Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 173: Tarot games (23)


[Why is the fourth groove moving again? ]

[There is no heart? ? ]

[I can't understand the plot a bit]

[It feels like things are not that simple, there may be a turnaround, and so on]

As soon as he exited the secret passage, Xie Xinglan heard Zheng Luan's screams, and at the same time, the app rang—

[This message is only visible to you: the reincarnated party has killed the penultimate sacrifice, the last sacrifice died, the game will jump directly to the last night, please hurry up. ]

Xie Xinglan's face suddenly darkened.

Zheng Luan is dead, and the only "living person" in the dungeon is Gu Yu and one of his lovers, and he still has to find the crow in the huge castle.

Jiang Shuo killed two or three crows before, and the corpses landed on the outside of the castle. Xie Xinglan was about to go out to pick up the crows' corpses when he walked to the corner of the promenade and saw Gu Yu walking towards him not far away. After a while, the hand that was holding the phone suddenly loosened, and he laughed silently.

Time is running out, but there is a way to artificially extend the game time.

As long as Jiang Shuo can't find the last hanger.

Gu Yu was looking for Zheng Luan's girlfriend who had escaped in the chaos. When he passed the corner, he heard a strange movement. Before he could react, he was knocked unconscious from the most vulnerable part of the back of his head.

Xie Xinglan came out from behind, crouched down to check, and after confirming that Gu Yu was unconscious, dragged him into the secret passage and threw him mercilessly.

In the distance came the screams of Zheng Luan's girlfriend, who seemed to be caught by Jiang Shuo.

In the blink of an eye it was the hanger's turn, the last.

Hearing the direction from which the sound came, Jiang Shuo was quite a distance away from him.

Xie Xinglan covered the wooden board at the entrance of the secret passage again, and galloped outside the castle. The bodies of the three crows were lying on the ground. A huge heart is revealed.

Xie Xinglang pulled it out and found that the name "Jiang Shuo" was engraved on the back.

This is Jiang Shuo's heart.

The hearts in the chests of the other two crows belong to Liang Zhen and Ye Xiaoxiao respectively.

Found Ye Xiaoxiao's heart.

The things obtained in the copy cannot be put into the backpack, Xie Xinglan can only put Ye Xiaoxiao's heart into his pocket, he glanced at the department Youliang Zhenxin, and frowned.

He had a little impression of Liang Zhen, that woman kindly helped Xie Chi at the beginning of the dungeon.

Thinking of this, Xie Xinglan brought Liang Zhenxin with him, hid the crow's body, grabbed Jiang Shuo and Liang Zhenxin and walked inside.

The most important thing is that Xie Chi's heart has not yet been found.

Only by finding Xie Chi's heart can he open the stone gate. Without Xie Chi's heart, even finding Ye Xiaoxiao's heart is useless.

There was a emptiness in the left chest, accompanied by severe pain, but Xie Xinglan was indifferent.

If pain and death are no longer linked, then injury is just injury and does not cause any negative emotions in people.

He began to search the room extensively.

Time passed by, but Xie Xinglan only found the hearts of Gu Yu and Zheng Luan, and there was no trace of himself or Ren Ze.

Xie Xinglan's heart sank a little. Luck was clearly not on his side.

Coming out of another room, he heard footsteps approaching.

Not far in front of him, Jiang Shuo held the Sword of Gorefiend and looked around, apparently looking for the last sacrifice, Gu Yu, but his gaze gradually fell to the lacquered red carpet.

There, in the delicate red and white stripes, there was a drop or two of blood.

Xie Xinglan looked down at his hand holding the two bloody hearts and the bleeding chest, his eyes sank.

Jiang Shuo stood up calmly: "Xie Chi, I know you are here, Gu Yu was hidden by you, right?"

He sneered: "You can only, and can only delay."

His voice was full of condescending scrutiny and criticism. It seemed that the opponent's methods were too clumsy, which made him laugh and laugh.

