Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 147: statue


For the next two days, Xie Chi browsed the new information on the app that was open to him.

Xie Chi clearly felt that in the app, the third line is a great watershed, and only actors above the third line have the right to know many core information of the app.

For example, there are not only part-time brokers in the app, but also two part-time jobs as screenwriters and dead designers. However, the threshold for part-time brokers is low, as long as they are out of the newcomer period, they can sign up, while screenwriters and dead designers need to be third-tier and above.

Xie Chi asked before that Su Qing is a third-tier player. He stayed at this stage for a long time, and he didn't want to rush for the title. Instead, he became interested in part-time screenwriting. "Zombie Lover" is his debut.

Su Qing said that the screenwriter's part-time reward is related to the quality of the film. "Zombie Lover" is a purple film, and the purple film ranks first in the overall ranking and is awarded 500 points, so he finished writing "Zombie Lover" and got 100 points, which is the comprehensive movie. One-fifth of the first reward is assessed.

It seems very few, but compared to being born and dying in the movie, this point is really too good to earn, and if you write a higher-quality movie script, the reward will be higher, the orange slice is 200 points, and the red film is 400 points.

The positioning of the app for these occupations is actually very clear - it is a "part-time job" rather than a part-time job.

These careers allow actors to earn extra money during the cool-off period between movies, but the real earners must be horror movies. And part-time jobs also have a cooling time. For example, a dead designer can receive up to ten drafts a month, and each draft is 30 points. That is to say, an actor can earn 300 points a month by relying on the part-time job of a dead designer at most, and the part-time jobs cannot overlap. If you have a part-time job as an agent, you can no longer join the part-time screenwriter and death designer.

It can be said that there are many restrictions.

Therefore, this piece has always been tasteless, and it is a pity to abandon it. Actors who are more interested in time will choose to join one of them. Those who are in a hurry like Xie Chi basically ignore it.

After all, for actors above the third tier, time is more precious. If you have this energy, you can earn much more than part-time jobs. Moreover, part-time jobs can only provide points, not like horror movies. Props, bloodlines, abilities of strength.

Two days later, Xie Chi received an invitation from the app side, clicked to confirm, and was sent to a towering hall.

The main hall is white and should be made of marble. It is located on the steps, and the actors can only see the main entrance of the main hall if they look up. The fog was shrouded around, covering the foundation of the hall, making it seem to float in the clouds, unattainable and out of reach. Xie Chi counted it, and it was supported by ten thick stone pillars that the two of them hugged together.

Peeking in from the place where he settled down, he could faintly see the tall statue.

There is a red carpet underfoot, and the other end cannot be seen.

Outside the main entrance of the main hall stood an old man with a hunched back.

There is only one person nearby.

Xie Chi walked up while watching, stood on the steps and waited for two minutes, but there was still no one, and he was the only one in the boundless surroundings.

"Don't wait, you are the only one who promised to come," an old voice sounded behind him, with a bit of ridicule, "Old man, I thought I could take a vacation this month, after all, no one wants to come for three months, I didn't expect There are also actors who care so much about the film history of the app, the old man I am very pleased."

The history of the app

The corner of Xie Chi's mouth twitched slightly, unreliable Yan Jing.

He managed his expression, walked over with a smile, and got closer, only to find that the old man had no feet.

The clouds and mists covered his lower body before, but now the clouds and mists have dispersed, and the old man is clearly hanging on the ground.

Xie Chi: "You are..."

"As you think," said the old man. "I'm a ghost."

Xie Chi nodded without showing any inappropriate surprise.

The old man couldn't help looking at him more, his eyes fell on the two rings on his right hand, his expression changed suddenly, and he returned to calm immediately.

Xie Chi only felt that the old man looked at him a little strangely, but he really didn't know him, so he could only let go of the inexplicable and follow the old man inside.

"How long have you been here?" There is nothing but ten statues in the hall, which can be said to be unobstructed at a glance. After Xie Chi glanced at it, he tilted his head and asked respectfully.

Old man: "It's been almost forty years."

Xie Chi was taken aback by this answer, which means that the app has a history of at least 40 years

The old man took a deep look at Xie Chi and said with a smile, "It just happened in a flash."

Xie Chi disagrees, how many forty years can a person live

The old man said: "Actually, you only come to the app to fulfill your wishes. As for the information on the app itself, it means little to you, or in other words, it doesn't make any sense at all, so if you don't come, it's normal, and it's strange if you come."

He clearly saw this himself, and knew that he might be in a pointless job, but he didn't feel bad about it, just learned to adapt and enjoy it.

Xie Chi nodded in recognition. If Yan Jing didn't make it clear and he happened to be free, he might not be able to come. With this skill, it is better to watch more horror movies and prepare for the shooting of the next movie.

"By the way, your ring, is it your... prop?" The old man lowered his head and seemed to ask casually.

Xie Chi was stunned for a moment, looked at his right hand, understood that he was referring to the ring he wore on his suspension and ring finger, and said, "Yes."

The old man smiled and said, "There are more and more props in the app now."

He started to complete his own work, took Xie Chi to visit and browsed, and said as he walked: "This temple is called the Ten Temples. It sounds very high-end, and it looks very high-end in appearance. In fact, it is more appropriate to change the name..."

Xie Chi looked at the clear faces on the tall sculpture and asked uncertainly, "Hall of Fame?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You are smart, ten gods. In fact, you are the ten most outstanding actors who have appeared in the app in the past forty years."

