Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 47: Horror skewers (2)


The competitive variety show "Horror Mixed Burns" is not broadcast in the cinema, and the audience does not need to pay for the movie tickets. It is open to all audiences, and it can be said that there is no threshold at all. If the audience is interested, just turn on the mobile phone and click on the "Horror Mixture" program at the start time, and they can watch it online in real time.

The app data shows that the number of viewers for each issue of "Horror Mixture" is around 8w. If the new list of the month is more durable and more viewers come here, the number of viewers will break through.

Several ghosts nested together, smashing melon seeds and exclaiming in surprise: "This episode has actually broken 100,000!"

"The most popular episode in half a year, right?"

"Yeah, I watch every issue. There are many new and die-hard thieves in this issue, and they all followed."

"That's right, I'm a fan of Ren Ze, hahaha, his sister is too cute, a deadly arrogant and beautiful girl, is there a contrast? Ren Ze's popularity is really fast, I feel that he will bring several other diehards over here. Suck it all away."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha elements of the cutting edge online suck each other, see who has super suction power."

"I feel like the first tourist scene didn't run away," a ghost whispered softly and lowered his voice mysteriously, "I heard from the gossip that there was a fucking tourist scene among the guests, and the one who just squeezed into the third line."

The other ghost widened his eyes: "What the hell is that?! I didn't pay attention to Youjing before, how can I still do this?! Isn't this cheating? The weight of the guests is so great... "

"Then Youjing's own quality is also very good. He is a certainty in the first place. Isn't this a second-hand preparation insurance?"

"Cut," the ghost put down the phone, "it's boring, there's no suspense, I'd have known it before."

When the show cut into the first story, the ghost was still really fragrant, and silently picked up the phone.

The screen of the mobile phone was pitch black, and a bloody word suddenly popped out in the center.

- "The old man said that people with six fingers are born with disfigurement, and they are unknown people. They have a bumpy life and are destined to be poor and humble, but the sixth finger must not be cut off, otherwise... There will be endless troubles."

The audience's heart jumped: "It's kind of interesting."

After the blood words disappeared, a hand appeared in the center of the screen, and there was an extra finger on the outside of the thumb of that hand.

The extra finger extends from the knuckle below the thumb, just as long as the thumb.

On the fingernails of the six fingers and the thumb, two small black dots were drawn with a marker respectively. From the front, they looked like a two-headed snake, and the four small black dots were the eyes of the snake.

Those two strange fingers connected together, like a poisonous snake spitting out a snake letter, peeping in the darkness, the evil is inexplicable.

In the operating room of the hospital, the operation is about to be performed, and the doctor is sorting out the instruments.

It was already late at night, the hospital was a bit old, and it was not a big regular hospital. The light in the operating room was not so bright, and it turned slightly yellow, which didn't affect the visibility, but it looked a little unclean.

In the shadowless lamp, the small flying insects that were still alive fluttered inside. Although they were struggling, the lights vibrated slightly.

There was a handsome boy lying on the operating table. He heard the slight collision of the cold instruments in his ears, and his body couldn't stop shaking. Under the illumination of the light, his dark pupils gradually began to disintegrate, and fear spread inside.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a small operation, and it will be fine soon." The old doctor comforted.

The boy nodded stiffly.

The anesthesiologist put on gloves, took the needle handed by the assistant, and pushed a whole dose of anesthetic into it.

The boy had tears in his eyes, but when he thought that he was about to get rid of the fate of being rejected, he felt that everything was worth it.

The boy's right index finger moved, wrapped around the thumb of his right hand, and touched the extra finger on the outside of the thumb.

When he wakes up again, the meat stick that he has hated for more than ten years will disappear.

No one will laugh at him anymore, look at him with strange eyes, alienate him, and parents will no longer blame him for bringing them bad luck.

He's going to be a normal person soon.

Boys feel more comfortable than ever.

The operating light is on.

The moment before the boy closed his eyes, the doctors were still chatting about what to eat after the operation, and the boy fell into a coma with peace of mind.

With a "click", the doctor threw the severed finger into the iron tray.

The sharp scalpel was stained with blood, the doctor put down the knife, the most critical step has been completed, the next hemostasis and suture can be handed over to the assistant, he took the iron tray: "I will take it out and show it to his family. ."

Some hospitals do have such a habit. The things cut out by the operation will be displayed to the family members, explaining the pathology and the specific situation, so as to reassure them.

"Okay." The others responded, busy in a methodical manner.

On the boy's right hand, the fingers on the outside of the thumb have been cut off, and blood flowed out continuously. With the green curtain under him, it was indescribably strange.

The doctor went out, and two middle-aged people were arguing outside the door.

"Why did you secretly give him money behind my back? Is it necessary to cut a finger for 7,000 yuan? It's not in the way, just grow as long as you like!" The middle-aged woman was bloated and wore a green short sleeve that lined her face. More sallow and haggard.