Xie Xinglan ignored it. Just as he was about to turn out the window with the corpse of the crow that he killed, Xie Chi suddenly said, "Brother, wait!"

"What's wrong?"

Xie Chi said: "You leave a few crow fluff on the ground."

Xie Xinglan didn't have time to think about the reason, so he did as Xiaochi said.

He threw a wisp of crow hair around the pool of blood from the slaying of the crow, then held his breath and remained motionless.

Jiang Shuo followed the blood to the room where Xie Xinglan was before, saw a pool of blood on the ground, thought it belonged to Xie Chi, was about to leave to look for Gu Yu, walked to the door, and suddenly stopped.

His expression changed slightly, and Meteor strode back to the pool of blood, sniffed, and his eyes tightened.

Not the smell of human blood.

In the gaps of the carpet, there are a few short black crow feathers that are short and short, and the hair is like silk.

Crow's hair, blood is crow's.

Jiang Shuo felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Why did Xie Chi slaughter crows at this time? He had clearly stopped himself before.

Jiang Shuo thought of something, jumped from the window on the second floor, and found that the bodies of the two or three crows he had shot down were gone.


Jiang Shuo clenched his hands tightly.

He had to find Gu Yu and kill him immediately to end the dungeon. It might change later. Xie Chi should have made a new discovery, which is most likely related to the crow.

He had to try to stop Xie Chi.

Xie Chi: "Brother, let's follow Jiang Shuo quietly."

At such a tense moment, Xie Xinglan laughed softly when he heard the words.

He had already figured out the reason why Xie Chi did this.

Jiang Shuo is suspicious by nature. He doesn't trust others, but only trusts his own judgment. In his own judgment, he especially believes in the anomalies he found "with his own eyes".

Such as crow fur and crow blood.

They can't find the crow now, so they might as well borrow Jiang Shuo's hand to find it.

If he was Jiang Shuo, after seeing the few crow feathers and discovering the three missing crow corpses, he would definitely grab the crow one step ahead of him and take the initiative.

Jiang Shuo has a crossbow of the void, and it is easy to catch crows. For them, a project that is extremely difficult is just a matter of a few arrows.

In the previous fierce battle, he had already figured out that Jiang Shuo's black crossbow arrow had a short-range tracking function. After encountering a target within a certain range, it would spontaneously chase it away.

He was shot through the shoulder because of the black arrow's own function.

Although this method is risky, it is extremely effective, and it can also delay the time, allowing Jiang Shuo to kill Gu Yu one step later.

Because his attention shifted to catching crows.

And what they have to do is to follow Jiang Shuo, grab the crow and rush into the secret room when he shoots the crow and picks it up.

Wealth is in danger.

The movie is coming to an end, and it's worth giving them a shot.

The immortal and indestructible effect of the living dead can maximize the success rate of this move.

[what's the situation? ? Why did Xie Chi follow Jiang Shuo instead? ! ]

[Damn it, I feel very wrong, Xie Chi is too evil, I'm a little flustered, I feel like the actor is going to be planted]

[There is an actor's name on the crow's heart, and I'm very scared when I think about it. ]

[Hey, it's funny, the actor immediately entered the secret room and killed Gu Yu, or it's over]

Jiang Shuo set the target to attack the crow, and shot black crossbow arrows as he walked.

Didn't Xie Chi look for the crow, so he let him never find it.

How about hiding Gu Yu? It was really consumed with him, and it was Xie Chi who suffered.

"Puchi", the arrow seemed to be hit, and the crow's scream came.

Jiang Shuo sprinted in the direction of the sound, and when he got closer, he found that there was only a pool of dark red crow blood and a few feathers left on the ground.

But the crow's body disappeared.

Jiang Shuo was stunned for a moment, then reacted suddenly, his face was instantly gloomy, and blue veins burst out on his arms.

Thanks Chi! ! He was used by Xie Chi! !

