Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 137: Hospital (18)


After returning from Yi Hesong, Xie Yang had an even more ominous foreboding.

Listening to Yi Hesong's description, that ghost in black is almost the same as his own.

About the same height, about the same body shape, and even the means of props.

Yi Hesong didn't know his props, and he didn't see his real contribution, so he didn't understand.

How could this be? Could that ghost be able to steal the actor's abilities? Or, is he trying to pretend to be himself to frame himself

Xie Yang shook his head, no, the logic doesn't make sense.

There were unhurried footsteps in front of him, and an unknown shadow on the wall was stretching and shaking. Xie Yang raised his head alertly and saw Xie Chi.

Evil red light shone in from the window and hit him diagonally, making him look unpopular, and he seemed to be waiting for him.

Xie Yang felt disgusted, strode over, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xie Chi raised his head: "I'm actually curious why you are so arrogant."

"What do you mean?" Xie Yang clenched his fists.

Xie Chi should not, just asked very seriously: "Have you hit me?"

Xie Yang reacted and was furious: "You don't need to humiliate me in this way!"

"It's not humiliation," Xie Chi said with genuine doubts in his eyes, "it's just that I always thought that people with temperament are all powerful and confident, but when I met you, I felt that most of the short-tempered , it's all..." Xie Chi paused, his eyes wandering on Xie Yang's angry face.

"What is it?" Hate is surging, and being so close, this is his chance. As long as he hits him hard, his own ghost will kill him, Xie Yang thought to himself, and quietly opened the strength booster and props, and said calmly.

Xie Chi smiled: "It's all incompetent and furious."

The hand covered with long black nails slammed into his head and covered his face. Xie Xinglan was on guard and raised his hand to clasp his wrist. Xie Yang was shocked and struggled desperately, only to find that Xie Chi's hand was so strong that he didn't even move. Must not.

Xie Xinglan looked at the hand hanging in front of him, the knuckles of the hand were pale and exposed, and the black and shiny nails pierced from the fingertips, thin and cold, as sharp as a blade. The blood in Xie Yang's body was agitating in the blood vessels, and it was continuously transported to his hands. At the same time, his nails became longer and longer.

When the nails were about to touch the side of his face, Xie Xinglan kicked him away. After Xie Yang broke free, embarrassment and anger surged in his heart, and he continued to push the props and greeted him.

In the end, he was a rising star. Although he did not encounter any obstacles along the way, his strength was still solid. Xie Xinglan opened the increase and simply passed two moves with him.

Xie Yang was horrified. He had seen Xie Chi's movies and knew that he was strong in force, but he was relieved when he saw that he was beaten by Yi Hesong and had no power to fight back. Now that he really fights, he realizes that he is completely wrong!

Skill is not his strength at all!

Jealousy grows like venom in his heart, Xie Yang's face is distorted, he has a one-time high-explosive prop, which was originally reserved for life-saving use, but now he can't seriously damage Xie Xinglan!

The shadows on the wall swayed wildly, and the surroundings clearly disappeared.

Xie Yang reluctantly parried, deliberately revealed flaws, and drew Xie Xinglan closer. His props were similar to Xie Chi's gossip disk before. The closer they were, the greater the damage. Approaching, and playing not very carefully, chasing and releasing, teasing him like a cat and mouse.

"Aren't you going to kill me? What is this?!" Xie Yang said angrily, looking at the injuries on his body.

Xie Xinglan nodded and said, "I want to kill you."

Xie Yang was stared at him indifferently, and the fine fear crept into his heart for no reason. He finally began to feel that something was wrong, and he stepped back secretly, preparing to escape. Xie Xinglan noticed his move at the first time, but stopped in place. did not chase.

Xie Yang moved away from him and galloped back.

Xie Xinglan watched, and a trace of pity gradually appeared in his eyes.

On Xie Yang's side, there was an extra shadow on the wall where there were only two figures.

