Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 111: The living hell (13)


The three climbed down the mountain wall to the bottom.

Ren Ze: "After the spider silk ladder was opened, it was a cycle of regrowth, right? Now that the spider silk is broken, we can't climb the spider silk ladder to go to Elysium in this cycle?"

Xie Chi nodded.

"However," Ren Ze frowned deeply, "If we don't solve people, even if the next reincarnation spider silk grows again, it is almost impossible for us to go up, and the same thing will happen again."

"Two ways." Xie Chi said lightly.

Ren Ze looked at him.

"The first rule is to win over. It is precisely because no matter how hard you work, only one person can enter Elysium, and who this person is has a lot of luck in it, so winning is feasible."

"Use your resources to exchange for others to give up."

Ren Ze was slightly startled.

Xie Chi said: "They are well aware that there are so many people in hell, and it is themselves who enter the Paradise of Elysium. The probability is too small, and the spider silk grows every three days. There is no chance to go in. If one person goes in, it just means 'no one can go in again for these three days'. Use sufficient energy in exchange for them to automatically give up the competition for these three days. If they want to survive, they need energy and survival. It precedes Elysium."

Xie Chi looked at him: "If it were you, would you like to exchange a tiny probability for real energy so that you can survive in hell?"

Ren Ze thought about it carefully: "If I were an NPC and I was on the lower level of the ladder, I would definitely like it, because I lack energy, and survival is the first priority. If I am an actor, and my position is higher, it is difficult to say, because I have The strength and energy are enough, no matter how much more it doesn’t mean much to me, going out is the most important, because it means a high overall ranking.”

"Yes," Xie Chi smiled, "so this method can only solve the group of people below, so that they can't work together to break the spider silk."

"Then how do you prevent the group of people who harm others and benefit themselves? It's the group who cut the spider silk."

Xie Xinglan, who was surveying the terrain, turned his head: "Go to the top in hell."

Ren Ze was stunned for a moment, then secretly said that he was confused.

What Xie Xinglan said was indeed a fundamental solution to the problem. As long as he is at the top, and the people below don't work together to break the spider silk, he doesn't care about the group of people who cut the spider silk. If you cut it, you can only damage the interests of the people at the bottom, and it is impossible to deprive the competition of the people at the top. qualifications.

"But with the spider silk ladder, everyone knows that the higher the level, the higher the position on the spider silk ladder, and it will definitely be more difficult to go up in the next reincarnation. No one will want to pull us..."

"So the situation is not optimistic." Xie Chi confessed, "The best thing is that we find the key to open the door to the world of bliss in the hell of the knife mountain, so that we can reach the world of bliss directly from the first floor of the hot hell."

Ji Xingchen opened his eyes and found himself floating in the sea of blood with some severed limbs. Apparently he was lucky enough to fall off a cliff into a sea of blood instead of stabbing directly on the steel knife.

He was not injured. In the living hell, the first thing that is destroyed in the battle between prisoners is energy, and after the energy is exhausted, what is lost is life.

Ji Xingchen was afraid that Xie Chi would come down to find him, so he plunged into disgusting blood.

He now has less energy than Ren Ze. According to the last tier drop system, he will automatically fall to the next tier after a while. This is a good thing for him now. .

Ji Xingchen glanced at the phone, and in one and a half minutes, he was about to fall off, and he only needed to survive this one and a half minutes.

He waited, but nothing happened after a minute and a half, but the phone screen lit up first—

[The one with the lowest energy in this layer will be replaced, and the last one will be delayed for five minutes after the layer is dropped. ]

What? ! Delay? ! Five minutes left? ! Ji Xingchen cursed secretly.

The bloody water suddenly trembled slightly, Ji Xingchen held his breath and raised his head, looking at the blood film on the surface of the sea of blood, the film trembled so violently that it burst in the blink of an eye.

The jitter is getting more and more obvious!

In the thick blood water, Ji Xingchen saw a large mouth of blood.

"Ji Xingchen is not dead."

Xie Chi saw the delayed message sent by the app.

"I'll kill him." Xie Xinglan said.

Ren Ze quickly followed Xie Xinglan, but when he turned around, he found that Xie Chi was standing still.

"What's wrong?"

He was bowing his head, staring at the screen of his mobile phone, his face gloomy, and he said nothing.

Just as Xie Xinglan was about to ask, his brows wrinkled: "The ground is shaking."

His senses are several times sharper than ordinary people.

"What?" Xie Chi raised his head.

The sea of blood was shaking, the steel knives were shaking, making a slight humming sound, and the gravel on the cliff shook and began to roll.

Ren Ze had an ominous feeling.

