Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 177: Thanks Chi


The dream quickly advanced and stopped in a sea of corpses and blood.

In the picture, Sinian was surrounded by people.

He was so badly injured that he could barely stand, but he still held his weapon against the wall behind him, his eyes swept across the ugly faces soaked in desire without a trace of emotion.

The nine top tiers, the top ten tiers, and countless second and third tiers are all here.

Sinian sneered, but he wasn't angry, just thought it was absurd.

He has been at ease for so long that he has forgotten the ugliness of human hearts.

The few remaining people retreated subconsciously just because of this laughter, and the hands holding the weapons were stiff and numb.

"Do you want to become a god by killing me?" Sinian asked with an indifferent expression.

"Knowingly asking!"

Sinian saw undisguised hatred in the eyes of the man who reprimanded him.

"What about you, do you also want to be a god?" Sinian turned his head to look at his friend who was supporting him with one hand, with a light tone.

The man seemed guilty, lowered his head, and said bitterly: "Only a movie star can touch the secret of becoming a god, you can already become a god yourself, why don't you go! I didn't want to kill you, it was you who blocked the way of others for so many years! I've been persuading them to wait and leave you until now, it can be said that the benevolence and righteousness have been exhausted! I don't owe you anything!"

"Si Nian, don't you think what you've done is too great?! Don't leave a way for others, don't blame us for not making a way for you!"

"Yeah, if you are willing to stay in the world with your partner, why don't you abdicate yourself, or leave the app?! Why do you have to stay in the position of the actor and stop us from becoming gods?!"

A thousand words, in one word.

- Occupy the hut without shitting.

Today's Chen Shuo confesses his accusations, but he just wants to gild a layer of brilliance for his inhumane deeds to fool future generations.

The winner is always the king and the loser is the pirate. Sinian is not someone who can't afford to lose.

He just laughed, his eyes dark and unfathomable: "A way to live?"

"You don't have to accuse us of being greedy for profit, who doesn't want to become a god?! Staying in the top line for three years and doing nothing, isn't life better than death?!" Someone blocked his words back.

Sinian just wanted to laugh out loud.

The countless corpses at their feet are still warm, and they are already in the past.

Countless people in front of him united under the instigation of desire to attack him.

In the future, there are bound to be countless people who want to climb to the top and see the mountains and small mountains.

But the road to becoming a god paved with blood is just a... Mirror flower water moon.

They don't know, and they don't deserve to know.

Ugly people, even if he tells him about it, he will still think he is lying to him, he has no plans.

Sober people, even if they don't know the truth, will naturally make the right choice.

He can never change the fate of others.

Whether this secret is buried deep underground or made public seems to be irrelevant.

Because the ending doesn't change the slightest.

People only believe what they want to believe, and then go on the path that what they believe leads them to.

Whether this road is life or death, they will only know when they come to the end.

At that time, whether they regretted it or not, it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't care.

Sinian thought to himself, if there is a future, he would like to be a more selfish and indifferent person who stays out of the way.

He already knew the truth of the world.

All he cares about is Xinglan.

And over the years, he was the one who was most sorry for him.

It was he who refused to leave.

At the last moment before committing suicide, Sinian said softly to Xinglan in his mind, "I will only pretend to be you in my whole heart in the future."

There was guilt, sobriety, and deep affection in that voice.

Xing Lan only smiled and said, "Si Nian, I may have to protect you for two lifetimes."

In the dead silence, all the people who were still standing had a chilling sentence resounding in their hearts.

- "I am alive, you are dead, I am dead, and you are dead."

That was the last sentence the actor said before his death, but they didn't know the meaning.

Dreams are circulating.

Si Nian disappeared, but he did not die.

His soul is preserved by the wishes made on the app, and it grows day by day.

Seven years passed in a flash, and his soul finally recovered to its peak. He began to look for a suitable body for himself, but he could not find one with a high degree of fit, but he did not expect to sense the fluctuations from his genes in the original world.

His genes are calling him, pulling him.

Sinian's soul was half awake and half confused. Following his instinct, he flew to a family's home.

In front of a pile of precision instruments, an old man was fiddling with his genes, as if he wanted to make embryos.

As soon as the embryo is completed, it has its own soul. Before the embryo takes shape, Sinian flew into the mass of matter.

That is the body created by his own genes, and the soul is also his own, and it fits perfectly.

Sinian and Xinglan both lost their memories, and Xinglan's soul fell into a deep sleep on Sinian.

It wasn't until ten years later that Sinian unexpectedly encountered an unsurmountable danger, which inspired the Xing Lan in his body in advance, allowing him to wake up and save himself.

Perhaps for Xinglan, protection is his meaning.

It's just that he didn't know it at the time of the rescue, thinking it was just a poor child.

Sinian even gave Xinglan the same name again without knowing it.

Sin is growing up.

He is selfish and indifferent, and his emotions are weak, but his eyes are full of only one star.

At the end of the dream, the slender figure of Qing Jun turned around a little bit.

In the bright light, that was Xie Chi's face.

Gentle and elegant, gentle and harmless.

The years have passed, and now it is Xie Chi.