Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 156: Tarot games (6)


Tarot wizard.

As soon as these four words came out, everyone present was shocked.

If it is a Tarot wizard, then everything they have seen and heard after entering the copy has an explanation - it is the "greatest Tarot wizard" in the mouth of the maid who created everything here.

She can truly reproduce the contents of the tarot cards.

Wizard is actually a neutral word, or even a compliment word in some respects. Tarot is originally witchcraft, but witchcraft does not mean witchcraft, but the meaning of divination and spirituality. Divination can help people seek benefits and avoid them. Harm, every misfortune turns into auspicious.

But obviously, the words "Tarot Wizard" were uttered from the mouth of the maid with a hideous face, and there was an extra layer of evil and sneaky taste.

When the two couples heard the words of the tongue-cutting curse, they panicked and apologized to the maid, for fear that the curse would come true. Xie Chi was thinking about the relationship between the maid and the so-called "greatest Tarot wizard".

Ren Ze was secretly relieved, but fortunately, he had learned from Xie Chi before that he didn't speak, and just watched the maid wipe quietly, or else it was himself who was panicked and anxious now.

"Let's go." Xie Chi put his hands around his chest, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then used his chin to indicate the direction of the Wheel of Fortune.

The two of them understood, said goodbye to the maid respectfully, and walked towards the Wheel of Fortune.

Ye Xiaoxiao made sure that the weird maid couldn't hear it, and said, "That maid seems to respect Tarot wizards very much?"

Anyone with discernment can see this, and Ren Ze said his doubts: "What do you think is the relationship between the old woman and the Tarot wizard?"

Xie Chi: "She is, maybe."

Ren Ze was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Xie Chi's sword sensed that the room with the old woman was full of evil thoughts: "Yes, if she is a Tarot wizard, everything can be explained easily, when she was young, Mei Ruo Heavenly Immortal, Wu Li is extremely powerful, tortures servants, and does all kinds of evil, and now she is old, dying, paralyzed on the bed, but this cannot hide the fact that she was evil in the past, and she deserves to be treated as a beast by servants now."

"No." Xie Chi said calmly.


Ye Xiaoxiao glanced at Xie Chi and reminded Ren Ze: "You forgot, the old woman seemed to want to say something while holding Xie Chi's hand, but the maid who respected her a moment ago also held her down mercilessly. Now, the strength makes him no smaller than the other servants."

Ren Ze was at a loss again. This is indeed the case. It is now known that the strange maid respects the Tarot wizard, but she is cruel to the old woman, or is the Tarot wizard not an old woman? Since it's not the old woman's, what does the Tarot wizard have to do with this film

But obviously, this is a fine and high-end red film, and it is unlikely to give useless information. Since the maid clearly said "Tarot Wizard", then this information must be of great significance.

Ren Ze thought about the cause and looked at Xie Chi in confusion: "Since it's contradictory, why do you say that the old woman may be a Tarot wizard? What about that maid, what is her relationship with a Tarot wizard? Or Say, what is her relationship with the old woman?"

Xie Chi: "Just guess."

He paused, shook the phone, and said meaningfully: "Maybe this Tarot wizard is similar to the Gorefiend."

Ye Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes, the amount of information in this sentence is too much.

[Gorefiend? ? Shen Yi's sword? ? ]

[Is Xie Chi also a fan of Shen Yi? ! ]

[What fans, Xie Chi and Shen Yi are so close, they must have seen the Sword of Gorefiend.]

[Yeah, I'm stupid]

[Wuwuwuwu mentioning the Gorefiend, I'm so sad, Shen Yi is gone, and the lovely Gorefiend sword will never be seen again]

The three of Xie Chi had already walked to the Wheel of Fortune at this time. Xie Chi heard footsteps coming from above his head and looked up. Jiang Shuo also went downstairs. He was looking down at his mobile phone and went downstairs calmly.

Ren Ze was a little proud: "Jiang Shuo came late and missed the information from the Tarot wizard."

Xie Chi was silent, his eyes glanced around the hall, and finally quietly landed on the man in the couple.

The man was standing by the wall, holding a cell phone, not knowing who to send a message to.