Xie Chi suddenly said, "What are we here for?"

"Treasure hunt." Xie Xinglan said quickly.

According to the two pieces of information on the stone tablet on the first floor of the hot hell, they must be able to find the key to enter the Elysium from the first floor of the hot hell in one of the blood pool hell and the knife mountain hell. The blood pool hell does not have it, so they came here...

Xie Chi grabbed something: "Quick! Go up!"

Ren Ze was startled.

The two did not have any objection, and used the fastest speed to escape from the mountain of knives and the half-knee-high sea of blood.

Xie Xinglan climbed up easily, turned around and pulled Xie Chi up, and the two went to pull Renze again.

"There is something!" Ren Ze said in horror.

Half of his foot was still in the blood, but there was a shiny white thing swimming in the blood, and it was about to touch his foot in the blink of an eye.

Xie Xinglan had good eyesight and saw that it was a vampire-like tooth, and immediately threw the sword over.

The moment that pair of fangs opened and was about to bite Ren Ze, a sword blocked his mouth.

Ren Ze finally climbed up and gasped on the side: "What is that—"

His words caught in his throat.

The sea of blood stirred like the liquid in a soymilk machine, the ground trembled like a sieve, the edges were broken, and in the next second, the entire mountain of blood sea knives rose up!

The blood of the sea of blood splashed around, overwhelming the sky, and Xie Xinglan responded very quickly and took Xie Chi in his arms.

Ren Ze was splashed with blood, and Xie Xinglan's back was also wet.

"I'm fine." Xie Chi said warmly.

He tilted his head slightly and saw the situation below.

The Mountain of Swords and the Sea of Blood are… living creatures.

It was a giant beast like a porcupine, with thousands of steel knives and thorns on its back! Its lower body was soaked in blood, covering the dense circle of teeth.

It has countless mouths on its lower body.

Ren Ze was stunned.

Xie Chi said in his heart that Ji Xingchen was more fortunate than auspicious.

The giant beast hadn't eaten the three of them, and shouted angrily at them twice, then squatted down again, returning to its original shape, apparently falling into a deep sleep.

"How did you guess...?" Ren Ze swallowed, fearing for a while, if it wasn't for Xie Chi's quick response, he would probably have explained it here.

Xie Xinglan remembered that Xie Chi had been staring at the phone before, he took out his phone and glanced again, his face changed suddenly.

Ren Ze had a lingering fear: "Isn't it a treasure hunt? Go on? This thing is too terrifying. At that moment, I had a very strong premonition that it does not eat energy, but directly eats life. If it is bitten, it will basically die..."

"No." Xie Xinglan's expression was a little gloomy.

Ren Ze looked at Xie Chi suspiciously.

The two seemed to have reached an agreement silently and knew something, but he had no clue.

Xie Chi calmly said: "The app just said that because the lowest energy person is replaced, the last position will be delayed for five minutes after dropping."

"What's wrong with this...? It's a little weird, but normal?"

Xie Chi raised his head and laughed: "This means that it becomes feasible for everyone to be on the same floor."

"How is that possible?!" Ren Ze was stunned. This point of view subverts Ren Ze's long-standing cognition. He may accept that four or five people can exist on the first floor at the same time in a short period of time, but the idea of everyone...

It's too big, it's terrifying.

Xie Chi said: "Not only is it feasible, but the difficulty of operation is much simpler than that of us trying to enter Elysium. To enter Elysium, bribery and fighting are indispensable, and we even have to take risks to find and open Elysium from the hands of this giant beast. The key to the door."

"But, let everyone be on the same floor, as long as the energy flows, you forgot, the energy can... be transferred."

Ren Ze was suffocated.

Yes, energy can be transferred, so in the first floor, the one with the least energy can be replaced all the time, so the limit of up to three people on the first floor is not self-defeating

The premise is that the person with more energy can transfer most of his energy to him before the one with the least energy is about to fall, and he is willing to take the risk and become the one with the least energy. Let the energy flow between the prisoners all the time, and you can achieve that kind of situation.

"Something's wrong," Ren Ze reacted abruptly, "I'll make an assumption, if there are twenty people on the first floor, and if the bottom is dropped, the seventeen with the least energy will be dropped. No matter what we do, we can't make the seventeen The individual leaves the state with the least energy all at once."

Xie Chi smiled inexplicably: "What if, these twenty people have equal energy."

Ren Ze's expression froze, and his blood was cold.

The last drop system. But what if... there is no last place. Twenty people with equal energies are on the same level. If there is no bottom, there will be no... drop. It's entirely possible that they'd all be on the ground floor of... comfortable hot hell.

