Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 166: Tarot games (16)


Xie Xinglan looked sideways, and also saw the Gorefiend Sword flying towards him at high speed. He immediately propped up his body, which was already at the end of the force, and sprinted in the direction of the Gorefiend Sword. The Gorefiend Sword in front of him finally saw its owner and was so excited. The red light was flourishing, and the speed broke through another limit in an instant.

The distance between one person and one sword is rapidly shortening, and in the blink of an eye, the crow on the sword is about to fly down from the sword to meet Xie Xinglan. Voice.

The dazzling light of the blood sword illuminated Xie Xinglan's back, where Jiang Shuo's body gradually became transparent, and finally turned into a white ghost body. His face was strange and evil in the red light of the night. , the action was so fast that it almost surpassed the time, and he caught up with Xie Xinglan without much effort.

Xie Xinglan didn't even have time to react, his body was pierced by his pale hand, and the pain hit, Xie Xinglan nearly fainted from the pain, and he was about to unscrew his hand without saying a word, but Jiang Shuo sneered and directly Drilled into Xie Xinglan's body.

Jiang Shuo's pale, almost twisted face appeared on Xie Xinglan's blood-stained chest and abdomen, and he was evil.

He destroyed Xie Xinglan's body.

The vitality in Xie Xinglan's eyes was fading a little bit.

"elder brother!!"

[Fuck! ! What a talent! ! I thought the new actor had no talent! ! ]

[He didn't use this to kill Shen Yi before! ! ]

[Fuck... Could it be that he didn't use all his strength to kill Shen Yi before? ? ? ]

[Mom, this talent is too scary, it's almost like a ghost]

[Jiang Shuo's personality is evil, and he was originally an evil prop! ! It must be an evil talent! ! ]

[Xie Chi! ! ! ]

[No woohoo! ! ]

The actors upstairs felt horrified when they saw this scene. They underestimated the new actor's means and overestimated Xie Chi's current ability.

No matter how dazzling new stars are, their duration is too short. How can they compete with the first person in the app? Even if he was sitting on Shen Yi's props, it wouldn't help.

Jiang Shuo obviously had a very deep understanding of Shen Yi's Taoism. Once Shen Yi's props were exposed, Xie Chi couldn't attack him by surprise, and it would be difficult to exert his power.

Xie Chi's own body has a low degree of strengthening, and he can't resist the destruction of top talents. Now he is just doing the last struggle.

That kind of talent, Jiang Shuo has already entered the body, unless Xie Chi dies, how can he get rid of Jiang Shuo

Liang Zhen sighed, feeling that he was born out of time. The fall of a genius is always a pity.

If Xie Chi had entered the app earlier, what would have happened

Zheng Luan was secretly relieved, Xie Chi's death reassured him, and he said, "Let's go down."

The outcome has been decided, now is the time to stand in line.

Under the castle, Xie Xinglang bit his lips to shatter and bleed. He strongly supported his body, his fingers almost digging into the stone wall, and then he stood up with difficulty and moved his body forward. More and more blood flowed from him uncontrollably. The corners of his lips overflowed.

Jiang Shuo's voice was as cold as a snake in his body: "Stop struggling, you can't escape."

Xie Xinglan ignored it, but reached out to the Sword of Gorefiend.

The Sword of Gorefiend whimpered in the air, and the picture in front of him was like yesterday. It was a pain he couldn't bear. It trembled so badly that it seemed to be afraid of losing its new owner.

It flew into Xie Xinglan's hands with all its might, and the crow rattled in panic in the air.

Xie Xinglan clenched the Gorefiend sword tightly and wanted to lift the sword, but his hands were shaking so badly that he laughed at himself and was so weak.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the blue veins on the back of his hands were clearly visible. With this ruthlessness, he was able to lift the sword of the Gorefiend.

He said coldly, "You forced me."

Before Jiang Shuo could sneer, he saw Xie Xinglan lift his sword and inserted the Gorefiend Sword into his abdomen without hesitation.

He attacked so ruthlessly that the sword of the Gorefiend was inserted from the front belly and penetrated straight through the body. The tip of the sword did not come out from the back waist. The sword in front of him was white. flow.

The blood flew all over, splashing Xie Xinglan's face red, and along with Xie Xinglan's muffled groan, it was Jiang Shuo's cry of pain.

There was a huge pain hidden in that voice, making Jiang Shuo unbearable, making a gaffe cry.

"Xie Chi, you lunatic!!"

The sword penetrated Xie Xinglan and Jiang Shuo, who was parasitic in his abdomen. The Sword of Gorefiend is a top red item. Even if it changes its owner, its power is unparalleled. Even if the power is not as strong as before, it will not be much weaker. He was stabbed in the opposite direction by the sword of the blood demon, and Jiang Shuo was directly forced out, flew out for a while, and slammed heavily on the gray stone wall of the ancient castle.

Jiang Shuo couldn't help rolling his Adam's apple, his face was full of blood.

The actor who just came down was stunned by this change, and when he saw that Jiang Shuo couldn't get up for a while, he looked horrified.

Xie Chi... He hurt Jiang Shuo

In a way of perishing together... He hurt Jiang Shuo

A second-line, like a strong man breaking his wrist, forcing the actor to use all means, and finally injuring him.

Liang Zhenzhen felt a bit of respect, looking at Xie Xinglan, who was dying but never lost his temper from the beginning to the end, his eyes were a little wet for a while, and he couldn't bear to look again, Gu Yu had come down, the battle is over, there is a peak The first line to clean up the mess, Xie Chi, it really ends here.

But this name is enough for them to remember.