Xie Chi retracted his gaze and said indifferently, "Jiang Shuo understands."

"How did he know..." Ren Ze was startled at first, and when he saw Jiang Shuo walking towards the couple by the wall, he instantly understood and smiled bitterly.

Yes, the amount of information determines the status, but the status can in turn lead to the accumulation of the amount of information. He is stupid. The couple was threatened by the strange maid, and their first reaction must be to seek shelter. It was Jiang Shuo. Of course, he hurried to flatter Jiang Shuo and told Jiang Shuo that he wanted to ask Jiang Shuo to help them out.

Even the first-line, in the red film, is not without fear, not to mention these two first-line, they have just heard that they have just risen up, and they have not sat firmly in the first-line at all.

One line does not mean strong.

The accuracy rate of judging strength from the title is actually extremely low.

Because of the same first line, some men and women rose all the way up, and some men and women rose to the fourth and fifth. These two are worlds apart, so the couple just now, it is estimated that the strength of the first line is slightly inferior. part.

Ren Ze was secretly ashamed, he was the second line of water injection from the male No. 3 and No. 4.

Ren Ze thought a little wickedly, these two are lovers, maybe they are also aiming for cooperation, but he didn't see the truth at all, and he immediately envied Brother Xie a little bit. In places like apps, maybe only his kind Only love that cannot be separated can blossom, and they truly do not drag each other down, and they are always in step.

Although Ye Xiaoxiao was a fan of Xie Chi, he didn't really understand Xie Chi's situation until now. He was not fighting against Jiang Shuo and Gu Yu. He was relatively weak. It was not just an established fact. Bring a chain reaction, and its negative effects will continue to expand.

Because almost everyone in the app admires Qiang, Mu Qiang is understandable, everyone wants to live better.

It is only temporarily in a weak position, and it is inevitable to be excluded, which is even more difficult. As for the stronger side, because the road is smooth, it is easier and more comfortable to walk, and they are also easy to climb higher, because there are almost no obstacles that cannot be overcome, and some are very helpful.

"Get back to your senses, don't think about it." Xie Chi shook his hand in front of the two of them and laughed.

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao were embarrassed for a moment, turned their heads and stared at the wheel of fortune in front of them.

It was too hasty before, and now they have the opportunity to carefully look at the wheel of fortune.

The wheel of fortune is a coordinate system with the word "meter", with a black line in the east, south, west, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest, with a long pointer in the middle.

Not far from the southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest of the wheel of fortune, there are statues erected each, namely an angel, an eagle, a bull, and a lion. The four statues have two things in common, all four creatures are reading with a blank book, and they all have snow-white wings.

In the tarot cards, the four creatures represent the four ancient elements, the angel representing the air element, the eagle representing water, the lion representing fire, and the bull representing earth.

This shows that people with four completely different tropes are all learning, learning what may happen in life, but they have not fully understood, their snow-white wings represent a beautiful vision to show high flying, and when they learn, Really they understand the true meaning of life, they will become mature and wise.

And after they grow up, they will appear in the last card of the major arcana card - the "world" card.

"World" means completeness and success.

These creatures are constantly learning in the wheel of fortune, realizing that the good and the bad will pass away, and that change is the true meaning of eternal life. They learn from the journey of life, and finally become full and joyful, have a broad vision, and have enough heart to accept Everything that will happen after that.

Xie Chi recalled the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune card, and seemed to have a feeling, but he couldn't grab it for a while.

He also did not want to struggle with this, and focused on the wheel of fortune.

Ye Xiaoxiao couldn't see the famous hall, and whispered: "The wheel of fortune that the maid said before may give guidance, but how should we use it?"

More and more actors have chosen a room and discussed with their teammates to come down together. Jiang Shuo will also come over after chatting with the couple. Xie Chi knows that there is not much time, so he frowns deeply, not sure. "Who was the first to die?"

Ren Ze was stunned, and then he realized that Xie Chi was not talking to them, but asking about the wheel of fortune, just like a questioner asks a fortune teller, to ask about the wheel of fortune.

It can be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After Xie Chi finished asking, he tentatively moved the wheel of fortune, and the pointer in the middle of the wheel of fortune began to spin rapidly. Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao nervously waited for the pointer to stop.

