Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 33: Zombie Lover (16)


[Fuck, I just said I was hungry and wanted to eat cooked meat and wanted to drink]


[It's so evil]

[Why did the boss cut off Zhang Linu's two hands? Except for himself, the other illusions have not been broken yet? How did the big guy just come out? It was so fast that I didn't see it clearly]

Xie Chi recalled the experience a minute ago, and his eyes were cold.

He thought that after killing all the puppets, the illusion would collapse automatically, but it didn't.

After the death of the puppet, the illusion is still maintained.

- Killing a puppet is not the same as going out of illusion.

Killing the puppet can only mean that there is no longer anything that can endanger the actor's life in this fantasy, but the actor may still starve to death in the fantasy because he can't find the exit from the fantasy.

Even if they survived by luck, it is still a dead end, because the actor's task time is limited, and the actor who is still trapped in the fantasy after the shooting time, defaults to death, and never has the opportunity to escape from the horror film.

So... cutting off Zhang Linu's hand turned out to be the only solution.

Horror movies are playing tricks on the actors.

The actors thought they would be able to get out by picking the thread, but they actually destroyed their own vitality. When the thread was broken, the immediate crisis disappeared, but they could no longer find Zhang Linu along the thread in the puppet's body. , And where Zhang Linu is is the location of the fantasy exit.

Getting out of the illusion is actually very simple. Zhang Linu needs to put his hand or fingers into the illusion to control the puppet. There is the place where the illusion and reality are connected. The place where Zhang Linu puts his hand in is the exit of the illusion.

Xie Chi walked to the place where Zhang Linu's broken hand fell and hit what seemed to be a wall lightly, and he went out smoothly.

Xie Chi looked back at the glass cube. On one side of the cube, there was a hole the size of a fist, which was where Zhang Linu put his hand in and where he came out.

He knocked out from there and entered the control room where Zhang Linu was.

In the huge control room, in addition to his own wine pond and meat forest, there are more than a dozen other glass cubes with different arrangements.

Zhang Linu lost too much blood, and his face was as pale as paper. He spasmed in pain and twitched on the ground like an earthworm. The ground at the broken wrist was a pool of blood, and the surrounding air was fishy and disgusting.

Zhang Linu gritted his teeth, his teeth were twisted and his tongue shattered, and he finally took a breath, his voice was sharp, with endless malice: "Hahahaha, what if you came out? Except for the taste of your entire army, isn't it great? You cut all the threads out of their fantasy world, and they can never find the way out of the fantasy world! You killed them all!"

Xie Chi's face sank, and he couldn't help clenching his hands.

Zhang Linu gasped and said again: "Those idiots, maybe they are still thanking you for saving them, but they find that they can't get out of the illusion, how wonderful, that feeling of hope flashing and shattering, I'm out of hand. , but so many people are buried with me, it’s not a loss, hahahaha.”

"I remember you had a good relationship with the one with the scales on the face and the blind one? Hahahaha, they are not far from death, they will hate you to the bone in the long wait for death!"

Zhang Linu looked ferocious and mad, but his eyes were completely gray. For the puppet master, his hands were more important than his life. Without his hands, he would have no meaning to live.

What's more, he lost all his puppets, which is all his hard work over the years.

All because of him!

Zhang Linu stared at Xie Chi, who was condescendingly in front of him, and wanted to see a trace of pain and remorse on his face to comfort himself, but Xie Chi tilted his head and smiled at him: "You are so stupid."

Zhang Linu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Xie Chi said in his heart, "Brother."

The next second, Zhang Linu saw this man raise his feet indifferently, and kicked all the glass cubes in the control room one by one.

The sound of glass shattering was inspiring, and there was a rain of broken glass all over the world. Xie Xinglan easily avoided it. A few pieces of broken glass were inserted into Zhang Linu's body, bringing another burst of extreme pain. Amid Zhang Linu's heart-wrenching howl, Xie Chi squatted down slowly and waved a beautiful fist at Zhang Linu, "Yes, the exit of the illusion was only as big as a fist, and it was difficult to find, but now, Can anyone come out?"

Zhang Linu's chest rose and fell violently, and all his thoughts were lost. He never imagined that his seamless layout would be vulnerable in front of this person. He never thought that there would be such a savage and unreasonable way to break the game.

Zhang Linu closed his eyes in pain.

The next second, the control room with only two people suddenly had two more people.

Lu Wen and Yue Xiuming came out.

Seeing Xie Chi, Lu Wen blushed with excitement, but the more Xiuming he looked away, he quietly stepped back a little, and moved towards the door of the control room.

Compared to Lu Wen's bruised body, Yue Xiuming had only shallow scratches on his body.

Xie Chi waited for another ten seconds, and his face changed slightly: "Where's Yan Jing?"

