Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 127: Hospital (8)


"You mean, Schrödinger's cat?"

Outside the ward, Yi Hesong learned the word from Xie Yang, smiled suddenly, and looked at Xie Yang with approval: "I didn't expect you to overthrow the previous guess so quickly."

Yi Hesong was really surprised by Xie Yang. You must know that preconceived assumptions are the hardest to be completely rejected by him. He suffered a lot from this, but he didn't expect Xie Yang to have a brand new product in less than ten minutes. a higher level of explanation, and this explanation is very likely to be correct.

Yi Hesong began to suspect that the organization looked down on Xie Yang. In fact, although Xie Yang's genes were not top-tier, the acquired development of pets could not be ignored. Xie Yang could rank among the top pets by his own efforts.

Xie Yang was overjoyed, ignoring the guilty conscience, and said with a smile, "It's my honor to be able to help you."

Yi Hesong saw that he was close to him, and secretly recognized his strength, so he pushed the boat and said: "You can follow me, we cooperate, it will be easier to pass the dungeon."

The two hit it off.

[why is it like this? It was obviously Xie Chi's answer! ]

[Isn't it normal to hear telling others? Xie Chi said it, why don't others listen? ? If you don’t make sense, you say it yourself, don’t blame others for saying it, don’t say it if you have the ability.]

[Besides, can't it be Xie Yang who saw what happened and pushed it out by himself? Funny, the opinion is yours? The app does not present the actor's thinking]

[Brained in front? ]

[And Yi Hesong didn't ask Xie Yang if he thought it, and Xie Yang didn't lie! Just tell him the conclusion]

Yi Hesong: "If this is the case, things will be much simpler. If I encounter my past or future, I just need to call out his name and identify him, so I have to quickly find my past or future. ."

Xie Yang nodded: "It must be easy for you to see other actors' patients."

Although Xie Yang was flattering, what he said was indeed the truth. Yi Hesong's identity and strength are here, and other actors are counting on him to help them. If Yi Hesong asks, they will never stop it.

He followed Yi Hesong, and it was obviously more than one degree easier to get the news, which was a reasonable consideration for him to take refuge in Yi Hesong.

Yi Hesong smiled deeply and said, "Let's go, by the way, look for Zhang Xing's past or future."

Just as Xie Yang was about to follow, Yi Hesong paused and frowned, feeling a little strange in his heart.

He has played a lot of movies, and the orange peak movies, if it is so easy to deal with the ghost who wants to kill himself, it often means that there is another mystery in the plot, otherwise the difficulty is completely unworthy of the quality.

Of course, there are also cases where the app's first appraisal rating is too high. Although Yi Hesong was not diligent in filming, he stayed for a long time, and he also made nearly 20 films.

Before shooting, the app's evaluation of the quality of horror movies is very rough and subjective, because it is used to measure some cold values and old experience. For horror movies that have not been actually shot, the quality error may be large or small. , this piece does not rule out that this is the case.

Yi Hesong suppressed his doubts, in any case, he had to be more careful.

Xie Yang was slightly puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Yi Hesong shook his head. Just as he was about to leave, he tilted his head and saw from a distance a field lying on the railing in the opposite corner doing nothing and smoking.

Xie Yang also followed Yi Hesong's gaze.

Yuan Ye noticed the eyes of the two of them and smiled back. He was lazy and outgoing, and even his smile was very publicized.

Yi Hesong frowned, and said to Xie Yang in a deep voice, "Did Yuan Ye hear what you said about our conversation?"

Xie Yang: "Probably not."

The distance between them and Yuan Ye is a full forty or fifty meters. The voice of the previous conversation was very small and small. How could Yuan Ye hear it

Yi Hesong's eyebrows stretched: "Yes."

Yuan Ye's eyes lingered on Xie Yang for a few seconds, he smiled playfully, waved to Yi and Song, then threw away the cigarette butts that were almost smoked, and turned back to the ward.

Yi Hesong has always been a little annoyed at Yuan Ye's arrogant and casual attitude, and the hypocritical smile on his face faded: "Let's go."

[I guess the field heard it]

[Uh-huh? ? So far! ]

[You forgot that Chichi asked Yuan Ye if he understood lip language and Yuan Ye admitted it? ]

[Oh grass, yes]

[Ah, I am so handsome when I smoke in the wild! A burst woo woo woo]

The two were about to leave when Yi Hesong's cell phone rang, but this time it was not an app prompt, but a cell phone ringtone that Yi Hesong had never heard before.

