Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 176: Stars


The world in front of him began to twist, the sky was spinning, and Xie Chi fell into a coma.

This is a luxury mansion dedicated to movie stars. Ren Ze and Yan Jing were chatting on the ground floor when one of them suddenly came over.

The man in front of him is tall and burly, with a handsome face, a calm and reserved temperament, and a man who makes people feel safe and trustworthy.

"Who is this?" Seeing Yan Jing's reaction, Ren Ze covered his mouth and asked in a low voice.

The man seemed to have heard it, smiled, and reported to his family: "Hello, I am Li Hao, the top line. I am Pet, but I had left the organization before that, so I didn't die because Xie Chi fulfilled his wish."

As soon as Ren Ze heard that he was here to seek revenge, his face turned cold: "What do you want?"

Li Hao: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to see Xie Chi. I have something to say to him."

Ren Ze still felt that he was not at ease: "You said you left the organization before, so why didn't Jiang Shuo kill you?"

Li Hao's face was lonely for a moment, he took a breath quietly, calmed down his ups and downs, and said in a flat tone: "Because he is not a ruthless person, we all misunderstood."

Ren Ze and Yan Jing disagreed.

Li Hao: "Can I see you? Don't worry, the Movie Emperor Building has an anti-assassination system. Anyone who wants to attack the movie emperor will directly trigger the system. When the app does it, I have no choice but to die."

Li Hao showed the two of them the high-authority information found on the phone, and Li Hao did not lie.

Ren Ze looked at Yan Jing and asked what Yan Jing meant, Yan Jing nodded at him. The two reached an agreement and led Li Hao upstairs to the door of Xie Chi's office. Yan Jing, afraid of disturbing Xie Chi, knocked on the door first, but did not hear a response, thinking that Xie Chi had gone home, pushed the door in, but found that Xie Chi was lying on his side on the sofa, his eyes were tightly closed, and he seemed to fall asleep, but he was obviously not sleeping peacefully.

Li Hao saw this scene: "I can wait outside."

The air conditioner is running low and there are no blankets here. Yan Jing just wanted to wake Xie Chi up and go home and have a good sleep, but heard Xie Chi whisper - "Si Nian".

"Four what?" Yan Jing asked in confusion.

While Li Hao heard clearly, his expression changed slightly.

Ren Zeben paid close attention to Li Hao, and frowned secretly when he saw that his face was different.

Yan Jing felt something was wrong and went up to call Xie Chi, but Xie Chi seemed to have fallen into a boundless dream and could not wake up for the time being.

Yan Jing suddenly became anxious, and they left for a while. Xie Chi was like this. He wanted to find a way to wake Xie Chi, but Li Hao said, "Let's go out, he will be fine."

Ren Ze: "Why are you so sure?"

Li Hao's eyes at Xie Chi were extremely complicated for a while: "Si Nian is the name of the demigod thirty years ago."

Ren Ze and Yan Jing looked at each other, their faces horrified.

Demi god? ! That app is undoubtedly the best, but in the end, it was besieged by people, the curtain call was bleak, and the demigod was sighing and embarrassing? !

"Why did Xie Chi call the name of a demigod?!" Ren Ze was worried about Xie Chi and immediately asked.

Li Hao seemed to recall the demigod's grandeur back then, his face was very secretive, and he lowered his eyes and said: "Xie Chi and the demigod are... very closely related, I came here to tell him about this, I didn't expect that he had already One step to know…”

He paused and said softly, "Let's go out and wait."

Xie Chi was dreaming again.

Xie Chi has been having strange dreams all these years.

In the dream, there are ghosts howling, people who cannot see their faces, buildings with strange shapes, blood, corpses, and countless horrors.

There are also inexplicable summons like infrasound waves.

That call he couldn't hear, couldn't touch, but he just knew it was there.

Every time he wakes up, he always feels a sense of loss, feeling that he seems to have a mission in the dark, but he will miss it.

That kind of summoning has made him, who has not yet entered the app, have numerous emotions.

Xie Chi only recalled now that after he entered the app, it seemed that he never had that kind of strange dream again.

In the past, it was commonplace for him to have that kind of dream.

Now it seems that the place where the dream summoned him is the app. He has come to the summoning place, and the dream has achieved its purpose, so it spontaneously disappeared.

When Xie Chi saw the full picture of the dreams he had had over the years, he finally figured it out.

A dream is a person's legendary experience in an app.

That person's name is Sinian.

Xie Chi couldn't see his face clearly, he could only see his tall and slender back, but the moment he appeared, he called out the name precisely.

For some reason, he was extremely sure that this person was called Sinian.

Fragments flashed by quickly, Xie Chi could even hear the voice of this young man named Sinian.

Looking at the psychic film app installed on his phone spontaneously, Sinian smiled and finally found him.

On the app, in the center of the scarlet screen, a line of black characters is agitating and jumping, like the temptation of the devil.

-[Si Nian, do you have any wish to fulfill? ]

Sinian threw himself on the sofa, not in a hurry to enter, but looked up at the stars outside the skylight.

He lives on the top floor of a hotel-style apartment several hundred stories high, which is the closest place to the sky, and the stars seem to be within reach.

Under the boundless night, in the bright star river, he seems to be extremely small, like a grain of sand in the long river of time.

Existentialism can never escape the test of nothingness.

He is an orphan, and all the meaning in life must be given by himself. Even if he becomes a successful person in the eyes of society, he still cannot get rid of the sense of nihility.

