Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 23: Zombie Lover (6)


Xie Chi was woken up by Zhou Tong's scream, and was still a little confused. He found himself lingering in the corridor, and he didn't think it was weird, and said, "Brother, let's meet her."

Xie Xinglan remembered his unknowing masterpiece, and there was a little joy in his voice: "Okay."

At this time in Juman's room.

[I lost my brother just got up, you show me this? ? ]

[Furry is so cute]

[Zhou Tong won't be cold?]

[No, doesn't he have a life-saving buff, I have seen it]

[It is said that there are side effects? The last time I used it, I saw that he was like that.]

The tingling sensation of the hair on his back made Zhou Tong's complexion pale, he was fooled! Juman is not human! He shouldn't come alone! He's in a hurry!

Lu Wen and the others live next door! As long as he calls out, they'll come and save him!

Zhou Tong wanted to call for help, but couldn't make a sound. Between the lightning and flint, the sharp claws had pierced his sweaty skin.

At the moment of dying, Zhou Tong couldn't care about the huge loss anymore, so he turned on the buff.

The blood of the whole body began to burn, and the skin was instantly hot as if it was rolling in boiling water. The spirit and physical strength rose rapidly in just a few seconds. Zhou Tong broke free from the control of "Zhu Man" at once, and let go of her hands on their backs.

"Juman" obviously didn't expect that the prey in his mouth suddenly ran away, and in a rage, he rushed to try to drag Zhou Tong back.

Her claws grabbed Zhou Tong's back, Zhou Tong screamed in agony, endured the severe pain of ripped flesh, broke through the window, fell from the second floor of the inn, and fell into the courtyard of the inn, and happened to bump into the gloomy Copper-horned golden coffin.


[Just say it can't be so easy to die]

[I'm so embarrassed, I'm so embarrassed, I've canceled it]

"Zhu Man" had stepped on the edge of the window and was about to chase Zhou Tong, but a man's low voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Zhu Man, are you there? Can I come in?"

"Zhu Man" stopped for a while, and a bit of cunning flashed in Hengbo's rolling eyes. That one ran away, and she couldn't catch up for a while. There is another one here to die for him.

[He came to die, I'll go]

[Hearing Zhou Tong screaming that he is too good not to run, his brain is broken]

"Zhu Man" looked down at the copper-horned golden coffin in the yard, and great sadness and joy flashed on her face. After tonight, she would no longer have to lurk in these stinky Taoist priests. When Yu Lang woke up, she would be able to...

Xie Xinglan waited impatiently outside, and directly lifted his foot and broke into the door.

There was no one in the room, Xie Xinglan looked around, just as he was about to reach the broken window, two arms suddenly stretched out from behind and hugged him tightly.

Xie Xinglan's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

For Xie Xinglan, he himself has no body, he is using Xiaochi's body now, this Zhu Man is equivalent to holding his Xiaochi.

[The old trick is repeated]

[Zhou Tong can be so embarrassed, this little brother, tsk tsk, most likely to be cold]

[Why is he so fierce, there is a beautiful woman behind him]

Xie Xinglan slapped Zhu Man's hand away and said coldly, "Go away."

As if Juman's hands were something too dirty to get any more dirty.

"Zhu Man" was stunned. He never expected that this human being had no desire for her at all. She was very competitive. She smiled more and more beautifully, and bewitched: "Look at my eyes."

Whenever she wants to get up, she will be controlled by her, and she will not be able to move at all.

Xie Xinglan smiled half-smile, met her slightly red eyes, looked at each other for two seconds, and settled in place cooperatively.

"Juman" thought he was successful, and couldn't wait to pounce on her, but the man suddenly raised his foot against her, and took out a piece of gossip from the wide cuff of the Taoist robe.

The dazzling mirror light suddenly shone on her face, and the true face of "Juman" was instantly revealed. On her fair neck, what looked like a human head was not a human head at all, but a dense red fur... a fox head!

Half of the fox's face was festering, and its entire head was slumped, as if it had been smashed hard by something, and the white brain was still stuck on its face.

[Fuck the fox! Is the actress dead? ]

[disgusting ah ah day]

[It's not why she wants to get on the human body, is it related to the main line?]