The shadow had no feet, fluttering on the pale wall, chasing after Xie Yang, Xie Yang had run to the corner, the shadow finally caught the opportunity, stretched out his hand from the wall, and grabbed Xie Yang's head.

Xie Yang froze all over.

The ghost hand stirred rapidly in his mind, Xie Yang screamed and struggled, but to no avail.

The ghost hand squeezed hard, as if it had broken something. Xie Yang stood up like a fish, stopped moving, and fell down with a "bang" like a boulder.

"I want to kill you, but not me." Xie Xinglan walked over and filled out the unfinished words.

There were eager footsteps on the nearby stairs. It should be that Yi Hesong sensed the breath of the ghost in black and chased after him. The shadow on the wall trembled slightly, and seemed to be panicking. Yang's body.

Xie Yang, who couldn't rest his eyes, stood up again!

When Yi Hesong arrived, they saw Xie Chi and Xie Yang chatting on the fence, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Seeing him coming up, Xie Chi seemed puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Knowing that Xie Chi was full of bad water, Yi Hesong gave him a cold look, not intending to ignore him, but looked around to find any clues about the ghost in black.

"What are you looking for?" Xie Chi asked hypocritically.

Yi Hesong searched the neighborhood again, but couldn't sense the existence of the ghost again, so he was extremely puzzled. He walked back to Xie Chi and said firmly, "You hid him."

"What are you hiding?" Xie Chi was surprised and laughed, "Where can I hide?"

"Don't you think it's naive to do this?" Yi Hesong knew that he was pretending and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Because of a little grievance between us, it's good for you to save the ghost. What's in it for you? madness."

Xie Chi lowered his eyes and smiled inwardly. Of course, the benefits cannot be revealed to you.

He shrugged. "You can think so for now."

Xie Chi admits to death, if he did not disassemble Yi Hesong as his son, Yi Hesong killed him early on under Xie Yang's provocation, although the ending is that he survived, but this does not mean that he has to forgive .

He's not that virgin.

The viciousness is real, and so is the possible death.

For that alone, Xie Yang should die.

He fulfilled his promise to create a crisis for Xie Yang, and gave birth to a new ghost Xie Yang for the ghost Xie Yang. After the ghost Xie Yang swallowed it, he killed the actor Xie Yang. It's that simple.

Yi Hesong almost broke again, and looked at Xie Yang next to him: "When did your relationship with him become so good?"

Xie Chi spread his hands, smiled and said, "It's all a family, let go of the past."

Xie Yang nodded in cooperation.

Yi He Song couldn't help Xie Chi. He couldn't tell which sentence Xie Chi was true and which was false.

Xie Chi smiled and sent him away. When his back disappeared behind the stairs, the smile on his face disappeared, and he turned his head to look at the ghost Xie Yang and said, "I have a grudge with the actor Xie Yang, I have no grudge against you, and I don't want to kill you. But I advise you, if you want to kill me, take that heart."

There was a trace of fear in Xie Yang's eyes. He was watching step by step how Xie Chi used his hand to kill Xie Yang in a way that Xie Yang completely unexpected. If he is ignorant, there is no guarantee that he will not become the next Xie Yang and be killed by Xie Chi in a completely unexpected way.

How gentle on the surface he was, but how surly and unfathomable he was underneath. Because he couldn't see through it, he was afraid to attack.

"... Hmm." Gui Xie Yang nodded with difficulty.

Xie Chi smiled and said, "Don't reveal your identity, just go have fun."

[Damn the ghost is right in front of me, but I can't recognize it]

[a bit brooding and apprehensive]

[He would rather work with ghosts than people]

[This actor is really acting weird and confusing]

[Ah, Yuan Ye is so unlucky, he was injured by a ghost again, and the injury is not minor. This is the third time, this ghost can’t be Ghost Yuan Ye, right? ]

[There is a fight over there! ! ]

[Damn it! ]

"Wait." Xie Yang was about to leave when Xie Chi stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Xie Chi lowered his head and turned his phone, as if thinking about something, he raised his head for a while and said, "Come with me."