Xie Chi did not expect that the app would engage in such flashy things, and even erected sculptures for the actors, placed them in the temple, and even gave them the name of a god.

Xie Chi looked around and asked, "Is there Shen Yi?"

The old man laughed and said, "He, it's possible to boil for another two or three years."

Xie Chi was startled, and seemed to understand what he had come to understand: "You mean, all the actors here have been in the app for at least two years, and even most of them for four or five years?"

Shen Yi has been in the app for more than a year, he is already a movie king, but the old man said that Shen Yi would have to wait another two or three years before he could enter the Ten Temples, so the actors on these sculptures...

The old man showed a somewhat proud look, pointed to the surrounding sculptures and said, "Yes, everyone here is an immortal pearl in the history of film and television."

He suddenly felt a little lonely, sighed, and said: "It's just that people will always only look forward and remember the living, so only the old man who faces them day and night remembers them, and the audience from generation to generation, early Find someone else."

Xie Chi comforted: "It's human nature."

Xie Chi: "Did they leave, or... died?"

I don't know why mentioning this, the old man's face suddenly darkened, Xie Chi waited patiently, and after a long while the old man forced a smile: "Without exception, all died."

Xie Chi was startled again: "Why?"

Such an outstanding actor, without exception, all died.

The old man didn't answer, just looked at him: "Do you know what the audience is?"

"Ghost?" Xie Chi said directly.

The old man seemed surprised: "You know?"

Xie Chi only said: "I guess."

Xie Chi can more or less guess it.

The people the app serves are definitely not people. If it is a person, the app should pay him "money", a currency that circulates between people, not "points". Points can realize unimaginable wishes, which is by no means "" What human resources can achieve, the app is equivalent to a middleman, these actors should be doing transactions with another world, and the laws and energies of that world are completely different from this world, so they can be used to make these real-world actors Living people make their wishes come true.

It's not a person, it's a ghost, and it's not far from each other. It just happened to be another supernatural film.

I don't know if it's scary to watch ghost movies, it's quite novel.

Thanks Chi Yile.

The old man took another look at him with a slightly strange expression: "Since you know, it's convenient to answer your previous question."

"Why is it called the Ten Shrines? It's because..." The old man paused, seeming to settle his mood, so that he could speak calmly.

Xie Chi's heart skipped a beat twice, and in an instant he understood what he had come to understand, and his expression changed suddenly: "Are they... real gods? Or almost gods?"

The old man gave him a complicated look and nodded.

Xie Chi's heart sank, and he finally glimpsed something higher and farther.

Three months ago, when he first entered the app, he was a normal person except that he would not get sick.

But now, three months later, he has physical enhancement, strength enhancement, talent and props. Now he can kill countless of him three months ago in an instant.

And he only stayed in the app for three months.

What if someone stays for three or five years, what if someone stays for ten years or more

Can such a person still be called... a person? He used the way of entertaining ghosts in exchange for the opportunity to reach the top of the world.

After all... app rewards can be brought back to the real world, as long as certain nondisclosure agreements are followed. It's like the genetic technology of his world.

It is impossible to guarantee there will be more.

Xie Chi suddenly felt that Lu Wen's mermaid bloodline and the zombies in Yanjing World had a certain degree of explanation.

Those things that don't belong to the world itself, most likely come from the app, and are brought out by the actors in the app.

What about your own weird dreams? What should be explained

The complicated and complicated information filled his mind in an instant, and it was about to explode. Xie Chi stood there, silent.

He understood the meaning of the Ten Shrines.

Those people are the closest to God.

Some of them will even make a wish of immortality, and then they will really be completely separated from "people".

The pet organization is insignificant compared to them.

Probably because countless dazzling pearls have fallen, the app saw the ending of the pet organization early and did nothing, just waited quietly.

Xie Chi: "Then why did they fall?"

The old man seemed to be caught in a distant memory, and after a long while he said, "Because of endless desire."

"I can tell you," the old man looked at Xie Chi, "According to the statistics of the app, the ones who really fulfilled their wishes and left were mostly the lower class, because their wishes were small, they needed less points, and it was easy to achieve, and most of them did what they could. , will not be attached to this place, so they get a sense of happiness."

"And above the third tier, the higher the title and the more powerful the actor, the more reluctant they are to leave, because their desire will expand with their strength, but no matter how powerful those actors are, they will eventually encounter accidents. Today is still the top line, and tomorrow will be a corpse, not a minority, and the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and there will always be more dazzling newcomers stepping on his corpse."

"And the app also has a group of actors who have fulfilled their wishes and left, within two or three months," the old man paused and sighed, "They are back again, this time with even bigger wishes."

Xie Chi nodded and pushed others to himself. As long as Xie Xinglan was there, he knew exactly what he wanted and what he was doing.

"Stop talking about that," the old man said with a kind smile after clearing up his complicated thoughts, "I'll introduce you to these statues."

Xie Chi nodded in thanks and followed behind him.

The old man led him to the statue in the first place.

On the statue is a handsome young man, dressed in elegant clothes, with a dignified bearing, leaning against the wall, his eyes slightly closed, and he is probably dozing off. Just from the icy knife and the axe, you can glimpse a bit of his charm back then.

The old man pointed at the statue and said, "This is the one who is closest to God in the past thirty years of film history, so it ranks first."

Xie Chi looked at it with dismay: "How did he die?"

The old man was silent for a while before he said, "He was an actor at the time."

"Huh?" Xie Chi looked at him.

The old man looked at Xie Chi and said calmly, "He was framed by a conspiracy and died under the siege of the nine peaks."