Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 35: Zombie Lover (18)


Xie Xinglan didn't speak for a few seconds.

Xie Chi: "What are you thinking about?"

"Really want to know?"

"Hmm." Xie Chi urged in a low voice.

Xie Xinglan smiled and said, "When I think about it, I put my arms around your waist, hold your butt, and then you wrap my neck..."

"That, that's good," Xie Chi's face showed a faint crimson, his limbs were slightly stiff, and he provoked nonchalantly, "Brother, you can think more deeply."

Xie Xinglan only wanted to tease him, but now he was choked, and he laughed helplessly: "Xiaochi, your mouth..."

Xie Chi subconsciously licked his lips, expressionless: "It won't be cheap for you in the future."

Xie Xinglan was stunned for a few seconds, and felt slightly scratched by the cat again. He leaned back, his voice slightly hoarse: "You are really terrible."

"How about complimenting me?" Xie Chi unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, let out the heat in his chest, and shrugged his shoulders, "If you're going to die... Then come out quickly and die on me."

He is not afraid of talking about guns.

Xie Xinglan: "... Xiaochi, you've learned badly."

Xie Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, and said shamelessly, "You're used to it."

"..." Xie Xinglan managed to calm down the evil fire in his heart, "Does it hurt? Change me?"

"If you don't change, I will go to trial Zhang Linu, and my brother will talk to me, so I won't be in pain."

Xie Chi couldn't help laughing, he wasn't really afraid of pain. Cleanliness also depends on whether he has the conditions for cleanliness. His brother is asleep, he is not afraid of pain and has no cleanliness. When his brother wakes up, he is in pain and cleanliness.

[Why was the boss still arguing with Daoist Lianxi a second ago, but now he is as quiet as a chicken... blushing? blushing, right? I read that right? ]

[Why does the little friend still laugh when his life or death is unknown, so unconscionable]

[Moral kidnapping in front? The big guy has priorities, he has done everything that should be done, why can't he laugh? Do you want to wait like Lu Wen with red eyes and shoulders twitching? ]

After the priest Lianxi sprinkled the boy's blood evenly into the pit, he glanced at the injuries on Lu Wen and Xie Chi, and said, "I'll go out and buy some herbs."

Xie Chi immediately responded and said obediently, "Thank you, uncle."

He was worried about how to ask Daoist Lianxi to interrogate Zhang Linu. After all, the scene might be too bloody. If Daoist Lianxi changed his decision to let him be the corpse controller, it would be troublesome.

Daoist Lianxi said: "Look at it, the top layer of the boy's blood is dry, immediately pour a new layer, don't make any mistakes."

The two nodded.

Because of Yan Jing's incident, Zhang Linu was forgotten in the corner. At this time, he finally got time to relax. Xie Chi dragged a bench from the side and sat down, and pulled out the clothes stuffed in Zhang Linu's mouth.

Xie Chi asked, "What's your relationship with Mrs. Zhao?"

Zhang Linu spat and said viciously: "Don't try to get the slightest bit of news out of my mouth, I won't tell you even if I die!"

"You have a lot of backbone?" Xie Chi glanced at him and chuckled, "I'm not afraid of death, because I lost my hand, I don't want to live, right? I understand."

Zhang Linu's eyes showed a bit of fear, and he was a little unsure of what he meant.

Xie Chi suddenly lowered his upper body and approached him, pinched his chin, his eyes glowing: "Then are you afraid of pain? It's okay for me to make your life worse than death."

Lu Wen was secretly ashamed, Xie Chi was too villainous in character and behavior, surly and do whatever he wanted, who could stand this

Although he thought so, he silently put the peach wood sword into Xie Chi's slender and beautiful hand.

Zhang Linu's eyes widened in fear, the man in front of him was blood-stained, the smell of blood was strong, the white and gentle face was blood-stained, and his eyes were terrifyingly bright, with undisguised malice.

Zhang Linu has no doubts that if he speaks hard for a second, this person can make his skin rip.

The tip of the sword was approaching, Zhang Linu was in a cold sweat, trembling all over, and when the tip of the sword touched the hairs and was about to cut the fragile skin, Zhang Linu finally collapsed: "Don't! I said!"

"You are so quick to see the wind," Xie Chi tutted softly, his tone sarcastic.

It also saved him a lot of trouble.

