Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 132: Hospital (13)


[Another Xie Chi? ! ]

[Xie Chi hugs Xie Chi]

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? ? I scold myself? ]

[Two people talk about a love triangle and have a sense of sight hahahahaha]

[Seduce the stars in front of the original partner and die]

[Hahahahahahaha you eat your own vinegar? ]

Xie Chi clasped his waist with both hands to prevent him from escaping: "Say, is it you who texted Yi Hesong?"

The other Xie Chi didn't answer, but rolled his eyes at Xie Chi: "No fun."

Xie Chi: "… "

The elevator shook violently, and the violent shaking that followed made Xie Chi almost unsteady. Xie Chi's body in black became transparent in an instant. Xie Chi couldn't hold him, and he watched him pass unhindered. Steel elevator doors.

The phantom of Xie Chi in black turned back, there was novelty in the blood-red eyes, more inspection and weighing, and there seemed to be hesitation and secrecy.

Xie Chi felt that the look in his eyes was very complicated - the other self seemed to have made a very difficult decision. When it came time to say it, he was struggling and regretting it. It seemed that this decision would have an indelible impact on him, and the consequences might be that he could not bear it. of.

Xie Chi in black finally said slowly: "Xie Chi, haven't you always claimed to be smart, prove it to me, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Whoever encounters another self, it is difficult to compare the heart of competing for superiority.

Xie Chi frowned slightly, stared at him calmly for a while, and finally seemed to understand something, so he nodded and said, "Thank you."

Xie Chi in black was stunned for a moment, and said with joy, "It turns out that I am so smart."

Xie Chi was serious one second, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly the next.

Xie Chi in black turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared, and the elevator also stopped shaking at this time.

[After the two pools looked at each other, what did they achieve, I just don't understand]

[Don't panic, you're not alone]

[Just watch it]

[Stimulate! Kurokochi has a sense of it]

[No empathy or love in front of you! ]

[Where are they empathetic and let go of love, Hei Xiaochi is also Xiaochi! ]

[Eh? I thought it was a big fight, what is going on now]

Xie Chi walked out of the elevator: "Brother, he deliberately brought us here."

"Yes." Xie Xinglan said.

He had already seen it. It took a very short time for a scalpel to fall from the second floor to the first floor. In the blink of an eye, Hei Xiaochi was able to dodge from the center of the massage chair to the stair aisle. This was his true speed.

It stands to reason that even if the booster is fully activated, it is impossible for him to catch up with Hei Xiaochi so quickly, but after chasing him a few floors, he caught him in the narrow elevator.

It means that Hei Xiaochi deliberately slowed down a little, his real intention was to wait for him, he had something to say.

And the timing of his appearance was that there were only himself and Ren Ze on the first floor, and there was no one else. He seemed to deliberately avoid other people's eyes and ears.

Xie Xinglan said: "I thought there was an ambush, after all, there was another ghost, but I didn't expect him to come... to reveal information, very... "

Xie Chi: "Don't praise him."

Xie Xinglan suddenly stopped, and said with kindness: "No matter how powerful he is, you are still you."

Xie Chi lowered his eyes in thought.

The other one only said three or four sentences back and forth, but the information revealed to him has exploded.

The other self defines the encounter as "an opportunity he gave himself," which is intriguing in itself.

His choice to show up should be the result of weighing it over and over again. Even he himself is not sure whether this move is right or wrong, and whether the result is good or bad.

Because it is himself, Xie Chi is relatively easy to understand Hei Xiaochi, Xie Chi substitutes himself, under what circumstances would he make such a decision, the answer seems to surface.

-The other self is caught in a predicament and has a choice. There is a problem waiting for him, and he seems to be the key to solving this problem. If he chooses to meet with himself, it is very likely that things will turn against him, but he also There seems to be something to verify, he is very anxious, has deep doubts about something in his heart, and desperately needs to prove it to him to help him make the right decision.

Opportunity means that if you seize the opportunity, there may be a turning point. If you can't grasp it, things will get out of hand.

"Brother, I suspect that we have a conflict of interest with them." Xie Chi said.

Xie Xinglan paused: "They?"

Xie Chi laughed: "The one who threw the glass and the scalpel, his boyfriend."

Xie Xinglan paused, his voice a little awkward and strange: "Xie Xinglan?"

Xie Chi's mood is also a little subtle and complicated.

He is one person, but has two complete personalities, and the app always counts two personalities as two souls.

After he saw the true face of the shadow, the identity of the other ghost was self-evident—the other Xie Xinglan.

Another Xie Xinglan was with the other himself.

Obviously there are Xie Xinglan, and Xie Xinglan who is still hugging him has to make an inch, Xie Chi couldn't help thinking.

"Xiaochi?" Xie Xinglan called in a low voice when he saw that he didn't speak.

Xie Chi came back to his senses, coughed hastily, and said, "He has already made a lot of concessions. When he sees me, it is very likely that he will harm himself, but the situation is urgent, he chooses not to wait, and give it a shot."

