Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 159: Tarot games (9)


Cross out Xie Qiuying, the cards that can be regarded as "people" in the tarot cards correspond to the actors one by one...

Ren Ze's heart skipped a beat.

[Fuck! ! ! ]

[Mom, why can't I see that Xie Qiuying has a problem from God's perspective? ? ? ]

[Gan, I suspect that Xie Chi is Erlang God and can open the eyes of the sky]

[real or fake? ? Mom, what about Liang Wen's death? ? ]

[Xie Qiuying pretended to be? ! ]

[No, if this is true, Xie Chi is more than a little faster than Jiang Shuo, damn it]

[Wait, I'm a little dizzy, woo woo woo still can't figure it out]

Ye Xiaoxiao looked around, making sure there was no one around, he hesitated, and expressed his doubts: "Why must it be Xie Qiuying?"

She organized the following language: "Among the actors, except Liang Wen, who is definitely a fool, the still alive actresses include me, Liang Zhen, the woman in the couple, and Xie Qiuying, there are four in total, and the one in the couple is also temporarily excluded. , because only their pair fits the characteristics of the couple's card. But if there must be one more, why can't Xie Qiuying be one of the female popes and queens, and Liang Zhen or I are the extra ones, and there is one between Liang Zhen and me. question?"

Ye Xiaoxiao felt that it was a bit too hasty to match the personality of the actors with the tarot cards.

"Of course it's not me, but why not Liang Zhen?" Ye Xiaoxiao was full of doubts, Ren Ze was still clear, but when Ye Xiaoxiao said this, he was confused again.

Xie Chi: "Because Lightning recognizes rooms but not people."

Ye Xiaoxiao was shocked. Yes, it's a hit movie, regardless of quality, it's first and foremost a horror movie, or even more so, it's a movie.

The movie is not a complete reflection of reality, otherwise, there would be no artificial acceleration of the passage of time at 2x, 5x or even higher speed, but let them experience a little bit of exploration.

But obviously, the audience wouldn't allow it, and that would make them feel like a waste of time.

Movies are carefully choreographed, condensed stories, and movie quality, though not directly related to difficulty, is directly related to the sophistication of production. The higher the quality of the movie, the less useless and lengthy information, and even accurate one-to-one correspondence.

Life is full of meaningless information, because people's ears cannot decide whether to listen or not. People's eyes keep looking at things. This is actually a process of unconscious input, but this information is actually useless to people themselves.

Horror movies are different. In horror movies, every picture, every word NPC says, and every weird phenomenon has a special meaning.

Before, the servants clearly emphasized that "the room cannot be changed after it is selected, and others cannot snatch it."

This seems to be the meaning of "Lightning recognizes the room but not the person".

Of course, it is also possible that their information was incorrectly compared. The sentence emphasized by the servant is not a clue to the triggering condition of the tower card punishment. The event it really implies has not yet been triggered, but obviously, this probability is extremely small.

Moreover, the guess itself is based on the existing information and does not consider the future. The meaning of the guess is more for the future, in order to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze were silent.

Xie Chi looked down at the Wheel of Fortune, and after a while said calmly, "The meaning of Tarot cards is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

"Metaphysics is not destined, what metaphysics calculates is - if you don't change yourself and develop according to the current trajectory, people will get the ending."

"And people themselves can obviously change their own destiny. Because the known is not true, the calculation results will naturally not be true. For example, the tarot card tells you that your laziness will lead to your being fired, but if you are diligent, you will be I won’t lose my job, what causes and what results, is metaphysics.”

"So Liang Wen, if she stays in her room for any moment when the moon dominates the sky, she will be struck to death by lightning. This is the inevitable result after her death conditions are met."

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze listened quietly, Ren Ze hesitated, but still said, "But Liang Wen has made a change, she didn't stay in her room, but she's still dead..."

Again this doesn't make sense.

Xie Chi nodded and affirmed him directly, but said: "Actually, I took it for granted before. Laziness leads to unemployment. Will hard work really prevent unemployment? The answer is obviously not."

He paused and said, "It's just that laziness is no longer the cause of unemployment, but there are other causes that lead to unemployment."

