Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 154: Tarot games (4)


After listening to the rules, everyone's faces became very solemn.

From the beginning of the film to the present, there has been so much information that they can't tell which of the so much information given is valid information, or whether they are all valid information.

They are currently extremely passive and can only take a step by step.

The maid in black used a gesture to ask everyone if they knew the rules. After getting a positive answer from everyone, she did not directly take everyone to see the owner of the castle as she said, but made a "wait" gesture to everyone and walked towards A table not far away.

A maid in black was waiting for her at the dining table.

The maid at the dining table had snow-like skin, black and shiny hair, and deep and charming features. She should be the most outstanding-looking of all the servants. The servant standing opposite her, standing on the top of her head, was bleak. .

Because of her outstanding appearance, Xie Chi had a little impression of this maid. She was not among the three servants who fed the crows before, but came out with the other servants when the castle door opened.

When the crow was performing, she stood behind the maid who led them, which was the second one. If Xie Chi remembered correctly, the crow in her hand should have flown to the female cannon fodder.

People are waiting.

After the maid who led the way and the beautiful maid made a few simple gestures, the beautiful maid left.

Jiang Shuo stared at it for a while, his eyes flickered, and his eyes darkened.

The maid who led the way came back and led them upstairs to meet the master.

The crowd followed behind the maid.

The castle they are in has a huge interior space, pale walls and stone floors. It may be decorated with retro decoration, or the castle itself is old, and everything inside the castle has a sense of age. There are no fluorescent lamps in the castle, only wall lamps and rake-like three-pronged candle lamps, and the brightness is worrying. The color of the castle is reddish and black, and the furniture and carpets are similar colors, giving people a very heavy and dull feeling.

Xie Chi paid attention all the way and found that the castle has many identical rooms, but none of the doors are locked.

The maid mentioned before, do not enter any room with a lock on the door without authorization, that is to say, such a room must exist, but it is probably not on the floor where they are now. After that, he is going to visit the location freely.

Xie Chi never liked to follow the rules, but he also didn't want to blindly break the rules. He didn't need to go in, but it was necessary to know where he was.

Xie Chi lowered his head and thought, Jiang Shuo in front of him was communicating with the maid by gesture.

Ren Ze stared at it for a while, and whispered beside Xie Chi, "Does Jiang Shuo know sign language?"

Xie Chi glanced: "Should."

"Do you understand?" Ren Ze was a little worried that Jiang Shuo had obtained information first when they knew nothing.

Xie Chi simply shook his head: "I don't know."

Ren Ze felt a little restless and anxious, Xie Chi said, "But I know what he probably asked."

Ren Ze was stunned for a moment.

Xie Chi said: "The maid can never tell the key information, so he can only ask the beautiful maid who appeared just now. If he understands sign language, he will naturally know what the two maids exchanged in sign language before. He may have noticed something strange, so he will ask the maid's identity."

Ren Ze's expression tightened: "What did he find?"

Xie Chi smiled: "How do I know?"

It was only then that Ren Ze remembered that Xie Chi couldn't read minds, so he couldn't help but be embarrassed. He always regarded Xie Chi as omnipotent.

They came to the door of a luxurious and ancient room.

The maid knocked on the door respectfully, then pushed it open and led the crowd in.

The decoration in the room was the same as the rest of the castle, except that there was a terrifying bed in the center of the room.

It was a pitch-black bed, but the quilt was bright red as blood. It was large and wide, surrounded by a sharp fence that could stab people to death. separated from the person, and no one can approach the person who touches the bed.

Several cannon fodder looked slightly nervous.

The servant led them to the side of the bed, and the old woman lying peacefully on the bed came into view.

The legs of the old lady were stretched out straight, her hands drooping naturally, placed on both sides of her body, her head was not leaning, it was straight and straight, in the center of the two shoulders. She slept as rigidly as a stick.

Her face was wrinkled like tree bark, she looked very old, she was estimated to be in her 70s or 80s, her whole body was shrunken, and the bed was huge, making her even smaller.

Her aquiline nose, skinny facial contours, high cheekbones, and deeply sunken eye sockets made her look terrifying.

Ren Ze: "Alive or dead?"

Just as Xie Chi was about to speak, the phone that he had been holding in his hand suddenly trembled, and he almost didn't hold it and let it slide out.

Ren Ze got close, saw Xie Chi's phone shaking, thought it was because the app had new instructions, opened his phone and glanced at it, but the bulletin board was empty, and he was full of doubts.