Xie Chi threw the sword back to Lu Wen and leaned back in his chair: "Explain it yourself."

Zhang Linu nodded bloodlessly.

In the next half an hour, Zhang Linu explained the cause of the incident.

Zhang Linu's family has made a living by performing puppet shows for generations, and the puppets used to perform puppet shows are also made by the clansmen themselves. This craftsmanship has been passed down to Zhang Linu.

Zhang Linuza's puppet is the best and most famous.

Zhang Linu is fascinated by puppets, and he puppets every day and every night. He can't sleep peacefully without holding the puppet. He is not married, and of course has no children. He regards the puppet he has made as his wife and children. All the blood was poured into it.

When he had already mastered the craft of stabbing puppets to the highest level, Zhang Linu became decadent for the first time.

He was not satisfied with the cold and rigid puppets, he felt that puppets should also have souls. He searched for puppets everywhere, trying to keep improving, until one day, he saw a dirty puppet in a stall.

That puppet was ordinary, even ugly. Zhang Linu swept away and was about to leave, but was shocked to find that the puppet blinked at him.

When Zhang Linu looked again, the puppet remained intact. Zhang Linu's heart was pounding, he bought the puppet with a pretense of calmness, and hurried home.

The surface of the puppet was very slippery and oily to the touch. Zhang Linu didn't know what it was until he pulled out a white handkerchief from the back of the puppet. According to the words on the handkerchief, Zhang Linu knew that the surface of the puppet was actually... human skin. .

On the white handkerchief is written the refining method of the human skin puppet: peel off the skin of the woman, wrap it on the frame, soak the thread with the blood of the person, and then insert the thread into the tied puppet. .

The puppet created in this way will have the remnant soul of the original owner's stored memory, will think and speak, but will only act according to the instructions of the puppet master.

Zhang Linu hesitated at first, but the hesitation did not last long, and he started with the first woman.

This woman is the peony in the lady's picture. Peony was a prostitute in her lifetime. Zhang Linu wrapped her up for one night and skinned her alive that night.

Hearing this, Lu Wen finally couldn't bear it any longer: "You bastard! You are killing people!"

Zhang Linu mechanically turned his head to look at him, and suddenly laughed a few times, the laughter was hoarse and unpleasant, making people uncomfortable.

"Who said I killed someone?" Zhang Linu looked at Lu Wen's face, "Look at you, do you think this thing on your face is terrifying, do you often feel inferior about it?"

Lu Wen's face turned cold: "What does this have to do with killing you?!"

Zhang Linu tutted: "I was stabbed in the sore spot? Human skin is imperfect, how can I call it murder? Peony used to have only one head, and the other was bitten off by her benefactor. After I peeled her skin and made her into a puppet, I could make her whole by just dabs a pen on her body. Her face was also retouched by me, isn't it national beauty? "

Zhang Linu's eyes showed pride and madness.

"I saved her remnant soul, she just exists in another form, I gave her a perfect skin and eternal life, she should thank me."

"You!" Lu Wen was furious, wishing he could kill him with his sword.

Xie Chi looked at him coldly, with no waves on his face.

Zhang Linu smiled unintelligibly and said, "Do you really think that I killed all the ten ladies here?"

Lu Wen frowned in doubt, and said coldly, "What do you mean? You didn't kill it, could it be Mrs. Zhao who killed it?"

Xie Chi crossed Erlang's legs, and suddenly chuckled: "Those women voluntarily sent to the door, for beauty or life."

Zhang Linu glanced at him unexpectedly.

Zhang Linu said: "Miss Xingbai, she is lingering on the sick bed, and she is not willing to die. She asked me to make her a puppet; as for Chuntao, her former husband was so charming and beautiful, but she accidentally ruined her face and made her a puppet. Her husband hates it, she also investigates in many ways and takes the initiative to come to the door, she wants to obtain the ultimate beauty and live a life of sluggishness, in order to avenge her husband."

Lu Wen's face was full of disbelief: "Can someone really go crazy like this? Willing to endure the pain of being stripped alive??"

Xie Chi tilted his head to look at Lu Wen, and said with a smile, "How can you know that the fish is not happy?"

Zhang Linu glanced at Xie Chi unexpectedly again: "If I hadn't been entrusted by Mrs. Zhao, maybe I would have become friends with you. Both you and me have the madness to do something at all costs."