"For example, layoffs caused by economic depression, such as bosses fleeing company closures with money, such as being squeezed out by colleagues and framed..."

"My previous sentence was based on the premise of no other factors, it has an extremely harsh and almost impossible to achieve premise," Xie Chi paused and sighed, "But obviously, fate is a butterfly effect. ."

When Ren Ze heard the words "butterfly effect", his heart suddenly trembled, and his scalp felt slightly numb.

Yes, the cause no longer exists, but the effect may not necessarily change, because there may be other factors at work, so that everything goes the same way.

"Escaped one catastrophe, can you really escape another catastrophe? Liang Wen's catastrophe was told to her by the Wheel of Fortune, and the solution was told to her by us, but what did she do herself? Where is her judgment? already?"

"In Liang Wen's death, there are... Xie Qiuying's figure everywhere."

"We can all feel that as a client, why can't she feel it? What is she doing?"

Xie Chi was just stating a question without any opinions or emotions. Ren Ze was speechless and even a little ashamed by these questions.

Liang Wen is the party involved, who is closest to the crisis, and of course can see the avoidance best, but why did she not question Xie Qiuying's abnormal gesture, but instead chased the unreliable sense of security, and finally fell into the arms of the devil.

It was she who fell into the whirlpool of fate.

Therefore, people have not changed, and the ending is similar, and it is also fate. Because Liang Wen has not changed in the end, to learn to control her own destiny, metaphysics and Ye Xiaoxiao have been helping her, but she herself has not learned the true meaning of Tarot.

Liang Wen was stupid herself.

If Xie Qiuying really has a problem, it is actually extremely easy to avoid it, as long as Liang Wen realizes that something is wrong with Xie Qiuying, and dares not to be with Xie Qiuying.

Liang Wen was not close to any room in the whole moon and astronomical phenomenon. By staying peacefully in the hall, she could completely avoid the threat of lightning to her, because the traces of lightning only appeared in a few rooms, and the hall was a little charred. There are no traces.

Of course, Liang Wen may encounter other crises in the hall and trigger death, but this is definitely not caused by the tower card, which is not in their consideration.

According to the order of death, lightning strikes only those who are in their own rooms in the moon and sky.

This is the single condition for the tower card to trigger.

It is very harsh, and it happens to be neutral in one blow, because once it is triggered, it will be a deadly situation, and the person who is hit will surely die, so the triggering conditions are extremely harsh.

This is only fair, not pointlessly taking a person's life.

Ye Xiaoxiao obviously figured it out, and suddenly she is not so worried about Xie Chi. Life can be changed by people. If she has a clear mind and decisive judgment, she is not afraid of Xie Chi being taken away by the order of death.

In the silence, Ye Xiaoxiao looked at Xie Chi with a dazed expression. Everything in the real world that she tried to get rid of in the past came like a tide.

Ye Xiaoxiao's family is strict, and she has been subject to a lot of control since she was a child. As long as she is a little arrogant, she will be punished by her father. She is not allowed to eat, and she is slapped severely. Staying in such a home, she has her own thoughts. A very difficult thing, she often feels suffocated, she is like a beautiful Barbie in the window, used by her parents to show off and put gold on her face.

From childhood to adulthood, she could not control her own destiny at all, she was always arranged to do what. What university to go to, who to fall in love with and marry, how many children to have, these are all regulated.

She remembered that she was always smiling, but never happy. It turns out that laughter has nothing to do with happiness, but her name is Ye Xiaoxiao, and she has always hated this name.

She yearned for freedom and to control her own destiny, so one morning, she was selected by the app and came here.

It is very exaggerated for Sanxian to regard a new star who has just arrived as an idol, but sometimes Ye Xiaoxiao calms down and thinks about it, what she worships is actually the power that Xie Chi can control her own destiny, not just the face, the person Taste.

It was what she had been missing and longing for the most.

She learned to be arrogant from Xie Chi, to do whatever she wants, no matter what others think, and not to please anyone.

So I wanted to come to "Tarot Game", so I came.

