Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 175: Actor


All the actors' phones rang—

[People are intrigued by others, their desires are endless, and their lives are endless. Congratulations to all of you who are still alive. You have found your own perfection in this foggy tarot game. ]

[The movie "Tarot Game" ends perfectly. ]

[Wow this ending! ! Woo woo woo so complete, I like it very much]

[Eternal Chi God woo woo woo, I said that he must be the one who stood up in the end! ]

[Wuwuwu mother has never doubted the cub, the mother is too proud]

[This is the best horror movie I've seen this year, two and three are scheduled]

[Xie Chi is really good, I am completely convinced, looking forward to his more exciting works in the future]

[Jiang Shuo, the shortest actor in history, I'm good, I'm cool]

[Hehe, then Jiang Shuo has at least been an actor, Xie Chi may be slaughtered before he becomes a movie king]

[Jiang Shuo fans are so angry that they start cursing? Tsk tsk, is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent? ]

[Hurry up and comprehensive ranking ah ah ah movie upgrade to emperor one-stop, let these dogs completely stop]

[By the way, don't you think Jiang Shuo's final expression is very strange? ]

[I seem to hear Chi Shen say blank paper? Is there anything special about this? ]

[… hell, I always thought the effect of this prop was a little familiar]

[Ah, I wonder what props Chi Chi will get, the quality is at least the red peak, right? Rely on me so excited! ! The Crossbow of the Void is gone, is it about to release a killer that is as famous as the Sword of Gorefiend? ! ]


The actors who did not get the props left, and in front of the ruins, only Ye Xiaoxiao and Xie Chi were left.

Ye Xiaoxiao was surprised for a moment, and then smiled happily. She was recognized by the red film and got the props.

She came in just to help Xie Chi, but the current result can be said to be unintentional.

Xie Chi nodded gently to her and entered the privacy mode on his own.

He looked a little tired.

Jiang Shuo is dead, and the pet organization is at its end. He is about to fulfill his wish and leave the app. No matter how high-quality and effective the props he gets, it doesn't seem to have much to do with him.

He now wants to leave the copy quickly, exchange for his brother, and hold him to sleep peacefully.

Really worthless, Xie Chi thought to himself.

When he looked up and saw the props in front of him, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

The props in front of him spun slightly under the sun card, reflecting a white and lustrous light. Xie Chi was all too familiar with it, it was... blank paper.

how come

The previous one was clearly used by myself.

Xie Chi frowned, walked forward, reached out and grabbed the newly obtained props, twisted the paper with his hands, looked back and forth, and frowned even deeper.

It was indeed blank paper, but the quality was obviously higher than the previous one. The moment he touched the body of the paper, he even felt the spirituality of the paper.

The details of the props on the app came over in a timely manner, Xie Chi looked down at the name of the new prop - "Blank Paper", and looked slightly startled.

He really got another blank sheet of paper.

This time the prop details are different:

[Prop description: This prop is from the movie "Tarot Game". In "Tarot Games", blank cards mean infinite possibilities, blank paper, the only possibility, created by you.

In "Tarot Games", the end of one cycle is the beginning of the next cycle, and life is an end-to-end ring. White paper means a clean new life, and your future is hand-painted by you. ]

Xie Chi pursed his lips. There are good reasons for producing blank paper, but is it really okay for the same actor to get the same prop in two very different movies? Has this happened before in the app

Or, does the app think that what he needs is an unlimited prop like a blank paper, and he is too lazy to think of new props with similar effects, so he re-scrambled the rice and simply rewarded him with a blank paper

Because he is a painter, what is the most convenient way for him to use blank paper

Xie Chi suppressed that weird feeling and absently bound the blank paper.

How to say there are advantages and disadvantages, he can use this piece of paper to draw a handy weapon for his brother.

Xie Chi left the copy.

With the departure of Xie Chi and Ye Xiaoxiao, in the movie theater, the dark screen lit up again.

The ghosts craned their necks and stared at the big screen intently.

The upcoming link is the second definition of film quality. For such a film, the significance of this link is self-evident. The ghosts dare not blink their eyes and dare not let the atmosphere out, for fear of missing the most glorious moment in the film history.

The auditorium, which had been noisy for an entire movie, was silent at this time, and the anxiety rose rapidly during the short wait, and finally reached a critical point, which exploded like a plague, and infected all the audience for the second time.

Xie Chi's fans were full of eager eyes, sweating unknowingly, while Jiang Shuo's fans were praying devoutly for him to fail.

The light at the top of the big screen lights up, the second definition begins, and the color of the red card "Tarot Game" is rapidly deepening.

In the dark auditorium, there was only a magnificent red on the big screen for a while.

