Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 149: Jiang Shuo


The exclusive actor's office has changed owners, but the person standing in front of that person is still the same person.

It was a refined and restrained-looking man, tall and steady, he stood there silently like a statue, not saying a word.

"Why, he didn't kill you, but he was seriously injured by you. I can't bear it anymore? I regret it? Everyone is dead, don't be a bitch and set up a memorial archway." The person sitting in the seat where Shen Yi sat before lazily Shaking his chair, he tilted his head and sneered.

The man's Adam's apple moved slightly, his eyes were full of red blood, and he seemed to have stayed up all night: "He is my brother after all."

Jiang Shuo seemed to hear some big joke, and suddenly sat upright, leaning forward, his eyes burning: "No, only Pet is your brother."

"I don't want to live and die with him, so didn't you know his ending today?"

Li Hao was silent for a while, Jiang Shuo was right. He really has no right to lose his temper here, he is the most unworthy person.

"Shen Yi always knew that I was a pet." Li Hao closed his eyes and said with difficulty.

He lurked around Shen Yi, thinking that Shen Yi didn't know, but in the last chase, Shen Yi saw him without showing any surprise on his face. and contempt.

Jiang Shuo sneered, "I know."

Li Hao raised his eyes in shock, his blood was cold, Jiang Shuo knew that he had already been exposed, but he still let him stay by Shen Yi's side. His master, the leader of the organization, did not take him personally at all.

If Shen Yi didn't have such a big heart, he would just kill him...

Jiang Shuo took a deep look at him: "People who want to achieve great things have superfluous emotions, Shen Yi is cruel to himself, but always has ridiculous feelings for others, for Su Qing, and for you too, that is the root cause of his failure. A confident person will always lose to the trust that he has nowhere to put. It is a waste to use demigod genes on him."

Li Hao looked at Jiang Shuo, the sullen young man with a victorious attitude, calm and aloof, was analyzing the opponent's defeat and flaunting himself.

Yes, Jiang Shuo didn't believe anyone, even if his best friend Yu Yao died unexpectedly, Li Hao didn't see him feel sad for a moment.

Yu Yao did not agree with the goals of the organization. It was only for the sake of his good friend Jiang Shuo that he allowed Zi Liu to help Zhou. Jiang Shuo knew it, but he was still able to use him untouched. Even when Yu Yao died, he did not feel any sadness.

This man is selfish and ruthless to the extreme, abandoning his emotions and doing whatever he can to achieve his goals, which may be the reason for his success.

And since he was greedy for life and betrayed his brother, his current position is probably his end point, and the top line is enough. In order to live, he has done too many things that betray his heart.

Li Hao felt tired: "Jiang Shuo, Shen Yi is dead, stop it, your wish will never come true."

"You told me to stop?" Jiang Shuo almost burst into tears from laughter, and asked sternly, "Shen Yi is short-sighted and fighting against me, you also want to betray me?"

Li Hao only insisted: "There is nothing wrong with humans having inferior genes. Emotions are wonderful things, and there is no need to strip them."

Jiang Shuo sneered: "I didn't expect Yu Yao to have brainwashed you. Looking at it this way, he died very well, so as not to confuse people and disturb people's hearts."

Li Hao's heart twitched and defended: "It's not Yu Yao, it's my own idea."

"The emotion is wonderful? Then why are you sad? Why did Shen Yi fail?"

Li Hao didn't want to quarrel any more, he just raised his head and said calmly, "I won't help you any more, Jiang Shuo, you can do it yourself, kill or cut it out, listen and respect, I do regret it, you can detonate the chip and kill it. I, I am also worthy of my conscience."

"Yu Yao, you don't care, are you afraid of missing me?"

Jiang Shuo clenched his hands silently, as if trying to restrain something.

Li Hao glanced at the place where Jiang Shuo was seated exclusively for the best actor: "Come on, otherwise Shen Yi's yesterday is your tomorrow. In the history of app movies, no actor has a good end, a demigod is, Shen Yi is , you will too."

It was the last piece of advice he unilaterally gave as a friend, but he was greeted with a burst of laughter.

Li Hao shook his head secretly, it was absurd, it was absurd for him to follow a heartless person for so long.

Beneath Shen Yi's brief and humorous letterhead, there is another serious and objective comprehensive explanation stripped of emotion.

Xie Chi looked from the beginning to the end, and thoroughly figured out the ins and outs of pet.

They live in a world where artificial intelligence and computer technology are developing rapidly, but biological sciences are stagnant. Lian Shi is an aspiring scientist, young and energetic, dreaming of discovering or inventing something to advance human progress and make society leap forward.

But what life gave him was a blow to the head. After a few years of nothingness and mediocrity, Lian Shi was selected by the app because of his strong obsession and entered the world of movies.

His young life was revived, because in the past, he could only see a gray future, and could only wait helplessly, waiting for the apple that smashed Newton to hit him, he might spend his whole life waiting not.

But now, as long as he makes a wish, keeps making horror movies, and accumulates points to a certain extent, he can 100% realize his wish.

This is not a dream, this is the future that can be seen.

He first made a wish for genetic modification technology.

Lian Shi, with his high IQ and extraordinary perseverance, soared into the sky and became the top line.

