Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 135: Hospital (16)


Xie Chi looked back at him, and said sincerely for a while, "I'm thinking that people should believe in the so-called absolute correctness, or believe in themselves."

"After all, the other self, no matter how evil, dark, or trying to kill oneself, is still oneself, the person closest to oneself."

Ren Ze's heart trembled slightly, and he felt a strange feeling that could not be described.

Are you the person closest to you

Ren Ze was slightly ecstatic, thinking of his own disgust in his adolescence.

He is different.

He has a female personality, he used to feel inferior for this, could not integrate into the group, desperately wanted to cover up Ran Ran's existence, and also hated Ren Ran in anger. For a long time, he rejected Ren Ran very much, and spoke ill of her. But he was innocent and kept coaxing him to be happy, and then he slowly unraveled the knot.

He had always felt guilty.

Ren Ze smiled bitterly: "Xie Chi, not everyone understands and trusts them."

It's hard not to hate it, let alone learn to trust it.

Xie Chi shrugged, still optimistic: "Maybe this is the crux of the matter? Ghost Xie Chi didn't kill me, but took the initiative to find me, because he knew that I loved him, I believed in him, and he loved me, and he believed in me too. ."

"Because he is me."

When Ren Ze heard this, he immediately thought of something, and burst out laughing, the melancholy was swept away, and he looked at Xie Chi with a teasing face: "You have already talked about a relationship between two people, so don't do it. Let's talk about the love of four people again."

Xie Chi: "… "

Seeing that he was rarely shriveled, Ren Ze felt relieved and laughed more and more wantonly.

He thought it was amazing, Xie Xinglan was Xie Chi, Gui Xiechi was Xie Chi, and Gui Xinglan was also Xie Chi. Alone, he was four times happier.

[Hey Ren Ze, you spoke my heart out hahahahahaha]

[The subtle feeling of derailment in love with myself xswl]

[Hahahaha although I know Chi Chi refers to self-love, but who told him to fall in love with himself]

Knowing that the time is short, Ren Ze quickly returned to the topic: "So it is determined that when the two months end on the same day, there can only be one self in this world? Is the app telling the ghosts about themselves, or hinting at them?"

Xie Chi's eyes fell on the abandoned small fountain on the lawn next to him, and he began to be a little absent-minded: "Yes."

"What are you looking at?" Ren Ze took two steps forward in confusion, followed Xie Chi's line of sight to look into the fountain trough, and only saw a pile of dead branches and fallen leaves and little tadpoles that bounced on the water from time to time.

The water in the pool was still dirty, because it was stagnant water, with a fish-like fishy smell.

"Look at the moon in the water." Xie Chi was silent for a while, then replied.

Only then did Ren Ze notice the two moons reflected in the water.

Xie Chi squatted down, picked up a dead branch from the lawn, inserted it into the fountain and pounded it. The moon was broken and blurred, the water surface was chaotic, and his face was twisted inside.

Ren Ze couldn't understand what he was doing.

Xie Chi waited for the water surface to return to calm, and the two full moons reappeared. He threw away the branches in his hand, and seemed to feel it.

He looked up and confirmed again that the sky was only changing with light and fog, not the moon. The two moons were still the same size, generally bright, facing each other, but the colors were different, one red and one white, and the light and fog they were in were different. One big and one small.

His previous focus has always been on light and fog, but now he abandons the light and fog to look at the moon itself, with a subtle sense of clearing the clouds and seeing the fog.

He seemed to be vaguely touching something.

Suddenly there were violent fighting and screams from upstairs. Xie Chi and Ren Ze looked at each other and hurriedly flew to the hospital.

An actress staggered out of the hospital aisle, almost bumping into the two rushing in.

Ren Ze stopped her, held her shoulders, met her frightened eyes, and asked, "What's going on?"

The actress raised her eyes, saw a familiar face, relaxed a little, turned her head and pointed upstairs: "Brother Yi caught a ghost, moved, moved, and I ran down..."

Knowing that Brother Yi in the actress's mouth was referring to Yi Hesong, Xie Chi's eyes tightened: "How is the ghost's strength?"

Thinking back carefully, the actress suddenly said "Huh" with a puzzled look on her face: "It doesn't seem to be particularly powerful, I can't beat Brother Yi at all..."

She has an instinctive fear of ghosts. After all, in this film, they are the cannon fodders who are at the bottom of the power. If the ghosts don't use them, who will they use

And now that the other gray names are dead, she is the only one left, and she is extremely afraid that she will be the next one.

So when she saw the ghost appearing, she started to run away without even thinking about it, but now she calms down and thinks about it, but remembers that before she escaped, the ghost was obviously unable to parry Yi Hesong and fell into a disadvantage. And Song catch up.

"Another Yi Hesong?" Ren Ze glanced at Xie Chi and whispered.

Xie Chi shook his head at him very slightly, saying no, it was too weak, it shouldn't be.

