Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 126: Hospital (7)


The female ghost's eyes loomed behind her downturned black hair, exuding an evil light.

Ren Ze was so frightened that he threw his phone and turned around and ran away, but the female ghost's hair was like the black slender strips in an old tape. The circle wrapped around Ren Ze's neck.

The feeling of being suffocated to death rushed to the top of his head, Ren Ze raised his head slightly, red blood bursts in his eyes instantly, his wrists and ankles were wrapped in hair, and he couldn't move at all.


The strands of hair were caught in the flesh, and the bright red blood immediately seeped out and dripped down the strands of hair.

In an emergency, Xie Xinglan had no weapons, so he could only kick the broken glass, pick up a piece of it, and cut off some of his hair quickly.

Ren Ze was barely able to breathe, but the situation did not improve. The female ghost's hair continued to grow like weeds, making up for what was lost in less than two seconds.

Because of suffocation, Ren Ze's face had turned purple.

Xie Xinglan cut off the hair on Ren Ze's neck again, dragged his sleeves and ran fast. The female ghost behind seemed to be angered by Xie Xinglan's actions, and screamed shrilly. He was weak, and now it is even more like falling into an ice cellar. He forced the use of healing techniques to spend points, barely recovering a little physical strength.

They ran very fast, but the overwhelming hair behind them chased even faster. The long corridor, which was obviously very short, seemed to have no end. Obviously, this female ghost would also hit the wall.

Ren Ze turned around and glanced, the flying ghost hair was close at hand, he jumped forward suddenly, avoiding the danger.

Xie Xinglan stopped the car and was about to turn around and pull Ren Ze. He didn't like to complicate things. Ren Ze was Xie Chi's life-threatening friend, and he was saved no matter how difficult it was.

Ren Ze struggled to get up, saw him fall back, and roared resolutely, "Leave me alone! Go!!"

"I don't want to implicate you!"

Although he didn't know the reason, Ren Ze knew that the female ghost was here to kill him. He was afraid that Xie Xinglan would save him again, but instead provoked the female ghost to pursue Xie Xinglan's anger. Although Ren Ze was not strong, he did not want to implicate others.

"Go!" Xie Xinglang turned a deaf ear, pulled Ren Ze up, and wrapped his ghost hair around his wrist. Xie Xinglang cut it off without hesitation. Because of the rude movement, the skin on his wrist was ripped open and dripping with blood.

Xie Yang, who was the first to rush over when he heard the movement, stopped immediately when he saw that Xie Chi and Ren Ze had hit the ghost, and leaned against the wall at the end of the promenade, his eyes full of schadenfreude.

Ren Ze was seriously injured, he stumbled and fell down, and the ghost hair immediately wrapped him up, he looked like a human-shaped black silkworm chrysalis.

In the airtight environment, Ren Ze's struggle was weakening.

The female ghost parted her hair and went after Xie Xinglan.

"Come on!" Ren Ze's words seemed to use up all the air in his chest.

Xie Xinglan didn't move, but turned around suddenly.

Xie Chi grasped his body seamlessly, turned around and raised his head, and questioned the female ghost: "Ren Ze, you just want to kill him?!"

Xie Yang, who was watching from the sidelines, froze, Xie Chi called Ren Ze to the female ghost

[? ? Isn't Ren Ze on the ground? ? ]

[? ? ? what's the situation]

A strange scene happened. The female ghost who was still vicious before suddenly stopped moving and stayed in place like a sculpture.

Xie Chi just had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to be the case. He touched the rules of "Hospital" to prevent ghosts from killing people. The rules took effect and the ghosts didn't move.

Xie Chi tried to continue: "You are Ren Ze's future. Now you are called Tang Yiyun, and you used to be called Ren Ze. You were a man at the beginning and longed to become a woman, so you had plastic surgery."

[? ? ? ]

[Fuck me? ! ]

The ghost hair is quickly retreating.

"After you changed sex, you openly found an old man to take care of you, and then you got into a car accident, and you came here."

"But you're not the real Tang Yiyun, nor the real Ren Ze," Xie Chi said coldly. "You're just an idiot who died because of bad luck, and you still think about pulling yourself into the water when you're alive."

The female ghost's eyes were full of anger and anger, and there was boundless fear.

Xie Chi: "Ren Ze's future Tang Yiyun is still alive, in the ward that Yuan Ye is taking care of, you are..."

