Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 25: Zombie Lover (8)


[Acceptance of the task is entirely voluntary. The first person to complete the task will be awarded 50 points, the second place will be awarded 30 points, the third place will be awarded 10 points, and so on. Those who accept but not complete will be deducted 50 points. After accepting, the app will provide three locations with zombies within a 100-mile radius. The task is valid for one day and one night. ]

[Special attention should be paid to the fact that quest zombies cannot be selected as targets. ]

It is written in the "Zombie Handbook" that after being bitten by a zombie, if the corpse poison is not severe, soaking the body in glutinous rice water, compressing the wound with glutinous rice, and exercising more to activate blood can generally remove the corpse poison. If the corpse poison is deep, the above operations can only be performed Slowing down the speed of turning into a zombie cannot cure the corpse poison completely. At this time, you need zombie tooth powder or zombie blood.

Zombie tooth powder is the powder made from zombie teeth.

When everyone heard the mission, they all looked at the copper-horned golden coffin in the yard. They were obviously trying to play with the zombie's teeth. Now the app has specifically stated that they have also stopped thinking about it. Look at me. , I look at you, you look a little wary, and no one takes the task first.

Yan Jing: "Brother Xie, can you accept—"

Before he finished asking, Lu Wen saw Xie Chi swipe the screen and click accept the task, as if he didn't even think it was necessary.

Lu Wen was a little annoyed that he didn't have time to persuade Xie Chi: "This task takes a long time, there are few rewards, and it will be deducted if it is not completed. The information provided before accepting it is also insufficient. In fact, we can wait and see when someone else picks up. Consider the specific situation…”

Xie Chi smiled and said, "I just lack points, and I don't want to let go of a single point."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and patted the ash he had just rubbed against his body.

Lu Wen's eyes were a little hard to take away from him: "What if it's very troublesome? Maybe staying here can get more plot exploration, after all, the coffin is here..."

"I generally don't leave a way out for myself," Xie Chi tidyed himself up and said casually, "In this way, I won't waste time thinking about whether it's worth it or not. I can just do it with my mind. It can always be done. There are so many in case, think about this How annoying."

Xie Chi rarely showed impatience, but this time he really frowned.

Xie Chi has done everything he wanted to do since he was a child, and he never doubted that one day he would have his brother completely.

Yan Jing is deeply touched by this. Brother Xie is indeed like this from beginning to end. It does not consider whether it is difficult or not, whether it is worth it or not, but only considers whether it is possible or not. If not, change tricks to make the impossible possible. I bought tens of thousands of dollars for nothing, and I easily got into the house of the female boss of a high-end community. I dared to stay and challenge the branch if I didn't know the situation...

It's easy to follow Brother Xie... Blind confidence. Yan Jing couldn't help but sigh quietly, after all, Brother Xie seemed to be omnipotent, and even the best people would be eclipsed in front of him. Before Yan Jing entered the horror movie, he felt that he was easy to be regarded as a treasure. After all, he had yin and yang eyes. Only when he met Xie Chi did he realize that a partner seemed unnecessary to Xie Chi. He could do almost everything by himself. , I didn't picture him at all, I guess it's still a kind repayment for his previous efforts.

It is... a person who is confident and narcissistic, but also takes care of other people's feelings and does not show off, which makes people subconsciously inferior. Yan Jing suddenly felt a little emotional. He didn't know whether he could realize his wish, but he never doubted Xie Chineng, no matter how outrageous or expensive his wish was.

Lu Wen was at a loss for a moment, Xie Chi seemed to be different from what he thought.

"Mirror?" Xie Chi's soft call brought Yan Jing back to his senses.

After accepting the task, Xie Chi immediately received the zombie coordinates sent by the app. He glanced at it and said with a smile, "It turned out to be a monster-killing task."

Lu Wen came over, and on Xie Chi's mobile phone screen was a top-down view of the entire Mianshan Mountain. The overall shape of the Mianshan Mountain was very long, like a person sleeping on his side. Xie Chi zoomed the map several times, and the entire Mianshan Mountain was in full view.