Xie Chi also checked his notice board and didn't see the notice. He was a little puzzled. The phone shook again. Xie Chi was stunned for two seconds. He seemed to remember something and opened his backpack.

Ren Ze behind Xie Chi saw that the Gorefiend Sword in Xie Chi's backpack was shaking slightly.

In the grid of the backpack, the Gorefiend Sword was only the size of a fingernail, but when it was seen by the owner, it instantly radiated a dazzling red light.

Xie Chi reacted very quickly, and before others noticed, he quietly buckled the phone screen in his palm.

"What's the matter?" Ren Ze also realized that something was wrong, and asked with concern in his eyes.

Xie Chi looked different, and his voice was almost inaudible: "Tell me later."

He stuffed the phone back into his pocket as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Shuo cast a glance at Xie Chi, and frowned secretly. His perception was very keen. At that moment, he seemed to feel a little familiar aura.

Xie Chi met his gaze, expressionless.

Jiang Shuo withdrew his gaze and continued to gesture with the maid in front of him.

After learning that Jiang Shuo knew how to gesture, the maid stopped writing, but communicated with Jiang Shuo, who then communicated to everyone.

After the maid explained, Jiang Shuo said a little impatiently: "She said that her master is seriously ill and can't receive you. When you see each other, you are all polite, and now you can go out, her master needs to rest. You can find a room you like to live in, but please be careful not to choose a room with a locked door. Also, after the room is selected, you can't scramble for replacements, otherwise it will be regarded as a game violation."

Xie Chi frowned when he heard the final rule.

Can't change rooms, kinda weird.

Just as everyone turned around and was about to go out, the old lady on the bed opened her eyes without warning. Her fingers twisted, and then her arms lifted up and slapped the edge of the bed frantically.

Everyone looked at each other, Xie Chi's heart flickered slightly, and together with the disturbed servant, he rushed to the bed.

The servant hurriedly unlocked the lock on the iron fence beside the bed with a pitch-black key, then went over to press the old lady, and more and more servants rushed up to hear the movement, including the beautiful maid.

After the actors reacted, they rushed over to take advantage of the chaos. The old woman was held down, unable to move at all, her goose-skinned eyelids blinked wildly, and she rolled her eyes like she was struggling. Xie Chi was the closest, her old The thin hand actually broke free from the pressing hands of the servants and grabbed Xie Chi's wrist.

She seemed to remember, but she couldn't get up because of her serious illness. She lifted the back of her head a little, and then immediately fell back to the pillow. Her cloudy eyes stared at him, and the strength of her hands increased. No matter how the servant pulled, she would pull hold on to him.

Xie Chi seemed to understand her actions and said solemnly, "What do you want to instruct or tell me?"

The old woman's eyes lit up, she nodded with difficulty, her lips moved, and she babbled for a long time, but not a single broken word could be squeezed out.

She was held down smoothly by the servant, her arms straightened and her legs together.

The old woman fell asleep again, as if nothing had happened just now.

The servants breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely.

Gu Yu walked up to Jiang Shuo, his eyes darkened, and his voice was very low: "Diao slaves hinder the master? The master of the ancient castle is seriously ill, so the servants made their own decisions and plotted this tarot game, thinking of getting or robbing him?"

It is not surprising that Gu Yu has such a guess. The behavior of the servants is really rude and inhumane, as if the person lying on the bed is not their master, but a certain animal.

Moreover, the old woman held Xie Chi's hand before, clearly eager to tell him something, but was stopped in time by the servant and didn't say anything.

Jiang Shuo thought thoughtfully, "Maybe."

The dumb servants drove them out as if they were chasing people, because the room was occupied according to their own preferences, and the actors dispersed on their own.

Here, Gu Yu followed behind Jiang Shuo. Seeing that there was no one around, he asked in a low voice, "What did the two maids exchanged before?"

Gu Yu knew that Jiang Shuo knew sign language. Jiang Shuo stayed in the app long enough, and he had a lot of time to learn these small skills that were useful for dungeons.

At first, when Jiang Shuo saw the maid gesturing, he just pretended not to understand, but Gu Yu knew that this was to let them reveal information without their knowledge.

Jiang Shuo only said, "The maid who led us on the way reported our news to the beautiful maid and called her... 'Master'."

He sneered.

Gu Yu narrowed his eyes. He was always alert, and he figured out the possible ins and outs in an instant—the servants headed by the beautiful maid decided to get rid of the restraint and become the master while the master was seriously ill.