There was another scream of a crow in the distance. Jiang Shuo was about to chase after Xie Chi to stop Xie Chi. Suddenly, he looked up and saw the familiar room in front of him, and his eyes gradually stopped.

This room, he remembered very clearly, belonged to the old woman.

At the beginning of the copy, the servant led them here to meet the old woman.

A flash of light flashed in Jiang Shuo's mind.

Up to now, this plot has no special meaning, but red films have always been well-made, and each plot point can be found in the future...

Jiang Shuo completely calmed down. He has roughly searched the entire ancient castle, Gu Yu is so big, and there is no trace now, indicating that Xie Chi may have hidden him in a place he didn't expect.

Does the castle have a secret room? If so, where is the entrance

Jiang Shuo immediately thought of the old woman's huge bed, that weird bed surrounded by a sharp black fence.

If the secret room is in the black fence, then this plot point has its meaning.

Jiang Shuo immediately gave up competing with Xie Chi for crows and entered the old woman's room.

Killing Gu Yu is the key to ending the copy.

The two crows shot by Jiang Shuo happened to be the last magician and the Pope.

Xie Chi successfully found his heart and Ren Ze's heart. Seeing Jiang Shuo going to the old woman's room, his heart suddenly sank, and he immediately took all his heart and went in the opposite direction.

The old woman's room and the witch's avatar's room are the two exits of the secret passage. Xie Xinglan threw Gu Yu from the closet in the witch's clone's room, so Gu Yu was at the other end of the secret passage. Since Jiang Shuo had already When he entered the old woman's room, he must have realized the existence of the secret passage. He wanted to open the stone gate first before Jiang Shuo rushed to the other end to find Gu Yu.

Xie Xinglan endured the pain all over his body and rushed to the room where the witch's clone was at the fastest speed. He was about to enter the secret room from the wardrobe, but suddenly there were strange footsteps in the secret room.

Xie Xinglan recognized the footsteps of a witch and frowned, "What should I do?"

The witch was actually in the secret room, and he was afraid that the witch would ruin their good things.

Xie Chi thought about it, and laughed suddenly: "The visitor is a guest, and he is waiting for me."


Xie Xinglan was startled, he didn't know much about the twists and turns of people's hearts.

Xie Chi: "Because the witch obviously hates Jiang Shuo more than me."

The witch was beside Gu Yu who was unconscious. Hearing the movement behind her, she turned around and reached out to block Xie Xinglan's path.

"Cooperation?" He said straight to the point.

Xie Chi smiled and said, "I promise you to kill Jiang Shuo."

The witch obviously did not expect Xie Chi to be so clear about his intentions, and smiled evilly and viciously: "Deal."

The enemy of the enemy is always a friend. This pair of intriguing enemies, at the end of the copy, moved towards cooperation.

Jiang Shuo had already killed more witches than the witches, and the witches couldn't beat Jiang Shuo. It was a foregone conclusion. In the end, Jiang Shuo would be the one who succeeded in reincarnation. At that time, only one witch would die. Death, but at least Xie Chi can destroy Jiang Shuo.

The witch guarding his last sacrifice, Gu Yu, has exposed his true thoughts.

Since the beginning of the dungeon, the witch's character has surfaced little by little. He is cunning, cunning, sinister, and narrow-minded. He will definitely not let Jiang Shuo take advantage of it, and successfully reincarnate as a Tarot wizard with the same magical power.

Even if he died, he would drag Jiang Shuo, who had caused him so far, to go down.

So he naturally walked to the opposite side of Jiang Shuo - Xie Chi's side.

Extremely loyal.

[woc this direction! ! ! The witch chose to help Xie Chi? ? ]

[People are so scary! ]

[Ah ah ah, is my pool going to rise? ! ! ]

[Jiang Shuo biss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! Although I don't understand the plot, it doesn't stop me from screaming! ! ]

[Hehe, what about helping Xie Chi? The two together can't beat Jiang Shuo, what's the joke? ]

[Xie Chi didn't even find his way to life, okay?]