The generation of the demigods is the golden generation in the history of film and television. It not only produced the unsurpassed demigods in the history of film and television, but also produced nine peaks near the gods.

Even the world is strong.

He stayed in the front line for half a year and accumulated enough points to realize his wish, but he did not leave. He felt that genetic modification technology was not enough. Although it was dangerous here, the rewards were all visible. Safe, but his dreams may come to an end.

He wasn't sure if he could isolate the best of human genes and reconstitute an unparalleled individual.

Because Lian Shi had been to the Ten Shrines, he decided to hit the demigods.

In the real world, no matter how strong the genes are, they are only human genes, and the genes of the demigods have long been extraordinary after being transformed and tempered by numerous copies. As long as he can take away a small part of the genes of the demigods, he can improve human genes and push mankind to another peak.

There are temporarily incurable diseases in the real world, as long as he has genetic technology, he can make these people no longer sick.

There are long and hopeless mental illnesses in the real world. As long as he has genetic technology, he can strip off inappropriate emotions for those who can't get out by himself, and give them a new life.

Humans, high-level primates, have a short life span of only a few decades. They can't compare to many animals. As long as they have high-quality genes, they can make humans live longer or even immortal.

He can even strip the human body of criminal genes, thereby maintaining social stability.

Lian Shi's heart beat like never before.

He finally succeeded in fulfilling two wishes and left impatiently.

He thought that what he brought back was the hope of a social leap, but he didn't expect it to be Pandora's Box.

He took away the demigod genes, but found that he lacked the demigod gene replication technology, which meant that the number of people made with demigod genes was extremely limited.

And he doesn't have the advanced technology that matches the technology he brought back.

He was too optimistic and blind, and when he returned to reality, he realized that things were not as simple as he imagined. He flew over it alone, and all aspects of society could not keep up, and his technology was useless at all.

The government even feared that such an advanced technology would seriously endanger social stability, disrupt the social status quo, and cause unnecessary turmoil.

Lian Shi came back with enthusiasm, and was thrown a basin of cold water on his head, and he was furious.

He even thought about going back to the app and wishing for the missing things one by one. He even thought desperately in the dead of night, directly wishing that the government would be destroyed and that he would become the leader himself, so that he would not be hindered in anything he did.

But in the end he was entangled in the family, he was already married and had children of his own.

And he knew that the points needed for his wish this time were huge. If he really returned to the app, he would probably not come back for six or seven years, or even die inside. The last time he left was two or three years, and the eldest son was already six or seven years old. This time, he could not abandon his wife and children no matter what.

Lian Shi decided to be a mediocre person, pretending to be an ordinary person, taking a salary, and living a life of wife and children.

Until one day, eight or nine years later, he discovered that his eldest son, who was disabled but extremely intelligent, secretly used the genetic modification technology that had become a taboo to cure his disability.

After the anger, Lian Shi acquiesced. It is conceivable that a father, sitting on the technology that can help his son, cannot use the pain on him.

In the past eight or nine years, Lian Shi must have been shaken countless times, but he held back, he was afraid that things would get out of hand, and he was afraid that his family would be implicated. His family told him to be a rat.

And his son did for him what he wanted to do but didn't do.

Lian Shi thought this was just a small episode, but he didn't expect it to be just the beginning. When he found out, everything was irreversible.

His eldest son, who was only fourteen years old, found a group of mercenary businessmen behind his back, and "used" all the treasures he had sealed.

In the beginning, he brought back some money, but it was not much. Lian Shi, who was devoted to scientific research, noticed it, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Later, he brought more and more money home, and Lian Shi probably finally realized that something was wrong. He checked the name of his eldest son through special means, only to find that he had several villas and luxury cars behind his back.

Before he knew it, he was worth hundreds of millions.

Lian Shi confronted him, but was ruthlessly accused by the eldest son.

He was accused of being ruthless, and he could easily save him, but he kept watching from the sidelines, seeing that he was ridiculed by the people around him and couldn't raise his head.

He was accused of being mediocre, incompetent and weak. He was a waste. He was indecisive and indecisive.

He was accused of abandoning his wife and children, being irresponsible, blindly optimistic, and actually foolish.

And Shen Yi is the bystander and the recorder of all this. He is Lian Shi's youngest son and has his own dreams.

The pet organization is thriving, and the world is on pins and needles. He deeply knows that he is a sinner, and he has caused countless children's tragedies, and his eldest son seems to be not satisfied with this. Not only has genetic modification technology, but also demigod genes.

The endless family drama begins.

Lian Shi probably never thought that the enthusiasm at the beginning would create such a situation.

He knew that he couldn't hide it sooner or later, so he had no choice but to call his youngest son Shen Yi. He relented and transformed the half-god gene into his body. For the extra parts, he took Shen Yi's gene, Demigod genes mixed with some superior genes, reshaped a young individual embryo, and sent him to a wealthy businessman family who bought pet pets.

It completely destroyed the demigod genes.

After doing all this, Lian Shixiang is decades older, he is ill, he can heal himself, but he doesn't.

He was tired, maybe his heart was ashes, he could not afford to be sick, and he was dying.

When he was dying, he called Shen Yi and apologized earnestly. After all, he could be said to have ruined Shen Yi's original life and led him to a dangerous road.

He solemnly begged: "If one day, your brother finds a way to enter the app, please find a way to kill him."