The short man was only in his forties, his hair was half white due to labor, and he blushed and had a thick neck: "You have the heart to watch his classmates laugh at him? Do you know what they say about him? You only have money in your eyes. Ah? Don't think about your son?"

The woman was pointed at her face and scolded for a while, her face was blue and white, and she pouted: "If you say a few words, you will die, and you don't eat other people's rice! And if you want to get rid of it, why go to such a big hospital, find a Wouldn't it be good for a small clinic, 7,000, how much this hospital has cheated us!"

"Don't make noise, stop making noise! This is the hospital, keep quiet!" The doctor scolded, and the two finally stopped.

"Come and have a look," said the doctor.

The two leaned in and watched the doctor pick up a bloody finger with tweezers to show them. They stepped back in horror and almost cried out.

The doctor said: "This cut surface is like this. Your son's right thumb has no extra bones at the bottom, and there will be no unsightly bulges, so after the fingers are sutured, if the scar recovers well, it will basically have no effect at all, and Normal people make no difference…”

A drop of blood slid down from where the finger was cut, and with a tick, it dripped onto the yellowed tiles. The two swallowed: "Okay, okay, we got it."

"Old Yan, it's not good!" The assistant's scream suddenly came from the operating room.

The doctor rushed in immediately: "What's wrong?!"

The assistant pointed tremblingly at the ECG monitor behind him, where there was already a straight line: "No... no heartbeat!"

The doctor turned around abruptly, listening to the long "drip", his face full of disbelief: "How could it be?!"

How could such a small operation be like this? !

He rushed over to save people, but the boy lying on the operating table sat upright, frightened everyone in the operating room to retreat, and timidly fell directly to the ground.

The lights flickered twice.

The boy sat stiffly, his dark pupils were very empty, he turned his head mechanically and slowly, looked at the doctors and nurses in the operating room, and gradually drew a strange smile on his face.

On the ECG monitor behind him, the boy's heartbeat miraculously recovered...

The doctors and nurses were frightened by this, and they all felt collapsed.

The boy climbed off the operating table on his own, his face pale in the light.

The operating room was inexplicably chilly.

The boy mechanically lowered his head, staring at the blood-stained finger in the tray, his voice was a little stiff: "Can I take it away?"

The doctor was stunned: "Of course."

The patient asked, of course, to take what belonged to him.

A nurse couldn't help but said, "What are you going to do with it? It's not good to put this thing anywhere. It's scary to be seen, it's better to bury it."

She was also kind, but the boy looked at her and smiled horribly: "It's too wasteful to bury it, I'll make it worthwhile."

The value for money seemed to mean something, and the nurse felt a shiver in her heart.

The boy grabbed the fingers in the tray and held them in the palm of his hand, turned and walked towards the operating room.

The boy walked up to the two middle-aged people and said with a smile, "Mom and Dad, let's go home..."

The two middle-aged people quarreled and left scoldingly, as if they were distressed for spending money.

There were clearly three people, but under the dim light in the corridor, only the shadows of... two adults appeared.

The nurse covered her mouth in horror, blinked her eyes desperately, and when she looked again, there were clearly three shadows, two tall and one short.

The nurse secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This night shift, she was suspicious.

Xie Chi woke up and found that he was in a ktv box. The box was a bit vulgar, with rose red and purple lights, crimson walls, and colorful shining carpets.

He was sitting on the purple-purple sofa. There were more than 20 bottles of unopened beer on the coffee table in front of him. The box was full of people.

These people, who are grinning and beating and scolding, are still young, and their faces are particularly green. It is estimated that they are only sixteen or seventeen years old, and they are all minors.

Xie Chi looked down at himself, his expression stunned.

He was wearing a shiny black T-shirt with a huge logo of a certain gaming team printed on the front. The clothes were actually fine, mainly pants. There was a chain hanging diagonally on the blue jeans. ring.

Rebel bad teens

It seems that in the story "Broken Finger", he has a "personality".

At the same time, the same scene happened to the other nine people.

In "Horror Skewer", the actors will be separated, enter the story separately, and experience the same plot. Only in this way can justice be maintained and the true level of the actors be reflected.

Xie Chi has now fully entered the story "Severed Fingers".

[Xie Chi's side is the most eye-catching, the new fourth is ugly, and it's crazy with this outfit]

[Ah, I’m going to save some coins to buy a large-screen mobile phone. The screen is divided into ten equal parts for each person. It makes me feel so uncomfortable! ]

[You just click on the one you want to see, just open the full screen, the story is the same anyway]

[No, no, I want to watch them compete. Without a comparison, the story is boring]

[Then you brought it on your own]

Xie Chi's cell phone rang suddenly, he took it out and looked down.

[The protagonist of this story: Gao Le. ]

[Your character: the senior gangster who bullied Gao Le]

[Please act in line with your own personality, if the ooc reaches a certain level, you will be disqualified from the competition. ]

[This story requires: Live. ]