Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 160: Tarot games (10)


"What? Not Xie Chi? Xie Qiuying?"

When Jiang Shuo heard the news, there was deep surprise in his always deep and quiet eyes.

Gu Yu nodded, his always frivolous and flattering face was full of solemnity. Jiang Shuo had already come up with the order of death. This conclusion was very convincing. They almost thought that Xie Chi would definitely die, but it was Xie Qiuying who died. Could it be that they Wrong direction? Is the order of death wrong

Xie Qiuying's behavior was slightly different. They were just about to pay more attention, but Xie Qiuying died...

Gu Yu said his guess: "Is there a surrogacy or an exchange of identity cards?"

Jiang Shuo's face was gloomy, and he made a decisive decision.

Gu Yu catches up.

Xie Qiuying's death made everything confusing.

The three of Xie Chi rushed to Xie Qiuying's room and saw the corpse on the bed. They almost vomited. Xie Chi rolled his throat, suppressed the nausea, and covered his nose with his hands. retching.

This room had been struck by lightning, the whole body was charred black, and it exuded a mushy smell. Now it is mixed with a strong bloody smell, which is simply hell on earth. Xie Qiuying on the bed can no longer be called a person. She was dismembered by unknown things and turned into several pieces of bloody things. The crows raised in the ancient castle are tearing open her delicate skin with their beaks and pecking at the delicious fresh meat underneath. Drinking blood, their yellow beaks were stained red with blood, and their jet-black and shiny feathers were also wet with blood.

This group of crows were raised by people, and they were not afraid of people at all. When they saw the actors crowd around, they pretended not to see them, and they still concentrated on enjoying the gluttonous feast.

Ren Ze: "I'll go in and see—"

Xie Chi frowned deeply and interrupted: "No need."

This is absolutely dead and there is no need to check again.

Ren Ze stopped.

When the actors saw Jiang Shuo coming, they consciously made way for him.

With a clear vision, Jiang Shuo saw Xie Qiuying's death, and his face was extremely gloomy.

really dead.

Liang Zhen rushed in to check, and shook his head at everyone when he came out. Obviously, he found nothing. Xie Chi kept silent and observed. Liang Zhen did not miss any details, and indeed found nothing.

Xie Qiuying is actually dead, Ye Xiaoxiao has never been so shaken for a moment, could it be that they really guessed wrong? Xie Qiuying's previous cry was genuine, not like it was fake, and if she was really a Tarot wizard or related to a Tarot wizard as they speculated, how could she just die like this

All the actors were gathered here, Xie Chi calmly looked at everyone's faces, and then lowered his eyes.

Jiang Shuo and Gu Yu knew the order of death, and Liang Zhen seemed to be getting closer. Except for them, the rest of the people didn't know about it.

It's easy to guess that there is a trend among actors. The higher the title, the more indifference towards death. Before Liang Wen asked for help, everyone except Ye Xiaoxiao rejected her. .

At present, his face is as usual, and he knows nothing about the order of death. The more his expression changes, the more he thinks about it.

Liang Zhen rushed in to check, and must have realized that Xie Qiuying's death was very strange.

And the only one who died was a cannon fodder, Jiang Shuo, who was ruthless and ruthless, why was his face so gloomy

It must be Xie Qiuying's death that completely denied his speculation and made him fall into the unknown again, which made him deeply irritated.

Xie Chi glanced at Jiang Shuo, not knowing what he was thinking, after a while he said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

There is no point in staying any longer.

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao nodded and followed.

Jiang Shuo's cold gaze crossed the actor standing in front of him and fell on Xie Chi who was far away, a sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Gu Yu is the most observant of words and expressions. Hearing the words, he whispered in Jiang Shuo's ear, "Are we going to get rid of him ahead of time?"

Xie Chi is a huge variable.

At present, Xie Qiuying's death is unsolved, and they can't even determine whether Xie Chi is playing tricks in it. If Xie Chi really found a way to change the order of death, what does it imply...

Gu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

There is such a person, who is far ahead of them in silence.


If this is the case, Xie Chi will not be able to stay.

For them, the danger of the copy itself is much greater than that of Xie Chi. If they are really confused by Xie Chi's calculations in the end and let the copy kill them, it will be more than the loss and the laughter.

Gu Yu didn't dare to take this risk. This risk was already more important than Xie Chi, and killing him would destroy the dungeon itself. After all, that is a very rare situation, and there may not be one or two in a hundred, but if Xie Chi really has important clues and leaves them behind, the crisis that will bring them in the future will be countless times greater than this, and it is almost impossible. control and unpredictable.

Gu Yu did not allow this to happen, and became more and more certain in his heart, whispering in Jiang Shuo's ear to persuade him. He knew that Jiang Shuo had always been stubborn and might not be willing to listen to him. Jiang Shuo liked to seek the perfect solution, rather than making a decision in a rush that seemed to have to be done. If they really decided to act ahead of time when the plot was unclear, Jiang Shuo would have to take a small risk of killing Xie Chi, which he obviously didn't want.

Gu Yu can only persuade him, he has always been self-aware, and only big people are confident. He is timid, very afraid of death, and will never leave future troubles, but obviously, he does not have the power to make decisions.

Jiang Shuo seemed to be weighing, the light in his eyes flickered on and off, and the killing intent faded, and finally he said, "Wait a night or two."

Gu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't deny it, but he had already moved his mind. It would be better if they waited. They still had time to wait and see.

Gu Yu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He was extremely surprised by this idea of his own. The person next to him was Jiang Shuo, the movie king of the app, and he had no confidence because of one Xie Chi.

Feeling Jiang Shuo's sword-like scrutiny, Gu Yu lowered his head in shock.

Once on the second floor, away from everyone, Ren Ze asked in a low voice, "Xie Chi, what did you do?"