He can throw himself into the hustle and bustle, sink in the impetuousness, and go round and round, but he will never find a face that he is willing to stop here and give birth to infinite meaning.

Sinian picked up his mobile phone and typed slowly on the wish interface—split out a me to accompany me.

He doesn't trust anyone, only himself.

If one day, he is destined to fall in love with a person, that person must only be himself.

Sinian smiled brightly, looking at the indifferent and lonely Sirius, and thought, he was called Xinglan.

Hundreds of millions of years with immortal stars, two lonely and rotten people get together, and the long night is coming to an end.

That night, after making a wish, Sinian got up in high spirits, came to his long-abandoned easel, and painted the image of Xing Lan.

Extremely handsome, extremely lonely.

Endless will, endless force.

Sinian, who is heartless and bearish about life and death, encounters exciting and dire apps, which can be said to be like a duck to water.

He overcame obstacles all the way, from an unknown newcomer, to a new talent, and then to a bright star, and then became the first batch of third-tier companies, and the most popular third-tier.

Si Nian began to feel bored again, and the wish is worth 5w points, can't it be paid in installments

Sinian had an idea and began to have a crooked mind.

Thirty years ago, the development of the social security system was not perfect.

Years after years of appealing and making suggestions, rubbing against the app, making nonsense sophistry, and arrogantly fighting with reason, the app finally allowed the app to create the installment payment system.

Since then, he can consume points to let Xinglan come out to accompany him from time to time.

Si Nian originally just wanted to have a suitable playmate.

But I didn't expect the relationship to develop uncontrollably in a strange direction and never return.

He loves himself, so he is bound to love Xinglan.

Xinglan is him, and he is bound to love himself, so Xinglan will definitely fall in love with him, because he is him.

It was such a strange logical chain that caught both of them.

Sinian was still young, embarrassed and upset, and chose to escape, not wanting to see Xinglan again.

When he thought he had sorted out his emotions and could continue to be good friends with Xinglan forever, he released Xinglan.

On the first night he was released, he was hooked.

Sinian was extremely angry, and completely alienated Xinglan.

Until the horror movie "Silverware Store", Xing Lan made two simple men's rings by himself in that couple's handmade silverware store, and gave one to him.

In that ghost silverware shop, the pair of rings made by the couple themselves cannot be worn by those who do not love each other. When the relationship between the two breaks down, the ring will self-destruct, detonating the person who has changed their minds in the couple.

This is a blessing for love, but also a deep curse for love.

The ghost proprietress of this silverware store, the one who was betrayed in love, opened the store after her death.

This store is arsenic to most people, and honey to a small number of people.

It is sweet.

Xing Lan asked: "Do you dare to wear it?"

He asked, do you dare to wear it

Sinian wants to run away, as long as he can wear it, it can prove that he loves Xinglan.

He also retreated helplessly, and then was dragged back by Xing Lan and wrapped in his arms.

Xing Lan clamped his hands, and when he spoke, his lips almost brushed the corner of Sinian's lips. He asked in a low voice, "You always have to love someone. If it can be someone else, why can't it be me?"

Sinian avoided his burning gaze, gritted his teeth and said, "This is different."

"What's the difference? I can always understand what you're thinking. Others can't. I can protect you for a lifetime. Others can't. It's different, right?"

In his obsidian-like eyes, there are deep reflections of himself, as well as paranoia.

Sinian suddenly thought of those pictures of Xinglan dying for him.

"How can they be better than me?"

With this question in mind, Sinian was silent, then relieved, and smiled quietly.

He hesitated, put on the ring slowly, then turned his face and kissed him, saying, "They don't like you."

After the dungeon ended, Sinian got an orange prop ring.

The ring of Xinglan is called the Ring of Protection.

The title is on the rise, and Sinian started the pen of a talented painter.

A painter's pen can penetrate the past and foresee the future.

As time passed, Sinian and Xinglan both matured, calmer, more rational, and more in love.

Sinian became an actor.

He got his wish, but he didn't want to leave. The app is more exciting and interesting. It is his paradise. He is full of curiosity about the inside story of the app and the truth of the world.

At the root, perhaps he wants to know, which is true, existentialism or nihilism.

What is the end of the world

He is standing on the top of the mountain.

But behind the top of the mountain, in the clouds and mist, is it a higher mountain or an endless abyss

He was an orphan, something he had to think about all his life.

He can't know where he came from, but he can know where he will go.

Si Nian stayed for four or five years.

Si Nian is a painter. In the later period, the app could not think of what Si Nian was missing, so he simply stopped trying to design props for him, and directly handed over the right to create props to him.

Every time Si Nian completes some films, he will get a blank sheet of paper.

Whatever props he needs, he can just draw it directly on the paper.

And the quality of the blank paper is determined by the quality of the horror movie that broke the blank paper.

Orange slices burst out orange quality blank paper, which can draw orange props.

Red and so on.

Sinian has many blank sheets of paper.

Apart from his desire to explore the origin of the world and his love for Xinglan, Sinian can be said to have no desires or desires.

He unknowingly saved more than half a million points.

At the same time, he has almost glimpsed the secret of the app, and the secret is thrilling.

Sinian began to write the script, wanting to tell this secret to all the actors silently, and also to draw a perfect end to his search for so many years.

Before the script was completed, he had to enter the shooting of the next movie because of the app scheduling rules.

Sinian thought, he and Xinglan left after writing the script.

But in the last Red Peak movie, his consummate talent suddenly came into play, foreseeing his not-too-distant future—besieged by the nine top peaks in the movie and buried here.