Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 30: Zombie Lover (13)


[I rely on her to put my dead husband in the bedroom, how much she loves him]

[This is crazy, don't you think it's scary? In this hot day, you still touch people's faces. It's probably rotten under the wax.]

[Don't say it before, I can smell the stink across the screen and vomit]

[Is she going to borrow a zombie body to revive her soul? ]

[Wow, if she succeeds, then she sleeps with her zombie husband, it's so disgusting, my scalp is numb just thinking about it]

[and many more! Your focus is wrong! This film is called "Zombie Lover", a pun, the fox spirit and the zombie are the past tense and the present tense, the Zhao lady and the zombie are the future tense, the Zhao lady's plan is successful, the zombie's soul is her husband, she is the zombie's Lover; Mrs. Zhao's plan failed, the fox is the lover of zombies, it makes sense, I rely on it, at any point in the plot, zombies have lovers, and the wife is awesome! ]

[Is this a double main line movie...? I think the signs are a bit similar, but how do I remember, the double main line movie may have double endings... ? Ah, I can't remember, there are too few double main line films, the last time I watched it was thirty or forty years ago]

[Fuck you so good at playing? ! Is this a private film? But I didn't see the producer's name on the flyer]

The concierge led everyone to stop in front of a painted red attic.

The attic has eleven floors, and the shape is a bit like a tower. The eaves of each floor are upturned, and a row of red lanterns are hung on it, which is rich, elegant and festive. On the plaque at the entrance, there are three big characters "Ladies' Building".

Lu Wen frowned and said, "This place doesn't look like sleeping..."

Yan Jing couldn't see it and asked curiously, "What does that look like?"

Lu Wen blushed and looked at Xie Chi for some reason: "Contact your name, it's a bit... like a brothel."

Xie Chi glanced at him, smiled, and teased: "Why isn't the brothel a place to sleep?"

Lu Wen's face turned red again.

Yan Jing was so frightened that she hugged herself tightly: "I'm the only remaining virgin, a super rare species, they don't even think about me!"

Xie Chi and Lu Wen's expressions both stiffened, they turned their faces away silently and did not speak, making Yan Jing a virgin with "the only remaining fruit".

Everyone went in, and they were greeted by a man in a long jacket.

The man was in his 50s or 60s, very thin, very short, about the same as Yan Jing, with a hunchback, small eyes and rolling eyeballs, and looked very shrewd.

The man laughed: "Ms. Zhao told me early in the morning. I've been waiting for it for a long time, and I'm finally here. Please come in. I'll introduce you to my building."

"My lord, Zhang Linu, the benefit of the interests, the slaves of the servants, what do you mean - it's our master who gives the money, we have to take good care of you, Mrs. Zhao has already paid the money, you just don't worry, you can rest here for a night, Good way to go."

Xie Chi's face changed slightly.

This man said, not to take a rest here for a night, and to go on the road tomorrow morning, what he said was - to take a rest here for a night, so that you can go on the road.

Without the words "tomorrow morning", there is an extra layer of meaning in it.

They stayed here for one night to send them... to the Western Heaven

Thinking about it carefully, if Lady Zhao took Zhang Linu's hand to send them to the West, her motives would be completely sufficient—they would help her transport the coffin, and they would most likely know some of her secrets, thus ruining her good deeds. As long as they live, Zhao The lady will be apprehensive.

Dead people will always keep secrets.

So Mrs. Zhao had the motive to kill her.

She set them here persistently, which seemed a bit deliberate.

Xie Chi's face darkened.

Xie Chi doesn't care if he is a soldier, he does not hesitate to speculate on everyone here, but he has reservations about any untested speculation.

Zhang Linu may have missed it by accident, or he may have done it deliberately. It is enough for him to consider two possibilities.

And he had no way to go back. The app ordered them to rest in the Ladies' Building tonight, so he could only take a step by step.

After the concierge finished his errands, he greeted everyone and went back.

Lu Wen and Yan Jing were reminded by Xie Chi, and instantly became serious and vigilant.

Zhang Linu closed the door and locked it from the inside before laughing: "I know what you are thinking, this building is not a brothel. To say it is a brothel is simply a defilement of it."

The always rigid Taoist Master Xuancheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It was not a brothel. Although he was a Taoist priest, not a monk, he was so old and with many disciples, he was really ashamed to come to such a place.

Zhang Linu added: "Of course, it has the same effect as the brothel, and it can bring you an unparalleled experience."

