Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 153: Tarot games (3)


Xie Chi was about to step forward, and Gu Yu, who was closest to the feather, had bent down to pick it up, and naturally handed the feather to Jiang Shuo. Jiang Shuo didn't mean to share with other actors, he just whispered with Gu Yu.

The other actors were also a little resentful about Gu Yu's selfish behavior, but they all dared not speak out.

Xie Chi glanced at it briefly before, it was a red feather, not too long, very soft and velvety.

Ye Xiaoxiao thought of the huge movement made by an unknown object before, and said softly: "Is it the ibis' hair?"

Xie Chi: "It should be."

They can now be sure that the star card is now in control of the timing, and on the only tree in the star card, a red-haired bird is resting, which is the ibis.

The crested ibis, to put it bluntly, is a crested ibis, a protected animal. It has a long beak, a phoenix crown, and its feathers are white and red, and its body is slender and elegant. Of course, in the tarot cards, the ibis has a different meaning.

The patron saint of time in ancient Egypt was called Thoth. According to unreliable information, Thoth’s body was an ibis. Thoth is the guardian of the Akashic Record, the legendary book of life in the universe.

Ren Ze was a little dizzy: "What is this trying to imply?"

Xie Chi frowned: "Let it go first."

He looked at Jiang Shuo, Jiang Shuo's face was tense, and he obviously found nothing.

The group followed the path to the castle, and a person dressed as a maid came out to greet them.

The maid was dressed in a black robe, which was made of unknown velvet. It draped very well and looked very warm. Except for the extreme black, there is no other decorative color on her body, which makes her look a little solemn and ominous.

"Hello, how did we get here..." Gu Yu asked according to the initial settings of the character and story, pretending to be surprised.

The maid opened her mouth, but did not make any sound. Everyone thought she was dumb, but after a closer look, they found that the maid had no tongue in her mouth!

Her tongue was uprooted very cleanly, and there was no residue left, and her mouth was empty and moist, like a dark bottomless pit.

Ren Ze whispered: "How do you eat..."

People can chew and swallow food, not only thanks to the teeth, but also the tongue plays an important role. Without the tongue, eating is a big problem.

Xie Chi was silent, obviously thinking about this too.

Tongue out, don't you want them to learn something from the maid's mouth

Xie Chi raised his head and stared at the nearby castle.

At the moment, things may be a bit complicated.

The maid's eyes were empty and numb, and she ignored the crowd, but took out the dark keychain from her pocket and unlocked the gate outside the castle.

After everyone entered, she directly locked the fence door, and then put the key into her mouth in the shocked eyes of everyone.

Her throat rolled twice.

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, Xie Chi could even hear the crisp sound of the key falling into her stomach and hitting the wall of the capsule.

Several cannon fodder scalps go numb.

Ren Ze felt a chill in his heart and secretly asked, is this still human

The fence behind him was two meters high. It was pitch black and as sharp as a sword. It didn't have any focus. Once the door was locked, it would be impossible for ordinary people to escape.

That is to say, they will spend the next seven nights in this terrifying castle.

The maid did not let them enter the main entrance of the castle at the first time, but took them around the castle for a small half circle and came to the side entrance of the castle.

Xie Chi took the opportunity to look at the castle. The old castle is no different from the one on the poster, except that he was seen from a distance before, but now he is seen from a distance.

Xie Chi found that there were residual burnt traces on several places on the walls of the castle, which were especially obvious on the top of the castle. The ball on the top of the castle's spire is similar to the white ball on the top of Santa's hat, but now it is charred black.

The castle doesn't know what happened.

Having reached the destination, Xie Chi immediately returned to his senses.

There are three people in the same costume as the maid in front of them feeding a few crows. They are male and female, and they should be the servants of this castle.

"So the crows outside the forest are also fed here?"

Ye Xiaoxiao asked, but Xie Chi said nonsensically after a while, "It's delicious."

Ye Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at him, her face full of doubts: "What?"

Xie Chi said nothing, and only pointed to the dozen or so palm-sized golden bottles held in the arms of the three servants.

Without tweezers, the servants used the slender tongs of lobsters in the Black Forest to pick out a piece of meat from the extravagant narrow-mouthed gold bottle.

The meat was cut really thin, there was no wind, and it was shaking and trembling naturally, and the crows were tempted to jump up to eat.

Those servants moved their lips, as if they wanted to say something to the crows, and there was no tongue in their mouths.

