Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 7: Wraith in Red (6)


Zhang Lan pressed the button on the seventh floor and watched the elevator door close. He was a little addicted to smoking, and began to touch lighters and cigarettes from his pockets.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lan felt relaxed.

"Hey, where are my cigarettes?" Zhang Lan only found the lighter, and looked for cigarettes everywhere. When he lowered his head, he found that the cigarette case in his trousers pocket was lying on the ground.

"When did it fall? Why didn't you hear anything?"

Zhang Lan picked it up in confusion and lit a cigarette. Just as he was about to take a comfortable puff, a drop or two of water dripped from the top of the elevator without warning, and just poured it on the cigarette butt he had just lit, and the cigarette went out instantly. , can't smoke.

"What rubbish elevator is leaking water!!" Zhang Lan cursed and raised his head, but he didn't see where the water leaked.

There is no gap at the top of the elevator.

"Where did the water come from?" Zhang Lan muttered to himself and lit another cigarette. This time he learned to be smart and walked to the corner of the elevator to stay there, so that even if the original place leaked again, he would not be able to drop his cigarette. up.

The weird thing is... His cigarette is doused again by the water leaking from the top of the elevator.

Zhang Lan had an ominous premonition in his heart, and raised his head mechanically and slowly, just in time to meet a pale grimace!

The female ghost hangs on the top of the elevator, a steady stream of saliva dripping from her mouth.

"tick", "tick", "tick"...

Outside of this horror movie:

[first blood]

[Your ceiling is leaking, look up, it's saliva]

[Congratulations to the resentful spirit in red for winning one kill, you can't be proud, please make persistent efforts and achieve better results]

[This person is stupid enough, my little brother has told him not to take the elevator, it's not wrong to die]

[Who wants to get the ghost to poke the time? After all, as far as he knows, it's no longer dangerous to get off work]

[Again, you will believe a blind man if you ask me]

[Don't forget, although female ghosts seem to only be able to kill people in the elevator, there is a ghost baby outside the elevator. I think the ghost baby is more scary than the female ghost]

[The picture is for the little brother, the sleeping posture of the little brother is super cute, I want to watch him sleep broadcast]

At the same time, the fifth floor.

Yan Jing nudged Xie Chi who was asleep on the sofa: "Brother Xie, wake up, get off work."

Xie Chi frowned slightly, refused to open his eyes, turned over with the pillow and continued to sleep: "The app didn't ring, and I didn't get off work."

Yan Jing was reluctant: "I really got off work! I can't see it. A newcomer just came down from the seventh floor and specially reminded me!"

Yan Jing said with a sudden "Huh": "Brother Xie, you seem to be right... Strange, it stands to reason that the app is so user-friendly, we shouldn't be silent after get off work, and on the first day after work, the plot will definitely be updated, we You should have received a message, what the hell is going on..."

Xie Chi said dully: "Zhong, there is something wrong with Zhong."

He couldn't stand Yan Jing's continued chatter, so he sat up and looked up at the clock.

It was indeed five thirty in the morning.

Xie Chi stared at it for a few seconds and snorted: "The app can't lie, so either the clock is broken, or... the ghost is lying."

Yan Jing was awakened instantly, opened her yin and yang eyes, screamed in the next second, and hid behind Xie Chi: "Brother Xie! Zhongli... ghost hand!"

In Yan Jing's field of vision, a ghost hand was in the wall clock, patiently moving the needle little by little.

It was the hand of a female ghost, the skin was waxy, oily and pale, and the nails were painted with burgundy nail polish.

Seemingly aware of being discovered, the ghost hand paused for two seconds, then quickly retracted back to the wall clock like a loach before disappearing.

The wall clock returned to normal in an instant, revealing the real time - 3:50 in the morning.

Yan Jing was stunned, gasping for breath.

They didn't get off work at all!

It was the ghost who slowly and silently dialed the extra minute hand, making it past five o'clock in the morning, creating the illusion that they were off work.

Xie Chi could guess what Yan Jing saw, and yawned lazily, looking a little indifferent.

Yan Jing was cloudy and foggy: "Why do ghosts change the time?"

Xie Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, lit a cigarette, took a breath, felt the clarity of his mind, and said slowly, "Trick us to take the elevator."

Yan Jing suddenly said: "Fortunately, Brother Xie, you asked someone to unlock the stairwell. I also informed them before that they should be careful about the elevator. They will not be fooled..."

There was a piercing howl from the elevator.