Yan Jing rolled his eyes and whispered forcefully: "So this is still a brothel, this lousy old man is quite good at talking and fooling around..."

Zhang Linu was still smiling one second, and the next second with a gloomy expression, he shouted, "I said it's not a brothel! Don't defile my precious building!"

Yan Jing was startled and shivered, and immediately hid behind Xie Chi. Xie Chi frowned slightly, Zhang Linu's reaction was too big, and he seemed to have an almost paranoid love for this building.

The two cannon fodders also turned pale.

Zhang Linu smiled flatteringly again, as if it wasn't him who changed his face before, he continued: "This Ladies Building, also known as the Goddess Building. My building has eleven floors. Except for the first floor, the other ten floors are inhabited. A goddess, with different looks, body, temperament, and hobbies, whoever can catch their eyes will be able to spend a spring night with them."

Xie Chi's expression froze suddenly.

Yan Jing snorted: "'Have a spring night with them', does it mean that it can be one-to-many? So open?"

Xie Chi stopped talking.

Daoist Xuancheng blushed: "No no no, I'll wait..."

Zhang Linu warmly went over to wrap his arms around him: "Don't be in a hurry to push and refuse, it's not too late to see, besides, these goddesses have a high vision, and it's not so easy to come out, the Taoist priest, you are also this age, cough, take a look What's new is that this is also the kindness of Mrs. Zhao, and there are inappropriate things, please bear with me, after all, your disciples are still in their prime..."

Daoist Xuancheng understood what Zhang Linu wanted to express - he was old and sloppy and rigid, and the goddess did not look down on him, so he had nothing to worry about.

He breathed a sigh of relief, not wanting to take Mrs. Zhao's face, and nodded with difficulty.

The next second, Xie Chi received the cryptic look of "I reluctantly allow you to enjoy benefits" from Xuancheng to his disciple.

Xie Chi: "… "Thank you, I don't want this benefit.

Yan Jing said: "Brother, are you handsome or not? They definitely don't like me anyway. If you are handsome, it will be dangerous."

Xie Chi was expressionless: "General."

Yan Jing breathed a sigh of relief: "That shouldn't be a big problem."

[Hahahaha fooling the blind all day long]

[Towards a little magical hehe I like it]

Zhang Linu walked to the stairs, made a gesture of reaching out to greet people, and said with a smile: "Since you understand everything, then please go upstairs with me now, let's meet the first lady."

Zhang Linu asked them to go upstairs first, and then put the cushion behind him. When Xie Chi passed by him, his eyes fell on Zhang Linu's hands, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhang Linu is at this age, his face is densely wrinkled, his flesh is drooping, hanging loosely on his cheeks, his neck is also very loose, but his hands are very well maintained, with delicate and fair skin, and ten fingers are slender and flexible. Nails glowed with lustrous sheen.

It is not strange that these hands grow on a young man in his twenties or thirties, but with Zhang Linu's face, it is indescribably strange.

Xie Chi's thoughts flashed, and he took two steps to Zhang Linu, and said with a smile: "Your hand is really..."

Zhang Linu saw the amazement on his face, raised his eyebrows, seemed a little complacent, and opened the chat box at once: "My hands, that cost a lot of money, I wash them with milk in the morning, noon and night, and I never hurt my hands. I have to use that herbal compress every now and then..."

Xie Chi seemed to be interested in chatting with him, and said a little embarrassedly: "Excuse me, why are you only taking care of your hands, but you can also take care of your face... I don't mean anything else, I'm really curious, what are you doing? The results of hand care are simply amazing…”

Zhang Linu suddenly fluttered: "Of course we have to take care of this hand, let's rely on it—"

He seemed to realize that he was talking too much, his face changed suddenly, his eyes flashed fiercely, and then he smiled and said: "Look at me, talking about it and neglecting the others, let's hurry up, don't let me They're in a hurry."

Xie Chi nodded, turned to go upstairs, turned his back to Zhang Linu, and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, what did he lean on

Zhang Linu stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the thin back of the man, his expression gloomy, he seemed to be smiling, his cheekbones were slightly raised, and there was no temperature in his cloudy eyes, as if he was looking at a dead man.

[It's scary, you said the boss noticed it?]

[What are you afraid of, in terms of changing face, can Zhang Linu be better than the big guy? ]

[Hahahaha what I said earlier makes sense, suddenly it's not scary anymore]

[I'm looking forward to the big guy hugging each other later]

The six actors went up to the second floor.