They are now halfway up the side peak of Mianshan Mountain. The map is marked with a green dot, which is easy to identify. In addition, there are three red dots on the map.

The red dot closest to them is at the foot of the main peak, with a three-star sign at the bottom; the farthest red dot is at the bottom of the map, almost running out of the map, and under the red dot is a one-star mark, and there is a two-star sign not far or near. Star logo.

Specially marked at the bottom of the map, the stars represent the degree of danger, and the more stars, the more dangerous.

Lu Wen obviously didn't take up this kind of task. He saw Xie Chi click on the red dot with the Samsung logo.

A simple narrative unfolds—a group of mountain people originally lived here. Because of the careless handling of the corpse of a family, the corpse turned into a zombie and ran out. All the mountain people here were bitten overnight. turned into a zombie. Because of the remote location, the Taoist priests who heard the news were still on their way, and the situation here could not be contained and was still deteriorating.

Dangerous level of three stars, advantages: close distance (it is expected that a normal person will take 6 hours to briskly walk), many targets

The red dot with a star sign is like this - here is a zombie, which was accidentally lost by a careless Taoist priest in the process of chasing the corpse, and the Taoist priest has not had time to retrieve it.

Dangerous level of one star, disadvantages: long distance (it is expected to take 10.5h for a normal person to briskly walk), zombies are difficult to find

The two-star logo integrates the advantages and disadvantages of one-star and three-star, and is generally dangerous and time-consuming. It is a very stable choice.

After listening to Lu Wen's description, Yan Jing frowned: "10.5 hours is too exaggerated, isn't it? It's only one day and one night, it takes 21 hours to go back and forth, and to find zombies, 3 hours is not enough, and the first There are many rewards to complete, and if you really go to this place, it will basically count down."

He was confused again: "But it's really safe. It's only a zombie, and from the description, it must be a low-level zombie, which is especially easy to subdue."

Lu Wen disagreed: "That's a normal person's brisk walk. Brother Xie and I ran over and ran back. It won't take that long. The time to find it is estimated to be at least 8 hours, which is actually quite enough."

[It's interesting, "Zombie Lover" has innovated the actor's action mode! This is the first time I saw a monster-killing task, it feels a bit like an online game, in short, it is very conscientious]

[Which one do you choose? ]

[One star, safe, although the ranking is lower, but the points are guaranteed]

[No, in case they can't find the zombie, the little brother's gossip can only determine whether there is a zombie nearby, but can't locate it. It's better to have two stars.]

[Although Lu Wen and his little brother have a high level of force, there are too many zombies in the zombie village, and two fists are hard to beat with four hands. In case of an accident... ]

[I want to see my little brother fight, handsome, vote for Zombie Village]

While they were discussing, Xie Chi remained silent, pushed up his glasses, and thoughtfully.

A few seconds later, he opened the app again, but this time, instead of checking the information, he opened the mall.

There are a lot of things in the mall, and there are all kinds of props, but because they are relatively low-level, unless there are special circumstances, actors generally do not spend points to buy things in the mall.

Xie Chi glanced at the Satan Eye that Zhou Wen had planned to use on him before.

Click to see that Satan's Eye can only be used for novice films. In fact, the positive effect of this thing is almost equal to none, basically it is harmful to others and not good for oneself, so it is also regarded as a low-level item and appears in the app store.

The functional props in the mall are generally very limited, the applicability is extremely small, and they are very tasteless. The props with high applicability and strong functionality will only explode in horror movies.

It's like Lu Wen's exquisite peach wood sword, which can be used in all zombie movies. So after Lu Wen finished filming the last zombie film, he immediately entered the next zombie film. In a zombie film, with such props, his life and safety were greatly guaranteed.

