Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 150: Tarot


What happened after that was obvious.

Shen Yi's brother followed the source of demigod genes and genetic modification technology, and finally found a way to enter the app. He may have advanced himself, or he may have tried his best to create a group of absolutely loyal fans to join him. Go in, and Shen Yi, according to Lian Shi's last wish, took the app mobile terminal that Lian Shi left him, and directly entered the app.

Shen Yi's original surname was Lian, because he was afraid of being strangled in the cradle by potential pets in the app during the newcomer period, so he changed his face and changed his name and surname to become Shen Yi.

As for his brother, Shen Yi knew that he was in the app, but obviously, he also changed his name and face and lurked.

Shen Yi knows that there are many pets in the app, but unless there are clues exposed, in most cases, he can't tell the difference at all, because pets are very concealed, and when they are exposed, they will kill themselves or blow themselves up. He dug along a pet to the organizational network buried deep in the app, so in the past two years, in addition to accumulating a lot of points, he didn't know much about which pets were in the app.

In the letter, Shen Yi also said that his brother entered the app earlier than him, and even if the points were less than him, it would not be too much less. It is very likely that he made a wish to "suspend the title" and voluntarily stayed at a lower title. Avoid people's eyes and ears, in order to develop secretly.

And what happened now has indeed confirmed Shen Yi's conjecture.

Xie Chi opened the top ten list of apps on the left, and now the number one on the list is called Jiang Shuo.

Xie Chi has a good memory. The previous top ten list did not have this name at all.

That is to say, this actor named Jiang Shuo, from the top ten of the app, crossed the top line of the nine major peaks, and went straight to the position of the best actor.

Is this possible

The old man said before that their generation is the most declining generation of app actors and needs to be resurrected. Even so, the status of the best actor is genuine, and only actors with black films can get that position, so Jiang Shuo has black films.

But the movie in which Shen Yi died did not become a black movie. Therefore, Jiang Shuo already had black films before.

But if there is a black film, how can it be that there are no names in the top ten outside the list? He's at the top of the line at least.

He might have multiple vests to spread the points. Yuan Ye's death made him understand that wearing a vest is allowed by the app.

Shen Yi's guess was correct.

In the video, standing in the middle of the severely injured two, it was Jiang Shuo who forced Shen Yi to kill himself.

Jiang Shuo is a pet, and according to the attitude of other pets, Jiang Shuo should be the leader of the pet organization in the app, which is... Shen Yi's brother.

What he said to Shen Yi at the end was tantamount to exposing everything. In the video, Jiang Shuo said, "When you were fighting against me, did you ever think about this ending today?"

At first, maybe it was earlier.

In the end, Jiang Shuo didn't kill Shen Yi, he just forced him to kill himself. He probably also took into account the little family affection and didn't want to stain his brother's blood.

Xie Chi didn't hide it from Ren Ze and Yan Jing. They both saw the letter and were dumbfounded for a while, speechless.

Yan Jing swallowed his saliva: "Brother Xie, the one who was sent away, the one with... demigod genes... is you? Lian Shi is your grandfather, Shen Yi is your father, and Su and Su Qing are you. You little, little mom??"

Xie Chi: "Don't talk if your tongue is knotted, thank you."

Yan Jing immediately covered his mouth, and nodded as obediently as a chicken pecking at rice.

Ren Ze's critical moment is still practical: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Yes," Xie Chi asked back, "what else can I do?"

Yan Jing let go of two fingers and couldn't help but say, "Son, the son inherits the father's business?"

Xie Chi glared at him and said, "It doesn't matter what relationship Lian Shi and Shen Yi have with me, the important thing is that I can only accept it, my wish has not been fulfilled, and then Pet will definitely focus on destroying me, Shen Yi also He is very clear about this, so he just mentioned a relationship a little bit, and he didn't bother me by playing emotional cards."

"He's right, Pet won't let me go," Xie Chi lowered his eyes and sneered, "and he obviously lied."

Ren Ze's eyes widened: "What lies?"

Xie Chi said: "It is very likely that he knows that he will die. All this may be arranged by him. Even his death is in his calculations. I will accept it, and of course it is also in his planning."

Ren Ze and Yan Jing looked at each other.