The red flashes and changes, affecting people's hearts.

"Why are you shaking..."

"Fuck, I'm in a hurry!"

"Chichi will do it, it will do it, it will definitely..." It was as if a ghost had lowered its head, babbling in spirit.

The color of the card is stuck at the critical point between red and black. The red, which is so powerful, has encountered unprecedented obstacles here, but it still seems to have a lot of energy. An impregnable barrier, reaching a place where few people go.

The heartstrings of the crowd became more and more tense in the collision like a wave.

Finally, with a "click", the dazzling red on the big screen shattered like glass.

The audience froze.

On the big screen, the red is fading a little bit, and the cards are splicing and reorganizing. The red one seems to have washed away its own arrogance and arrogance, and finally achieved a deep, charming and mysterious black.

All viewers understand what that smear of black represents.

On the big screen, the reborn black card "Tarot Game" was spinning quietly, and the movie theater was so silent that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

Finally, as if the appointment was made, deafening cheers and screams broke out in the movie hall without warning. Some people lost their words, some wept bitterly, some hung their heads ugly, and some left in despair.

That amazing second-line, not only slaughtered the actor, but also became the unique new actor of the app, creating an era that belongs to him alone.

He proved to the app that there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome by will, and there is no other shore that cannot be reached by wisdom.

It is not that miracles favor him, but that he single-handedly creates miracles.

"Woooooooooo Chichi!!! Mom is so happy that she wants to faint!"

"Dad Shen Yi, have you seen it! We Chichi did it!!"

"Fuck... the new actor!!! FUCK FUCK!!"

"Chichi, I'm proud of you woohoo!!"

In the major theaters, the scene was very chaotic, and the police ghosts struggled to maintain order.

The news that the actor has changed again spread like a nuclear bomb, and the ghost world was once again sensationalized.

More and more people poured into the theater, and that night, everyone remembered Xie Chi's name.

His experience, as thrilling to read, is the legend itself.

In the theater, Xie Chi's fans shouted in unison with tears in their eyes - "The future belongs to Xie Chi".


On the big screen, the comprehensive assessment report rolled by lonely:

[The Tarot Game Cast:

Male No. 1: Xie Chi, the plot exploration degree is 96%, and the reward is 5,000 points (the film is defined as a black film for the second time, and the reward is issued according to the black film).

Reach the perfect ending: Reverse the tower, reward 2000 points.

Huge resistance from actors, rewarded with 1000 points.

Total increase in fans: 197778, rounded up to 1978 points.

A total of: 9978 points.

The highest point total in history: 115923 points (97230 points are inherited).

Female No. 2: Ye Xiaoxiao, the plot exploration degree is 33%, and the reward is 3000 points.

Huge resistance from actors, rewarded with 1000 points.

Total number of fans: 25611, rounded up to 256 points.

A total of 4256 points were obtained.

Male No. 3: Ren Ze, 30% plot exploration, 1000 points reward.

Female number four, male number five...

Dead actors: Jiang Shuo, Gu Yu, etc. ]

In the office, Yan Jing was chatting excitedly, and Lu Wen and Ren Zeye gathered together with a smile, as if there were endless things to say.

Xie Chi greeted him with a smile, took out his mobile phone, spent 100,000 points to fulfill Shen Yi's wish, and then threw the mobile phone on the sofa.

"Brother Xie, I'm the manager of the actor." Yan Jing finished talking, with a red nose, he raised his eyes and said.

He just comforted Xie Chi to find an excuse to stay by his side, but he didn't expect it to come true one day.

He became the agent of the first person in the app.

Yan Jing looked at Xie Chi who was smiling at him, and instantly felt a strong feeling of pleasure like a dream.

Both Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao fulfilled their wishes due to the large number of points they gained in the last battle, and their faces were full of relief. Lu Wen was not good at words, but looked at Yan Jing shyly and gently.

There was a moment of joy in the huge office.

Xie Chi walked to the window and rolled up the curtains, it was sunny and full of life outside.

After everyone congratulated, they tacitly began to refuse and walked out the door.

"Say hello to Brother Xinglang on our behalf." Yan Jing blinked at Xie Chi, the thief smiled, and then quickly slipped away with a group of people.


Xie Chi closed the door helplessly, sat back on the sofa, looked at the only wish left on the wish interface, and took a deep breath.

Little by little, he reached out to that wish, but a message popped up on the app.

[Monitoring that the conditions are fulfilled, the wish of the demigod is immediately fulfilled.

Demigod's wish content: Keep your soul, when you become an actor again, awaken all your memories and return to the peak of strength.

Wish Time: 30 years ago.

Wishing cost in the year: 50w points. ]