Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 110: The living hell (12)


Xie Chi couldn't see the whole picture of the spider silk ladder, but he saw the poster. On the poster, the spider silk ladder hangs down from Elysium, like a sign of candied haws, piercing all hell. The spider silk ladder connects hell as a whole.

Two more announcements:

[Elysium is limited to one person per reincarnation. ]

[When the spider silk ladder appears, all the prisoners' items are invalid according to the rules of hell. ]

Props not working? Ji Xingchen's heart skipped a beat.

Xie Chi was stunned for a moment, found the clue, and tutted secretly. "When the spider silk ladder appears", the item is invalid, that is to say, the spider silk ladder will disappear under certain circumstances...

"The spider silk ladder, why don't you go?" Ji Xingchen said.

Xie Chi was indifferent, and the answer was obviously no.


Xie Chi looked at him: "Do you think that only one person is allowed? Is it really limited to one person?"

"What do you mean?" Ji Xingchen's patience was completely worn out, not waiting for Xie Chi to explain, "Forget it, you are free."

He was afraid that he would be the first to climb, so he immediately left Xie Chi and climbed up the mountain wall by himself, and came to the bottom of the spider silk ladder.

He held the spider silk.

The spider silk was too thin, and the hair was average, so it was not easy to grasp. Fortunately, it was relatively sticky. As long as it was grasped tightly, it would not fall off easily if there was no external force.

Climbing up is a technical task, and without any leverage, he can only rely on the strength of his arms. Not only can his legs not help, but instead become a burden, swaying in the air.

The process is not too laborious, but the gravity and the stickiness of the spider silk make it slow.

Everyone in hell who was stunned by surprises woke up and rushed up the spider silk ladder.

The number of people increased sharply, and the spider silk ladder began to shake slightly.

Ji Xingchen, the uppermost of the ladder, looked down and saw the densely swaying heads of people. Looking up, he saw countless pairs of dangling feet, and suddenly he felt bad. This spider silk is so thin. Will it break? Then he wouldn't be able to go to Elysium.

The prisoner above his head obviously thought of this, and scolded: "Give me all the following!"

"Why do we go down?! Why don't you guys go down?!"

Above the spider silk ladder, the voice turned out to be common. After everyone discovered this, they began to curse endlessly.

They quarreled endlessly, but more and more people came up.

Ji Xingchen endured it for a while, but couldn't bear the humiliation, and roared: "Don't come up! You idiots, if the spider silk breaks, none of us can go up!"

"The ladder is yours?!"

"What are you! Why order me?! Why can't you come down yourself?!"

Ji Xingchen was furious. He had strength, and when did he suffer from this kind of qi, but everyone on the spider silk ladder is equal, no matter how talented you are, there are sticky spider silk restrictions, and the climbing speed is almost the same.

Those actors who had been respectful to him in the past were now dazed with anger and disrespectful to him.

Ji Xingchen was irritable for a while, and his eyes suddenly fell on the spider silk in his hands.

Isn't it upwards, isn't it possible that the spider silk may break if it bears too much weight? If there are fewer people, wouldn't the load-bearing be smaller

Ji Xingchen sneered, freeing one hand and taking out the grabbed weapon from his waist, trying to cut the spider silk.

He originally just had a whim, tried it out, and didn't report any hope, but what he didn't expect was that the spider silk that could bear the weight of many people was broken with a single cut.

"Ah!" The screams of the prisoners falling back to their own hell were heard endlessly.

Ji Xingchen sneered. These people don't know how to flatter, don't blame him for being cruel.

But he was afraid again, if he treated the people below him like this, would the people above react like this to deal with him? After all, as long as the spider silk is cut off, you can easily disqualify others from the competition...

Then he thought of something even more terrifying.

There are a lot of people above him, and there are also a lot of people below, indicating that the Hell of Sword Mountain has randomly arrived at the middle level of hell. The people in the middle layer of hell, after climbing the spider silk ladder, are also in the middle layer of the spider silk ladder, which is quite far away from the world of bliss, but if this is the case, the top people are at the top of the spider silk ladder.

It's not fair at all!

But he immediately put his mind at ease and secretly thought that he was too worried.

The app said that one person per cycle of Elysium is limited to one person. But in every level of hell, there are at least two people at the beginning of the cycle. Even at the top, there will be competition. Moreover, the app has blocked the props, the spider silk is sticky, and the gap between people has been minimized.