Xie Chixin scolded the old fox, handed the letter to Ren Ze, and said, "The letter says that his difficulty is that he doesn't know which actors are pets, but he knows now."

Ren Ze was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized something, and exclaimed: "You mean he used himself as a bait to lure pets out, if you are lucky, you can catch them all in one go, if you are not lucky, there is you as a back-up player. ?!"

Ren Ze suddenly woke up: "Yes! If he comes out alive, the core of pet will definitely be dead. He is a movie king, and it is not easy to clean up the mess. Even if he dies, he will earn enough money. He will kill some for you and the rest. Even if you don't die, you will be exposed, and you will deal with it, and the difficulty will be greatly reduced."

Yan Jing also slapped his thigh: "Ah that video! No wonder he said, 'I am alive, you are finished, I am dead, you are finished'!"

He watched the video of Shen Yi's death several times before and after, and every line could be said to be memorized, and now he finally knew the true meaning of Shen Yi's words!

Xie Chi took out a lighter, lit the fire, lit a corner of the letter, watched the flames climb up, and said, "Do you think the actor is so easy to be a good actor? Shit."

Ren Ze always felt that he could hear a sense of pampering and sympathy from this sentence.

"Wait, don't burn!" Yan Jing, who was standing opposite Xie Chi, shouted anxiously, "There are words on the back!"

Xie Chi turned the paper around, and when he saw the words, his face turned black.

"If you successfully fulfill my wish, can you help me revive it again? Movie Emperor Chi? I'm a little bit reluctant to bear your little mother."

Ren Ze: "...I don't think he's dead at all."

Yan Jing nodded in agreement.

Xie Chi calmly stuffed a third of the burnt letter into the water, put out the fire, and then pulled it out to dry on the balcony.

Yan Jing was dumbfounded: "No, no burning?"

Xie Chi: "If there is a chance in the future, let Su Qing see the sincere confession of this dog man."

After inheriting Shen Yi's points, Xie Chi laughed angrily.

If it was just guesswork before, Shen Yi's score would completely confirm his guess—Shen Yi was lying, even he was counted.

Ninety-five thousand points.

The old man clearly told him before that he was short of 6,000 points to reach 100,000 points, but the actual number was 5,000, and he didn't believe that the transfer of points and props did not require any handling fee, even if he was a movie star, he had the privilege, and an app that only wanted to profit would not. Possibly for free.

Therefore, Shen Yi was probably only 2,000 points away, or even less.

He deliberately talked more, to ease his emotions and make him think that the situation was not that serious.

In fact, the war is imminent.

More to say, if there is a pet lurking around him, he can also report fake news through his mouth, and let the other party use the wrong combat power to deal with him.

So in fact, Shen Yi sent Su Qing away so urgently at that time, because he knew that the situation was imminent, and he couldn't wait for a moment, but he didn't say it, only to make others think it was not a big problem.

And in the movie where Shen Yi died, there were only three endings, and Shen Yi didn't lose any of them.

The best thing is that he managed to accumulate 100,000 and completely destroy the pet organization. The second is that he comes back alive and annihilates the rest of the party. The worst is the current situation - Shen Yi is dead, and he will do the rest.

The last one was the most likely, so he arranged everything in advance.

Xie Chi clicked on the long-lost wish interface, and under the wish of "let Xie Xinglan get the body", he made another wish to "let the pet organization be completely destroyed".

The app loads for a while and gives the wish value - 10w.

Xie Chi was obviously relieved. Fortunately, Shen Yi didn't lie to him about this. Otherwise, he made a wish of 150,000 or 200,000 without knowing it, which would be equivalent to paying himself here.

He's a bit of a measure, and he knows what to lie and what not to.

In the app, points are the wish distribution system. If there is a single wish, the points obtained will be directly injected into the wish. If there are multiple wishes, the points will be allocated to each wish by the actor, so before Xie Chi The points that have been injected into his own wishes cannot be used to blend into Shen Yi's wishes, and correspondingly, Shen Yi's points cannot be used to blend into his own wishes.

He just inherits, not completely owns and redistributes.

Xie Chi counted into Shen Yi's props backpack, looked at the three rows of neat props inside, and his mood instantly improved.