Xie Chi said in his heart. Sure enough, someone pulled out the tongues of all the servants.

He got closer and saw the meat that was caught.

It was raw meat, but it didn't have the clear texture of ordinary meat. It was rotten, like the skin that had been rubbed hard on the gravel-covered ground, and the flesh had split open and the meat turned over. color.

"What meat?" Ren Ze came up.

Xie Chi shook his head and said the truth: "I can't see it."

Xie Chi covered his nose with his hands. After his body was continuously strengthened, his sense of smell improved a lot. The meat seemed to have a rotten smell.

The servants are very particular about feeding them. A crow only eats the meat in a golden bottle, and never eats it. If a crow is disobedient and wants to snatch the meat that does not belong to it, the servants will use it to prepare it early in the morning. Good to drive them away with a stick made of straw.

Xie Chi counted, there are countless crows outside the castle, and there are only eleven crows in the castle, and there are small red marks on the dark claws.

Xie Chi tilted his head and asked, "The crow outside, did you notice the mark on it?"

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao were trying their best to recall, when the mature woman not far from him cast her gaze here and answered directly for him, "No."

Xie Chi glanced at her unexpectedly, nodded slightly and said, "Thanks."

The woman seems reluctant to talk to her, and she cherishes her words like gold: "It's a lot of work."

Xie Chi was thoughtful.

So these eleven crows are carefully raised by humans, and the ones outside are wild.

Eleven crows, and they happen to be eleven.

The moment all the crows finished eating the meat, the thick side door of the castle opened with a creak.

Several servants came out from the inside, and at the same time the servants feeding the crows in the yard also stood up and joined the queue of servants. They lined up and stood at the side door together, bowing respectfully to everyone, as if to welcome their arrival.

Xie Chi counted again, and they happened to be eleven.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

Eleven servants lined up and walked towards the crow in the yard. In order, they each bent down and picked up a crow.

Those crows have been raised by people and are not afraid of people. When they are caught in their hands, they are very cooperative, and they don't even have the idea of struggling.

After a while, the eleven servants were all holding a crow in their hands.

Ren Ze was confused and couldn't help muttering, "What is this doing?"

This piece of babble made him feel a little nervous. To be honest, he still didn't understand it.

Those servants holding crows were filmed again according to the original queue, lined up in a horizontal row, standing in front of the actors.

The maid at the head, the one who swallowed the key before, walked out of the queue, took out a piece of paper from her pocket, held the piece of paper, and walked straight to Jiang Shuo.

There was a strange feeling in Xie Chi's heart. The maid seemed to know who they were

The maid over there handed the paper to Jiang Shuo.

Jiang Shuo looked at it, raised his head and said, "You all come here."

The crowd gathered around, and Jiang Shuo circulated the paper to the crowd.

On the paper is written - "To welcome you, please enjoy the crow show. Please line up, each standing opposite a servant, with their hands spread out and hanging in the air. After the crow show, we will greet you formally Enter the castle."

Xie Chi didn't see any tricks at the moment anyway, so he did so decisively, picking a spot and occupying it.

Everyone followed suit, and the eleven actors quickly lined up and stood face to face with the eleven servants.

"The crow performance, isn't that bad enough?" Ren Ze pouted.

Xie Chi: " don't have to say a few words."

As soon as the servant on the opposite side loosened his hand, the crow began to dance.

They are like geese, sometimes in groups of three or five, sometimes one in isolation, now two kiss me, and now two pucker their mouths and fight.

Xie Chi's mouth twitched.

This was probably the creepiest animal show he had ever seen.

[hahahaha funny]

[Although it may have some special meaning, it is stupid and cute]

After the crows finished jumping, they did not return to the hands of the servants. Instead, they flew to the actors and landed on the hands of the actors at random. After a while, a crow stopped on each actor's hand.

Ren Ze was on the side, Xie Chi paid special attention, the mark on the leg of the crow on Ren Ze's hand was no different from the one on his own.

Xie Chi met the crow's black eyes and felt a little uncomfortable.

After the crow's performance, the servants stepped aside and welcomed everyone into the castle.

The door behind him was closed tightly, and everyone's eyes fell on the huge disc in the center of the castle hall.

That thing was too big and too conspicuous.

Ye Xiaoxiao was a little nervous: "It's the wheel of fortune."

This roulette wheel is very iconic. Among the 22 major arcana cards in the Tarot, only the "Wheel of Fortune" card fits.