There is such a person, when he was in the second tier, he killed the movie emperor so much that he couldn't lift his head. This would become an eternal shame in the history of Jiang Shuo's claim to the emperor, and it was a stain that he could never erase in his life.

Zheng Luan was numb and stiff, and everything in front of him was beyond his ability to accept and recognize, making him feel extremely absurd.

[Fuckā€¦ ]

[This... my mom, I can't believe it]

[stars woohoo woohoo]

[Xie Chi is really... worth dying]

[Being injured like this by a second line, Jiang Shuo will not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life]

[Spicy chicken actor! ! ! Return me, Chichi, woohoo, woohoo]

[The most humiliating actor stone hammer in history]

Gu Yu used the fastest speed to clean up his shock gaffe, and rushed towards Jiang Shuo eagerly.

Jiang Shuo was furious and his blood was venting uncontrollably. He tightly covered the blood hole in his abdomen, his eyes were cloudy, and he gritted his teeth: "Go and kill Xie Chi."

This man cannot stay, he must be sure that he is dead to be at ease.

Gu Yu nodded and walked towards Xie Xinglan.

Xie Xinglan fell to the ground, as if he still had his last breath, but he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. The Gorefiend Sword was also bleak. It seemed that its stored energy had been exhausted, and it was consumed by Jiang Shuo's ghost energy, turning it into a piece of broken copper and iron.

On the ground beside Xie Xinglan's face, stood a crow with black and shiny feathers. The crow was attached to his ear, its mouth moved and made some strange calls.

Gu Yu leaned down and said, "Didn't I look down on me before and treated me like a dog? Now I was killed by my lackey, how do you feel?"

His voice was full of mockery.

The next second, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Xie Xinglan, who was on the verge of death on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes and stabbed him with his sword. Gu Yu reacted quickly and immediately retreated, but the sword was unstoppable and stabbed straight in from his waist. Gu Yu was stabbed and screamed. He made a noise and fell out, looking at Xie Xinglan, who was pale but apparently alive, with a look of panic, as if he had seen a ghost.

Xie Xinglan gave him a cold look: "Trash is always trash."

Gu Yu subconsciously took a step back, his eyes unconsciously showing panic.

Jiang Shuo was severely injured, but Xie Chi... was safe

This realization made him feel subversive.

The actors were stunned, unable to believe what was happening in front of them. The top actor was seriously damaged in battle. Not only did Xie Chi not die, but he regained his fighting power...

Xie Xinglangxu coughed a few times and swallowed the uncontrollable blood.

When he was about to die, Xie Chi used the blank paper for props to draw the vitality recovery props. It is not difficult for the red intermediate props to come back to life.

In the living hell before, Sanxian Ji Xingchen's talent was two lives, which means that it is not impossible for the app to come back to life and start over.

The blank paper gave him the possibility to choose any prop effect.

In a hurry, Xie Chi only smeared a few strokes on the blank paper with the blood on his fingers.

For non-weapon functional items, the shape is not important, the key is the required function.

The usefulness of Shen Yi's props was greatly attenuated, he could only bet on a blank piece of paper that had never been exposed, and he won the bet.

It's just that he was injured by the actor, and the blank paper can barely keep his life safe. Now he has only recovered about 10% of his physical strength and strength, and his body is almost exhausted.

What happens after that is up to him.

The Gorefiend Sword in his hand temporarily lost the Gorefiend's boost, and just an ordinary sword was not enough to seriously injure Gu Yu. Gu Yu was only temporarily frightened. When he wakes up, he will understand his true physical condition and start chasing him.

Although Jiang Shuo was badly wounded, he was by no means able to kill him in his current state. Moreover, he had the protection of the Crossbow of the Void, and all arrows were fired at once. With his current physical condition, he couldn't get close at all. What's more, the actors around him have different thoughts, and he is extremely weak now, and these unruly front lines may pose a fatal threat to him at any time.

Xie Xinglan had a clear mind and was unwilling to fight. He grabbed the crow by his side, stuffed it into his pocket, stood up with the sword supported, and galloped toward the castle vainly.

He urgently needs to take a break to repair himself, and the Gorefiend Sword also needs to re-accumulate energy, and the Raven Hermit has indeed provided him with vitality.

Xie Chi touched the fluffy head of the crow in his pocket with a little peace of mind.


Gu Yu's ineffectiveness, Jiang Shuo saw in his eyes, his face burned with anger, his face became paler, but he just stood up again.

He finally began to face this Shen Yi's follower.

He doesn't have the powerful self-strength of Shen Yi, but he is more ruthless than Shen Yi, with calm thinking, rare psychological quality, more cunning and impeccable.

If Xie Chi is not eliminated, there will be endless troubles.

Jiang Shuo made a big alarm in his heart.

"Master!" Gu Yu finally reacted and rushed over.

Jiang Shuo's stamina recovered very quickly, and his wounds were obviously starting to heal.

He looked down at Xie Chi's blood dripping on the soul-chasing arrow. At this moment, the red arrow of the arrow had absorbed most of the blood, and he looked ready to go.

It's almost there.

Jiang Shuo looked at the direction where Xie Chi was leaving, sneered, and quickly caught up.

Relying on the time difference, Xie Xinglan and Jiang Shuo opened a long distance. Seeing that Jiang Shuo was chasing after him, he held on, accelerated his speed, and went up to the third floor in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Shuo and Gu Yu were approaching.

At the end of the promenade are three rooms in a row. Xie Xinglan sprinted and followed the crow's instructions. After seeing the three locked doors, he rammed the first door without hesitation.

A strange scene happened. His body slammed into the thick stone gate, and he passed through it without any obstruction.

Under the guidance of the crow hermit, he entered the locked room without any obstacle.