Why didn't Yan Jing come out? Obviously there are fantasy exits everywhere, why didn't he come out

Xie Chi swept the room, and finally set his eyes on Yue Xiuming's face, Yue Xiuming had moved to the door at this moment, and suddenly met Xie Chi's sharp eyes, his heart trembled for a while, and his lips trembled and lied: "Look at what I am doing. I'm not in the same fantasy world with him."

Xie Chi didn't speak, just looked at him.

Yue Xiuming's scalp went numb for a while, and he said stubbornly: "He's blind, isn't it normal for a person to die in an illusion? Don't vent your anger and anger me because I had hatred with you before, what does this have to do with me? "

"Then what are you running for?" Xie Chi's eyes were filled with coldness, Zhang Linu was about to commit suicide by biting his tongue behind him, Xie Xinglan reacted very quickly and pinched his jaw with his backhand.

Lu Wen was stunned for a second, then immediately took off his clothes and threw them to Xie Xinglan: "Next!"

Xie Xinglan took it, crumpled the clothes into a ball, and stuffed it into Zhang Linu's mouth.

Xie Chi still has to speak from Zhang Linu's mouth now, and Zhang Linu can't die for the time being.

Xie Xinglan took out the rope from the wooden table on one side, and tightly bound Zhang Linu's bleeding limbs, the blood flow suddenly slowed down.

When Xie Chi looked back again, Yue Xiuming was no longer in the control room, apparently running away just now.

Lu Wen's eyes were reddish, and his voice was hoarse: "Is the mirror dead?"

Lu Wen's lips moved and moved, and finally said that terrible possibility. Lu Wen angrily slammed down the wall, obviously hating his incompetence.

Xie Chi was silent for a few seconds, and said lightly: "It has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself."

Lu Wen raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief: "You..."

It is indeed what Xie Chi said, but is Xie Chi not sad at all? Such people are admirable, and in the bottom of their hearts want to... stay away.

Because it is too rational and too ruthless, it seems that no one can leave a shadow in his heart, he will not stay sad for anyone, he does not care about anything but himself.

Xie Chi stood up: "I tried my best, I'm worthy of anyone, he didn't get through it, I'll just avenge him, and the rest, there's nothing to worry about."

"Brother, it hurts so much..." An extremely weak voice suddenly floated out of the empty control room.

Xie Chi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Lu Wen turned around tremblingly, unable to believe his ears.

On the ground covered with broken glass, there was another familiar person. He lay on the ground and tried to get up. The blood oozing from his abdomen became more and more.

Xie Chi strode over and lifted him up from the broken glass, Yan Jing hugged his neck happily, smiled comfortably, and said in a low voice: "I definitely won't be able to see Grandpa again, but, but try to climb Come back to see Brother Xie, it's okay..."

Lu Wen's eyes were red and red, but he finally couldn't hold back, he covered his mouth and choked up.

Xie Chi clenched his hands slightly, he was not used to being relied on too strongly.

He took off his clothes and tied a knot on Yan Jing's waist, temporarily suppressing the blood flow.

Yan Jing was very light, Xie Chi suddenly picked him up and calmly said, "It's not dead yet, there's still a way."

His face was stained with blood, and his expression was cold and indifferent.

"Lu Wen, let's go."

Xie Chi rushed out of the control room against the clock, and Lu Wen was about to catch up. He looked back at Zhang Linu on the ground, carried him on his shoulder, and quickly caught up with Xie Chi.

Yan Jing smiled and started chatting: "Brother, aren't you very handsome, I haven't enjoyed the treatment of the princess, I'm so satisfied, don't go so fast, don't fall, I know what's going on with me, I live my life. If you can't go on, you can't do this, it's useless, I can't make it through the end of the movie, you, you can talk with me. "

Xie Chi: "Well."

Yan Jing spit out blood: "Brother, I haven't said thank you to you yet, I thought that I grew up in Japan, I really like you and worship you, I have grown up so much, except for grandpa, only you are kind to me, called Every sound is sincere, I'm sorry, I can't help you, this is my biggest and biggest regret... "

Xie Chi: "Stop talking, save your energy."

Yan Jing shook his head: "I know I'm very noisy, but I-I'm too lonely. After my grandfather passed away, no one talked to me anymore. Sometimes I squatted in the yard and talked to the chickens and ducks my grandpa raised... "

Xie Chi: "Shut up."

Yan Jing smiled: "Brother, you are really ruthless, cold and hard, have you suffered a lot of injuries, then I wish you will meet a lot of people who love you in the future, okay?"

Xie Chi stopped talking.

Lu Wenchai quickly browsed the app store behind him, no, there was no way to save Yan Jing's life.

Yan Jing was not hurt by people, he was hurt by a puppet with a remnant soul, and his injuries could not be saved by ordinary medical equipment.

Lu Wen's face turned a little pale, and Yan Jing seemed to be dead.