It's not so easy for the top people to beat their cellmates into Elysium at all, but it will definitely be faster than them, which is also a big problem.

The one on top of him obviously realized this: "Yeah! How did we forget the top floor!"

"What should I do? When we climb up, people will already be in the Paradise of Elysium, and there is only one spot!"

"Then we are not wasting our efforts!"

"Why do they go up! They are luckier than us! What's so amazing!"

"Yes, you can't use props, what's the difference with us?!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused countless echoes.

"I have an idea!" someone shouted.


"Let's shake it hard! Shake the silk from the top! That way no one can get in!"

"That's a good idea!"

Ji Xingchen had calmed down from the initial surprise at this meeting, scolded an idiot, let go and jumped back to the starting point of the climb before they started shaking.

He looked back at Xie Chi, who was standing on the sidelines with his legs hanging in the air, his face ugly.

He didn't even see Xie Chi clearly, Xie Chi must have expected this.

The half of the spider silk on the top of the head shook violently, obviously the prisoners were shaking the spider silk.

When they climbed up, everyone had different opinions, but when they pulled people into the water, they worked together. Ji Xingchen saw this scene and felt so ironic.

But when they succeeded in breaking the spider silk ladder from the beginning and falling together, Ji Xingchen felt extremely happy and at ease. Happiness is because this group of people have been punished for biting dogs, and Anxin is because the spider silk ladder is gone, and no one can go to the Paradise of Elysium.

Xie Chi was looking at his watch and waiting bored for his brother, when he suddenly heard a scream from the sky.


The voice was a bit familiar, Xie Chi raised his head suddenly, and saw Ren Ze who fell from the sky in a 360-degree roundabout.

Xie Chi was startled, for fear that he would fall into the mountain of knives, but fortunately, Ren Ze had good luck.

Ren Ze felt that he was broken, and raised his head and scolded: "You son of a bitch! Shake you numb! I fell into the next floor, fuck! If I fall to death, I won't let you go!"

He tilted his head and saw Xie Chi with a speechless expression.

"Thank you brother!" Ren Ze was full of anger and swept away.

Xie Chi hurriedly pulled him over.

"How many of you?"

"Add you three."

Ren Ze breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, no need to kill."

Ren Ze sat beside Xie Chi and glanced at the energy in his body. This energy was considered a lot by others, but it was shabby in Xie Chi.

"Xie Chi, where is your cellmate?"


Ren Ze looked in the direction Xie Chi pointed, saw Ji Xingchen, was startled, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Can you beat him?"

"I can't beat it." Xie Chi said truthfully.

Ren Ze didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and was shocked again.

Just as he was about to ask more questions, he remembered something again, his face full of teasing, and hinted: "Did anyone look for you in the last reincarnation?"

Xie Chi nodded.

"How about you and him...?" Ren Ze was curious, "By the way, did you know that after he left last time, Ran Ran told me that she thought Xie Xinglan was a little familiar..."

Ji Xingchen was approaching, Xie Chi avoided talking about Ren Ze's topic, raised his head and introduced to Ji Xingchen: "My friend Ren Ze, give me a face."

"Okay." Ji Xingchen accepted the murderous intention that he had just unconsciously revealed. He is still using Shang Xiechi. He and Xie Chi besiege Xie Xinglan, and they will definitely kill Xie Xinglan and capture energy.

Just thinking about it, the sky suddenly burst into a hole.

Ren Ze's face changed slightly: "Xie Chi, someone fell, four."

Xie Chi stood up: "Remember to attack Ji Xingchen later."

"Oh... ah?" Ren Ze was stunned.

He saw Xie Xinglan who jumped down.

The cell phone of the four people in Hell in the Mountain of Swords rang—

[There are more than three people on this floor, and if the staff is not reduced within five minutes, the energy inversion system will be adopted, and the prisoner with the lowest energy on this floor will automatically fall to the next floor. ]

Ten steps Waiji Xingchen and Xie Chi looked at each other, then glanced at Ren Ze, the meaning was obvious, the one with the least energy here is Ren Ze, if Xie Chi was going to protect Ren Ze, he would have to work with him to kill Xie Xinglan.

Xie Chi understood, and nodded slightly invisible.

Xie Xinglan noticed the strange atmosphere, and walked to Xie Chi casually: "Are you buying news? It's fresh."