Although the old woman is pitiful, judging from the previous clues, she is by no means a good thing. She cut off the tongues of the servants, how cruel and tyrannical.

Gu Yu didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and his eyebrows stretched.

Jiang Shuo sternly said, "There's no need to be happy, you know it's useless, it won't help us play games."

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment, and instantly sobered up. Jiang Shuo is right, do you know the grievances and grievances in the ancient castle, they all have to play tarot games, even if the information they have obtained now is true, it is like a tasteless existence. Can't really help them.

[The actor is a bit high-level, his mind is very clear, but he is a little cold-blooded and sullen, making people uncomfortable]

[With few brushes, can you get to this position? ]

[Xie Chi wants to cool down hehehe]

[This book is so complicated]

[What was that red light on Xie Chi's phone just now? curious]

Xie Chi, Ren Ze, and Ye Xiaoxiao came out of the room, not in a hurry to explain the previous problem with the Gorefiend Sword, he whispered: "I checked, there are three floors in the old castle, please, let's go shopping alone. On the first floor, look for the locked room."

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze nodded immediately.

After the allocation, Xie Chi went to the top floor.

The old lady's room was in the center of the second floor. After Xie Chi went to the third floor, he called Xie Xinglan to come out and hurriedly searched.

The ancient castle is a circle, so the corridors are all curved. He circled around the third floor, and finally returned to the original point, just convenient to go downstairs to meet.

Xie Xinglan quickly passed through the identical rooms and stopped suddenly.

The doors of the three adjoining rooms in front of them were locked.

Here, found.

Xie Xinglan: "Am I going down?"

Just as Xie Chi was about to speak, he saw Gu Yu coming from the other end, and his heart was haunted.

They must be thinking the same way.

Xie Chi ignored him and whispered, "We're done shopping."

"it is good."

When Xie Xinglan and Gu Yu passed by, he heard Gu Yu sneer.

Xie Xinglan paused, tilted his head and said, "The dog is good at learning."

Gu Yu's face was a little ugly.

Xie Xinglan stopped paying attention to him and continued to walk forward.

Xie Chi is not afraid of Gu Yu, he was able to kill Yu Yao with Sancheng before, not to mention Sanhong now. He was just afraid of Jiang Shuo.

Xie Xinglan stopped in front of a room that had apparently been on fire.

The door of the room was not locked. He pushed the door and went in. Although the room had been cleaned and all the furniture was replaced, the traces of the fire were still evident. On the pale walls, there were light lingering black coke marks. , on the stone floor, and on one wall there is even a huge crack like a lightning bolt.

Inspiration flashed through Xie Chi's mind, and he said a few words to Xie Xinglan, suddenly thought of something, frowned for a few seconds, and made up his mind: "Brother, let's go back, don't go downstairs to meet, we live in the three Next to the locked room, go to occupy the space first, and then call Ren Ze and the others to come up."

Xie Xinglan understood what he meant, and went back to the three locked rooms. He chose the one on the left of the three rooms. Just as he was about to push the door in, he saw Jiang Shuo and Gu Yu walking straight over in exchange. Go to the door on the right.

Seeing Xie Xinglan appearing from the other corner of the curved corridor, Jiang Shuo's voice suddenly disappeared, and he looked at Xie Xinglan without a trace of warmth.

"What a coincidence." Xie Xinglan said lightly.

They are all rushing to the building near the water to live here, and they know each other well, and there is no need to say anything.

Jiang Shuo looked at him coldly.

Xie Xinglan ignored him, walked directly to the left, and sent a message to Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao.

[Fuck, why do you live here? If there are ghosts in these three houses, wouldn't they be the first to die? ]

[Ah, scary]

Ren Ze came up first, and he was still thinking about the abnormal shaking of Xie Chi's mobile phone before.

Because it was close to Jiang Shuo and the others, Xie Chi was afraid that the partition would have ears, so he directly used the app to chat with Ren Ze.

Ren Ze: What happened to the Sword of Gorefiend

Xie Chi: It can perceive evil.

Ren Ze: Huh

Ren Ze raised his head and glanced at Xie Chi. He knew what was going on with the sword, which contained a blood demon that feeds on evil. The dark, humid and secluded environment can stimulate its combat effectiveness.

Xie Chi replied: The sword of the Gorefiend, the more evil it is around, the more red light it will flourish, because it can absorb evil and transform it into its own ability.

Ren Ze was obviously stunned, then suddenly realized something, and quickly replied: Are you saying that the old woman is evil? ? So evil that the Gorefiend sword trembled in his backpack