Moreover, audiences generally tend to like movies when they watch movies. An actor who has been making movies of the same genre is easier to attract fans who like the genre, and it is easier to win the trust of the audience, and he will be very good at this.

After Xie Chi entered "Zombie Lover", fans grew very slowly, and there was a small explosion just now, but he was still not optimistic. There are some reasons why his ghost movies turned into zombie movies. The original fans may not pay attention to his zombie movies. , the audience who likes zombie movies, but they don't know him at all.

Even if the audience has a good impression of such an actor, most of them will choose to wait and see first, because there is a lack of trust and understanding, and generally there will be no popular science.

Audiences generally follow an actor for two reasons. First, they want to follow his personal history and watch movies of the same type. For example, Zhou Wen likes to be pornographic. If he likes to watch him do pornography, they will follow him and browse his previous pornographic films. ; Another is the actor's personal charm.

Therefore, if such actors want to win the attention of fans, they have to rely entirely on the latter. The starting point is a lot lower than that of people with foundations such as Lu Wen, Yue Xiuming, and Zhou Tong.

Right now, this is not something Xie Chi is eager to consider. With an attitude of giving it a try, Xie Chi enters what he wants in the search bar of the mall. After the app loads for a few seconds, what he wants pops up, yes, and The price is very favorite, basically equal to free.

Xie Chi smiled with satisfaction, exited the mall, and said, "I'm going to the Zombie Village, will you go?"

As he spoke, he put on a Taoist robe, tied a belt around his waist, and pinned a small bag of glutinous rice to his waist, as if he was in a hurry to leave, but he was calm.

Lu Wen's eyes were full of astonishment, and he never thought that he would make such a decision so quickly. He asked in a warm voice, "Aren't you thinking about getting a second star? There are too many zombies in the zombie village. It is unrealistic to take zombie blood. Its blood, grinding the teeth of zombies is feasible, but it is time-consuming, when you grind his teeth, it is easy to be attacked by other zombies…”

Lu Wen did not obstruct him, but just expressed his concerns. He saw Xie Chi's ability, but the group of Zombie Village should not be underestimated. Xie Chi is absolutely safe, but it is difficult not to be caught and encountered by so many zombies.

Xie Chi chuckled: "It's okay."

His expression was indescribably calm.

Lu Wen pondered for a few seconds: "I'll go with you."

"Okay," Xie Chi turned to look at Yan Jing, "How about you?"

Yan Jing shook his head: "I'm not going, I'm going to cause you trouble for this kind of task. I'll take care of Taoist Xuancheng here."

Lu Wen and Xie Chi nodded.

[Just so easily decided to go to the zombie village? He's amazing, but it's not necessary to be so embarrassed for the extra ten or twenty minutes, right? So many zombies over there...]

[You can watch the little brother fight! I'm leaving now]

[He seems to have clicked on the mall just now? Did you see what he saw? ]


When Xie Chi and Lu Wen left the inn, they were just about to see Zhou Tong going down the stairs on the second floor of the inn.

Xie Chi cast a faint glance at Zhou Tong, his eyes sank slightly.

- Zhou Tong changed clothes.

Just now exploring the critical moment of the plot, Zhou Tong just went upstairs to change a piece of clothes...

Feeling Xie Chi's exploratory gaze, Zhou Tong felt a little guilty, avoided his sight, ignored Xie Chi, and went directly downstairs to the backyard to find Yue Xiuming.

A possibility flashed in Xie Chi's mind, his long sleeve clenched his hand slightly, stopped, and stood in front of the door.

Lu Wen turned his head and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Xie Chi's expression darkened: "Brother Lu, please go to the backyard and call Yan Jing, and ask him to come with us to find zombie tooth powder."

"Didn't Yan Jing say he doesn't want to go?" Lu Wen was puzzled.

Xie Chi changed his face again in an instant, and said with a smile: "You just need to call him, and trouble Brother Lu."

Lu Wen wisely stopped asking, and ran to the backyard to find Yan Jing.

Xie Chi's face behind him turned gloomy again.

