Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 170: Tarot games (20)


Xie Chi came to the room where they were first introduced by the servant.

The old woman was still lying on the bed, Xie Chi had already learned her identity, she was the true body of the Tarot wizard.

The Tarot wizard who is about to die, according to the requirements of the Tarot Reincarnation Law, smashes the cauldron and sinks the boat, turns into a living dead, starts the game smoothly, and then offers sacrifices to heaven and earth in the order of death during the game. The sacrifices reach a certain number, Tarot The wizard will be successfully reincarnated after the game is over.

This is a complete process.

So the theme is to die and then to live, because witches also have to kill themselves before they can start reincarnating.

Two crows stood on the dry branches by the window, shaking their heads back and forth, watching the surroundings alertly.

Xie Chi's current state will not be discovered.

He learned from his previous conversations with the hermit that these crows were the players who failed the last batch of games.

After they die and become sacrifices, they will become crow servants at the beginning of the next game, responsible for helping the witch to monitor the next player, and at the same time, they are also part of the rules of the game.

A servant corresponds to a crow, and also corresponds to a player, that is because servants used to have identity cards.

At that time, the crows were dancing, and the servants were arranged in a row in a certain order. That order was the order of their ID cards in the last game. The first servant was the fool from the previous session, and the second was the magician. , and so on.

So the crow in the servant's hand flew to the actor's hand, which means that the actor inherited his identity card, the crow in the second servant's hand flew to Xie Chi's hand, and the second servant was a magician, so Xie Chi's identity card is magician.

This is a kind of transmission of the game. The crow dancing is actually the handover ceremony of the next session. In the dance content, the crows are in groups or alone, which indicates the interpersonal relationship between the players of this session.

Everything is traceable.

Xie Chi walked directly to the iron fence and touched his wrist. He still remembered that the Tarot wizard grabbed him before and seemed to want to say something to him, but was stopped by the servants who rushed in, and the old woman was stopped. Among the servants, there is also the beautiful and weird maid transformed by the witch. It cannot be ruled out that the witch is directing and acting by herself, but there is still a possibility that the old woman really has something to say.

In his current state, without the crow monitoring, the witch can't come to stop him immediately, which is better.

However, the witch left two crows to guard here, which also indirectly shows the importance of the old woman.

Even if he is discovered by the witch now, the witch can't kill him, but it will cause a huge obstacle to his next actions, so the sooner he is, the better.

"Brother, let's go in." Xie Chi said.

Xie Xinglan understood, supported the middle edge of the iron fence, gently turned in, bent down, and shook the sleepy old woman on the bed.

With a "quack", the crow outside the window may have seen the old woman's shoulder moving inexplicably, and cried out for the first time.

Xie Chi's heart sank, and he turned to look at the door, and the strength of the shaking in his hand increased sharply.

Not far from the door, there were rustling footsteps. It should be a witch rushing over. Xie Chi lowered his head, and the old woman opened her eyes at some point, her dark eyes staring at him. His face seemed to recognize his identity.

She can see herself!


The old woman raised her head excitedly and wanted to speak, but she opened her mouth and thanked Chi only to find that she had no tongue!

According to what the hermit said, she was clearly a witch. After the witch joined the reincarnation, she even cut off her own tongue!

What is she afraid of revealing

Xie Chi's thoughts flashed, and he asked calmly, "Aren't you a witch?"

The witch is clearly outside the door. Unless she can control two bodies at the same time, the soul of the old woman in front of her is not a witch at all.

The old woman was stunned for a moment, but shook her head, shaking faster and faster in Xie Chi's blank eyes.

Xie Chi froze.

He asked "you're not a witch", and the old woman answered no, which means... she's a witch

how come? She's a witch, who's out there

Xie Chi was stunned, and suddenly realized something, his eyes tightened, and he quickly said: "You are the Tarot wizard who first discovered the Tarot reincarnation method, and the player outside is the player who later took your power? Part of your soul remains in her too?"

This time the old woman began to nod her head desperately, tears in her eyes.

Xie Chi was slightly horrified. Therefore, before the current witch joined the reincarnation, she cut off her tongue mercilessly. She was afraid that the original witch soul that remained on her body would reveal unfavorable information to the player!

When the player first came here to meet the old woman, the old woman grabbed his hand and wanted to tell him that she was the real Tarot wizard. Players who die many sacrifices to seize the chance of reincarnation!

The hermit knows very little, and it is not that no player has succeeded! But those players who have succeeded have long been no different from evil witches!

With different positions, successful players have long stood on the opposite side of hermits!

This is the cruel truth.

Between the lights and flint, Xie Chi figured out everything, and said coldly: "You want to kill the witch?"

The old woman nodded wildly.

"Help me, tell me the clue."

The footsteps stopped at the door. There was only one door between Xie Chi and the witch. The old woman on the bed slammed her body against the bottom of the bed with all her might.

Xie Chi frowned, and suddenly a flash of light flashed: "Brother, bed board! Quick!"

Xie Xinglan understood in an instant, he couldn't help but slammed the witch off the bed board, and then quickly groped around the bed. There was a small bump under the lacquered red bed board.

"found it."

This is why the fence surrounds the bed to keep players away.

Xie Xinglan pressed the bulge, and the bed board bounced open with a "bang", revealing the dark secret passage underneath. He jumped into the secret passage with the crow's "quack".

The witch had already rushed to the window, Xie Xinglan quickly pulled down the bed board.

