Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 168: Tarot games (18)


[The soul-chasing arrow is almost ready, even if Xie Chi hides in, it will be cold, doesn't it mean that the arrow can chase you to the ends of the earth]

[So it's really good to be ruined. In case Xie Chi is shot to death, Jiang Shuo will easily get in and get the key clue parchment? ]

Xie Chi no longer speaks to the hermit.

On the parchment he destroyed, there was no information other than what the hermit said.

The Tarot reincarnation method has become so biased that it has created a game, but it has not even written the complete rules of the game for the sacrificial party.

Everything is hidden in the game, and the weak sacrifices need to be explored and discovered by themselves.

The hermit calmed down and kept silent about the previous scene. He pointed to the surroundings and said, "This is the room I chose to live in during my lifetime. After death, it will become a short-term shelter for the next generation of players."

Xie Chi was consolidating the information he had obtained, thinking about the way to escape and save his life, and asked absentmindedly, "What are the other two rooms?"

The hermit smiled lightly: "The devil on the devil's card. In other words, as long as it is not brought in by me, entering any of these three locked rooms will meet the devil."

"help me!!"

Outside the room, upon hearing Gu Yu's screams of pain, Jiang Shuo immediately used the Void Crossbow to shoot arrows into the darkness. Countless black arrows were fired in unison, hitting the unknown monster in the room, making a metallic sound of "bang bang".

This powerful arrow did not seem to hurt it in the slightest.

The giant beast in the depths of the darkness was extremely hard and impeccable. Jiang Shuo was outside the door. With his extraordinary hearing, he heard the slight flapping of wings in the room.

With the arrows buffered and the moving props, Gu Yu finally escaped from the monster and rushed to the door. Behind him, a sharp claws grabbed him and seemed to drag him into the endless stream. With a little light, Jiang Shuo could see clearly that it was an inhuman monster, with huge wings like a bat, long horns like an antelope, a ferocious face, a mouth like a pot, a belly as big as a pig, and its toes like a pheasant. chicken.

It was wrapped around a heavy rusted chain, the other end of the chain had been inserted into Gu Yu's shoulders, and the monster seemed unable to come out, but it clenched the chain tightly and pulled back frantically, the sound of the collision of the chains was deafening.

Gu Yu, who was about to throw himself out, was almost pulled in by him again. He grabbed the door, and his shoulders flew with flesh and blood: "Save me!!"

He was pulled back a little bit, and the chains on his shoulders brought out more blood and bone scum.

Jiang Shuo made a decisive decision and cut off both his shoulders, the tension disappeared, and in a burst of severe pain, Gu Yu fell to the ground, gasping for breath, like a dying fish.

The door behind him slammed shut again.

Then the artificially damaged lock was locked again spontaneously.

Gu Yu immediately used his last life-saving prop to heal.

He felt better, and said in shock, "It's the devil! Xie Chi must be dead!"

That monster is so powerful and fierce, and he has been severely injured, not to mention the extremely weak Xie Chi

The monster doesn't kill itself because it is controlled by the witch. According to the order of death, it is not yet his turn to die. The witch does not want to kill him for the time being for a certain purpose, so she just asks the monster to inflict heavy damage on him.

But Xie Chi was different. According to the order of death, he was the next one to die. If he encountered the devil in the locked room, the witch would never ask the devil to let him go.

Gu Yu said angrily, "He's also stupid. To harm us, he voluntarily went to this kind of room and died."

Jiang Shuo stared at the silent room in front of him: "No."


Jiang Shuo didn't answer, and asked, "Did the blood on your body come from Xie Chi's followers?"

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment, then recalled this matter: "Yes!"

"what happened?"

"I happened to meet them before, so I started to attack them, but Ye Xiaoxiao took the life-saving props and ran away... But he was seriously injured. He left, because according to the order of death, it was not his turn to die, the witch seemed to not want to be broken by the order of death, so she did not hesitate to save people..."

The more Gu Yu said, the quieter his voice became, and he didn't dare to look up into Jiang Shuo's eyes. He was ineffective, and just as he was about to say that his merits would be punished, Jiang Shuo asked, "What were they doing when you found them?"