"What?" Ghost Xie Yang was still a little wary.

"What are you talking about?" Xie Chi put the phone back in his pocket, wiped the dust from the previous fight with a tissue, and walked towards the mirror in the hall on the second floor.

Xie Chi paid special attention to the clues that the mirror on the first floor was a little tricky, and found that there was such a mirror on every floor, except that the mirror on the first floor might have two English words engraved on the edge. , the mirrors on other floors are just ordinary mirrors without any special lines.

When he was about to walk to the mirror, Xie Chi looked down from the second floor and found that Yuan Ye was dragging his bleeding arm upstairs, and the actress who had seen him before was taking the initiative to bandage him with a face of panic and gratitude.

Xie Chi took a few steps down and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Ye's face was slightly pale due to the blood loss, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

A trickle of blood flowed from his sleeve, drained through his fingers, and dripped onto the milky white stairs. His clothes were blue-gray, and there was an unsightly pool of blood on the cuffs. There is more than this injury on his clothes. It seems that he has also suffered a fierce battle before. Because of the mess, his whole person has a decadent and uninhibited temperament.

Yuan Ye raised his head and seemed to be a little stubborn. He pretended to be relaxed and was about to say "it's okay", but the actress next to him said emotionally for him: "We met a particularly powerful ghost in black before! It was Brother Yuan who saved him. I'm dead, or I'd be dead!"

The actress was in shock and turned her head to look at the wilderness, with deep gratitude and admiration in her eyes.

She couldn't even imagine that a humble and neglected existence like her could be rescued by the wild adventure.

No wonder it is rumored that Yuan Ye has a good character.

Xie Chi raised his hand and simply bandaged Yuan Ye. This is the hospital, and the most important thing is medical equipment. The ghost Xie Yang was quite sensible, didn't walk around, didn't say much, and followed Xie Chi silently.

When the bandage was ready, Yuan Ye glanced at Xie Yang who was sitting beside him, endured the pain, lowered his voice, and joked: "When did your relationship with him become so good?"

Xie Chi knows the truth that if you talk too much, you will lose it. Even Yuan Ye doesn't trust it. He only says, "Cooperation."

Yuan Ye looked at Xie Yang a few more times, then withdrew his gaze, raised his head and asked lazily, "How many points are you missing to get your boyfriend back?"

"A few thousand."

"Then it should be very fast, no accident, at most two or three orange slices, if this luck is upgraded, it will be faster. It's almost over," Yuan Ye tutted, his face was envious, He asked again, "After that, what are your plans?"

Xie Chi replied casually, "Leave the app."

Yuan Ye seemed a little surprised, and said with a smile, "Don't you want to be an actor?"

Xie Chi didn't lift his head: "No."

"Don't think it's good here? Any wish can be fulfilled."

Xie Chi: "I have no other wishes."

Yuan Ye smiled: "You are different."

"What about you?" Xie Chi cut off the excess gauze and asked casually.

"Leave soon," Yuan Ye paused, looked up at Xie Chi, and said with a smile, "Soon."

Xie Chi returned to the topic: "Who do you think attacked you?"

Yuan Ye shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't know, it's very strong. I barely managed to draw a tie with him, and he was beaten like this."

Yuan Ye pointed at his gauze-bound arm with another intact finger.

Xie Chi glanced at the rest of his body: "Then your other injuries..."

Yuan Ye sighed and said helplessly: "I'm really bad, I was accidentally attacked by a black-clothed ghost before, then came again, and this time, in fact, he should have wanted to attack me, but she was there, and she was also considered to be attacked. It was a disaster, so I saved her, after all, I was implicated by me."

Xie Chi: "Do you think these three times are the same ghost?"