Gui Yi and Song are currently superimposed at least two layers, one is Yi He Song who died in a car accident, and the other is his confrontation with himself.

Yi Hesong did it himself. Although Yi Hesong had an absolute advantage, he still had a very small probability of dying. For example, major mistakes, such as underestimating the enemy, etc., all these could happen. When Song shot himself, another ghost Yi and Song must have been born.

Yi and Song have now encountered at least two conflict dangers, so Guiyi and Song have at least two layers on top of each other, and should never be beaten helplessly.

And what the actress said was "Yi He Song caught a ghost".

It was Yi Hesong who caught the ghost, not the ghost.

Then he should have met other actors in ghost form by chance.

Guixiechi and Guixinglan were first ruled out. They had too many layers to use, and Yi Hesong, who could not use his talent and lost an orange peak item, was absolutely impossible to defeat them.

Xie Chi thought about the cause and effect, and glanced at Ren Ze: "Go, let's go up and have a look."

When the actress saw that they were going up, she thought about it, gritted her teeth and kept up. It's always safe to have a lot of people in a ghost movie. If she stays at the bottom alone, she might die inexplicably.

During the process of going upstairs, Xie Chi simply and quickly asked the actress a few words, only to know that only seven actors were dead.

He and Ren Ze counted as two, Yi Hesong and Xie Yang, then Ye Xiaoxiao, Yuan Ye and the actress in front of them.

Because of his disagreement with Yi Hesong, plus his low title and unfamiliar face, he has been marginalized by other actors and acted alone, and now he knows the specific situation.

Xie Chi felt a little interesting.

On the surface, it seems that the two people who gave Yi Hesong a tip and leaked their own news should be two people, because the two text messages are not a dialog box, they should not come from the same mobile phone, and the tone of the conversation is completely different. Nong, with disdain, the latter is more peaceful and mechanical, just telling Yi Hesong where he is.

What is certain now, it is neither He Xiao nor Gui Xiechi Gui Xinglan who sent the text message.

He already knew about He Xiao's situation. If He Xiao wanted to do something to him, he would already have a fully reasonable motive when he exposed him, but he didn't seize the opportunity that would not be suspicious at all, which means that he absolutely must. Not He Xiao. After all, Gui He Xiao is completely capable, and after transforming into a ghost, he is no longer bound by the rules of the app, which is just convenient for doing things.

Except for himself, the seven who are still alive cannot be directed and acted by Yi Hesong himself, nor does he believe that it is Ren Ze.

So the target range is getting smaller and smaller.

Among the actors are Xie Yang, Ye Xiaoxiao, Yuan Ye, and the female gray name in front of them.

The scope of the ghost is relatively large, except for the ghost Xiechi, the ghost star, and the ghost He Xiao, it may even be the ghost Yi He Song, the ghost Ren Ze, after all, the ghost has the same IQ as the actor, and it is completely possible to reach a cooperation.

Of course, it is worth considering whether it is actually two people. The fact that the news comes from two different mobile phones is not enough to prove that it is two people.

Even cooperation between humans and ghosts may not be impossible.

Just like him and the ghost Xiechi.

He had to speed up anyway.

The man suddenly stopped and did not move for two hours, probably planning for something bigger.

They followed the fight to find Yi Hesong in a certain ward.

There was a mess nearby, the glass was shattered, the door was folded, medical equipment was scattered on the ground, and the pale floor was covered with blood from the blood bag, and it seemed that the battle was fierce.

Inside the door, the ghost in black was unable to parry, fled wildly, and his yin qi leaked out, but he moved fast, relying on Tuo Yi and Song to drag him to the present.

Yi Hesong tried to take off the black hood on the ghost's head several times, but he avoided it.

After a long battle, Yi Hesong was angry, and tried his best to drive the props. The thread flying out from the black spindle in his hand was as bright as a seven-star ladybug. The moment the spinning thread flew out, Yi Hesong reached out to tear it again. He hooded, but that ghost would rather be pierced by silk threads than be discovered.

The black-clothed ghost screamed mournfully, and the cloud-like black energy on his body was dissipated. Obviously, the seemingly ordinary black spindle was hurting the ghost's power.

There were hurried footsteps in the aisle, and the actors who seemed to be scattered elsewhere rushed over when they heard the big movement here.

Xie Chi knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and there would be more and more people who would join in the ghost hunt, so he immediately said, "Brother!"

Xie Xinglan didn't rest at all. Hearing the words, he immediately said, "To catch ghosts?"

Xie Chi coughed: "...Save the ghost."

Xie Xinglan: "...Okay."

Yi Hesong's ears were sharp, and when he heard Xie Chi rushing in, he was right behind him, without turning his head, he quickly arranged his strategy: "I attack him, you go and catch him, and share the news after you catch him."

He has been chasing him for a long time. This ghost is weak, but his movement speed is extremely fast, which makes him very annoying. It happens that speed is Xie Chi's strength, and cooperation is not a must.