Ye Xiaoxiao also looked at him immediately.

Xie Chi stood still, looking unpredictable: "I didn't do anything."

"What?!" This answer shocked Ye Xiaoxiao and Ren Ze.

Xie Chi didn't do anything, Xie Qiuying died

Ren Ze: "It's not you..."

Xie Chi raised his head and confirmed in a low voice, "It wasn't me, and I thought it was me who died second."

He paused, knowing what Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao were thinking, and said, "It's not Jiang Shuo, not any actor."

Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao looked at each other: "Then why?"

"Is the order of death wrong? We went in the wrong direction?" Ren Ze approached, trying to remain calm and asked in a low voice.

He was a little flustered for a while. If the direction was wrong, what would they do after that? The firm sense of security that had long since been clear because of the clues was gone all of a sudden.

Xie Chi shook his head and smiled meaningfully: "No, this just proves that our guess is right."

"But isn't Xie Qiuying dead? The order of death is messed up..."

Xie Chi: "No mess."

Ren Ze was stunned.

Xie Chi's voice was steady: "She was originally the extra one. We didn't count her. The order of death is still next to me."

Ren Ze suddenly became clear again, yes, whether Xie Qiuying died or not, the inference of the order of their deaths has no influence at all, because they have already marked Xie Qiuying out...

Ye Xiaoxiao hurriedly asked, "Then why did she die?"

This was what she was most puzzled about. Ren Ze's eyes tightened, and he looked straight at Xie Chi.

Xie Chi leaned on the stone pillar of the ancient castle behind him, covering his figure, and did not answer the question immediately, but said, "The phenomenon is that Xie Qiuying is dead, right?"

The two nodded.

Xie Chi: "It's hard to see the essence from the phenomenon. You can see the essence from the purpose, and then understand the phenomenon from the essence."

"What do you mean?" Ren Ze hurriedly asked.

Xie Chi asked back: "If you are a Tarot wizard, and some opponents already know the order of death, and it is extremely unfavorable for her to know the order of death, what would you want to do?"

Ren Ze pondered for a while and said, "I will want to kill those who already know about it."

"What if you know a little more? You, me, Ye Xiaoxiao, Jiang Shuo, and even Liang Zhen."

Ren Ze racked his brains for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

Ye Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up: "I see! It's confusing!!! If there is no way to kill all the insiders at once, she will want to mislead us and let us completely deny the inference of the order of death!! And Xie Qiuying's death, It just happens to be able to achieve this goal!! To fundamentally solve the problem, it is equivalent to setting off a smoke bomb!!”

The moment she said it, her heart skipped a beat, and she even breathed fast.

If Xie Chi's guess is true, what a cunning opponent they are fighting against...

Ren Ze also came to his senses: "Then Xie Qiuying is the opponent..."

Xie Chi nodded: "Yes, I just suspected her at first, and there was no actual evidence. She suddenly played dead and escaped, but it proved that she had a problem."

"Death escape?" Ren Ze grabbed the key word, "You mean she didn't die?"

Xie Chi sneered: "She may really have the same effect as Gorefiend."


Ren Ze was shocked.

Gorefiend can gain immortality by replacing the body. If the Tarot wizard has the same effect as the Gorefiend, doesn't it mean that the Tarot wizard is likely to have other bodies, or... Has been possessed by others

Things seem to get more complicated.

Xie Chi: "I told her before, I just wanted to force her to act in advance to confirm her guess, but in fact, I did not do anything."

Ye Xiaoxiao frowned and expressed her opinion: "She is actually a bit stupid to do this? Because she may only confuse Jiang Shuo and Liang Zhen's vision, but just like you, after the amount of information has accumulated to a certain extent , you won't be deceived, and you really think about it now and figure it out..."

"No." Xie Chi shook his head and denied it directly, his eyes shining brightly, "This is where she is the smartest."

"I said that she looks at the phenomenon from the purpose. Her purpose is to kill me, right?"

Ye Xiao smiled and nodded.

Xie Chi: "Who in the dungeon wants to kill me?"

Ye Xiaoxiao didn't understand why Xie Chi asked this question, but he still replied, "Jiang Shuo and Gu Yu."

Xie Chi asked back: "If the second person who died was supposed to be me, but it turned out to be Xie Qiuying, in Jiang Shuo's eyes, what would he think?"

Ye Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, then said uncertainly: "Jiang Shuo may think... You found something and let Xie Qiuying die for you... Then... Jiang Shuo will be jealous of you..."

Ye Xiaoxiao's voice suddenly stopped, and she couldn't speak any more, and Ren Ze's face was pale.

Xie Chi sighed: "So, I got myself into it."

"She is forcing Jiang Shuo to do something with me to get rid of my crisis. She escaped, not only confuses Jiang Shuo and Liang Zhen's vision, making them feel that the order of death is wrong, but also makes Jiang Shuo kill him. For those of us who know, this is killing two birds with one stone.”

"Because in the final analysis, her purpose is not to hide herself at all. We know that she is a Tarot wizard. Is it useful? It's not very useful. Playing games, knowing all the rules of the game, and knowing who the opponent is, there is a difference between the two. Is it comparable?"

Xie Chi's tone was calm: "She's not afraid that we know she has a problem, because can we kill her? No."

"What she wants to hide is always the rules of the game."

Their scalps were numb for a while, and cold sweat flowed from their foreheads.

The atmosphere was momentarily depressingly terrifying.

Xie Chi smiled.

"Those who desperately try to hide are often the ones most afraid of," he paused. "Tarot wizards are eager to cover up the rules, which just shows that the rules of the game themselves have points that can kill her."

"And she didn't kill me by herself. Instead, she borrowed Jiang Shuo's hand to prove that she is currently weak, or is limited by the rules, and can't do it herself."