Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 54: Horror skewers (9)


[Hahaha into the drama too deep at this time, I don't forget the script's affectionate characters]

[Sexy Koike Online Education Motherland Flowers]

[I'm a little curious about how he is "deeply in love with a girl" hahaha, isn't he gay, he admitted in the last film]

[what? real or fake? That's interesting]

[The ghost girl robbed the dean's job hahahaha]

[Singles feel great comfort in this story]

[I rely on the ninth to die in the first level! ! ]

[Actually, as long as you can be ruthless with yourself and have the guts, you can go through it. After all, the ghost hand sticks out from the stomach and people don’t die immediately, just reach in and find the sixth finger, it depends on who reacts the fastest The most daring and the most daring]

When the three heard the words "love" said by Xie Chi, they shouted, showing a wretched and teasing expression.

The boy who told the story before suddenly remembered something, bumped Xie Chi with his elbow, and laughed hilariously: "Chi, didn't you tell me secretly before that you liked a girl for a long time and then people didn't like you? "

The other two boys were stunned for a moment, and they were instantly excited: "No wonder you keep saying 'love', we don't understand love, you understand very well..."

When one thought of something, his eyes lit up, he laughed and said: "Chi, since people don't like you, you look like you are deeply rooted in love, I said, why don't you just go to the old campus to participate in the test of ghost girls? Maybe It's over, and then the beauty is brought home?"

"That's a good idea!" The other two immediately agreed, arrogantly provocative, "Didn't you say love? Tsk, then prove it to us."

They were probably certain that Xie Chi would not dare to go, and they were particularly proud of him.

Xie Chi felt that, rather than punishing unfaithful couples, the ghost girl might need to train these bear children who blaspheme love and don't take human life seriously.

Xie Chi's phone lights up again—

[Act 2 released: Go to the abandoned Grand Theater on the old campus to participate in the test of the ghost girl. ]

Xie Chi said in his heart and sure enough, he stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

When the time was about to pass, footsteps suddenly came from the corridor outside the dormitory, it should be the dormitory aunt.

Xie Chi's eyes turned slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

These three are not under the jurisdiction of the ghost girl dean, so he will reluctantly educate them.

Xie Chi stood up lazily, rubbed his Adam's apple with his slender fingers, and cleared his throat with a light cough.

"What are you doing?" The three of them raised their heads and looked at him blankly.

Xie Chi smiled slightly, and suddenly said with a horrified expression: "Aaaaaaa ghost girl!!!"

"Where?!" The three of them shuddered and almost fell off their chairs. They frantically twisted their necks, for fear that a scorched, pus-filled face would suddenly appear behind them.

There was a fierce knock on the door from the dorm aunt, who scolded severely: "Open the door! Still not sleeping?! Tomorrow I will notify the teacher and give your dormitory a punishment!"

The three of them were terrified, and Xie Chi raised his eyebrows proudly.

[Hahahahaha oh my gosh this is so cute]

[If you upset me, I will let you record the punishment hahahaha]

[Chi Zai is the only one who can't get along with Npc's revenge, hahahahahahahahahaha]

[It's too deep in the play, hahahahaha, it's too cute, and the dedicated people don't collapse]

Time to cut away.

When Xie Chi opened his eyes again, he found himself in front of the iron gate overgrown with weeds.

It was a moonlit night, and the cold moonlight poured over the abandoned campus full of vines. Half of the campus was slightly bright, and the other half was hidden in the deadly darkness.

The weeds beside his feet were as high as Xie Chi's knees. The gray-white stones in the weeds looked like human bones at night. The cicadas chirped intermittently not far away, making the night quieter and Xie Chi could hear them clearly. Your own breathing and heartbeat.

On the iron door in front of him, withered ivy crawls around. It has not been repaired for a long time. Most of the paint on the iron door has fallen off, and it is severely rusted.

This should be the old campus. Looking at the layout, it should be the back door.

The phone rang again, Xie Chi took out his phone—

[Act 2: You have a deep crush on a girl, because you can't get it, and your heart is soaked in the flood of bitter water all day long. Under the instigation of your roommates, you finally mustered up the courage to come to the old campus alone in the middle of the night, ready to accept the test of the ghost girl and gain eternal love. ]

[The second act officially begins. ]

With a "squeak", the closed iron gate in front of him opened without warning, as if welcoming Xie Chi's arrival.

Xie Chi walked in and saw the Grand Theater hidden in the darkness at a glance. He pushed aside the weeds and walked to the entrance of the Grand Theater.

A cordon was drawn around the theater to prevent people from entering, warnings were written on the walls in bright red, bright letters, and the doors were heavily locked.

Xie Chi's phone lights up again—

[The time is now 10:15 in the evening, there are still two minutes, the theater will automatically open, and the test of the ghost girl is coming. ]

[In the next minute, please choose your crush girl. ]

Xie Chi was startled.

In the next second, a dozen or so photos of girls popped up on the app. After a rough look, there were all kinds of styles, but there was only one face, and no hair or figure could be seen.

Xie Chi randomly chose one with more distinctive looks.

The girls' facial features are wide open and closed, the eyes are big, the chin is slightly square, the bridge of the nose is high and the bridge of the nose is high, and the makeup is heavy, which is enchanting and gorgeous.