Ren Ze immediately thought of something more terrifying.

"Common prosperity?!" Ren Ze grimaced, "Then what are we doing, we are in the primitive accumulation of capital."

Xie Chi smiled and said, "Yeah, so we went in the wrong direction, from the beginning."

Ren Ze's heart beat fiercely, and he said quickly: "But the contradiction still exists, only one person in each reincarnation can enter Elysium... Even if the energy is equal, everyone can live on the first floor of the hot hell, there is still competition among prisoners, and every competition Who enters the blissful world in a cycle of reincarnation."

Xie Chi smiled and said, "But what if the Paradise of Elysium didn't exist."

Ren Ze broke into a cold sweat at these remarks: "You... what do you mean?"

Xie Chi stood up and leaned against a rock: "Actually, it's very easy to push. We entered hell to serve our sentences because we committed sins. In hell, we committed murders and sins because of our survival, and we can't leave hell anymore. There is only one way to the paradise. But we are sinners in the first place, and we have committed sins, and our sins are sins that are unforgivable. How can we achieve bliss? Don’t forget, we are eating people.”

"Continue to push, the more energy, the heavier the sin, right? Because energy can only be obtained by killing people, the more energy, the higher the living position, because the less sinful will be killed."

"However, it is the people who have a lot of sins, who are closest to Elysium, and those who have few sins, who have been exploited all the time, are at the bottom."

"If you really want to punish the sinners, what do you think is the closest place to the sinners?" Xie Chi smiled slightly.

Ren Ze's heart froze for the most part: "It's definitely not Elysium!"

Xie Chi and Xie Xinglan, who was listening quietly, looked at each other and looked at Ren Ze: "My boyfriend has traveled all over the sixteen major cold and hot hells, the two major blood ponds and knife mountain hells, but he didn't find... the endless hell."

He tilted his head and said softly, "Where do you think the endless hell will be?"

"Let me remind you, the meaning of Infinite means that here, the suffering of the prisoners is uninterrupted. The prisoners here are unforgivable, they will never be reborn, and they will not fall into reincarnation, and we are in reincarnation now, a fifteen-day reincarnation. ."

Ren Ze was soaked with cold sweat.

"It's just called the Paradise of Bliss. The Paradise of Bliss and the Infernal Hell are one place, so why not?"

"And from the very beginning, we learned that there is a possibility that we will fall directly into the infernal hell and die, but as actors, you and I both know that the app is a relatively public existence. Let the actors die as soon as they land. It doesn't play like that. So this existence that we have been ignoring has become a mystery, and once you connect, you will find that everything is solved."

"So I don't look for the key. The painting of Blood Pond Hell is just a hint, implying that the fanatical pursuit is just a bubble, and the end of the pursuit waiting for the moth to the flame is death, the endless suffering, the hell of the sword. This giant beast, incarnated as a mountain of knives, hides, confuses the prisoners, and makes the fanatical prisoners risk their lives to find treasures, but what they are looking for is... the key to the endless hell, and most of the prisoners will eventually become its food, Because the spider silk ladder is clearly in sight, but because of the endless disputes, it has become a chicken rib, and they have no choice but to find the key."

"All this has long hinted that Elysium is an ethereal dream, and only sin is real. We are constantly sinning."

"I was wrong too. I forgot the setting, I forgot my crimes, I was adapting to hell, I was being changed by hell, I was complacent, I thought I had enough energy to be invincible, But I forgot, my sins are deepening, and I am not worthy to enter Elysium."

So far, all the clues are tied together.

Ren Ze's heart trembled, and he was speechless for a long time. On the steep hill, only Xie Chi's voice was calm and calm.

"Do you still remember that he asked you to let you and the inmates complete the mutual viewing?" Xie Chi pointed to Xie Xinglan beside him.

Ren Ze nodded.

"Looking at each other is trust, so the spider silk ladder appeared."

"The energy is evenly distributed, it is generosity, it is giving, it is compassion, so the prisoners can live on the first floor of comfort at the same time."

"You see, they're all conveying some good qualities."

Ren Ze was keenly aware of another contradiction: "If this is the case, the energy sharing is good, and we have benefited. That's right, it stands to reason that we should also be able to benefit from the completion of mutual observation. The spider silk ladder of the Infernal Hell?"

Xie Chi looked at him with strange eyes: "Who told you that the spider silk ladder leads to the endless hell?"

"Ah?" Ren Ze was confused again.

Xie Chi walked to the edge of the cliff, pointed to the place where the spider silk ladder used to be, and said with a smile: "The spider silk ladder has two ends. The upper reaches the endless hell, and the lower reaches... the world."