Yuan Ye only hesitated for a second or two, then nodded: "It should be, the technique is basically the same, and I'm still a little familiar with it, and I don't know why..."

"Right!" He remembered something and raised his head. "The first time I encountered it, I was only slightly injured. The second time, the injury was not too minor, and it was fine, but this time..."

Yuan Ye's expression suddenly became serious: "The ghost seems to be getting stronger, so you must be careful."

"Thanks." Xie Chi glanced at him and said.

Xie Chi frowned, and asked again, "Then do you think the ghost that attacked you is the same ghost that was almost caught by Yi Hesong?"

The ghost Xie Yang, who was listening with his eyes down at the side, suddenly froze and was shocked.

How did Xie Chi pretend to be ignorant so naturally and ask such a reasonable question

Yuan Ye thought for a while: "It shouldn't be. I heard the descriptions from Yi Hesong's side, and the characteristics seem to be different."

Xie Chi: "Then what are the characteristics of this one on your side?"

The actress next to her thought back and answered for Yuan Ye: "It's very tall, and her skills are very powerful!"

Yuan Ye seemed a little embarrassed and coughed: "Yeah, his skills are much better than me, he is stronger than me, and his skills are better than me, really. But... It's actually quite human-like, it doesn't seem like there are so many ghosts. Features, the ghosts in this film are very strange."

Xie Chi nodded.

The three said a few more words, Yuan Ye glanced at Xie Chi, who had been waiting beside Xie Yang, who seemed to be in a hurry. Knowing that there seemed to be something between Xie Yang and Xie Chi, he left on his own accord.

Xie Chi took Xie Yang to the mirror in the hall on the second floor, and took Xie Yang to take a look. In the mirror, Xie Yang was still Xie Yang and did not show a ghost form.

Xie Chi frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

"What are you thinking?" Xie Yang said.

Xie Chi said nothing, and after a while, he raised his head and said, "Follow me downstairs."

Xie Yang frowned and became a little impatient, but he still followed Xie Chi patiently.

Xie Chi led him to the mirror in the hall on the first floor with the words starting with two letters "c" inscribed.

Xie Yang looked at him, a little angry: "I don't want to do chores for you, don't play with me."

Xie Chi looked past him and looked at the mirror.

Xie Yang is still Xie Yang in human form, but in the ordinary mirror, Xie Yang with blood-red eyes is reflected! !

Xie Yang frowned: "What are you doing?"

Xie Chi said nothing and pointed behind him.

Xie Yang raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror with blood-red eyes and a pale face like paper. He was horrified and panicked in an instant. He was afraid that he would be exposed, so he immediately left the mirror to find his scope.

He breathed a sigh of relief, sweat all over his body.

[Shit scares me]

[Mom, this mirror can show the real body]

"How could this be?" Xie Yang approached Xie Chi and asked nervously.

"I don't know." Xie Chi said thoughtfully for a while.

Xie Yang was afraid of being chased and killed by Yi Hesong, and subconsciously was afraid of being exposed, and immediately said: "I smashed this mirror!"

Xie Chi tilted his head and said faintly, "If you dare to hit me, I will kill you immediately."

Xie Yang didn't move immediately. He couldn't tell which sentence Xie Chi said was true or false, and it was possible that Xie Chi really killed him.

Xie Chi took a photo of himself and reconfirmed that he was normal in the mirror.

"Go play by yourself." Xie Chi said generously again.

Xie Yang felt like a pet, he suppressed his anger and left the first floor where he might be exposed.

After Xie Yang left, Xie Chi opened the app and glanced at the chat dialog with Ren Ze, but did not reply.

For more than ten minutes, Ren Ze did not return to him. He was on the second floor just now, and he did not see Ren Ze come out.

Xie Chi clenched his phone slightly, it seemed that his talent was at work, and his sense of unease was rising.

"Brother, I always feel that something has happened to Ren Ze. Let's find him quickly." Xie Chi said.