Yi Hesong and Xie Yang looked at each other, took out their mobile phones, it was a phone call, and the caller ID was "Dear Wife".

Receiving Xie Yang's inquiry, Yi Hesong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a serious tone, "It should be the character's wife who is calling."

At the same time, Xie Chi's cell phone also rang. He was startled, took out his cell phone and glanced at it. The caller ID was "Yellow Face Po".

[? ? ? The same is why the difference between the wife is so big]

[Hahahaha is it possible that Chi Cub's character is a scumbag? ? ]

Ren Ze put his foot down, saw the caller ID, and was happy: "Your character doesn't seem to have a good mind. If your wife sees it, it's not a prelude to divorce."

Xie Chi glanced at him, answered the phone, and said, "Hello."

There was a high and sharp female voice on the other end of the phone: "Husband, I sent those two old things to the nursing home."

Ren Ze's eyes were teasing, Xie Chi glared at him, and replied vaguely, "Well, I see."

The woman began to complain incessantly: "You don't know, your parents and your mother are still literate people, and they refuse to go like a shrew, and they make trouble and say that we are not filial, and you say that we are you. I am so busy working night shifts every day, and I have to take care of the children. How can I take care of them? The nursing homes we chose for them are not bad. There are people who serve them, and I don’t know what they are not satisfied with. Really, it is difficult to serve them during the day! It's embarrassing for them both."

Xie Chi felt that he couldn't hear anything useful if he continued to listen, so he might as well take the opportunity to ask, so he interrupted: "You calm down."

The woman paused for a while, and was clearly amused: "Why are you so gentle today?"

"Am I not usually gentle?"

"You usually hang up the phone if you don't hear two or three sentences. Did you forget?"

Xie Chi smiled to fool the past, and seemed to be hesitant to say: "You said, is it not good for me to send them to the nursing home? It's ugly to be found out by colleagues, after all, they gave birth to me and raised me... "

The woman was amazed: "Are you confused on the night shift? You were adopted by those two old people, and you are not afraid of yourself."

Xie Chi was startled, it was not biological, but adopted.

The woman on the phone also said: "Besides, they didn't beat, scold and abuse you before, and when I got married, I always hated me and embarrassed me. You deserve it, you have to have time to think about those two old things. , why don't you care about your son, that little beast is still playing games now! Look at what time it is, it's almost time, I don't bother to care about him, as soon as he talks about him, he slaps me and slams the door, I don't know if it is Like who, a few days ago, I got into a fight with someone and was reported to be severely punished by the school..."

Women chatter.

Obviously, Xie Chi's role should be very negligent in the discipline of the child. The family he lives in is a traditional family where fatherly love is lacking. The father earns money, the mother manages the child, and the child is obviously disobedient.

Xie Chi thought for a while and said seriously, "You ask him to answer my call."

The woman over there yelled, "Chen Chen, your dad's phone number!"

"Got it! I'm bored!" The one who responded was an adolescent child with a male duck voice, in a very impatient tone.

The woman said, "Why are you talking to your dad?!"

"I want you to take care of it!"

There was a bang, it seemed that Xie Chi's son took the phone and slammed the door to lock himself.

The family relationship seems to be very bad.

Understanding family relationships helps to understand the personality in all directions. Xie Chi tried to say strictly: "It's so late, listen to your mother, take a rest, don't play games, and go to school tomorrow."

"Why do you care about me?!" The voice over there was obviously suppressed, but it was hard to hide the raging anger, "Take care of yourself!"

Ren Ze wondered secretly that this was not like a father-son relationship at all.

"Xie Chen." Xie Chi's voice cooled.

Xie Chen sneered and said, "Don't show me your father's prestige, do you deserve it? Don't think I don't know about you and that aunt..."

Xie Chi realized what this meant, his expression froze, and interrupted: "I don't understand."

"Hey, don't pretend to me, I saw it when I walked home from school that day."

Xie Chi glanced at Ren Ze and pretended to be nervous: "Did you tell your mother?"

"I was afraid that my mother would be sad, so I advise you to do it yourself..."

Xie Chen directly hung up the phone, the busy tone of "dududu" was on the phone. Xie Chi tried to dial again, but couldn't get through. Xie Chen seemed to have turned off the phone.

So this story ends here, and he can no longer obtain the past information of the character from the phone.