Xie Chi was noncommittal.

[Hahahahaha the big guy won the favor of the villain]

[Big guy: complicated mood]

"What about later?" Xie Chi said lightly.

Probably met a bosom friend, Zhang Linu completely opened the conversation box.

"After I killed Peony, I fled with her human skin, but because I was too hasty and left too many clues, I was quickly caught. I thought I was going to die, and I stayed in jail for a few days. , but was released."

Xie Chi raised his eyebrows: "Miss Zhao?"

Zhang Linu said: "Yes, when I got out of the prison, I was knocked unconscious. I took it to Zhao's house in secret. When I saw Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao said she wanted to cooperate with me."

Xie Chi thought thoughtfully: "She has power and power, she will help you get rid of the crime, and provide you with suitable people to be puppets. As for you, do you serve her?"


Xie Chi changed the question: "What happened to the blood of the boy? The necessary materials for weaving the illusion?"

Zhang Linu shook his head: "This is the only thing you said wrong. In fact, my illusion can be done with ordinary human blood. It is best to use boy's blood. It is Mrs. Zhao who really wants to kill those children."

Lu Wen narrowed his eyes. Hearing Zhang Linu say it with his own ears, he realized how different people can be.

The concierge also said that Mrs. Zhao fasted day and night to pray for her children, but she was the one who killed her...

Zhang Linu said: "She asked me to use puppets to abduct those children without knowing it, kill them to get blood, the blood in the blood pool you see is actually only a small part of the rest, the big head was taken by me. It was delivered to Zhao's house."

Xie Chi's face darkened slightly.

Lu Wen clenched his hands: "How many children did you kill?!"

Zhang Linu's death is imminent, and he has nothing to say: "Huaiwa Town should be six or seven, we dare not make too much, we are afraid of angering the superior and causing trouble, so the targets are relatively scattered, and the number of neighboring towns adds up. , there should be thirty or forty."

He spoke lightly, as if thirty or forty lives were nothing in his eyes. Lu Wen gritted his teeth, wishing to stab him with a sword to relieve his anger.

Xie Chi was not touched: "She loves her husband very much?"

Zhang Linu was watching Xie Chi's expression all the time, thinking to himself what would make Xie Chi satisfied without torturing himself. He has been with Mrs. Zhao for so many years, and he doesn't know what to say. Xie Chi will definitely not believe it, but if he really confided it cleanly, how could he be reconciled

He also counted on Lady Zhao to kill these people to avenge him.

Zhang Linu secretly made an abacus in his heart, without showing any sign on his face, he quickly said: "Yes, Lady Zhao loves her husband very much."

Xie Chi smiled somewhat intriguingly: "She wants boy blood, powerful zombies, plus she died and loves her husband, does she want to... borrow zombies to revive, and people will continue to lead the way?"

Zhang Linu's tone was as usual: "I don't know, I only do things for her, I don't want to know about the rest, and I'm not qualified to know."

"The last question," Xie Chi paused, "Can a man make a puppet?"

Zhang Linu didn't understand what he meant by asking this question, so he subconsciously replied: "No, the handkerchief says that women are really ruthless, hundreds of times more ruthless than men, only they can endure the severe pain of peeling, really Reborn and become an immortal puppet."

"Men can't, only women can make puppets, right?" Xie Chi asked again for some reason.

Zhang Linu said truthfully: "I have never practiced men, I don't know."

Xie Chi: "What else do you know?"

Zhang Linu: "No more."

When Zhang Linu said the word "no more", Xie Chi and Lu Wen's phones suddenly rang—

[The progress of the plot has been updated, and the plot has been reached: Zhang Linu's confession. Note: The horror film protection mechanism is in trouble. If you ask again, you will not be able to ask for valid information. ]

[Note: The specific plot exploration degree is not provided in the middle and later stages of the film, and the specific data will be viewed uniformly after the shooting. ]

As soon as the two of them read the news, when they lowered their heads, Zhang Linu had already died from excessive blood loss. For some reason, before he died, the corners of his mouth outlined a strange and inexplicable smile.

He looked up at Xie Chi and Lu Wen, as if he was cursing them to go to hell with him.

Daoist Lianxi came back after buying the herbs, distributed the herbs wrapped in lotus leaves to the two, and went over to check on Yan Jing's condition.