The female ghost's pale lips moved desperately, and she said only one word - "no".

Xie Chi continued to say coldly: "You are the future of Ren Ze who died, and Tang Yiyun who died in this car accident."

After he said the last sentence, the female ghost actually shattered like glass, turned into a spot of light, and disappeared, and her shrill and unwilling cry seemed to echo in the corridor.

Xie Yang recalled Xie Chi's words over and over again, his eyes flashed, and his face was blue and white.

I guessed wrong, and what I and Yi Hesong said was wrong.

It's not possession, but there are really two very different little girls.

Xie Yang was burning with jealousy, glanced this way, and sneered.

Count him lucky.

But... He knows how to kill the ghost who will do it to himself sooner or later, thanks to Xie Chi.

Xie Yang smiled proudly.

Xie Chi pulled Ren Ze up, subconsciously tilted his head, but saw Xie Yang leaving at the corner of the corridor, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Xie Yang may have heard it.

Ren Ze used points to heal his wounds and recovered quickly. He also repaired Xie Chi's injuries before he was completely relieved. If it wasn't for Xie Chi, his life might have been explained here just now.

Ren Ze: "Xie Chi, you just said, Tang Yiyun? Tang Yiyun who died in a car accident? Isn't Tang Yiyun alive?"

Ren Ze and Xie Chi went to Yuanye's operating room to see Tang Yiyun, a plastic surgery girl, and remembered her name. Although Tang Yiyun was seriously injured, his vital signs were basically normal, and he had completely passed the dangerous period. The next step is to recover step by step, and it is impossible to die.

So he couldn't understand Xie Chi's words at all, and he was wrapped in ghost hair, and he didn't hear many words clearly.

Xie Chi patted off the ashes from his body and said with a smile, "That plastic surgery girl is your future."

Ren Ze was stunned: "Huh??"

"No, how did you think of it? I'm a man, she's a woman..." Ren Ze felt that his views were a little broken.

Xie Chi: "It was Lu Yin's past who killed Lu Yin before. Lu Yin's past did not kill Zhang Xing, which is insufficient proof - I can only kill myself, and the ghost was obviously chasing after you to kill, and it has nothing to do with me. interest, so she must be your past or future."

"She's a woman, you're a man, the genders don't match, so either you turned into her or she turned into you, but obviously you don't have any scars on your body, so it's only possible—you It's her past, and you turned into her later."

"Based on what we've known before - there may be a past or future of the actor among the casualties, so just target the casualties who may be of a different gender."

Xie Chi spread his hands: "Just in time, in Yuan Ye's operating room, there is a beautiful woman with a knife on her chest, lower body, and face."

"I thought she moved there for the sake of sex, but she turned out to be transgender."

Ren Ze's face blushed, why is his character set such a crooked thing.

He was a little angry, and snorted coldly: "It's all to blame for the wilderness, and I can't even tell the difference between sex change and sexual organ beauty."

Xie Chi couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Ren Ze up and down, with teasing in his eyes: "And you look at your own personality, with a floral shirt and perfume, it's a rather gay gay, and I suddenly figured it out just now."

Ren Ze was stunned for a while, then looked down at his outfit, and said angrily, "It's all damn good."

He had a playful rage.

Xie Chi changed his mind and didn't want to go to the wounded to identify Zhang Xing who looked like the dead Zhang Xing, and the two walked towards the ward where Ye Lan was.

Ren Ze: "Then why do you say that the transgender female ghost is the dead Tang Yiyun?"

Xie Chi lit a cigarette. After lighting it, he casually said, "Schrödinger's cat, unfortunately, our previous guess was correct. You can unilaterally understand it as a parallel space."

"What cat?"

"It's not important," Xie Chi looked at him, "Are there any coins?"

Ren Ze was stunned, took out his pocket, took out a dollar and put it into Xie Chi's hand.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Xie Chi put the coin on the thumb of his right hand, popped it out gently, the coin fell back, and Xie Chi covered the coin with his left hand.

"Positive and negative?"

Ren Ze was still wondering why Xie Chi suddenly played a coin guessing game with him, but he still guessed cooperatively: "The opposite."

Xie Chi took off the blocking hand to reveal the answer, which was indeed the opposite.

Ren Ze's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "I guessed it right!"

Xie Chi: "...Who is playing games with you."

Ren Ze lowered his eyes: "Oh."