After finishing the selection, Xie Chi took a few glances, wrote down the girl's appearance, and waited for the theater door to open.

"Brother," Xie Chi felt a little guilty, "the story requires me to [deeply 'secretly' fall in love with a girl], which is not contradictory to my 'clearly in love' with you, right? I have a secret crush on her, and a clear crush on you... "

"Xiaochi, you are like a scumbag." Xie Xinglan laughed.

"..." Xie Chi was aggrieved, "I can't help it."

Xie Xinglan's tone was flat, and he said very politely: "I'm not an unreasonable person, I will be jealous, you can rest assured that our goals are the same - to pass the copy, [secret love of a girl] is just a show, whoever is more serious is who If you lose, I picked the keys, whatever happens should be counted on my head, it has nothing to do with you, I won’t be angry.”

Xie Chi's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he hesitated: "Brother, that, you used to talk to me, and you didn't like to say a long list. Now you say such a long list, which makes me a little panic."


Xie Chi said silently: "This makes me think that you seem to be trying to convince yourself."

"...No," Xie Xinglan said calmly, "Don't guess, you underestimate me too much."

"Then it's agreed that you won't be angry if anything happens," Xie Chi was completely relieved, and tidied up his clothes, "Brother, it's necessary to act on the scene right now, but you have to remember that my heart will always be with you."

Xie Xinglan: "...Okay."

As soon as Xie Chi finished speaking, he felt in a trance that he seemed to have said another scumbag quote.

Xie Chi made sure that he and his boyfriend had reached a reconciliation and agreed to the outside world, and then he smiled with satisfaction. The next second, when he saw something that suddenly appeared in his hand, the smile completely froze on his face, and his pupils trembled again.

It was a bra that exuded the seductive body fragrance of a woman.

[Hahahahaha sand sculpture variety show Stone Hammer I knew the app side was going to spoof it and I died laughing]

[I love "horror skewers" hahahaha]

[It's really too hard, too hard for my cub to be so innocent]

[I really want to know how the honest man Lu Wen reacts to this scene]

[I thought it was a beautiful story, cough, I'm naive]

The words flashed on Xie Chi's screen—

[The girl you choose is a KTV "princess". ]

[Reference script: In the second year of high school, you found out that several of your best friends were no longer virgins. You were the only one, and you felt embarrassed and distressed. So, on a lonely night, you met a friend on KTV. A princess made a deal of money and flesh, and the beautiful princess left, but your whole heart has fallen on her since then. ]

[You have looked for her many times after that, but she was coldly rejected by her. Only with enough money will she be willing to have a spring night with you, but that's all, it's still a pay-per-view, your heart is broken . You know, this is far from enough to satisfy you, you want to get her eternal love and punish her for getting her money off. ]

[This night, you took the bra she gave you to the abandoned theater. ]

[Hahahaha high school student xKTV princess, this is very reasonable]

[I'm embarrassed hahahaha]

[This script hahaha, Chi Zai's heart is broken]

[app is also fighting to make us happy]

Xie Chi felt that each of his fingers was out of control, stiff like a lump of ice, unable to move at all.

"Brother, I want to throw it out." Xie Chi stared at the sexy bra and gritted his teeth.

Xie Xinglan's voice was deep: "You put it on the ground first, and I'll take it in for you."

Just as Xie Chi was about to refuse, a light flashed in his mind.

The story requirements have always been [deeply in love with a girl], as long as it is a girl, it doesn't matter who it is, this can be seen from the random selection of girls he likes.

The script also gives the [reference script], not the script that must be performed.

Although according to the ghost girl's request, he must go in with the things he has a crush on a girl, but there is a situation where he can go in empty-handed.

- His crush is Jiang Wei.

A living person or a ghost, both have genders. Jiang Wei is a girl.

And since the app has let him pick any girl as his crush, it means that it doesn't matter whether he is genuine or not. It's enough to be able to perform and clear customs. Jiang Wei has absolutely no ability to search his consciousness and know his true thoughts.

Xie Chi kneaded the bra into a ball and threw it out with a flick of his arm. Looking at the brightly colored bra hanging on the dead vine, he felt comfortable all over.

Junk app.

[Fuck? ? ? How did he throw it? ? ? ]

[I can't take it down if it hangs so high, so why does he bring the token in? ]

[Hahahahahahachi cub, I laughed to death, he wouldn't have regretted climbing the tree to pick BRA later, right? ]

[This book actually depends on whether you want to challenge or not. If Chi Cub doesn't want to play, just turn around and leave, or come tomorrow night at this point. ]

[Time book? You can do what you can]

Xie Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, put one hand in his pocket, and said in his heart, "Brother, I'm going to tease ghosts."

Xie Xinglan coughed twice.

Xie Chi said calmly: "If you fail, remember to take your cute little brother to escape. If you can't do it, bombard her with gossip."

"..." Xie Xinglan said solemnly: "Okay, you can play as you like."

Xie Chi felt that it was nice to have someone in his pocket whenever he got into trouble.

The heavy lock on the door of the Grand Theater suddenly opened, and the rusty door slowly opened with a "squeak".

Xie Chi stood at the door, clicked his tongue, and jokingly said: "Deputy Ghost Girl, do you want to have a strange romance with your students?"