Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 107: The living hell (9)


Xie Chi kissed the corner of his lips, and was about to close his eyes to sleep, but was gently kissed back.

Xie Chi was caught and froze: "Didn't sleep?"

"Did you miss it when you fell asleep?"

Xie Chi: "… "

Xie Xinglan didn't open his eyes, just hugged Xie Chi tighter and said with a smile, "Go to sleep, get up tomorrow to build an empire."

[Progress is staggeringly fast]

[Hugged, kissed, slept together, and can concentrate on building an empire! ]

[Xie Xiaochi, you are not reserved at all! ]

[Just... is this a lifelong event? I remembered in a trance that a few hours ago, they just met]

[Smart people pay attention to efficiency]

[Hoshichi Fufu is open for business]

Early the next morning, Xie Chi counted the things that Xie Xinglan had copied, and said to Xie Xinglan who had picked up the sword at the entrance of the cave, "Brother... Brother Xie, kill me, let's go to the Blood Pond Hell together."

If both parties are willing to cooperate, going down is actually an extremely simple matter - one side kills the other side, the killed side will drop the floor, and the killer can take the opportunity to jump to the next floor.

Because Xie Xinglan killed a lot of people, he has summed up his experience. After killing, about 70% of the energy of the murdered person flows into the body of the murderer, 10% of the energy evaporates, and the murdered person retains 20% of the energy and falls into the bottom of the body. layer.

But because energy can be given to each other, even if Xie Xinglan kills Xie Chi and absorbs Xie Chi's energy, he can distribute the energy to Xie Chi again, so every time Xie Chi dies, he actually only loses 10 of his original energy. %.

If they wanted to kill each other, Xie Xinglan would definitely kill him. First, Xie Xinglan was quick and he didn't hurt. Second, after he fell, Xie Xinglan needed to kill those who wanted to eat him.

Xie Xinglan understood, and just as he was about to do it, Xie Chi suddenly said, "Wait."

"What's wrong?"

Xie Chi coughed: "I'll transfer all my energy to you before you kill me."

Xie Xinglan: "..." How can you be so rude.

Because the energy loss is 10% of Xie Chi's own energy, of course, the less energy Xie Chi has when he dies, the better.

The two negotiated, and Xie Xinglan acted very simply.

When Xie Chi fell into his arms, Xie Xinglan calmly kissed his cold lips.

[Hahahahaha, love each other to kill husbands hammers]

[Why is my mother so sandy]

[He actually did such a thing to a corpse! ]

[What a poignant scene it should be, but I want to laugh]

It was early in the morning, when the two people in the blood pool hell were still sleeping, only to hear a plop and something fell into the huge pool.

They were all too familiar with this picture. It was the food that was delivered to them, or a fresh breakfast.

The two looked at each other and ran to the shore excitedly. When they saw their faces, they were stunned: "Why is he? Are we going to eat?"

He was a little hesitant, after all, he had talked a lot before.

"What about him," the other said disdainfully, "falling off is weak, so what are we afraid of, he has so much energy, let's do it before he wakes up, eh—"

His abdomen was pierced by a sword, and before he could look back to see who it was, he fell head-on.

Xie Xinglan, who jumped down, quickly resolved the two of them.

Xie Chi swam ashore and simply wiped the blood on his face. The energy Xie Xinglan gave him formed a thin protective layer around his body, and the dirty blood in the blood pool did not contaminate him.

This is the blood pool hell, a bit like the inside of a volcano, surrounded by lava, the surface is very hot, and some places will suddenly burst into small flames, but it is not too hot here, at least the climate will not bring it to people. Much trouble. The blood pool hell is much smaller than the eighth floor of the cold hell, like the secret room in ancient martial arts novels, only two or three hundred square feet, and the surrounding area is unobstructed. The blood pool is located in the center of the cave, like a miniature ocean, the blood water is turbulent, and the waves turn over.

Xie Chi and Xie Xinglan simply looked around and found nothing, Xie Xinglan looked at Xuechi.

Xie Chi apparently also thought of going with him, resigned and said, "Let's jump."

This place is so big. If there was anything, it would have been discovered long ago. If the treasure was still there, it could only be at the bottom of the blood pool.

"Hurry up."

Xie Xinglan nodded. The turbulent sea of blood will erode the energy. Once the energy is exhausted, the blood of unknown origin will cause indelible damage to the human body.

That's why the old man cried and howled after he fell into it. It's not that he can't swim, he has too little energy to resist the corrosion of the blood pool.

The two jumped off.

Xie Chi's eyes were full of shocking red. The blood around the body is sticky, and the resistance is great when the hand is plucked.

The blood pool is deep. Xie Xinglan took him all the way down and swam for two minutes, but he still didn't reach the bottom of the blood pool.

Suddenly, a smooth hand touched Xie Chi's ankle.

Xie Xinglan slashed with his sword, and a woman's shrill screams could be heard from the bottom of the pool.

Xie Xinglan pulled Xie Chi behind him, split the turbid blood with his sword, and saw a mass of black hair floating in the blood like seaweed.

"Why is there a ghost?" Xie Chi said.