"Why?!" The fox spirit flashed resentment in his eyes, obviously he did not expect that the charm of his hundred spirits would fail, but he was calculated by a human, showing his true face.

It was Xie Chi who spoke this time. He shrugged with a somewhat innocent expression: "I'm sorry, I'm gay."

Vixen: "..."

[? ? ? ]

[I just said that he and Lu Wen are mostly real]

[Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm gay]

Xie Chi smiled slightly: "Look at my eyes."

The fox spirit was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but do as he said.

Taking advantage of her daze, Xie Chi grabbed her left hand and lifted it up, where the wound still hadn't healed. After he did this, a steady stream of blood came out from the wrist, and within a few seconds, the hand was already dripping with blood. .

Juman's hands are shaking because she has cut her wrists and her hands are hurt.

Xie Chi was stunned for two seconds, and when he realized something, his face suddenly changed: "Blood!"

[What blood? ]

[Why did Zhu Man cut his wrists... I can't understand the plot a bit]

[Fuck blood! I have an unknown guess... Human blood for chicken blood]

[Fuck! ! ! ]

Xie Chi quickly glanced at the copper-horned golden coffin in the yard, and urged in his heart, "Brother, hurry up!"

Xie Xinglan just responded, and with a bang, the door was kicked open.

Lu Wen heard the movement and rushed over, and caught a glimpse of the fox-headed and human ghost pounce on Xie Chi, his eyes were splitting: "Xie Chi, run!"

Xie Xinglan: "..."

Lu Wen immediately raised his sword to attack, and fought with the fox spirit.

Xie Chi said in his heart, "Brother, there is something wrong with the coffin and Mo Dou, human blood."

Xie Xinglan instantly understood that there was Lu Wen here for a while, so it wasn't a big problem.

The fox spirit grabbed Lu Wen's back, Xie Xinglan threw out the peach wood sword he had led, helped him block it, and jumped down from the broken window on the second floor.

[Fuck? ? ? This is the second floor! ! ! ]

[Zhou Tong has fallen and half disabled him... ]

Lu Wen looked at others jumping down in astonishment, and was caught by the fox spirit in a daze, and only then did he concentrate on his eyes.

There was a lot of movement here. The nearby Yue Xiuming and others came quickly. Yue Xiuming took out a talisman in pain, bit his finger, and quickly drew a ghost on it. Then, between Lu Wen's fights, he successfully pasted the talisman on it. on the body of the fox.

The red light flashed on the spell, and the vixen escaped from Zhu Man's body as if it had been hit hard, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[I remember that Yue Xiuming's talisman seems to be a one-time consumable? ]

[The effect is ok]

Lu Wen quickly squatted down to check Zhu Man's breath, frowned at everyone and shook his head. Zhuman was killed unknowingly long ago. Without the fox spirit possessing her, she is just a corpse.

A few people who were also cannon fodder flashed panic in their eyes. They were as humble as ants, and they may not be better than Zhu Man's death in the future.

Here Xie Xinglan jumped from the second floor and galloped away to the coffin. Before he got close, he heard Zhou Tong scream, for some unknown reason.

Zhou Tong saw the performance of the upper part of Xie Chi and knew that he could fight. After his eyes flickered slightly, he immediately staggered towards him, as if something was chasing him behind him.

Xie Xinglan squinted, the coffin didn't move, it was still lying in the yard, but...

Xie Xinglan looked down at the gossip, and the lotus petals shrunk in.

Daoist Lianxi said that if there are unsuppressed zombies within a radius of one mile, the lotus petals will shrink behind the mirror, so either the gossip is broken, or…

Xie Chi: "Brother, stay away from the coffin."

At this time, everyone on the second floor had descended into the courtyard, Xie Xinglan took two steps back calmly, and gave Lu Wen a wink.

Taoist Xuancheng hurried over: "What's going on?!"

Lu Wenyan talked to him concisely.

Taoist Master Xuancheng turned pale with fright, and hurriedly pushed the crowd away to go to the coffin. Xie Xinglan held him back: "Don't go there."

Xuancheng said with a long face: "Get out of the way."

Xie Xinglan frowned, and Daoist Xuancheng took out a corpse rope from his sleeve and tied his hand.

Xie Xinglan was too lazy to make fun of himself.