Ren Ze: "Your family relationship is quite complicated."

Ren Ze now feels that Xie Chi's personality is not much better than himself.

Xie Chi lowered his eyes and didn't respond, put the phone back in his pocket, and said, "Let's go."

Ren Ze was stunned: "Where are you going?"

Xie Chi didn't answer, but smiled, "I'm Ye Lan's child."

Ren Ze was stunned, and after more than ten seconds, the reflex arc made a very long "ah" sound: "Are you right???"

Xie Chi's thinking is too jumpy, he can't keep up at all. He doesn't understand this ordinary phone call, how can he conclude that he is Ye Lan's child

[? ? ? I'm stunned]

[Meow meow meow? whose child? ]

Xie Chi: "Don't look for Zhang Xing's past or future, go back to Yelan's ward."

"No, how are you sure about that?"

When the two walked back with great strides, Xie Chi explained, "Do you remember what I said in the ward before Ye Lan was about to give birth?"

"Which sentence?" Ren Ze tried to recall.

Xie Chi cleared his throat and said slowly, "I said, 'You can give birth and send it to someone, or an orphanage. I will help you contact me'."

Ren Ze was stunned for a few seconds, his expression slightly stiff: "Aren't you the one who was sent away for adoption...?"

Xie Chi glanced at him: "bingo."

Ren Ze was stunned again: "Butterfly effect?? Because of your words, changed Ye Lan's next actions? Changed your life? Or decided your life?"

Xie Chi glanced at him with a smile: "Aren't you that stupid?"

"..." Ren Ze glared at him and spoke quickly, "So because of your suggestion, after Ye Lan gave birth to the child, she sent out the child—that is, you, and you were adopted by your current parents, and then I got married and gave birth to a son named Xie Chen."

Xie Chi: "The timeline is like this."

Ren Ze: "That's the truth. The question is, why are you so sure that you are Ye Lan's child? There are so many wounded people we haven't seen yet..."

"Because of Zhang Xing's disappearance." Xie Chi interrupted and said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Ren Ze, who had just sorted out his thoughts, was stunned again.

Xie Chi did not explain this, but said: "I asked other doctors before and got a total number of wounded."

Ren Ze: "11?"

Xie Chi nodded and said calmly: "Actually, I have been thinking, if the actors and the wounded correspond one by one, there should be 12 wounded, but there is one less wounded."

"This phone call made me understand that the child in Ye Lan's womb, or the baby just born is also considered a wounded person. This is the only way to meet the one-to-one correspondence, so there must be someone who was the child in the past."

"And I am the most qualified. I think this information match is enough to prove that I am Ye Lan's son."

"Actually, there is another point, that is Zhang Xing's disappearance. He disappeared silently, not by ghosts. This is very important."

"I stopped looking for Zhang Xing's past or future because I know why Zhang Xing disappeared. This just proves that I am Ye Lan's son."

"Why?" Ren Ze asked blankly.

Xie Chi smiled: "Who is Ye Lan's future?"

"... Ye Xiaoxiao?"

Xie Chi: "I was born by Ye Lan, so whether Ye Xiaoxiao lives or dies will not affect me, because she is Ye Lan's future, and I am Ye Lan—that is, Ye Xiaoxiao in the past, this time line Before Ye Xiaoxiao, this was my advantage, as if your mother had already given birth to you, and she died for various reasons later, it would not affect your life or death, because you were already born, but... "

Xie Chi paused and smiled mysteriously: "What if the one who died was the mother who hadn't given birth to you?"

Ren Ze's heart froze: "What, what do you mean?"

"I'll give you a reason. Lu Yin was killed by a ghost and Zhang Xing disappeared. These are two things, right?"

Ren Zemumu nodded.

Xie Chi said: "I always thought that these two things had nothing to do with each other, but once I connected these two things, everything was solved easily - Lu Yin's future is Zhang Xing's mother."

Ren Ze took a breath and suddenly widened his eyes.

Xie Chi: "Lu Yin is still young, she may get married in the future, she may have children, her son will grow up to be Zhang Xing, this is the timeline of Lu Yin and Zhang Xing, so Zhang Xing must protect Lu Yin, because Lu Yin When Yin dies, he will no longer have the right to be born, which is the potential connection between Zhang Xing and Lu Yin in this film."