Since Mo Dou was ineffective from the beginning to the end, is it possible that the zombies had already awakened before Daoist Xuancheng was injured? Perhaps the first person he bit and scratched was not Taoist Xuancheng, but... Zhou Tong

Xie Chi recalled the scene when he saw Zhou Tong in the yard before - he was flustered, he seemed to be hiding something.

Sneak away at a critical moment, change clothes...

The life and death of other actors have nothing to do with Xie Chi. Xie Chi doesn't pay for other people's dreams, but Yan Jing expressed kindness to Xie Chi at first, and Xie Chi can help those who want to help.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if this is the case, the risk of Yan Jing staying here will be much greater, and it is safest to take it with you.

[Fuck he won't realize anything, will he]

[Did you see his face change

[This is too sensitive, I have a little scalp tingling, can I guess from this sign? ]

[He doesn't seem ready to take care of other people... as if he's not as good as he seems]

[I… I follow]

In the yard, while Zhou Tong and Yue Xiuming made a decision to go to the two star sign together, he stared absently at Yan Jing not far away, his eyes gradually flashing with excitement.

Xie Chi and Lu Wen left Yan Jing here. He and Yue Xiuming had the best success in finding tooth powder. If they failed, he could also hold Xie Chi and Lu Wen, who were forced by Yan Jing to return, to hand over the tooth powder.

Daoist Xuancheng is obviously not a key NPC, and he will be like that if he dies. After all, the task of finding tooth powder is optional. If Daoist Xuancheng is really important, then this task should be mandatory.

So Xie Chi and Lu Wen gave him the tooth powder, but only lost 30 points, and 30 points were exchanged for life. This should be a very good deal for them.

So he will definitely be able to detoxify and live, and now there are two choices in front of him, which are clearly foolproof.

Zhou Tong was thinking in a trance, but saw Lu Wen running in suddenly, lowered his head and whispered a few words to Yan Jing, and then Yan Jing stood up blankly and left with Lu Wen!

Zhou Tong's face was gloomy in an instant, and he couldn't help clenching his hands in his sleeves.

Now he can only put all his hopes on the two star logos.

Except for Xie Chi and his party of three and Zhou Tong and his party, the two remaining cannon fodders did not accept the task and chose to take care of the injured Taoist priest Xuancheng in the inn.

On the way to the Zombie Village, Yan Jing hesitated: "Brother Xie, why are you..."

Xie Chi speeded up and walked forward, and said concisely: "Zhou Tong is mostly poisoned by corpse poison."

His tone was obviously flat, but his words exploded in Yan Jing's ears like thunder.

[Fuck he really knows! ]

[He's really scary]

[I don't know how he knew... ]

Lu Wen's face was also full of disbelief: "How did you know that?"

"Don't ask," Xie Chi was in a bad mood and stopped laughing every day, "I can't explain it for a while, it's just a guess."

Lu Wen nodded understandingly, and felt that Xie Chi was different from before.

Yan Jing was stunned for a while, and suddenly understood the intention of Xie Chi to call Lu Wen to call him, his eyes reddened secretly, and he secretly said that he was useless and could not do anything for Xie Chi, and he had to worry about protecting himself.

But what kind of people like Brother Xie can be of great help to him

Yan Jing walked slowly, and Lu Wen simply carried him away like a chicken. The three of them spent a little over three hours before arriving near the zombie village.

It's three or four in the morning, and there's still an hour or two of dawn. If they don't get the zombie tooth powder before dawn, they'll have to wait another whole day for the next night zombie to appear, so time is tight.

Xie Chi was looking at his phone along the way, his lips moved, and now he finally raised his head, turned to Yan Jing and said, "You take over the task."

Yan Jing was stunned: "How do I get tooth powder?"

Xie Chi chuckled lightly: "Just take it."

Yan Jing was very obedient and immediately answered.

Xie Chi looked at Lu Wen again: "Brother Lu, I'll go in, you and the mirror are waiting for me here."