"Okay." Xie Chi didn't hesitate.

[The stars are added, and I immediately know who the ghost is! ]

[Is it Guiyi and Song? ? ]

The ghost seemed to want to pass through the wall, but the red spinning was chasing after him like a viper. With more people joining in, the black-clothed ghost was completely unable to resist and retreated steadily. Xie Xinglan took out a pair of surgical scissors from the iron plate. After galloping to catch up, he was about to grab the shoulder of the black-clothed ghost. Yi Hesong had excellent eyesight. After making a prediction, he was sure that Xie Xinglan could catch the ghost. , cut out... own red spinning.

Yi Hesong's spinning can cause great harm to ghosts and souls. For humans, it is ordinary spinning, and it will break if you cut it lightly.

[? ? ? ]

[I'm blind? ? ? ]


Ren Ze at the door was stunned.

Yi Hesong's expression froze, and he froze in place for a second. In his field of vision, Xie Xinglan kicked the window and pushed the ghost in black down the stairs.

Yi Hesong finally reacted, threw himself at the window, and watched as the ghost in black fell to the ground, and then disappeared into a cloud of black gas.

"Your mother!" Yi Hesong was furious, no matter how good the upbringing was, he rushed up and grabbed Xie Xinglan's collar, he was about to punch him, Xie Xinglan raised his hand and grabbed him With his wrist, Xie Chi switched seamlessly, and said innocently, "Be careful, I won't be able to spare the ghosts who want to kill me if I'm disabled."

"You don't want your dad to die either, do you?"

Yi Hesong had blue veins protruding on his forehead, his face was green and then white, he gritted his teeth for a few seconds, and finally threw off Xie Chi's wrist angrily.


[Isn’t it bad to make trouble just to vent your anger? Catching a ghost is good for everyone, hurting others is not good for oneself.]

[That's because you don't know Xie Chi, Xie Chi is profitable in everything, okay?]

"I advise you to give me an explanation." If it wasn't for Xie Chi's role, Yi Hesong would have killed Xie Chi by a thousand swords.

Xie Chi tilted his head to look at him, with an expression that you can help me: "What if you don't give it?"


The footsteps of other actors outside were getting closer, Xie Chi stopped talking nonsense with Yi Hesong, and jumped out of the window on the second floor.

Xie Xinglan landed smoothly and joked: "Aren't you afraid of raising tigers to kill people with a knife?"

Xie Xinglan figured it out easily.

Xie Chi asked him to save the ghost, one of which was because it was no longer important to them who the ghost was, they already knew that the ghost was another actor, and that was enough.

The second is that they don't want Yi Hesong and the others to know that the ghost is another actor.

Thirdly, except for Gui Xiechi and Gui Xinglan, other ghosts have no direct conflict of interest with them. Just like Gui He Xiao, even if they have that strength, they have no interest in killing them, and they really have a conflict of interest with them. , on the contrary, it is an actor. The most obvious comprehensive ranking competition conflict is already a layer, and there are still personal grievances and old grudges underneath.

This is a question that can be understood by changing the way of thinking.

Fourth, even if the ghost is killed by Yi Hesong, it does not mean that the ghost corresponding to the actor will not be born again. After all, as time goes by, the actors in the copy will become more and more dangerous, as long as they When they are still in danger of conflict, their corresponding ghosts will continue to be born, killing one and then another, endlessly. Therefore, whether they save or not will not have much impact on the main line of the plot.

Fifth, this ghost is so weak, it means that the head is not very smart, and they are not afraid of farmers and snakes, after all, he can't beat himself.

And in case another ghost from the enemy is rescued, they can still talk about how to cooperate to kill the enemy.

Therefore, relatively speaking, saving ghosts is highly likely to be a matter of pros and cons.

Xie Chi smiled slyly: "I really want to raise tigers and have Gui Xiechi and Gui Xinglan to help. At least they won't want me to die until I find out some things."

Xie Xinglan sighed, "Even using himself."

Xie Chi said seriously: "We can't always let them take advantage of us."

Xie Xinglan smiled: "That's right."

Xie Xinglan turned around and found the ghost in black, and he had no regrets. After all, as long as Yi Hesong didn't know that the ghost in black was another actor, he had already made money.

He walked straight to the elevator to go upstairs to find Ren Ze, but the moment the elevator door closed, he felt a chill behind him, and a gloomy atmosphere spread.

The elevator door in front of him showed that there was a dark, fuzzy shadow beside him, slightly shorter than him, just within his reach.

Xie Xinglan didn't look back: "Come to me?"

In the claustrophobic and dark elevator, his voice was low, with a palpitating and terrifying echo.

The shadow on the elevator door nodded hesitantly.

Xie Xinglan waited silently.

The man was the first to take off the black hood on his head.

Xie Xinglan was startled when he saw the familiar face, and then laughed.

"It's me." Ghost Xie Yang said.