Gu Yu didn't know, so he started to recall, and after a few seconds he said: "It seems like... looking for a crow, yes... I remembered! They found a crow, and then Xie Chi's sword flew in, but the strange thing is, When Ren Ze and the others saw me, their first reaction was not to tell Jian and me to delay time and run away by themselves, but to put the crow on the sword and let the sword lead the crow to run out of the window.

After Gu Yu finished speaking, he realized that Jiang Shuo's face was cold.

His teeth rattled: "Xie Chi is not dead."

"That crow is a hermit."

"He is now hiding in a space we can't enter to heal, and it is very likely that he has obtained key clues."

Jiang Shuo's face was frighteningly cold, and Gu Yu didn't dare to let out a sigh of relief, but Jiang Shuo laughed suddenly, grimly.

With his left hand, he touched the Void Crossbow in his right hand. There, a scarlet arrow with a strange pattern on its body was completely prepared.

Jiang Shuo recalled the wonderful scene of the soul-chasing arrow hitting Shen Yi, and a slight smile appeared on his face: "No matter how smart he is, that's all."

"That's it."

Gu Yu's hanging heart was instantly put down. I don't know since when, he has been so afraid of Xie Chi that Xie Chi is not dead, he is restless, for fear that his head will fall to the ground in his sleep.

He knew a little about the relationship between Jiang Shuo and Shen Yi. Jiang Shuo hated Shen Yi deeply, but he didn't pay attention to being afraid of such a field.

Xie Chi was actually a more terrifying enemy than Shen Yi. He's growing too fast.

Fortunately, he was about to end here.

The appearance of the hermit did not bring him a breakthrough turnaround as Xie Chi expected.

The six-hour safety period is too tasteless. Like a prisoner with a clear sentence of death, he was suddenly told that the execution had been postponed for six hours.

But that doesn't completely change his situation.

Six hours later, he still had to face Jiang Shuo, still in a state of scars and wounds, to face Jiang Shuo, who had returned to his peak in strength.

By then, his situation will be even more dire than it is now. At least now, Jiang Shuo's strength has not fully recovered.

He is dying slowly.

Xie Chi knew this very well.


Xie Chi clenched his hands secretly, his lips pursed tightly together.

He hid, what about Ren Ze? What about Ye Xiaoxiao

Xie Chi's fingertips turned white from the force.

He couldn't even get out. He can't do anything.

The hermit will dissipate at the end of the first hour of the safe period, and by then, he will be the only one left in the dark room.

It's like a prison here, and he'll be waiting in desperation for someone outside to bring him out for execution.

Xie Chi rubbed his hair in extreme depression, he couldn't sit still.

This is his predicament, and there is only one way to break free.

With a bang, he heard the sound of arrows shooting from the crossbow. Jiang Shuo seemed to be shooting at the stone gate with an arrow again, trying to get in. Just as Xie Chi was about to relax, he found that the sound was a little different.

The arrow shot faster and more powerful than the previous arrows. It hit the Shimen in an instant, but it did not break the arrow and fall weakly when it hit the Shimen like other arrows. Like a drill bit, it squeezes hard between the stone gates without any gaps.

The movement made people's ears hurt and their teeth sore.

And the impeccable stone gate was drilled abruptly.

Xie Chi closed his eyes and immediately saw the bloody scene where he was nailed to the ground by a red arrow.

"What should I do?! It's about to come in!" The hermit paled in astonishment.

I don't know if it was his delusion or not, he even felt that the place where the thick Shimen arrow was shot had been drilled so thin that it could almost penetrate light.

Xie Chi stood there like a wooden stake, indifferent.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and think of a way!!" The hermit rushed over and shook Xie Chi's shoulders, anxiously saying.

He had a strong hunch that as long as the arrow was shot, Xie Chi would surely die.

The parchment is ruined, it's all over! The hermit can only tell the witch's secret to one player, it's the rules of the game!

The first one to find him was Xie Chi, and he could only be forced to put his treasure on Xie Chi, who was suppressed and could not raise his head.

Right now... it's too late.

The hermit was overwhelmed with remorse and despaired again.

He yelled in Xie Chi's ear, trying to wake him up and ask him to do something to change the situation. Xie Chi, who was drooping his eyes and said nothing, suddenly raised his head. There was a strange light in his dark pupils. Ridiculous: "Am I dying?"

