thank you for what, mutual benefit." The man pointed to the "food" that was still struggling in the blood pool, "Isn't it a courtesy if you bring us food, and I will send you some news, in case we meet later, remember to be merciful. ."

The man smiled enthusiastically, and Xie Chi smiled back tacitly.

"You are really good." The man was very happy.

After chatting a few more words, Xie Chi slowly stood up, feigning a smile and blinking away, his face expressionless.

As soon as they stopped communicating, the hole where the old man fell was sealed. The goose feather snow fell rustling, covering all the blood in a short while, and the old man didn't even have any trace of his existence.

Xie Chi was the only one left in the huge ice field. The sky was high, the snow-capped mountains were towering, and everything was silent.

A hole suddenly opened in the sky above Xie Chi's head, and a sturdy rope hung down to his feet. The upper floor should be the seventh floor of the hot hell, and the climate is definitely better than the eighth floor of the cold hell, but Xie Chi stood there and didn't move, and he had no intention of climbing up.

Half a minute later, a scolding sound came from the hole above your head: "New here, right? Don't come up! It was originally the seventh floor of the hot hell, and life was difficult! The rope is the rule for us to put on, if we don't let it go, it will deduct energy. , but I will tell you bluntly, if you dare to climb up the rope, I will cut the rope immediately, so I advise you to be wise!"

Xie Chi raised his head and smiled at them.

"God... insane." The voice of the people at the entrance of the cave weakened.

In another half a minute, the sky was also sealed.

[Only Chichi is alone]

[Ah, I'd be crazy if I stayed in a place like this, loneliness is horrible]

Xie Chi was not affected at all, he was used to it and even felt comfortable.

"Brother, are you alone?" Xie Chi said to himself, laughing and bowing his head.

The elder brother is so powerful, he must have killed his cellmate.

Xie Chi glanced at the moon in the sky, and for the first time realized something called missing. Xie Xinglan was not only a boyfriend, but also the only brother who had accompanied him for many years and never left for a moment.

Xie Chi was too lazy to be hypocritical, lowered his head and continued to work.

It's similar to fighting monsters. Before the old man failed to fall, everything on his body exploded. Xie Chi still remembered that the old man secretly mentioned "Kappa Painting" before, and he might have this thing on him.

Xie Chi turned around while sorting out his thoughts.

What is basically certain is that this is a symbolic thriller movie, no wonder the app calls it an alternative ghost movie.

Everything here looks complicated, but it's actually quite understandable.

Inmates are equivalent to the group of people with the most interests involved. The most common ones in life are colleagues and classmates. There is a competitive relationship, but it doesn't necessarily mean you will fight to the death. In general, when resources are sufficient, the competitive relationship is weak, and when resources are scarce, the competitive relationship is strong. The greater the pressure to survive, the more unscrupulous it is.

The two in the blood pool hell are evenly matched and do not want to lose both, and there is not much pressure to survive, so the relationship is okay.

He and the old man are unlucky, the pressure of survival is more than everything, and the emotions are squeezed out of the room. It sounds complicated, but it is actually simple, just for living.

The old man had no choice, and he had no choice either, nothing to be ashamed of.

Bad money drives out good money. At the bottom, he can only make the worst money.

Survival is above everything else.

There is hope in life, and I can reunite with my brother.

The "Chainsaw" clip played on the Mirage is actually a reminder from hell to new prisoners.

It is silently saying that the relationship between inmates is like the relationship between the blind and the dumb.

They can cooperate, but there are many difficulties. Difficult self-conditions (blind and dumb), huge survival pressure (chainsaw), and mistrust among strangers make cooperation almost impossible.

The end of the clip also hints at what he should do when he's cornered - kill a competitor.

Competitors do not exist, and competition does not exist.

Fundamentally solve all intrigue.

Where there are people, there will be disputes, so if there are no people, it will be fine.

He is safe now.

Xie Chi laughed secretly, his eyes were cold.

He squeezed the old man's living space and was able to survive. At the same time, the person who went to the next level of hell also opened a window for him because of the rules of rewarding the winner, but whether he can go up is not up to him, but up to the next level of hell. the living environment and the degree of selfishness of those living in the upper hell.

According to the news given by the old man, he will stay in this broken place for half a month, but at present, there are indeed two ways to allow him to change his living environment in advance. One is to get permission from the upper floor and be pulled up by them to a slightly more comfortable upper floor.

But if he wants to keep going, he has to squeeze out new people. Because the old man once said that a maximum of three people can live on one floor.

The rules are already obvious, he wins the old man, he has the opportunity to climb up, and the old man is pushed to the next level by him.

The next layer of blood pool hell, two men plus the old man, is already three people, and the number is full.

If there are inmates eating inmates, there must be a floor like him, only him, and there must be a floor like the blood pool hell with three people.

Some places are crowded, some places have vacancies.

So he wanted to go up, and when he encountered a floor full of three people, he would have to squeeze another person to go up.

At this time, the relationship network is very important. If he is lucky, the upper level just happens to be known and trusted, and there is no need for intrigue, because they can cooperate to eliminate dissidents and climb up together, this is not the mutual pulling and stepping between strangers.

But obviously, he does not have this condition now. He was unlucky, the upper and lower levels did not know each other, they were unwilling to lend a helping hand, and he was unwilling to trust these strangers. Both sides are evasive, and communication is simply impossible.

So at least for the past half month, the way he climbed up was completely blocked.

Hope was left with the spider silk ladder, but he had no clue.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't find it. After he "eaten" the old man, he inherited most of the energy that the old man possessed, and he could survive the cold fifteen days.

It's just that the situation is not optimistic. Xie Chi estimates that if it consumes such a large amount of energy, fifteen days later, his body is estimated to be as transparent and weak as when he first entered here.

If after fifteen days, he has bad luck and enters the eighth floor of the Eight-Hot Hell in such a bad state, what should he do

This is the worst-case scenario, but he must take it into account and prepare for it early.

He is used to relying on his brother, and it is just a habit. If his brother is not there, he will live well until he finds himself.

Or... He found his brother first.

This possibility made Xie Chi's heart skip a beat.

Xie Chi's expression was stunned and relaxed for a while, his eyebrows raised, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Maybe he found his brother first, and then he can still stab him a few words with high eyebrows.

After fantasizing for a few seconds, Xie Chi's depression was swept away.

Now that he has committed the sin of cannibalism, it is impossible for him to endure until he is released to return to the human world, so there is only one way to survive—entering the paradise of bliss.

He forced himself to a dead end, but except for the dead end, all other roads were blocked artificially.

He can only go one way to the dark.

Xie Chi touched the back of his neck, there was a mark there, but he couldn't see his own. Can only see other people's.

It's really just a number. 42 was written on the back of the old man's neck. The old man said that the mark was a clue to the spider silk ladder, but Xie Chi thought it was more like a new number after the prisoner changed floors.

It doesn't really matter, the old man was so eager to let him tell him, so he even exposed his fragile neck to him, to show that knowing his own mark can get a lot of benefits.

Getting the benefits is what matters.

So when he meets someone later, he has to find a way to know his serial number. Of course, haste is not enough, everything is premised on being alive.

Xie Chi turned to a painting in the old man's waistband.