Daoist Xuancheng rushed over, carefully checked the ink lines on the lower coffin, and after confirming that there was no leak anywhere, he was completely relieved: "Fortunately, the coffin didn't go wrong—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the thick coffin board behind him suddenly exploded, and a densely folded hand pinched towards his neck.

"Be careful!" The people on the opposite side exclaimed, their faces as pale as paper.

A zombie quickly jumped out of the coffin, its gray and hard face was scary under the moonlight, and a bit of human cunning flashed in its cloudy eyes.

He was just pretending!

The blue-green nails pierced Taoist Xuancheng's skin. Taoist Xuancheng was very human after all. He responded very quickly and hugged the zombie behind him with his backhand. With only the weight of the zombie, he made it easier for the zombie to pierce his nails into his shoulder blades.

Taoist Xuancheng let out a scream, and the zombie was about to bite his neck. Xie Xinglan was not sure whether the death of the NPC would affect the plot, and was about to make a move when Lu Wen pushed him back very vigorously, thank you Xing Lan's eyes were full of astonishment, and he couldn't dodge for a while. He stumbled before he could stand firm, and frowned, "What are you doing?"

Always ruin his plans.

Lu Wen had already rushed up, turned his head and shouted: "Don't be arrogant, you are not needed here, stay by the side, I will protect you!"

Because of the urgency of time, his tone was very rigid and tough, as if he was caring for the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Xie Chi and Xie Xinglan: "..."

Xie Xinglan: "Are you still going?"

Xie Chi thought for two seconds: "Wait a second, let Xuancheng take care of it first." After all, Lu Wen admitted that he was dead, and he was really afraid that his brother would be beaten back by Lu Wen involuntarily.

[This brother just jumped off the second floor, it's okay]

[I vaguely have a bad guess]

[Same as before]

With the addition of Lu Wen and several others, Daoist Xuancheng quickly escaped the restraint of the zombies, fled to the side in embarrassment, and was supported by Xie Chi, who had returned.

Several other people over there were still fighting with zombies, Xie Chi quickly checked the wound for Daoist Xuancheng, and his face changed slightly.

Taoist Xuancheng had three hole-like wounds on his shoulder blades and his neck near his collarbone, apparently caused by the three fingers of the zombies stabbing in before.

There was no blood around the wound, but a strange pink color. Xie Chi pressed it, and it was extremely hard.

According to the "Zombie Handbook", if you are bitten by a zombie or your finger is injured, the wound is pink and extremely hard. This is a corpse poison. If you don't stop it, you will become a zombie in a very short time.

Zombie's stiffness, as the name suggests, means stiffness. Daoist Xuancheng's wound is stiff now. Xie Chi pressed it so hard that he felt no pain at all, and the blood around the wound had completely coagulated.

Master Xuancheng's face was pale, and he shouted, "Don't mind me! Catch the zombies first!"

Ordinary corpse poison, as long as the wound is covered with glutinous rice, soaked in glutinous rice water for the next few days, and keep exercising to activate blood, it is not a big problem, but this zombie is unusual, and Taoist Xuancheng knows that he is most likely to die. Taking care of himself, he forced himself to stand up and threw the corpse rope at several disciples.

Binding corpse ropes can limit the movement of zombies.

Lu Wen and Yue Xiuming took one end of the corpse rope, looked at each other, took a step back, and straightened the corpse rope.

The zombie was about to jump to Lu Wen and was bounced back by the corpse rope, but it only paused for a second or two, and then rushed towards Lu Wen again. This time he attacked more urgently, and seemed to be provoked by the resistance of the weak ants. .

Taoist Xuancheng was sweating profusely: "Damn!"

This zombie is so powerful that even the corpse rope that ordinary zombies are afraid of can only limit him for a second or two.

Yue Xiuming did the same, drew the talisman again, and stuck it on the head of the zombie, the zombie really didn't move.

He smiled at everyone with great pride: "It's alright—"

The next second, the talisman on the zombie's head cracked and shattered into pieces, and the zombie grabbed Yue Xiuming again.

A talisman can only resist zombies for two or three seconds.

Yue Xiuming's face was ashen.

"Hold your breath!" Unable to suppress for the time being, Taoist Xuancheng could only try to save his disciples' lives.