Shen Yi has a total of six red props, ten orange props, only three purple ones, and almost none further down.

The highest quality in the app is the red props, and there are no black props.

Xie Chi took out all the props and placed them on the ground like a stall. Ren Ze and Yan Jing were stunned, and Yan Jing let out a "wow" like never before.

Xie Chi knew his needs and did not hesitate in choosing.

Since Shen Yi is 5,000 points away, and he is a little over 1,000 points away, then the sum is in the early 6,000 points. Then he can only hope to get it done in one go if it is a horror movie whose initial quality is red. If it is divided into two, His danger will increase, which is undoubtedly giving the enemy one more chance.

Xie Chi thought very clearly.

He looked up at Yan Jing: "You said before that there are suitable horror movies?"

Yan Jing was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "A film with an orange peak, a film with a red mid-level, the film will be updated every two weeks, and these two films are suitable for the last two weeks."

"What theme is red?" Xie Chi asked.

He needs to choose props according to the movie situation.

Yan Jing: "I only know that it is related to Tarot, and I haven't disclosed anything else."

Yan Jing is also very distressed. The app is like this. The higher the quality of the movie, the less it is revealed.

Xie Chi frowned slightly: "Tarot cards?"

"Yes," Yan Jing thought for a while and said, "Do you still remember the props Yi Hesong used to kill you in the movie you just came back from?"

Xie Chi recalled: "Death?"

He remembered that after Yi Hesong trapped him in the silkworm chrysalis, he took out a tarot card and summoned a skeleton death god on horseback.

Yan Jing: "Yes! This red film is in the same series as the one before Yi Hesong!"

Xie Chi nodded, so it was.

Yan Jing: "Yi Hesong's movie is called "Tarot Death", and it mainly talks about the card 'Death' in the tarot cards. It's a new red film. I don't even know the name yet..."

Yan Jing smiled bitterly: "So you should be cautious, the initial is the red intermediate..."

Xie Chi asked directly, "When will filming start?"

"Four days later—huh?" Yan Jing said the time, suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "Xie Chi! They... they have... have... "

Xie Chi raised his head and said for him in a flat tone: "Is it a cooling off period?"

Yan Jing: "Yes! How could I forget that Jiang Shuo and the others have a cooling-off period. They just came back, so they can't enter the next dungeon immediately! Then, Brother Xie, as long as you save 5,000 points in the next dungeon, they will die. It's gone!"

Yan Jing was instantly inspired and thought of a bright future, but Xie Chi poured cold water on him: "They can make a wish and shorten the cooling down period."

Ren Ze was stunned: "Then why didn't Shen Yi do this? If he shortened it, wouldn't he be able to shoot faster?"

Xie Chi smiled: "Because you need points, let me ask you, if you need 5,000 points to shorten the cooling-off period, would you like to? Shen Yi's purpose is to accumulate points, he will definitely not be willing, but Jiang Shuo is willing, because he wants to First protect the organization, after the organization is secured, the points can be saved again, the goals are different, and the ideas are different.”

Xie Chi figured it out. Ordinary actors should not be able to do something related to the app or harm the wishes of other actors, such as shortening their cooling-off period, but the best actor can definitely, and the actor has privileges, so so many people want to climb that position. The nine peaks and the first-line cooperation to surround and kill the demigods are probably also due to the need for some kind of privilege.

Privilege is crazy.

Yan Jingjing is sober, so if the opponent is smart, Xie Chi will most likely meet Jiang Shuo in the next dungeon.

"I understand." Yan Jing said.

Xie Chi: "Just report it to me directly."

Ren Ze was startled, thought for a while, and swallowed the words of exhortation. No need, now is not the time to slow down the map, Xie Chi's difference is time.

After confirming the upcoming movie, Xie Chi began to pick weapons.

Xie Xinglan lacked a handy weapon, and secondly, he would definitely bring the new red props blank paper, and the last one, he would either bring a ring of invincible immunity, or pick and choose from Shen Yi.

Xie Chi used to think that Shen Yi was standing very high, but in fact, he didn't need his help much anymore. Although he still had a gap with him, it was not completely irreparable. If Shen Yi didn't die, he would even Can do horror movies with him.