Xie Chi asked himself and exchanged positions. His approach was no different from Xie Chi in black.

Instead of procrastinating and waiting for the last moment in anxiety, it is better to take a risk and give it a try, because if you don’t try, you will leave the choice to someone else, although the result may be a false alarm, proving that you were unfounded.

It's true that trying can backfire and make things worse, but it's also possible to turn defeat into victory.

He hates passive waiting for sentencing.

Xie Xinglan: "So the behavior of 'Xie Xinglan' throwing glass and scalpel before can be defined as... 'throwing water'?"

Xie Chi: "Yes."

If Xie Chi, who transformed into a ghost, can move quickly and pass through walls, then Xie Xinglan, whose own strength is several times higher than him, will be on a higher level after transforming into a ghost. He still has the ability to suffer a lot of injuries.

But the reality is that the first time he only scratched his face, the second time he only scratched the back of his hand.

And Ren Ze, who had two treatments, was by his side.

Another Xie Xinglan hurt him just to reveal information to him, or to bluff and hide from the public.

Either way, it's not really about killing them.

Xie Chi: "The position that the app gave them is most likely to kill us. This is the simplest, most direct and most fundamental conflict, but for some reasons, another Xie Chi hesitated. Xie Xinglan reached an agreement, and he chose to show up."

Xie Chi looked into the distance and said for a while, "We are friends or enemies in the end. Whether they will do anything to us in the end depends on what I find out later."

Xie Xinglan's voice was slightly gloomy: "Xiaochi, about the text message..."

Xie Chi sighed: "It's not that they want to kill me, this is the most terrifying place."

All the actions of the other self and the other Xie Xinglan are showing their attitude to release water. It doesn’t matter whether the other self persuaded the other Xie Xinglan or the other Xie Xinglan persuaded the other self to do so. The conclusion It was the two of them who reached an agreement not to kill him and Xie Xinglan for the time being.

Since the attitude is like this, how can they send a text message to Yi Hesong, and lead Yi Hesong to kill him

For Shang Yi Hesong, without the help of any external force, he has no chance of winning. The other self and the other Xie Xinglan must be very clear about this. They have to really reveal their progress to Yi Hesong. , is to put him to death, which is completely different from the attitude they are showing now.

So there was someone else who wanted to kill them, and a vague figure appeared in Xie Chi's mind.

"Thank you Chi!"

At the top of the stairs, Ren Ze, who came over, was relieved to see that everyone was fine.

"Ghost, chase after you too!" Ren Ze had lingering fears, the black shadow's eyes were blood red, obviously not a human being, Xie Chi didn't even want to chase after him, in case something happened...

"I'm fine." Xie Chi said.

Ren Ze: "Fuck, Nima scared me to death."

While cursing like a rough man, Ren Ze checked him up and down with a very old mother, and finally felt relieved when he saw only the injury on the back of his hand.

The two returned to Xie Chi's ward.

Seeing Xie Chi locking the door, drawing the curtains, and checking the bugs and cameras in the house, Ren Ze knew that he had something important to say, and immediately turned serious.

Xie Chi sat down, pressed his temple, and said, "Our interpretation of the characters is not deep enough."

Ren Ze was slightly surprised: "How could it be? The app said that this character design is important, we have analyzed enough, and even know the relationship chain..."

After Xie Chi and Yi Hesong played against each other before, he spent a lot of time explaining the relationship chain he knew so far. He felt that he and Xie Chi had dug deep enough.

In the role, he is Xie Chi's half-brother, their mother is Ye Lan, and the future is Ye Xiaoxiao.

Xie Chi was adopted, became a doctor when he grew up, married a vulgar woman, gave birth to a disobedient son, and had an extramarital affair at the same time. The illegitimate child was Yi Hesong.

As for himself, after he grew up safely and happily, he underwent sex reassignment surgery, became a woman, and then... got together with middle-aged Xie Yang.

Yi Hesong took revenge on the society in old age and caused this car accident...

Ren Ze felt that he had dug carefully enough.

Xie Chi raised his head: "I thought so too, but there are indeed some... deeper things."

"For example?" Ren Ze always believed Xie Chi's words, but he couldn't find a place to dig deeper.

Xie Chi's expression was a little weird: "For example, the family history of mental illness."


Xie Chi: "You and I are both Ye Xiaoxiao's sons, you and I both happen to have multiple personalities, and then my son Yi Hesong, the character setting happens to be schizophrenia, we all have mental illness in this vein, even this It's all included in the character."

"Fuck!" Ren Ze almost stood up, and he understood when Xie Chi said this.

Xie Chi took a tissue and dipped it in some water, wiped off the dried blood on the back of his hand, and said quietly: "And have you ever thought about why your character has changed?"

Ren Ze thought about it carefully, and his face stinks visibly: "Because of my sister?!"

Before Xie Chi could reply to Ren Ze, he had already figured out the cause and effect: "Because I have a desire for female personality, the app script extends my personal experience and gives me a plot development for future sex change?!"

Xie Chi nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or console.

Ren Ze patted the table: "Fuck me, and bring someone with private goods like this?!"