The hermit wanted to strangle him, his eyes were red: "Yes! You will be shot to death soon!"

Xie Chi was not angry, but repeated the hermit's words: "Yeah, I'm going to die soon, I can hardly do anything, I can only sit and wait."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Yin's morale was trembling all over.

He is a coward! At this time, he will only run away! Just pretending to be crazy!

"If you die, you can live." Xie Chi said softly.

The hidden game rules of the sacrifice party, the correct guidance that the wheel of fortune may give, the three endings of the sacrifice of the sacrifice written in the Tarot Reincarnation Law, and why the key hermit has become a trapped beast in a cage, it seems that everything All have the answer.

Become a trapped beast because trapped beasts can also save themselves.

It's because the way of life is so close, even if he is trapped here, he can still reach it.

The threshold for survival is extremely low.

And the only thing he can do now is...

"You wake up! What the hell are you talking about?!" The hermit hurriedly said.

Xie Chi's eyes were clear and bright, and he smiled slowly: "Because the theme of this film is to die... and then live."

In a trance, that laughter seemed to cut through the silent and dead darkness, cut through countless long nights in the past, guided people to the unknown, and embraced the possibility of vague hope.

The hermit watched in horror as Xie Chi bent down and quickly picked up the sword of Gorefiend on the side, and stabbed him in the abdomen without hesitation.

"You're crazy!" The hermit screamed and was about to grab his sword, but it was too late. Xie Chi had been pierced by the sword of the Gorefiend, and he fell on his back and fell into a pool of blood. The light fades a little.

His face was as pale as paper, fragile like a transparent person, and it was difficult to breathe, but he smiled easily.

The servant had said that the wheel of fortune might give the right direction.

He had always thought that the right guidance had to be obtained by asking them themselves.

But the wheel of fortune actually gave the answer long ago.

The wheel of fortune, on the side with the snake, Seth represents death, so it symbolizes the moon and celestial phenomena that are full of dangers, while the other half symbolizes the safe and bright stars and celestial phenomena.

And representing the half of the stars is Anubis with the head of a dog. In the tarot card, he is the mentor of ancient Egypt... the soul of the dead.

It is a guide to save the dead.

It will allow people who are willing to die, abandon everything in the past, start over, and be reborn.

From Set, who symbolizes death, to Anubis, who represents new life, it is a cycle from death to new life. Life is a circle connected end to end, a process that goes back and forth, so the wheel of fortune is a cycle from Set to Anubis. round.

From the dangerous moon to the bright stars, from the danger on the surface to the safety on the surface.

But only on the surface.

People who will do anything to survive, but silently lead to death.

Because if you can't see the way of life, on the seventh night, those who survive will die and become sacrifices to heaven and earth.

And only those who are willing to die will go to life.

To die… to live.

It is clearly recorded in the Tarot Reincarnation Law that the sacrifice can use the rules of the game to successfully escape the castle, even defeat the witch, and even more, seize the witch's power and become the next Tarot wizard.

It only clearly pointed out the way of life for the sacrifices, but did not say how they should walk on that life-filled path.

To die and then to live is the answer.

The witch will risk her own life to give it a shot, and then she will have the next life.

If the sacrifices voluntarily die and kill themselves, they will have a chance of survival.

He has nowhere to go, what else is there to dare.

He had to thank Jiang Shuo for forcing him to such a field.

Otherwise, he might not be ruthless.

In the endless darkness, the monster with the head of a dog looms, but it is not scary.

The corners of its mouth lifted a little bit, and it seemed to be smiling at him.

Strange and beautiful spells wafted across the room, leading him to life.

Those who are willing to die will break away from the turbulence in front of them and move towards another light that is rarely seen, to gain insight into the truth behind the crisis, and to truly understand the unchanging truth behind this treacherous world.

Xie Chi watched helplessly, his transparent soul broke away from the broken body and became substantial and bright.

The pain and torment imposed on him disappeared in an instant.

"Puchi", the persevering arrow finally broke through the stone door, without a single error, it shot straight into the abdomen of his corpse on the ground, it occupied his corpse, and the tail was a little scarlet, as if showing off .

Just as he predicted.