The body was falling rapidly, Xie Xinglan tried to find a leverage point, but found that the wall was too smooth, he could only endure the feeling of weightlessness and waited quietly for the fall.

There was a little light on the top of his head, and when Xie Xinglan looked up, he saw the face of the witch who had opened the bed. She had already tucked half of her feet in, and she was about to jump in after turning over again. Xie Chi said suddenly, "You have time to chase. I might as well kill a few more sacrifices!"

The witch jumped down without hesitation.

When Xie Chi saw the witch's choice, there was a smile in his eyes, and he looked down: "Brother, the secret here is more important than the witch's sacrifice."

Xie Xinglan did not relax in the slightest, the secret path seemed to have fallen to the bottom, there was a faint candlelight looming, Xie Xinglan touched the solid stone ground, looked around, and saw a downward stone staircase.

The stairs were extremely narrow and Xie Chi was so thin that he could barely walk in.

In the dead silence, Xie Chi suddenly heard a crisp knocking sound.

He frowned and turned back. It wasn't the witch. The witch was behind him, but the voice came from under the stone stairs.

"Brother, let's go down."

Xie Xinglan focused his movements and remained silent.

The surroundings were dark and damp. The walls on both sides were covered with greasy and greasy stones. On the stones hung candles with worrying brightness every few meters. The oxygen was thin, and Xie Xinglan felt tight in his chest. galloping down the stairs.

The further down you go, the scarcer the oxygen. Xie Xinglan's heart sank slightly.

If the movement is not fast, he may suffocate and faint.

The witch is chasing after him.

I don't know how long he ran, and the ground below became wider. He came to a huge stone gate. The scene in front of him was chilling - it was not so much a secret room as it was a mass grave, a small open space full of corpses. , Some of the corpses have been weathered and become a pile of bones, and some still have a little flesh and blood, which is covered with bite marks of unknown creatures.

Maybe the devil.

The soles of his feet were sticky, a thin layer of blood was splashing on the ground, and the blood and stench on both ends of the nose was disgusting.

This should be the place where the sacrifices are processed, and these dead people should be the sacrifices offered.

Xie Xinglan covered his mouth and nose. He had excellent eyesight, and after watching for a while, he found that the blood on the ground had converged to Shimen. He jumped between the corpses and quickly came to Shimen.

Shimen is covered with blood from top to bottom, and it is more appropriate to call it the blood gate. There are four grooves in the middle of it that can be inserted by human hands.

"Shall I reach in and try?"

There is no other way at the moment, Xie Chi said: "Okay."

Xie Xinglan stretched his hand into the first groove, the blood on the blood gate changed, it surged up quickly and poured into the first groove, Xie Xinglan's hand was instantly immersed in blood.

At the same time, Shimen trembled slightly, but the tremor only lasted for a second or two before it stopped.

Xie Chi didn't know why, the suffocation was rising, and the witch's footsteps were clearly audible. He knew that he couldn't stay for a long time, and immediately said: "Try it all!"

In more than ten seconds, Xie Xinglan tried out the four grooves.

Except for the last groove, the first three grooves, when the hand went in, all moved, and the first groove, the door vibrated for one second, the second vibrated for two seconds, and the third three seconds.

He even felt that the door could be opened just a little bit.

The crisp knock sounded again, Xie Chi heard it clearly this time, it came from behind the stone gate.

Xie Chi felt a little strange in his heart. This sound... inexplicably is a bit like the sound of the coffin lid knocking on the body of the coffin.

Xie Chi held his breath and listened.

The percussion came and went, as if… there were two sources of sound.

He became more and more puzzled, and tried to press his hand into the fourth groove, but there was still no movement.

It seems that only the four grooves can be moved in unison before the stone gate can be opened. He doesn't know why he can activate the first three grooves, but obviously, he does not fit the fourth groove at present.

Four grooves can drive three...

Strange movement behind the stone gate...

Xie Chi pursed his lips, and was about to grab something. In front of him, across a dozen bloody corpses, he met the witch's shining black eyes.


Although he is immortal now, once he is trapped by the witch and loses his mobility, the situation will take a turn for the worse.

Xie Xinglan was deprived of oxygen and her movements were slow. The witch swooped straight up, her hideous face was close at hand, she opened her mouth and was about to bite Xie Xinglan, only then did Xie Chi see that she did have a tongue!

The scarlet tongue was about to lick the side of his face, Xie Xinglan raised his hand to pick up the skull and smashed it on her head. After a struggle, he escaped smoothly, but his way was blocked. Xie Xinglang was dizzy and dizzy, and he could barely stand still.

"Brother, this way!" Xie Chi had been observing and said suddenly.

Xie Xinglan understands, throws away the witch again, and pushes away the layers of corpses in front of him. After the corpse mountain, a hidden passage was revealed.

Xie Xinglan made a sprint, and at the top of the end of the road, he saw a boxy wooden board. There are stones all around, only this one is a dark wooden board.

He kicked the plank off with one foot, climbed up with his hands, and with one force, he dug out from the secret passage, and when he came out, he found himself in a dark and cramped wardrobe.

On the door of the wardrobe in front of him, 10 numbers are engraved, and the number 9 is specially circled.

The author has something to say: Shou is equivalent to a normal person who can be injured but not die, and is invisible to others.

Because the living dead are still human after all.

It's not the soul, so the stars and the pool are not separated.

It is equivalent to three latitude spaces, one ghost witch, one player, one Xie Chi, and the three latitude parts intersect.