[Fuck! ! ! ]

[Mom! ! ! This movie is too sinister! ]

[Woohoooooooooo oo oo pill God is awesome ah 艹]

[Fucking logic? ? ? I'm shocked]

[This actor is so good, I paid attention]

Xie Chi continued: "I am Ye Lan's son and Zhang Xing is Lu Yin's son, these two answers corroborate each other, I am Ye Lan's son, explained why Zhang Xing disappeared, why Zhang Xing disappeared, and disproved. I am Ye Lan's son."

Xie Chi: "Reasonably pushed forward, I bet that all the actors who participated in this film have an explicit or implicit relationship line, each of us is not isolated, actors and actors are related, these clues It may be exposed through the phone, or it may be exposed through some token that we have not noticed before, I was too naive, I thought this film was just a struggle between myself and myself, but it was actually a struggle to protect the network.”

"Protection?" Ren Ze breathed rapidly.

Xie Chi: "Ye Xiaoxiao is my mother, but Ye Lan gave birth to me, so I don't have to protect Ye Xiaoxiao, but others... but not necessarily."

Thinking of Yi Hesong, Xie Chi smiled slightly.

If there is a father or mother of the character Yi Hesong in the actor, he can kill Yi Hesong as long as he kills that actor, which is much less difficult than killing him by hand.

Wish there was.

This is his chance.

[I this this this... ]

[Too high energy? ? ]

"I'm going to prove my point, and I'll accompany you to find your parents or children later," Xie Chi paused, looking strange, "No, you're a transgender person, you shouldn't have children, then it must be your parents, since I Received a call to reveal key information, so other people have received it more or less now, and the app will basically not treat anyone preferentially, so there may be other people who know this clue at any time, and we must act fast.”

Now is a race against time, and it is very important to understand the relationship chain between actors. All the wounded who represent the actor's past or future have been involved in a car accident, which means that every actor will be entangled in the death of himself in the car accident.

Except for Ren Ze, anyone else can be killed by the ghost they have become. There is a relationship chain between actors, which means that once the ghost kills one person, two, three or more may die. The little girl ghost killed Lu Yin and Zhang Xing also died, which is the best proof. When the person who gave birth to him dies, of course he also disappears and ceases to exist. This is another worldview of this film.

He was racing against time to find and kill Yi Hesong before he could find his parents to protect them.

It's not that Xie Chi has no sympathy, it's just that this sympathy is a bit redundant before his own death. He doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but compared to this, he doesn't want to die by himself.

"Okay." Ren Ze suddenly became urgent, and with Xie Chi around, he always knew that he knew what to do.

Xie Chi walked in front, Ren Ze followed behind, and when he reached the corner, Xie Chi's vision was blocked, and there was a sound of breaking wind.

"Xie Chi!! Be careful!!" The moment he saw the flying weapon, Ren Ze's heart stopped.

Xie Xinglan turned sideways and avoided dangers. At the moment, there was still a bloodstain that was not shallow. The bloodstain was amazingly scarlet against the white skin. Blood flowed down the wound, soaking half of his face.

Xie Xinglan raised his eyes slightly and looked at the glass shard deeply inserted into the white wall. When he avoided the sharp weapon, he looked in the direction where it was thrown, but there was nothing there.

If it was just half a beat earlier, it might have been his eyes that were cut, and even a little bit of it might have been an artery.

That person wanted him to die, or, in other words, wanted Xie Chi to die.

Fortunately, there is Ren Ze who can treat.

On the glass, the remaining blood must not drip under the action of gravity, and the atmosphere is a little depressed for a while.

"Brother, it's fortunate to have you." Xie Chi said warmly in his head. To be honest, he was also a little scared. If Xie Xinglan hadn't slept and kept an eye on everything around him, he would have been seriously injured this time.

Xie Xinglan's face was gloomy, and after hearing the words, he calmed down a little, and said, "I won't rest after that."

He had to keep an eye on it to be at ease. This sudden attack was not known to people or ghosts. One thing that was certain was that it was extremely strong. Even the female ghost who was entangled in Ren Ze would not be able to help him for a while, but it would be fragile. shards of glass inserted into the wall.

Can this be done by humans

"Okay." Xie Chi said with peace of mind.

Xie Xinglan picked a piece of paper from his pocket and gently wiped the blood from his face. Ren Ze immediately performed the treatment, but because the wound was not shallow, it would not go away for a while.

When Xie Chi regained control of his body, he pursed his lips and looked at the direction where the glass was thrown without saying a word.

The bigger crisis he said may be coming.