Lu Wen widened his eyes, thinking that there was something wrong with his ears.

[? ? ? Did he go in alone? ? ? ]

[Lu Wen doesn't even want to beat him like this? ? ? ]

[what's the situation? ? I also have the same confused face as Lu Wen, is he so arrogant? ? ]

Xie Chi continued to talk to Lu Wen: "Brother Lu, when you see me coming out later, you immediately carry the zombies and run away, don't look back, okay?"

Lu Wen was confused again.

He can still understand when he carries Xie Chi, maybe Xie Chi got the tooth powder and was chased by a group of zombies, so he needs to carry it, but what does it mean to run with a zombie?

[? ? ? Why can't I understand it? ? ? ]

[Did he say something wrong in his nervous mouth, what he meant to say was to carry himself and run? ? ]

[The previous explanation is too far-fetched]

Lu Wen: "Then I'll lend you the sword?"

Xie Chi looked at the peach wood sword handed over, but shook his head rarely, and smiled a little weirdly: "No need."

Lu Wen was stunned again. Xie Chi, rejected his sword.

[? ? ? He doesn't even want weapons? ? ? ]

[My heart is pounding for some reason]

Lu Wen was very reliable. After Xie Chi asked him, he entered the village with confidence.

Lu Wen and Yan Jing couldn't wait for Xie Chi for a long time, so they were anxious.

Lu Wen finally couldn't sit still, stood up and said, "I'll go find him."

The hands that were holding the sword were shaking so nervously.

Yan Jing nodded hurriedly: "I'm waiting for you here."

Lu Wen prepared to kill with his sword in hand, but found that the village where the zombies were screaming was silent.

Lu Wen was wandering in the dilapidated village in a daze, and finally heard a few zombie calls.

He instantly became vigilant, ready to fight at any time, and the cat moved over there, leaning against the thatched house, looked sideways, and suddenly his heart stopped with fright.

Xie Chi was surrounded by a group of zombies!

Lu Wen held his breath and was about to go out to help, but suddenly received a note from Xie Chi for his ignorance.

Xie Chi was clearly suggesting that he should not breathe or come over.

Lu Wen woke up a little, only to notice that Xie Chi was not wearing a Taoist robe at this time, but... the exact same clothes as a zombie, with a little whitewash on his face.

Xie Chi's lips moved, as if he was about to speak, Lu Wen suddenly became nervous, fearing that the zombies would attack him because they felt the popularity.

He clenched his sword tightly, ready to help Xie Chi at any time.

Xie Chi opened his mouth, but what he said was a bunch of stuff that Lu Wen couldn't understand, obviously not in Chinese.

But it sounds familiar...

The zombies didn't attack him, but instead made a few calls similar to Xie Chi.

Lu Wen thundered and froze completely, his eyes were about to fall out.

Xie Chi is speaking zombie language!

No wonder he looked at his phone all the way, he should have bought the Zombie language manual. But that thing is so difficult to learn, it only took more than three hours...

In just a few short breaths, countless terrible thoughts flashed through Lu Wen's mind, and his heart was beating wildly, for fear that Xie Chi would say a word or a half wrong and be recognized by the zombies as not the same kind, and thus attack him.

What Lu Wen was afraid of did not happen. Three minutes later, the two zombies who had been listening for a long time happily followed Xie Chi to the outside of the village. The eyes of the zombies behind him flashed a little bit of suspicion.

Xie Chi gave Lu Wen a wink.

Lu Wen finally knew why Xie Chi asked him to carry the zombies away.

Xie Chi asked him to steal Molar from the two stupid zombies who had followed him out of the village before the other zombies found it.

The author has something to say:

After people become zombies, they will automatically master zombie language (movie setting), analogous to Western zombies, they can communicate with each other by making special sounds.

Yan Jing and Lu Wen asked both of their souls: Why am I so weak? !

- Because Brother Xie is too strong.