In the app, in fact, it made her come here much more relaxed and happy than in reality, and even her death became warm and lively. She didn't want to die prematurely from depression. In the end, her parents had to decide the color of the coffin for her. , that's too funny.

"Ye Xiaoxiao?" Xie Chi shouted in confusion.

Ye Xiaoxiao immediately came back to her senses, lowered her eyes in embarrassment, and asked covertly, "Isn't the hermit not sure if it is the male gray name? Then why can't Xie Qiuying be a hermit?"

Xie Chi was taken aback and looked at her with strange eyes.

Ren Ze was also stunned, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Wait Taro, the hermit card is a man, so everyone else has ruled it out. The hermit can only be the male cannon fodder, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Xiaoxiao blushed: "... I'm sorry, I forgot."

Ren Ze couldn't wait to say again: "So actually, Xie Qiuying is the uncertainty factor?"

"Maybe she is the Tarot wizard hidden among us? Since the maid said that she is the greatest Tarot wizard, then she must have the ability to reach the sky. Liang Wen was lucky enough to avoid the death condition, but because of Xie Qiuying's guidance, After staying in Xie Qiuying's room, Xie Qiuying secretly led lightning to change direction and killed Liang Wen who shouldn't have died? So Xie Qiuying locked the door to prevent Liang Wen from suddenly realizing that she chose to escape?"

The more Ren Ze thought about it, the clearer it became. This explanation can be explained in every link. Without any point, it is an unfounded guess. He said: "So our guess is correct, but with Xie Qiuying, we can turn the tide variable, isn't it?"

"Doesn't that mean that Xie Qiuying is our opponent in the Tarot game?" Ren Ze's eyes lit up.

Xie Chi was silent. If only it were that simple.

Ren Ze recalled the scene of the crow dancing again, suddenly enlightened, and felt more and more that Xie Chi was right.

At that time, when crows were dancing, there were groups of three or five, two of them were kissing each other with their necks, those who fought with each other with their mouths, and those who only strayed from the group, which actually implied that there were several interpersonal relationships among the actors.

Qingqing, I and I are the couple, in groups of three or five, it can be said to be them, or it can be said to be a small group of Jiang Shuo and a small group of cannon fodder, and the one who stands alone is Liang Zhen, and the one who fights against pecks may be Xie Chi and Jiang New York.

Since the content of the dance implies interpersonal relationships, the crows naturally represent people, so the order in which they fly to the actors symbolizes the order of death, which is logical.

East and West have different attitudes towards crows. In the East, the crow is regarded as a divine bird and a symbol of auspiciousness, while in the West, the crow is regarded as an ominous animal.

In some legends and film and television works, crows can smell corruption and can predict a person's death.

"Order of Crows", replace "Crows" and that is... "Order of Death".

Couldn't be more appropriate.

It just so happened that the crows represented their group of actors, so it became the order of death of the actors.

Ren Ze figured out the cause and effect and then recovered, but seeing that Xie Chi was not looking very well, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Chi pinched his brows, frowned, and said after a while, "I always feel that I have missed something very important and critical."

Just as Ren Ze was about to speak, he found that Xie Chi and Ye Xiaoxiao were silent and looked behind Ren Ze.

Ren Ze realized later that he didn't know when a warm and greasy hand was placed on his shoulder.

Ren Ze was stiff, turned his head mechanically, and saw Xie Qiuying smiling at him.

Ren Ze tried to keep calm, and Ye Xiaoxiao clenched her hands nervously.

Xie Chi walked over, calmly removed Xie Qiuying's hand on Ren Ze's shoulder, pulled Ren Ze over to sit, raised his head and asked Xie Qiuying in a warm voice, "Are you all right before?"

Xie Qiuying withdrew her hand, and there seemed to be lingering fears slowly rippling in her dark pupils when she heard the words, she shook her head: "It's okay."

"I saw you here. I was a little scared, so I came here, but I seem to disturb you, why don't I go away..." She said timidly.

Just as Ren Ze was about to push Xie Qiuying away, Xie Chi said in a very gentle tone: "It's okay, it's over, you just stay here."