The male cannon fodder was a little slack, looked around, and said in surprise, "Where are the ladies?"

He obviously didn't see anything.

Zhang Linu smiled mysteriously, leading the crowd to a painting. It was dark in the corridor, and the painting was not real. Zhang Linu picked up the oil lamp from one side of the table and illuminated the painting.

His face was a little creepy under the dim kerosene lamp.

The painting is clear and bright, the painting is a lady, standing in a peony or a peony flower, the flowers are bright and dripping, red to the eye, the color is blood, inexplicably a little ominous, the lady's clothes are half faded, the body is plump, the oval face, and the flesh is very lustful. sense.

Zhang Linu said proudly: "This is the most popular peony goddess, so I placed it on the second floor. Peony is also the most stable and talkative, not self-willed, the most relaxed, and the easiest to come out."

Zhang Linu said: "Let's go, let's go and see all the other goddesses first."

Everyone kept up, Xie Chi was a step behind, reached out and touched the scroll, his pupils shrank suddenly.

It's not papery at all, but... oily, soft, and slippery.

Zhang Linu suddenly appeared nearby, nervous and scolded: "What are you doing?!"

Xie Chi retracted his hand seemingly in a panic: "I'm sorry, I was attracted to her, and I couldn't help but want to touch her."

Zhang Linu smiled instantly: "Just like it."

Xie Chifu followed up again, thinking that this Linu was very coaxing, as long as he praised something he liked, he immediately changed his face and smiled, and the smile was definitely not a fake smile. He has some kind of crazy paranoia.

After they left, the lady with peony in the painting seemed to move with apricot eyes, looking at Xie Chi's back with affection.

[I moved by relying on my eyes! ! ]

[Did she take a fancy to the big guy! ! ah kinda scary]

[Isn't the big guy gay?]

The crowd continued on.

The third floor is apricot white, the shoulders are cut into pieces, the neck is extended, and the neck is beautiful.

Spring peach on the fourth floor, delicate and young.

The fifth floor, Qiu Ju, is high and atmospheric.

Fifteen minutes later, after walking through all the floors, they returned to the second floor.

Zhang Linu smirked: "I'm sorry, the goddesses, they just quietly told me the result, now please close your eyes, and I'll take you to find them."

When Zhang Linu said this, the cell phones of the actors also rang—

[The progress of the plot has been updated, please close your eyes and go to the goddess. ]

The cannon fodder showed panic, and Yue Xiuming's face was extremely ugly. He obviously realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Xie Chi told Lu Wen and Yan Jing a few words, followed the instructions to close their eyes, and the moment they opened their eyes again, their pupils suddenly opened.

This is... a fantasy

This is a forest, but it is not mud, but warm jade. The forest is obviously not a wild forest. Every tree grows luxuriantly, with neat branches, not only with bright fruits, but also with red ribbons wrapped around cooked meat. .

The cooked meat hangs down, exuding a tangy aroma.

Xie Chi suddenly heard the sound of rushing water, the kind of slight splash of water.

[Zhang Linu is lying! ! Everyone including Daoist Xuancheng entered]

[Ah, is he trying to… kill people? I just react]

[Wait, didn't you notice that the illusions they were in were different? ? ]

A burst of laughter came from the woods. Before Xie Chi could react, a huge invisible thrust pushed him into a huge pool.

The water splashed with a thud, and the wine splashed.

Xie Chi slammed out of the pool, and suddenly saw a few beauties in extremely revealing clothes standing by the pool, covering only key parts, and was stunned for two seconds.

[love at first sight? ? ]

[looks dumbfounded]

[Sure enough, this is the true nature of a man]

Xie Chi resolutely plunged into the pool again.

[? ? ? Hahaha what is this reaction, big guy, you are a man! ! Do you want to be so innocent]

[Why do I think he is as scared as if he was caught raped]

[Hahahaha I'm dying of laughter]

[He has one, two, three, four, five, five goddesses here.

"Brother, look at me?!" Xie Chi said urgently under the water.

Xie Xinglan couldn't help but say: "I see, you are not allowed to see, you can only see me."

His tone was slightly dark, and he seemed very unhappy.

"No! Then you are not allowed to watch!" Xie Chi's face was hot, he suddenly regretted it, and refused.

Xie Xinglan gritted his teeth: "This matter is not negotiable, be obedient and go in."

Xie Chi hesitated for two seconds: "How about... Let's watch it together?"

The author has something to say:

Xie Xinglan: You are such a clever little ghost