The other actors over there saw the change here and came over with different expressions.

The needle turned slower and slower, and finally stopped, at the southeast corner. The three looked slowly along the pointer, their expressions stagnant.

In that direction, a female gray name is walking towards this direction.

Gray name is said to be a cannon fodder actor, but he is also a cannon fodder who started a new star. At least he has been to the Orange Slice, but because of his poor ability, the unlucky fell to the bottom of the ranking and was punished to enter a higher level horror film. .

The strength is average, relying on luck to advance to the title of the advanced piece, and finally succeeding, it may be reduced to the bottom of the title ranking, and enter the higher-level copy as the gray name cannon fodder.

In this copy of "Tarot Game", the cannon fodder that came in was two women and one man.

Two female gray names, one was the one who stepped on the lobster and screamed before, and her name was Xie Qiuying, and the other was the one in front of her. If Xie Chi remembered correctly, her name was Liang Wen.

Ren Ze suppressed his shock and tilted his head to look at Xie Chi with a secret expression on his face. Xie Chi blinked at him secretly, Ren Ze understood and just thought he didn't know.

All the actors gathered around, Gu Yu had always been vigilant, staring at the Wheel of Fortune for a long time, but couldn't see anything, so he pretended to ask: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Shuo also looked over.

Xie Chi only said: "Just turn around."

Jiang Shuo had an expression of disbelief.

Xie Chi glanced at Liang Wen calmly, fiddled with the pointer as if nothing had happened, and turned it again as if playing.

Ren Ze watched nervously, hoping for the same result, and determined that Liang Wen was indeed the first to die, but the answer given by the Wheel of Fortune disappointed him - the pointer stopped, and the pointer pointed at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu looked at the pointer pointing to him, his heart skipped a beat, he felt ominous, seemed to realize something, and said sharply, "What are you asking?!"

Xie Chi said impatiently, "I just said it, just wandering around."

Gu Yu was choked, what more to say, but was scolded by Jiang Shuo.

Xie Chi no longer stayed, and went upstairs with Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao.

Jiang Shuo stood there, looking at Xie Chi's back upstairs, his eyes were cold, and his brows were quietly wrinkled.

He didn't speak, and no one dared to speak, so they all stood and waited. After a while, Jiang Shuo retracted his gaze and asked thoughtfully, "Who remembers the first time the wheel of fortune spun, where did the arrow point?"

All the actors were stunned.

The nearest Liang Wen said enthusiastically, "Point me in this direction!"

Liang Wen wanted to sell Jiang Shuo a good one, but suddenly she received Jiang Shuo's indifferent eyes.

She was startled by that look, sweating down her spine, and she felt as if she was already a corpse.

"Shouldn't I say it?" Liang Wen asked Xie Qiuying next to her in a low voice.

After entering the copy, she and Xie Qiuying have a good relationship.

Xie Qiuying stared straight at Liang Wen, until Liang Wen was seen with goosebumps, she said softly with great concern: "Liang Wen, I always think that something bad will happen to you in the future."

"Ah?" Liang Wen was timid, and her face paled from fright.

"It's all gone." Jiang Shuo hated being counted on, waved his hand, and went upstairs with Gu Yu.

In the room, Xie Chi asked Ye Xiaoxiao to take a break and checked the rest of the room by himself. Ren Ze helped and couldn't help but ask: "Why are the results different two times, is it inaccurate? Just turn around. The turn just stopped at that position…”

Xie Chi: "What you said is a possibility."

"One?" Ren Ze was stunned for a moment, "What about the other?"

After Xie Chi checked and confirmed that there was no problem, he stood up and said, "The other is that the result obtained from the first transfer is correct."

Ren Ze was startled: "Why?"

Ye Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the side, was stunned when she heard the words, thinking of something, her expression froze: "I may know..."

Xie Chi nodded to her and said, "In the tarot card, a question cannot be asked twice."

This is the rule of the tarot. On the same day, a question can only be asked once. Except for the first time, the answer given later will be inaccurate.

Ren Ze froze for a second, his face ugly: "So if it's true, the answer is Liang Wen?"