Xie Chi: "Before the answer is revealed, the coin can be positive or negative, or there is a probability of positive and negative, right?"

Ren Ze nodded, not taking it seriously: "Five or five, elementary school students know it."

Xie Chi: "The moment I opened it, the world we were in might have split into a world where the answer to the coin is 'positive'."

"What's the meaning?"

Xie Chi: "To be clear, your future Tang Yiyun has a car accident. She has a certain probability of dying directly, a certain probability of being rescued, and a certain probability of being killed by a black-hearted doctor who took bribes, right?"

"Um... that's what happened."

Xie Chi: "Because a world can only have Tang Yiyun in one state at a time, so Tang Yiyun in our world was rescued by Doctor Yuan Ye. The answer is the only one, and it may be the only one."

Xie Chi: "But according to the parallel space, there must be a world where Tang Yiyun died directly in a car accident, and a world where Tang Yiyun was killed by a black-hearted doctor who took bribes, right?"

Ren Ze tilted his head: "Well, according to your premise, this is indeed the case..."

Xie Chi laughed, walked to the window, and pointed to the two moons in the sky: "But because of the time-space misappearance caused by the double moon, Tang Yiyun who died in the car accident also appeared in the car accident. Tang Yiyun was rescued in the car accident. in the world."

"Since you can appear in time and space at the same time, you who are alive in the past or in the future, what's wrong with you who are dead?"

Ren Ze was bored for two seconds, then his eyes widened: "Fuck!"

[? ? ? I fuck? ? ? ]

[Chichi is awesome! ! What the hell! ! ]

[I understand woohoo woohoo]

[Is this new star so powerful? The fastest progress? Yi and Song are behind him, tsk, amazing]

[But his conclusion seems to have been stolen by Xie Yang? ]

"So that little girl ghost who killed Lu Yin before... she, she, she is..." Ren Ze was unable to speak eagerly.

Xie Chi nodded: "In the world where the little girl ghost lives, she died in a car accident, or was killed by a doctor instigated by her black-hearted mother. She has no future, and a dead person's future. After that, because of the wrong time and space , she came here, she was jealous of Lu Yin, who survived and had a bright future, she felt that she should experience the same pain as herself, so she killed Lu Yin."

Ren Ze suddenly became enlightened.

"Any answer is not the only event, and parallel spaces may be derived. Even if there is a 99.999% chance that Lu Yin will not die in a car accident, there is still a 0.001% chance that Lu Yin will die. Another completely different time and space will be born. And there are too few things in this world that have a 100% probability."

"That's probably the worldview of the film."

Ren Ze nodded, no matter how small the probability is, it is still a probability. Even if he is walking on the sidewalk, he may be hit by a motorcycle. Even if he does not go out, he may be killed by a sudden earthquake. Encountered mosquitoes that carry the source of malaria infection. These possibilities are very small, but they are all real possibilities. It's just that he subconsciously didn't take tiny probabilities as probabilities in the past.

Ren Ze was a little ashamed: "Then why do you think calling out her ghost name and revealing her identity can kill her?"

This method is too tricky, when life is at stake, who wouldn't run for their lives and gossip...

Xie Chi said: "I was thinking before, why this film is so cruel to the cannon fodder Lu Yin, let her encounter evil ghosts at the beginning of the horror film, and she died in a short period of time. In fact, this just hints at one point - restricting or killing ghosts. The method is very simple, whether it is me who has a certain amount of force, or Lu Yin who is almost powerless, it can be done easily."

"The scope of the answer is extremely narrow. First of all, we don't know anything about ghosts. It's the first time we met her, and it's impossible to know anything about her. Then the key lies in us. In the information, the only thing we know and will have an impact on the ghost is her identity, isn't it? It is reasonable to set the app like this."

Ren Ze: "Then she's dead?"

Xie Chi's smile faded, and he lowered his eyes and said, "It should be."

Ren Ze has been with him for a long time, and can keenly notice the subtle changes in his expression, hesitate for two seconds, and ask, "What are you worried about?"

"The crisis is over." Xie Chi said softly.

"This... is this not good?" For some reason, as soon as he asked this sentence, Ren Ze's heart was enveloped by a huge unease.

Xie Chi raised his head and said, "Under normal circumstances, a crisis is easily eliminated, which means that a bigger crisis is brewing, and I don't know what this crisis is yet."