Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 129: Hospital (10)


[Who the hell am I, Infernal Affairs? ? ? ]

[I'm confused, my pool plan is exposed like this? ? ? ]

[Fuck, so angry, so angry, so mad at me]

[Why did Xie Chi say it, don't blame others for hearing it when he said it]

[Silly fork in front? ? If you want to earn the degree of exploration of the plot, you must explain the plot, you can really find fault with Xie Chi]

[You all calm down! Who is the first to find out? ? ]

[I'm sure one of Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Zeli, just the two of them heard it, it couldn't be Ye Lan who was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed]

[Are you stupid? ? They have never used a cell phone]

[Yes, mobile phone, you need a mobile phone to send a message! ]

[Just now He Xiao and Yuan Ye were both looking at their phones, but they just gave a simple shot and they passed... Others don't have a shot, I don't know, but that doesn't mean it's impossible]

[I want to pour dirty water on my Yuan Ye and say it, hehe, Xie Chi is in the ward on the second floor, Yuan Ye is in the lobby on the first floor, do you fucking think he's Shunfeng Er? It can be heard]

[Cut, maybe he has a hidden super-hearing prop]

[I can't stand it anymore, Yuan Ye has no motive to harm Xie Chi at all, okay? He and Xie Chi have no grudges and no grudges, and everyone knows Yuan Ye's character. Although he wants to be the first, he is definitely not the one to sow discord. The most disdainful thing is this kind of trick that can't be put on the table]

[Makes sense, it does...]

[Then He Xiao...? But He Xiao didn't hear it either, he was buying water on the promenade, what a hell.]

[and many more! Let's change our minds. Who said we had to hear it? ]

[What do you mean? How can you know if you don't hear it? Mind reading? Do not make jokes! ]

[No, I mean, what if that person happened to know the existence of the relationship chain because of sorting out the known clues, and then deliberately provoked the relationship between Xie Chi and Yi Hesong, and wanted to force Yi Hesong to do something to Xie Chi? ? After all, the clue is not the only one, but the answer that leads to it is the only one. That person doesn't care whether Xie Chi has actually discovered the key clue of the relationship chain. Chi start, after all, Yi has always been suspicious and cautious, once the possibility is not let go, you and I both know]

[My grass, this is a bit reliable! ]

[It's terrifying for you to say that, this person is also very familiar with Yi's character...]

[Then I still don't know who it is... But if this is the case, the cannon fodder is completely eliminated. The only ones who can figure out the relationship chain so quickly are the big bosses. Yi Hesong was excluded first, then Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao... In other words, the remaining three, He Xiao, Yuan Ye, and Xie Yang are all possible]

[Vote for Xie Yang, only he and Xie Chi have a grudge]

[Xie Yang is awesome! ! ]

[Hey, does Xie Yang in your family have that brain? ]

[You stop conspiracy theories, okay? ? so annoying! ! It might be a ghost! Did you forget the one who threw glass at Xie Chi? ? And the ghost in black who told Xie Chi that I hate you before? These are all possible good or bad! ]

Yi Hesong resisted the urge to drop the phone.

Because the mobile phone of the movie belongs to the character, the only person who can send text messages to him as a character can be the actors or ghosts in the same movie.

It doesn't really matter whether it is a man or a ghost, and knowing his purpose is not a priority.

The most important thing now is to prove the truth of what the man said, which is linked to his life.

relationship chain.

Yi Hesong recited these three words silently, tugged at his hair irritably, and paced back and forth on the long corridor. If this is true, it is very likely that he has an Achilles heel exposed, and he may die at any time, because whether it is a ghost or an actor, killing his character's parents can kill him effortlessly.

Thinking of this possibility, Yi Hesong went crazy.

Of course he hoped it was fake, but the more he thought about it, the more real he felt. Zhang Xing's death, he has never been able to explain, but if a relationship chain is added to the clue, everything will be solved easily...

For the first time, Yi Hesong, who has been at ease for a long time, has a sense of urgency and a strong sense of crisis.

He has to quickly find his past and future.

Because of his high prestige, he easily obtained the permission of all the actors and doctors, and watched all the wounded. The only one who hadn't been there was Xie Chi, but he never found his past or future.

He thought about it, there are only two possibilities, one is that Xie Chi's patient is his past or future, and the other is that his past or future is completely unrecognizable, and it is extremely difficult to identify only from superficial clues. Both possibilities are not small.