[Does anyone understand the purpose of the heart? ? and Shimen]

The witch is stronger than him, Xie Chi assured Gu Yu to him to guard, and he was about to rush in, but Gu Yu woke up at this moment. Anger: "Xie Chi, let me go!! You are waiting for the actor to kill you!!"

"Master!" He suddenly shouted behind Xie Chi in surprise, "Save me!!"

When Xie Chi looked up, he saw Jiang Shuo galloping in at the other end of the dark corridor.

Jiang Shuo raised his hand and shot at Gu Yu's lifeline.

The witch knocked off the arrow.

Gu Yu was suffocating his breath, his face full of disbelief.

His faithful master... shoots arrows at him

The witch sneered: "He's here to kill you."

Gu Yu's blood was cold.

At that moment, he thought of Yu Yao who died, Li Hao who ran away in anger, and countless pets who worked for Jiang Shuo but died tragically in the end.

Those familiar and unfamiliar faces made his heart palpitate.

Who is he loyal to? Whose dream is he dedicating his life to

What is he... what? What are they... what are they

If one arrow fails, ten thousand arrows are fired at once. Jiang Shuo only has Gu Yu in his eyes. As long as he kills Gu Yu, he can end all this.

"Hold on!" Xie Chi yelled at the witch.

The witch nodded, knocked Gu Yu stunned, and threw him behind her, and greeted Jiang Shuo as if she was dying.

The witch only attacked but not defended, and she was completely ready to die with him. Jiang Shuo was completely dragged by him for a while, and had no time to kill Gu Yu, let alone pursue Xie Chi.

Looking at the direction where Xie Chi was leaving, Jiang Shuo was inexplicably panicked. He concentrated on facing the witch and opened all the props to the extreme.

He must defeat the witch and kill Gu Yu as soon as possible!

Xie Xinglan was so numb from the pain that he sprinted with all his strength. In the small secret room, his breathing and heartbeat were clearly audible.

Time is passing, and every second is precious.

"Brother, I am here."

He heard Xie Chi say softly.

The lifelong belief he insisted on has always stayed by his side.

The exhausted physical strength miraculously recovered little by little, and his heart was beating violently. With his will, he finally came to the stone gate.

The white rose pure and enthusiastically bloomed on the dirty and foul-smelling stone gate, waiting for the returnee who had gone through untold hardships.

Xie Xinglan stopped and stuffed his heart into his chest.

In the void, he heard his own more real heartbeat, clear and loud, no longer an illusion.

He seemed to be alive again.

The stone gate opened little by little. In front of him was a mountain of corpses covered in blood, and behind him was a group of mysterious and unpredictable coffins. The front was blood red, and the back was dark. The blood-colored door exuded a dazzling and holy white light, and more and more white roses were on the door. Blooming on top, blooming at the feet of Xie Chi, separating him from the stench and filth.

He was surrounded by white roses, the viscous blood on his body was absorbed and disappeared little by little, his clothes were white again, the tips of his hair were black, soft and clean, and his handsome face was clearly visible.

Xie Chi's mobile phone was shaking wildly, the time on the mobile phone was changing rapidly, and in the blink of an eye... it became the end of the seventh night.

The announcement was broadcast, especially loud in the secret room—

[Notice, the game session is over, now officially entering the trial, all players immediately enter the trial area! ! After the trial, the game will be decided to win or lose! ! ]

Behind him, Jiang Shuo, covered in blood, walked out slowly.

He successfully killed the witch and Gu Yu.

Seeing Xie Chi, he gave Xie Chi a snake-like smile, and said condescendingly, "I won."

No one can stop him from realizing his great ideal, Shen Yi can't, Xie Chi is even more unworthy.

But Xie Chi tilted his head and smiled at him: "Bye Emperor, goodbye."

At the last moment of entering the trial area, he crushed the hearts of Jiang Shuo and Gu Yu in his hands.