The actors seem to have thought of this, with different expressions.

The maid and the other servants who were headed up behind them gestured. The other servants understood and went down to work. The maid herself came over to the disc and waved to the crowd. The crowd immediately passed over, and only then did they see the disc clearly.

It was a perfectly round disc, made of wood, with a smooth and smooth surface. Some symbols and arrows were drawn with ink on it. On the left of the disc was a lifelike snake, and on the right was a strange creature with a human face and a dog’s head. There is also a sphinx sitting.

Not far from its upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right corners, there are yellow stone sculptures, which are some animals.

The maid took out the paper she was carrying, and wrote quickly on it. After a few minutes, she handed the paper to Jiang Shuo.

Jiang Shuo knew what she meant, so he was impatient to pass on the words, and shoved the paper directly into Gu Yu's hand.

Gu Yu glanced at it and read out the contents of the paper aloud: "What we promised will definitely come true, as long as you can successfully complete the game. The game has already started, I will first introduce some of the rules of the game, and then take you to see us. the master."

Xie Chi pursed his lower lip without a trace.

What the maids said was not "the game starts after the introduction", but "the game has started, now it's up to me to introduce the rules", so the game has actually started when they don't know anything about the rules.

He didn't know which node started, maybe it was where the weird crow danced just now

And she said "introducing some of the rules" rather than "all the rules", that is, they will play the game without sufficient information

Xie Chi was worried.

Gu Yu continued to read: "First, the castle has no day, only eternal night, but the night is divided into two different astronomical phenomena, 'stars' and 'moon'. You can roughly understand that 'stars' are daytime,' The moon' is night."

"When the 'moon' appears, there is a high probability that something bad will happen in the castle. Of course, when the 'star' appears, you are not completely safe. Please be aware of this."

Everyone's expressions tightened, and they pricked up their ears and listened.

Gu Yu said: "Second, the game time is seven nights, and the game results will only be released on the seventh night of the game. During this period, you must not leave the castle for half a step, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

Actors know that "at your own risk" mostly means "death."

Gu Yu: "Third, don't enter any room with a lock on the door without authorization, otherwise we will not be responsible for what happens."

"Fourth, whether the 'star' or the 'moon' dominates the sky is determined by the 'Wheel of Fortune'. Every six hours, you send someone to come to the 'Wheel of Fortune' to turn the wheel of fortune, the arrow of the wheel of fortune. Stop on the left half with the snake, it is the dangerous 'moon', and on the right half with Anubis, it is the safe 'star'."

Xie Chi frowned.

So the so-called seven nights does not exclude the 7x12, 84 hours after the day, but refers to... Seven opportunities to turn the wheel of fortune, once every six hours, so the exact game time is 6x7, 42 hours, less than two days.

Everyone obviously realized this, and looked a little nervous.

The shorter the time, the faster the rhythm, the denser the danger, and the shorter the time left for them to sort out the clues and find their way out. They were too happy before, but they didn't expect that the seven nights were actually like this.

Gu Yu estimated that he was also chewing on the meaning revealed on the paper. After a while, he continued: "In addition to delineating the celestial phenomenon, the Wheel of Fortune may also give guidance. Please explore this point by yourself."

Regarding the Wheel of Fortune, Xie Chi checked the details before.

Wheel of Fortune This card is named after fate, and its meaning is self-evident. The wheel of fortune never stops turning, and things may get better or worse, but change is certain, and things cannot stop.

On the left side of the wheel of fortune, a snake is drawn. This snake represents Set. Set is the god of darkness in Egyptian legends, representing disputes, decay, and death. It constantly tries to reduce the order of the universe and make everything change. Terrible mess.

So turning to the side with the snake represents the dangerous "moon", which is actually more reasonable.

Correspondingly, the other side represented by "stars", the monster with the face of a dog and a human body, is the Anubis in the mouth of the maid. It's ugly, but a good symbol. In Egyptian legends, Anubis is the mentor of dead souls and the beginning of new life. Anubis provides shelter and can help people move from death to new life and find new opportunities from change.

Anubis represents vitality, new life and opportunity.

So in the game, it corresponds to the safe "stars".

So far, the rules are reasonable.

Gu Yu read the last line: "Now I will take you to check in, and then take you to see our master. The first night is 'Xingchen' by default. After six hours, you will send someone to turn the wheel of fortune. If people come down, we will carry out the matter.”