Ji Xingchen's lips moved slightly, which is the word "hands-on". This time, he no longer underestimated the enemy, he directly used the prop "Clone", and dozens of afterimages of Ji Xingchen suddenly appeared around him.

This prop was obtained by Ji Xingchen in a ghost movie of a ghost club clone. After the clone, the real body was hidden in the fake clone, waiting for an opportunity to kill him with one hit.

Xie Xinglan was well prepared and fought with Ji Xingchen.

Last time Xie Xinglan took advantage of the convenience of melee combat, this time Ji Xingchen also took advantage of the terrain. The place is steep and narrow, and his clone will block Xie Xinglan's sight to the greatest extent. .

However, things backfired. Ji Xingchen found that Xie Xinglan's skills were several times better than he imagined, and he was walking on the cliff as if he were flat. Instead, he lost his usual weapon, restrained elbows everywhere, moved slowly, and gradually revealed flaws.

Ji Xingchen gradually became unsupported. Seeing Xie Chi still standing by and resisting Xie Xinglan, he said angrily, "What are you waiting for?"

"Oh," Xie Chi seemed to regain his senses, "here!"

Ji Xingchen was overjoyed, the addition of Xie Chi would definitely change the situation of the battle.

After Xie Xinglan devoured the evil spirit, his mental power was extraordinary. After the initial confusion, he gradually recognized the difference between Ji Xingchen's real body and his clone. Before Ji Xingchen's real body moved, he would have a sense of braking, but his clone did not.

Ji Xingchen's next blow, Xie Xinglan finally found his true body.

Ji Xingchen managed to dodge with a sword thrust, but his side was still scratched. He took a few steps back and stood firm, but suddenly felt the terrifying energy fluctuations behind him, and his body was suddenly cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

Ji Xingchen turned his head suddenly, Xie Chi had a gossip plate in his hand, and the energy on the gossip plate condensed rapidly, and it would bloom in the next second!

The gossip plate that crippled You Jing and blew Zhao Jinhua into serious injuries!

That's not a one-off!

Ji Xingchen was terrified. He was still far away from Zhao Jinhua, who had a deep background. His physical quality was even worse than hers. If he hit this blow, he would be half-crippled!

The moment he was disrupted, Xie Xinglan's sword had already stabbed, he was stabbed straight, spit out a mouthful of blood, endured the pain, and had no choice but to jump into the hell of the mountain of knives.

"Xie Chi! Why did you betray me! Killing Xie Xinglan is also good for you!" Ji Xingchen shouted resentfully. He wondered why Xie Chi would defect, which was clearly a win-win plan.

He fell into the abyss, looking at the edge of the cliff across the blood mist, Xie Xinglan took Xie Chi into his arms.

Ji Xingchen suddenly realized.

He was fooled! They are that kind of relationship!

He was beyond remorse.

"Stop chasing." On the cliff, Xie Chi said, "We will go down to find the treasure later to guard against him. He may not die. Of course, the best case is that he falls directly to the next floor."

"it is good."

Ren Ze looked at Xie Xinglan, Xie Chi, Xie Xinglan's hand, and felt the atmosphere of the two of them, as if he had understood something, and his face was full of disbelief.

Xie Chi finally remembered Ren Ze, pointed at Xie Xinglan, and said with a chuckle, "Didn't you just ask me and him, introduce, this is my new boyfriend."

Ren Ze raised his head abruptly, and said "Fuck".

So fast? This is obviously only two or three days, and it has developed like this? Ren Ze doubts life.

Xie Chi is obviously not an impulsive person, this is this...

"Xie Xinglan. Xiaochi's friend is my friend." Xie Xinglan stretched out his hand.

Ren Ze reached out and shook hands with him with mixed feelings, as he re-acquainted Xie Chi. Ignoring the weirdness given to him by gender, these two are indeed a good match, no matter their appearance or strength...

Ren Ze swallowed secretly, remembering what happened just now: "Xie Chi, so your gossip plate isn't a one-off?"

It's not a one-time thing, then it's a bit perverted, and the flawless movie will explode such a good thing.

Xie Chi shook his head and said calmly: "That's not a gossip plate, it's not powerful, it's a blindfold."

He slammed the gossip pan in his hand straight at Ren Ze, but there was no fart. The gossip disk just disappeared.

Xie Xinglan smiled.

"..." Ren Ze turned his head and glanced under the cliff, silently feeling that Ji Xingchen was a little miserable.

Xie Chi: "Let's go, get off the cliff quickly."