Because the app clearly stipulates that the actor of the film cannot hurt NPCs, he was not in a hurry to find his past or future. Before he knew that there was a relationship chain between the actors, the priority of finding his own past or future was very low. After all, actors cannot hurt NPCs. To achieve the purpose of hurting the actor. But once the relationship chain is confirmed to be correct, this matter becomes extremely important. Only by finding yourself can you find your kinship.

Yi Hesong calmed down as quickly as possible, and sent Xie Yang a message to let him come over.

Xie Yang arrived in less than half a minute, and he was still a little angry, thinking that Yi Hesong was looking for him to do it. When he saw Yi Hesong's face, he knew that things were not easy, and immediately listened to him seriously.

Yi He Songhua explained the ins and outs in a very short time, and finally said: "Help me match and eliminate, and find my past or future."

Xie Yang was a little too angry to speak. Xie Yang found his future, the middle-aged man in the Yuanye operating room who had a car accident with the plastic surgery women. Knowing that there might be a relationship chain, Xie Yang's first reaction was to find his possible parents to protect them, but Now Yi Hesong asks him to help him...

Thinking that Lu Yin's death caused Zhang Xing's disappearance in an instant, Xie Yang was afraid for a while, afraid that he would die quietly, but Yi Hesong also had the strength to kill him, even if he panicked, he could only agree.

Xie Yang nodded with a smile.

"I'm going to mobilize other people to quickly complete the matching of actors and wounded." Yi Hesong said quickly.

He wasn't going to tell others about the existence of the relationship chain, but he would definitely get help for the match to benefit others. If what the texter said was true, he would be faster than Xie Chi.

Yi and Songjian walked like flying, Xie Yang rolled his eyes slightly, and suddenly stopped him from behind.

Yi Hesong was extremely impatient: "Don't waste my time!"

Xie Yang smiled: "Actually... why do you need to do this?"

"What's the meaning?"

Xie Yang's expression was obscure: "You just... just kill Xie Chi? To eradicate the crisis from the source, why bother to find your parents and protect them? Although this step is also necessary, you are suddenly so eager to prompt it now. After everyone completes the match, aren't you afraid to let someone with a heart take this opportunity to find your parents before you, and then kill them?"

Yi Hesong slowed down.

Xie Yang knew his intentions, and continued: "Looking for someone to look for, but it's definitely not suitable for large-scale looking, it's too revealing, even if you find it first, you can guarantee that after you know who your parents are actors, you won't Killing your parents while taking advantage of it

Yi Hesong thought of Yuan Ye, whom he had not dealt with all the time, and Xie Chi, who was still capable. He was indeed irrational because of his anger, and what Xie Yang said was right.

"You and I both know that a battle between you and Xie Chi is inevitable. If your parents exist, they will be a fatal weakness. If there is any omission, the situation can be imagined. Xie Chi is also very clear that he will do everything possible. Seize this opportunity at the price, because this is his only chance, ask yourself, can you deal with ghosts and at the same time beware of a new star who is worthy of force and wants to kill your parents wholeheartedly?"

"Once you look for it with great fanfare, if you find it, it will definitely bring your parents to the forefront, because Xie Chi must be looking for it now, and he has no clues, so you start looking. Can you guarantee that you will find it faster than Xie Chi? If there is a 1% chance that you are slower than him, he will find it first, or although he did not find it, he sneaks up... "

Yi Hesong's eyes flickered.

"When the time comes, the gains will outweigh the losses, so why not deal with Xie Chi as quickly as possible, and then find your parents in the dark at the speed of light. This is the best way at present. Anyway, you have to deal with it sooner or later. A new star, it's easy for you, and I help... This time is not another time, can't wait."

Yi Hesong pondered for a moment, and after a while looked at Xie Yang coldly: "You are avenging your private revenge in public, and you want to kill Xie Chi with my hands."

He's been in the app for so long, and he's not stupid enough to see Xie Yang's motives for persuading him.

Xie Yang nodded happily: "But you have to do it, don't you? This person who texts obviously thinks the same as me."

He smiled sincerely: "I will do my best to help you."

Yi Hesong was secretly annoyed. He knew that he was being used as a spearman, but he could only follow the arranged route because he had no choice. Sending a text message to this person, his heart can be punished.

"Your surname is Xie, and his surname is Xie, aren't you afraid that Xie Chi is your father?" Yi Hesong smiled.

"No, I asked the middle-aged man in Yuanye's operating room. I'm sure Xie Chi is not. The reason for his personality is not right, and your surname is Yi, it is even more impossible, otherwise there should be clues."

Yi Hesong thought for a while and completely relieved.

"Go, kill Xie Chi." Yi He Song said.