The hair of the thing and the body as white as lotus root appeared and disappeared in the blood, and the blood seemed to be a fire, burning and shaking around it. This picture is a bit weird.

"I killed it."

"and many more-"

The thing slowly raised its head, revealing empty eyes. That's a ghost. The female ghost turned her face slightly and looked at the dark cave hidden behind the rapids. She slowly raised her pale arm and pointed her fingertips in the direction of the cave.

"She should be a guide."

Xie Xinglan nodded. They swam for a while, and their figures fell into the dark cave and entered another world.

Xie Chi opened his eyes and found himself in an ancient Japanese house. The house is very Zen-like. The yard is full of plants, and the road paved with bluestone leads all the way to the interior. Looking in from the open window, the interior is covered with mats, and the quaint walls are covered with Chinese scroll-style paintings.

It would be late at night, and the red lanterns hanging from the dark treetops in the house were glowing with eerie light.

Xie Xinglan approached the lantern and felt pain under his skin. The blood in his body was beating abnormally. Xie Chi immediately said, "That's the lantern ghost!"

Xie Xinglan took a step back, and the lantern was chasing after him, the orange light swaying in the dark night.

Xie Xinglan was slightly angry, and solved the lantern ghost with a few efforts.

The lantern hit the ground, and the red light gradually dissipated.

"This movie has Japanese-style ghost elements." Xie Chibian and Xie Xinglan said as they walked in, "The lantern ghost is a kind of ghost in Japanese legends. Filled with oil."

Xie Xinglan said "en". Kappa, spider silk ladder, Sakyamuni lotus pond, these are all related to Japanese legends, Xie Chi briefly told him before.

There was a gloomy wind in the house, Xie Chi was close, and when he looked up, he realized that all the paintings on the wall were horror paintings, but the style of the paintings was different from his. Strange, there are many women in the painting, Xie Chi swept all the way and saw the head of a long-necked reel. The head of the reel is a kind of snake spirit with a long neck.


The two walked to the entrance, and suddenly heard a woman's scream.

The house with the doors and windows closed suddenly burst into flames. Autumn was dry, the autumn wind was blowing, the fire suddenly started, and it was out of control in the blink of an eye, and the screams came from inside the house.

Xie Xinglan moved quickly, and he rushed up and kicked the door, the door opened, and the scene inside came into view.

A young woman in a kimono was fascinated with painting in the monstrous fire. The fire had ignited her hair in an instant, but she didn't realize it, and even babbled in intoxication: "It's so beautiful, that's how it is, so beautiful, burn, quickly. Burn it, climb up, yes, climb fast, go up! Go up! It looks so good, I will definitely be able to draw a masterpiece that will be admired by everyone, I will definitely be able to…”

She stretched out her left hand, rolled up her long sleeve, and watched as the scarlet flames swept up her sleeve, first scorching her clothes, and then began to bake her left hand, the moisture of her left arm was rapidly draining, and the fingertips in the blink of an eye She was already black and scorched, but she didn't seem to feel the pain, and her right hand holding the pen quickly drew on the paper.

When the woman found the intruders, she turned her head sharply, and shouted at them, "Don't come here! Don't disturb me in painting the masterpieces of the world! Otherwise, I will let the reel head eat you!"

Following her order, two long snakes emerged from the two holes near the threshold. The snake was long and white, standing across the threshold, blocking the way for the two of them.

Xie Xinglan looked indifferent.

Xie Chi said lightly, "She's crazy."

The two were really indifferent as they watched the woman burn themselves to death.

The crackling sound of the wood could be heard incessantly, the whole house full of Zen was burnt down, and even the paintings that the woman had made before accompanied her to hell.

They were standing in a roofless yard.

The snake on the threshold was gone, and a painting lay quietly on the rubble, not stained with a speck of dust.

Xie Chi went to pick it up.

The painting is of a woman, wearing a mature and luxurious kimono, with her hair in a braid, holding a paintbrush to draw on paper, she is smiling, her smile is mysterious and eerie, her long hair is on fire, and her entire outline is hidden in firelight , her left hand was completely burnt.

Xie Xinglan frowned: "Is this the second painting?"

The woman in the painting is the one who led them under the blood pool before.

Xie Chi thought thoughtfully: "What we saw should be an illusion. The woman died very early. Everything just now was just a retrospective recurrence."

Xie Xinglan glanced at the painting, contacted the abnormal words that the woman had said before, and guessed: "The painter finally burned himself for an unrealistic pursuit?"

Xie Chi and Xie Xinglan walked back slowly.

Xie Xinglan frowned: "What do you want to say? Wait - is death equal to going to hell?"

Xie Xinglan suddenly raised his head and asked.

Xie Chi said: "We found her corpse in the blood pool hell, so she did enter hell after her death. For some unrealistic pursuits, she took the initiative to put herself into hell and suffer eternal torment..."

Xie Chi froze suddenly.

Xie Xinglan also realized that something was wrong.

Xie Chi raised his head suddenly: "What is the pursuit of all of us here?"


The faces of the two changed slightly.

Is the blissful world they seek to find also an unrealistic fantasy