"Brother, come out and have a look, do you feel better?" Xie Chi said in his mind.

The props belonged to Shen Yi. Although he inherited it, the effect would definitely be greatly reduced. After all, these high-level props are directly bound to the master, and they are also tailor-made according to the needs of the actors in horror movies. The most used ones must be Shen Yi, Xie Chi only hoped that he could use it with ease, so as not to hinder him, otherwise he might as well bring his own props.

Xie Chi had a headache. He had just touched it, but there were already several items that were at odds with him. They completely rejected him and could not be used by him. The most typical example was the blood sword, a red item used by Shen Yi before his death. .

"Let me see."

The purple props were not considered, the main thing was to choose between red and orange. Xie Xinglan squatted down, looking from the red, just as he reached the end, the blood sword trembled violently. With a sound, the body of the sword was bright red, and on the snow-white blade, a red mist like a goldfish was swimming rapidly.

Xie Xinglan frowned slightly, walked over, and tentatively reached out and touched it, the sword immediately shrank back and ran away, apparently not allowed to touch it.

"No." Xie Xinglan said with Xie Chi.

He didn't miss it too much. He walked directly to the next red prop, and was about to turn on his phone to understand the purpose of this prop, when the previous sword began to glow and vibrate again.

Xie Xinglan had to tilt his head and look at it again.

Xie Chi was incredulous: "...Is it willing or unwilling?"

Why did he see hard-to-find on a sword.

"Ghost knows," Xie Xinglan looked at it, thought for a moment, and said uncertainly, "I used you to cut them down for your master?"

The sword was stunned for a while, and then flew to Xie Xinglan's hand, rubbing his little finger to show intimacy.

Xie Xinglan glanced at the introduction about the sword on the phone:

The Sword of Gorefiend, from the horror film Gorefiend. Plot synopsis of the horror movie "Gorefiend": According to legend, Gorefiends can increase their strength and delay aging by sucking human blood and evil thoughts. Of course, their stunt is a stand-in. They can exchange souls with young humans, occupy the nest of magpies, and live forever. Not old.

In the sword of Gorefiend, a minor Gorefiend is sealed. He is unwilling to steal other people's lives with peace of mind like his parents, leaving old age and death to others, and youthful presumptuousness to himself, so he destroyed his own body, Seal yourself in this sword forever.

It turned out to be a child, and a kind child. It was estimated that he had a good relationship with Shen Yi, so he wanted to avenge him wholeheartedly, and he had to promise from the next owner.

Xie Xinglan continued to look down.

The Sword of Gorefiend has the same habits as Gorefiend. It likes a gloomy and dark environment. It can absorb the evil forces around it and transform it into its own power. It has a high level of intelligence and can be driven to do some things.

Xie Chi knew, no wonder Shen Yi brought this prop when he went to the horror film "Tombstone Forest". The Tombstone Forest was dark, damp, eerie and secluded, which was in line with the habits of this sword and allowed it to function to the greatest extent.

I just don't know if his next movie fits well with this prop. At present, the information is limited, so we can only try to choose the ones that are convenient.

After deciding to bring Shen Yiyang's Gorefiend child, Xie Chi looked at it again, and his eyes finally fell on a red primary item. It was not of high quality, but it was very interesting.

Its name is the function, it is called "rebound", it is a plain transparent glass, but the effect is very powerful - it can rebound an opponent's attack damage.

It is a 2.0 version of the Holy Light Ring. His ring only has immunity. This item is immune and rebound. It can only rebound once, but it can also achieve unexpected effects at certain times, such as... When he was a rookie.

Shen Yi can't use this thing, he has strengthened his high endurance and high output, so he can't rely on this thing.

He is necessary.

After all, he was artificially encouraged by people, and his quality in all aspects has not yet reached that level.

Ren Ze scanned the introduction of the glasses and props, and seemed to know what he was thinking. He said sympathetically, "Xie Chi, you are always being driven by ducks on the shelves, have you noticed?"

After Xie Chi finished picking them, he took them back one by one, and said faintly: "Shen Yi is a normal growth seedling. In my words, at first glance, it seems that he is only a little shorter than him, but it was actually made by my neck being long and hard. high."

Ren Ze: "..."