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze looked at each other, secretly anxious, according to the order of death, Xie Chi would die next, knowing that Xie Qiuying had a problem, how dare Xie Chi keep her by his side? After all, Liang Wen is a lesson from the past.

Xie Qiuying was stunned for a moment, seemingly a little surprised, and then smiled at Xie Chi: "Thank you then."

She was born sweet, her eyes were black and white and active, she clearly looked like Ji Hui Shansi, Ren Ze stared at her big dark eyes with too much black, but felt extremely terrified.

Ye Xiaoxiao watched in horror as Xie Chi and Xie Qiuying talked happily. Ren Ze recalled that the last time Xie Chi was so attentive to a woman was Xia Yao.

That is also profitable.

Otherwise, most of the time, they are ruthless, and they don't even bother to look at them. Although Ye Xiaoxiao was a very beautiful woman, Ren Ze felt that in Xie Chi, she might be no different from a strong man who was 1.8 meters tall and weighed 180 meters.

When he's gender-conscious, that's probably when it's lucrative.

Ren Ze sighed deeply.

Xie Qiuying looked flattered and overjoyed, and soon became acquainted with Xie Chi, Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze were excluded, and could not insert a word. Compared with Ye Xiaoxiao's heartbeat, Ren Ze calmed down. .

Xie Chi said: "Aren't you curious about what we said before?"

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao were stunned.

Xie Qiuying was also stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "I'm not curious or curious, I have a few, I don't ask what I shouldn't ask, and that's what you found, it must be very important news, I..."

Xie Chi interrupted and smiled: "It's not important information, I can tell you, after all, one more person has more strength."

He was cheeky and high-sounding, but he didn't show any emotion at all. Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao were stunned. After reacting, they lowered their heads, fearing that his subconscious expression would let Xie Chi wear it.

And... If Xie Qiuying really has a problem, she may not know what they said before. Xie Chi is probably testing, or maybe he has no plans, no matter what, they can't hold back.

"Really?" Xie Qiuying's eyes were shining, and she leaned forward, looking ready to listen.

Xie Chi smiled and nodded: "Really."

In the next ten minutes, Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao listened in amazement as Xie Chi revealed the correct information they found to Xie Qiuying one by one.

During this period, Xie Qiuying often puzzled the questions, Xie Chi patiently answered the puzzles, and he was meticulous to the point of outrageous, and then Xie Qiuying suddenly realized, shocked and amazed, and began to praise Xie Chi, Xie Chi humbly exposed this paragraph, and continued on.

Hearing the end, Xie Qiuying looked stunned: "Do you think there is something wrong with me? I'm not the extra one, really not! You believe me! I'm just a cannon fodder, what can I do..."

"Don't be nervous," Xie Chi reassured, with a soft expression, "It is because I believe in you that I dare to tell you."

Ren Ze's head was about to break, shock flashed in his eyes, and his expression was almost demented.

Xie Qiuying moved around on the chair, obviously anxious and frightened: "I really have nothing to do with Liang Wen's death, you believe me, why don't you and Jiang Shuo believe it's not me? I have no grudges with her, How could it possibly harm her? One more, I don't know who it is, but it's really not me!"

Xie Qiuying was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes: "Everyone is possible, why should it be me, if I'm a donkey with a good heart, I'll be wronged..."

She was very aggrieved.

Xie Qiuying lowered her head, tears began to fall.

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao were shaken for a moment.

Is it really not her

"It's not you, it's not you, it's just a guess." Xie Chi responded and handed her the tissue that she brought with her. Xie Qiuying took it and wiped it.

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao looked at each other.

Xie Chi's eyes were unfathomable for a moment. When he looked up again, he regained his softness and said softly and firmly: "Xie Qiuying, look up and look into my eyes. If you say it's not you, I will believe you."

Xie Qiuying raised the corner of her mouth invisibly. When she looked up, her eyes were red, and she said seriously, "It's really not me."

Ren Ze was at a loss, was he really going in the wrong direction, or was Xie Qiuying too good at pretending

Xie Qiuying may have been heartbroken, she made a random excuse and left the three of them.

Three hours later, Xie Chi, who had been waiting for the crisis to come, first heard the news of Xie Qiuying's death.