Xie Chi: "In addition to proving that Yi Hesong is my son, it also implies another point - I may have two completely different myself in the copy."

"What?" Ren Ze was at a loss again.

Xie Chi: "The follow-up development of your character should be that your male personality is swallowed up by your female personality, your disease is cured, and your soul becomes a woman, so you yearn for sex change, because in your thinking, you are a woman. woman."

Ren Ze was embarrassed and ashamed, but Xie Chi looked like he was speaking frankly, so he didn't want to be arrogant.

"Ran Ran is too young. The app didn't count her as an actor before, and it shouldn't count her as a ghost now, so you don't have to worry about the increased difficulty."

Ren Ze frowned suddenly: "I don't need to worry? What about you!"

Ren Ze's heart jumped, and he suddenly remembered that in the last movie, Xie Chi's two personalities were regarded as two actors.

"Wait, why is it counted as a ghost? Do you mean yourself who died in a car accident? Isn't that kind of ghost just need to identify who it is and call its name? It doesn't matter if there is one or two. ?"

Xie Chi shook his head, his voice did not waver: "We are looking at the problem with a still eye, and the perspective has been stuck in the past. From the start of the film to the present, most of our energy has been spent on exploring what happened in the past, but this horror The film is evolving, flowing, moving forward.”

Ren Ze's heart beat faster, and he felt that what Xie Chi said next would be terrifying.

Xie Chi said lightly: "At the beginning of the movie, because of the car accident, you who died in the car accident were born, that is, the ghost that we can kill as long as we call out our name, and we who are alive are lying on the hospital bed and are the wounded. "

"This part is the past."

"But there is a future."

"What... the future?" Ren Ze was extremely nervous.

Xie Chi looked up at him: "I had a fierce conflict with Yi Hesong. If I didn't figure out that Yi Hesong was my son at the juncture of crisis, then I would be dead. In this incident, part of the possibility that I am alive, I will die. Like now, part of the possibility I didn't figure out that Yi Hesong was my son, I was killed by him, or I figured it out, Yi Hesong didn't believe it, I was killed by him, or I haven't had time to think about it Out, Yi Hesong has already killed me by mistake, I was killed by him, these are all real possibilities, because the battle is over, so the answer is the only one - I am still alive, but in the process, I did Maybe death is real."

"In another world, Xie Chi died in this conflict and became a ghost."

"Schrödinger's cat, have you forgotten the definition I told you? Because the possibility is not unique, it split into a new world, a new parallel space, and a new self. In the event that I have a probability of death, It will split into a dead Xie Chi."

Ren Ze began to think back, his face turned pale for a moment: "You... You mean, in the conflict with Yi Hesong, that part of you who may have died... became a ghost in this world?"

Ren Ze thought of more all of a sudden: "It's over! Before my past entangled me, you saved me from a little injury, there is a slight possibility that you will die and split into a ghost! Then, the glass smashed to you , Wei Mo's possibility that you will be crushed to death, another you will be born, and then... the conflict with Yi Hesong, it will be another you, the knife falling from the sky may smash you to death, another one, it's over!"

Ren Zeteng stood up, his face bloodless: "There are at least four ghosts exactly like you in this hospital!!!"

This is the future that Xie Chi said! It used to be trivial! The crises of the past are nothing compared to the future!

He said how could it be possible to solve the biggest crisis with just a few words!

As long as they are always in danger, they will split into more and more ghosts exactly like themselves!

Ren Ze's scalp was numb, and his legs were weak from fright. When he lowered his head, he found Xie Chiyun sitting quietly, and even took a sip of water.

"Why are you so calm?"

Xie Chi put down the water glass and lifted his eyelids to look at him: "Because I have already seen him, just now."

"You mean the shadow on the massage chair just now? And the one who threw the scalpel upstairs?" Ren Ze asked nervously, "Just two?"

"Just two."

Ren Ze breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is only one, if the hidden four, five or six find you together..."

Xie Chi smiled slightly: "I should have seen all Xie Chi in horror movies."

"Why do you say that?!"

Xie Chi: "Because the rule of this piece should be... superposition."

Ren Ze broke out in a cold sweat again.

Xie Chi: "In the first conflict, the original ghost form Xie Chi was born, and in the second conflict, a second identical ghost Xie Chi should have been born, but in order to prevent confusion, the film superimposed all Xie Chi together, Stacked up into a ghost pool."

"Reasonably pushed forward, every conflict and crisis, the new dead Xie Chi will be merged with the original Ghost Xie Chi to increase his strength. This is the most suitable copy rule that I have thought of."

"So for ordinary people, this piece will only produce another self, but his power will become stronger and stronger with the passage of time, because it is impossible for us to not be in conflict without knowing it, it is impossible If you don’t encounter danger, if there is conflict or encounter danger, new ghosts will be formed, and they will stack up, and the more they stack up, the more powerful they will be.”

"And I was preferentially treated by the dungeon because I have two other selves, one Xie Chi and one Xie Xinglan, and they may come to kill me in the future."