Xie Chi covered his mouth and nose, rummaged through the glutinous rice with one hand, grabbed a handful full, gave Xuancheng a wink, told him to hold back his breath, and tightly covered the glutinous rice on Xuancheng's wound.

Daoist Xuancheng was so painful that he almost fainted. The white, bright and round glutinous rice turned black in the blink of an eye, and black smoke was emitted from Daoist Xuancheng's wound.

Only sticky rice is effective on wounds inflicted by zombies.

According to Xie Chi's temper, Daoist Xuancheng himself does not listen to people's words and deserves to die. If it weren't for the plot NPC, he must be very happy to say that he would die.

Zhou Tong, who was hiding behind the crowd, covered his mouth and nose with one hand, and quietly covered the wound on his right arm with the other, where the clothes were torn, the wound was pink, and there were three holes.

[Fuck! ! Zhou Tong was caught by a zombie, did he just fall down?]

[Why didn't he say it just now, what did he mean]

Zhou Tong quietly pulled down his clothes, very anxious.

He fell on the side of the coffin just now, and a zombie hand suddenly protruded from the coffin board and the coffin body and grabbed his big arm. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have to be pulled into the coffin.

He's done zombie movies and knows a lot about zombies. Half of his arm has begun to stiffen, which is a sign of corpse poisoning. In a day or two at most, if he can't find zombie blood or zombie tooth powder to detoxify, he will completely turn into a zombie.

Ordinary zombie poison is easy to detoxify. This zombie is too powerful. To detoxify, non-zombie blood and zombie tooth powder are not necessary.

He can't be discovered by other people. His relationship has always been bad. If he is also infected with corpse poison, he may turn into a zombie and bite others at any time.

Zhou Tong clenched his palms secretly, telling himself to be calm, he is not dead yet, there is still a turning point in this matter, the NPC Daoist Xuancheng was also bitten by a zombie, as long as they can stop the zombies, they will definitely find a way to save Xuancheng , then he may not have a chance to live.

[This kind of team friend is disgusting, regardless of your life or death, it's just me.]

[Isn't Zhou Tong always like this? It's not the first time you watch him make a film]

[Would you say for you? Thinking in a different position is a good cut? ]

Everyone held their breath, the zombie couldn't feel the popularity, and instantly lost his target. He sniffed and sniffed. He obviously had extraordinary wisdom. He knew that everyone was around him, but he couldn't see it, so he didn't. leave, but walk slowly in the vicinity.

He expected that this group of people would take a breath if they couldn't hold back for a while, and then...

A short minute passed, Yue Xiuming couldn't hold his breath anymore, his eyes flashed darkly, Lu Wen was different from him, Lu Wen had the blessing of blood, and his natural breath-holding ability was more than double that of ordinary people, but he couldn't.

Zombie turned around again, his face rubbed across Yue Xiuming's nose, his cloudy eyes and sharp fangs were close at hand, Yue Xiuming was so frightened that his heart stopped, his face flushed red, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead, but Zombie didn't show any signs of it. means to go away.

The more Xiuming's mind was, the more he got so close, in a few seconds, he would be found by a zombie biting his neck due to the forced ventilation.

Yue Xiuming turned his head and glanced at the unfamiliar actor who was also trying to hold his breath and was on the verge of collapse.

The actor was attacked, his hands covering his nose and mouth were loosened, he was unable to react, exclaimed in pain, and instantly relieved, the zombie had a target, left Yue Xiuming's position, rushed towards the actor who fell on the ground, bit on it. his fragile neck.

With a piercing scream, the actor fell to the ground and didn't move.

Everyone saw Yue Xiuming's actions in their eyes, and they were full of resentment. If it weren't for the zombies, Lu Wen would have wanted to kill Yue Xiuming.

Taking advantage of this moment when everyone was breathing, Yue Xiuming felt the accusing eyes of everyone and sneered: "I don't do this, can you breathe? You will do the same if you hold it for a long time."

The other two cannon fodder secretly moved to Lu Wen's side, away from Yue Xiuming.

Holding your breath is not a long-term solution, everyone is sweating coldly on their foreheads, and their legs are shaking with tension.

After Xie Chi greeted Daoist Xuancheng, Xie Xinglan stood up lazily, walked up to Lu Wen, stretched out his hand and said, "Let me play with the Taomu sword."