Xie Chi answered Yan Jing in a deep voice, thinking of ways to save him. When a person dies, he wipes them out; when a person dies, he does everything he can to save them.

The thoughts flashed, and one method was denied.

Catching a zombie to make Yan Jing's corpse change, and then feeding him tooth powder to detoxify it seems feasible. After being bitten by a zombie, the blood flow rate of the human body will slow down, making it invulnerable. After catching a zombie, Yan Jing is very likely to turn into a zombie immediately after being bitten, because he is dying and can't resist the spread of corpse poison at all.

The corpse has turned into a complete zombie, and the tooth powder can't save it.

Yue Xiuming killed Zhou Tong without being punished, which is enough to prove that the corpse turned into a zombie after being bitten, the app does not recognize him as an actor, if he turns Yan Jing into a zombie, Yan Jing will stay in horror movies forever .

Even if Yan Jing can barely survive the corpse poison, it will take time for the tooth powder to detoxify. It is very likely that he will not wait for the detoxification, and after the detoxification, the wounds on his body are still there, and he still has to endure severe pain, which is equivalent to suffering. , back to the starting point.

Basically it is futile. And he was in the prosperous and prosperous Huaiwa Town, the only zombie was the one from Mrs. Zhao's house, and that corpse poison was so strong...

Yan Jing couldn't stand it.

Is there any way to temporarily save Yan Jing's life and help him live until the end of the film without depriving him of his actor status

Xie Chikong shot, opened the app, and entered "definition of actor" in the app search box.

The app seems to know what he is thinking, and the answer given is very considerate—[The body can be injured at various levels, such as limbs being cut off, or even decapitation (provided that it is alive), as long as it can maintain complete and complete intelligence, there is no point If it is lost, it still belongs to the actor. ]

Xie Chi was thoughtful, so Zhou Tong was judged not to be an actor because he became a low-level zombie and lost his intelligence.

That is to say, Yan Jing's body can have all kinds of problems, as long as he can preserve Yan Jing's intelligence and he can still think completely, he is still an actor.

But in general, when the body dies, the intellect also disappears.

Are there any special circumstances that would allow him to preserve Yan Jing's wisdom

Xie Chi went down to the first floor and wanted to go out to find someone to stop the bleeding first, but collided with Daoist Lianxi who broke into the door.

Lianxi Daochang's buttocks broke in half, and he shouted "Ouch" on the ground. He managed to see the person clearly, grabbed Xie Chi, and was shocked: "Little brother, why are you here! How is your master? ?"

"Dead." Xie Chi was succinct, not wanting to waste time, just as he was about to go out, he heard Daoist Lianxi crying on the ground: "I should give up chasing the corpse to accompany him, it's all my fault! I don't It's time to eat noodles at the stall, and you should rush to this broken lady's building immediately..."

Xie Chi suddenly stopped: "Why did you come to the Lady's Building first, instead of going to Zhao's house to find my master?"

Daoist Lianxi stopped howling and sobbed: "I just arrived in Huaiwa Town, and I felt that this is the land of the four yin, the yin qi spreads, and the evil is invincible, there must be evil spirits at work, I originally wanted to slowly look for it again. Junior Brother, come here to catch the monster first, I didn't expect..."

Xie Chi was stunned for two seconds, then leaned over and grabbed his collar: "You said this is the land of the four yin?!"

Daoist Lianxi was frightened by him, and tremblingly said: "Yes, yes..."

Xie Chi suddenly thought of something, put Yan Jing gently on the ground, strode up to Lu Wen, and took out the stuffed clothes from Zhang Linu's mouth: "I ask you, is the blood in the blood pool in the control room? Child blood?"

Although he didn't know what Xie Chi was thinking, Zhang Linu didn't want to let him get his wish even if he died, and said with a savage smile, "No! You can't get anything out of my mouth. I'm not afraid of death at all."

Xie Chi took a panoramic view of Zhang Linu's reaction and sneered: "I already know."

He rudely stuffed Zhang Linu's mouth again.

If Zhang Linu and Mrs. Zhao were in trouble, it seemed obvious where the missing children in Huaiwa Town went.

- Those children were killed in the Ladies' Building, and the blood of the boys was taken. Boy's blood should be the material for weaving illusions.

But boy blood can not only be used to weave illusions, but also... refine corpses, plus the four yin places where yin is concentrated, the refined gossip that helps absorb yin, and the master Lianxi who is proficient in various arts, it seems that... everything Ready.

Xie Chi came to Daoist Lianxi again, patted the dust on his body, and said with a warm smile: "Master, you are so awesome, can you... make a living person stiff?"

The living person is stiff, and the living person is stiff with the body of a living person. It needs the land of the four yin, the blood of a boy, refined gossip, a warlock, and a living person with deep long-cherished wishes.

The success of refining can protect people's intelligence, but it has the powerful fighting power of zombies.