Lu Wen moved a stool just as he was about to sit over, when he turned his head, he saw Xie Chi showing half of his shoulders, applying the medicine expressionlessly, his actions could be said to be extremely rude and perfunctory, as if he was still thinking about Zhang Linu's words, a little absent-minded.

Xie Chi's wound was deep, but it was not a critical position and did not affect his activities.

Lu Wen stared at his smooth and fair shoulders for a few seconds, then moved the bench and sat on the side in silence, burying his head and daring not to look around.

After a while, I couldn't help but look again. This time, Xie Chi's technique was completely different, gentle, meticulous, and careful.

Feeling Lu Wen's peeping, Xie Xinglan covered his shoulders with his hands and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Lu Wen instantly recognized that this was Xie Chi's boyfriend, shivered all over, turned his back and made up his mind not to turn his head.

[Why is the atmosphere so subtle]

[I want to be a gangster's finger]

When he was done, Lu Wen walked up to Xie Chi with a guilty conscience: "Did you find anything?"

Xie Chi said quietly: "Ms. Zhao borrowing a zombie to return her husband's soul should be a sure thing. I don't think this movie is going to hide the matter of Lady Zhao's borrowing a corpse to return her husband's soul."

Lu Wen was stunned for a moment and explained, "Zombie movies have always been like this. They don't pay much attention to reasoning, and they care more about fighting. Most of the endings end with a boss zombie fight."

Xie Chi nodded: "That's it."

Lu Wen: "I see that you seem to have asked twice, 'Can men make puppets'?"

Xie Chi said indifferently: "I was just thinking, if a man can make puppets, then Lady Zhao would not be far away from the near and far, and use the corpse to revive the soul."

Lu Wen was stunned: "That's right, to directly refine her husband into a puppet is to save all the memories, once and for all, not only gain health, but also immortalize."

Xie Chi: "That's why Zhang Linu denied that a man made a puppet, and indirectly affirmed the resurrection from the dead."

"I was in a daze just now, but I suddenly thought of a new question." Xie Chi wiped his hands with the cloth that Lu Wen handed over.

"what is the problem?"

Xie Chi handed the cloth to him: "If you find a new body for your lover, your lover becomes an immortal zombie and gains eternal life, but you will still experience aging and death. If you love your husband deeply Lady Zhao, are you willing?"

Lu Wen was stunned for a few seconds, not understanding what he meant.

Xie Chi smiled: "I don't want it anyway."

Lu Wen was confused.

Xie Chi didn't say much.

"What time is it?" Xie Chi asked.

Lu Wen glanced at his phone, understood what he meant, and said, "It's only an hour away from Mrs. Zhao's return to the first seven souls, and it's still too late for us to rush back now."

Xie Chi nodded, stood up, and went to Mrs. Zhao's house with Lu Wen just as he was about to look at Yan Jing, but the phone suddenly rang.

Lu Wen's cell phone also rang.

[Monitoring actor Xie Chi's known information is up to the standard, and the plot needs it, and the time Dafa is specially activated, and it will be entered immediately after three days. ]

Xie Chi looked surprised: "Is this still possible?"

Rao was well-bred as he was, so he couldn't help but say "Fuck".

Xie Chi glanced at the time on the top of the phone, it was indeed this time three days later...

It is equivalent to saying that they missed the opportunity to stop Mrs. Zhao's plan to reinstate her from the dead.

[Is the boss exploring too fast? So the movie is forced to do this in order to maintain it? ? ]

[Hahahaha I died laughing, the big guy has become a bug-like existence]

[Understandable, the staff originally calculated that they would have to be trapped in the illusion for at least two or three days, or there was insufficient effective information, and it would be delayed for a while. Who would have thought that he would move so fast? ]

[If the boss really sabotages Mrs. Zhao's plan to bring her back to life, then this zombie movie is not worth fighting, so is it time for the boss zombie to be born, or the boss to fight the advanced version of the zombie? Can you beat it this time? ]

[Yue Xiuming hid near Zhao's house]

Lu Wen had never encountered such a situation before, and looked at Xie Chi nervously: "What should we do now?"

Just as Xie Chi was about to rake Daoist Lianxi away, he went to Mrs. Zhao's house as planned, but Daoist Lianxi, who had been looking at the zombies, exclaimed: "It's not good! It's going to fail! There are cracks on his face!"