Yan Jing was stunned for two seconds, her eyes splitting: "It's the man on the eleventh floor!!"

Zhang Lan's cry was so terrifying that it shocked the actors in the entire building.

When Xie Chi and Yan Jing rushed down, everyone was together. Zhou Wen was hesitating in front of the elevator whether to press the door button or not. The other newcomers were hiding far away.

The black and thin man said in horror: "Brother Zhou, don't drive the elevator... Zhang Lan is silent, he must be dead. If the ghost is still inside, the elevator will come out if it doesn't open..."

Another newcomer also reacted: "Yeah, he is dead, he is still working at the moment, in case the ghost attacks us..."

The other two echoed: "If you want to open it, wait until after get off work!"

Zhang Lanren must be dead, there is no doubt about this, Zhou Wen wanted to go in to investigate the clues, but when the newcomer said this, he felt a little nervous, thinking that it would not be too late to go in after working hours.

As soon as he backed away, when he turned his head, he saw Xie Chi, who was tall and eye-catching in the crowd, and a deep resentment flashed in his eyes.

This person is gentle and weak on the surface, but his actual skills are terrifying. It is obvious that he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, waiting for him to take the bait.

Zhou Wen held the phone tightly, so much that he wanted to crush the phone.

He had managed to accumulate 2,000 fans after three or four horror movies, but because nearly half of the bathroom was gone, it was all because of this newcomer that he lost a lot of points!

And he basically didn't gain new fans for this film.

This is by no means a good sign, it reflects that the audience's attention is not on him at all, and is attracted by other people, and it is other people, not him, who are outputting the screenshots of the movie.

He understood a few newcomers, and they were all trash with empty dreams, so the only one who grabbed his fans could be this Xie Chi.

And Xie Chi also has his dream branch.

It is impossible to suppress and retaliate him by force, and actors are not allowed to kill actors in horror movies, but...

A dark light flashed in Zhou Wen's eyes.

In horror movies, the only ones who have the ability to kill this person without breaking the rules are... ghosts.

He can't let this person continue to steal his limelight and prevent him from gaining followers, and it's better to force him to hand over the branch before killing him.

Zhou Wen looked at the elevator that had just died, and his eyes flickered slightly.

A ghost is apparently imprisoned in the elevator.

It's still work time, it's time for ghost action, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although ghosts in low-level movies usually don't kill two people in a very short time interval, he can use some... special means to prompt ghosts to kill.

This is the acquiescence in horror movies.

In horror movies, it is always forbidden for actors to kill actors, not for actors to use points to buy props to kill people by ghosts. Newbies don't know this rule, and he barely understands it after a lot of struggle.

Zhou Wen quietly opened the app store. He had long been optimistic about that thing, but he had never been able to find a chance to start it.

[Did actor Zhou Wen choose to spend 30 points to buy "Satan's Tribute"? ]

[Satan's Tribute: Sacrifice flesh and blood to ghosts (living human beings are the best, dead human flesh is second, live birds are reluctant, and dead birds are the last), to obtain short-term peace. ]

[Instructions for use: Stick the eye of Satan on the flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood will be marked as a tribute to Satan. After the ghost sees the mark, it will come to receive its own tribute. ]

[Effect: The more flesh and blood, the higher the quality, the more satisfied the ghost, and the longer the actor himself gets to be safe. ]

Zhou Wencai didn't care about the optional safety period, what he wanted was the process of the ghosts coming to "receive tribute" to kill people.

30 points.

Zhou Wen felt a pain in his flesh for a while, but thinking about the injury on his face and the great loss, he clicked [Confirm] without hesitation.

The points decreased instantly, and a thin sticker in the shape of an eye was quietly added to his hand.

Now, as long as he unknowingly sticks Satan's Eye to Xie Chi, and then leads him into the elevator, he's done.

Xie Chi noticed that Zhou Wen had been looking at his phone abnormally, thoughtfully.

Behind him, Yan Jing pulled his sleeve and whispered, "Brother Xie, the surnamed Zhou was malicious just now, especially strong. I feel that he may want to harm you, so be careful."

Xie Chi was stunned, the person standing beside him was a humanoid detector.

"I see." Xie Chi's smile widened slightly.

Zhou Wen walked over to him, smiled cheerfully, and made a 180-degree turn in his attitude, which formed a sharp contrast with the previous one.

The newcomers were surprised.

Zhou Wen lowered his voice and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was obsessed with my mind before, and I came up with that idea. I deserved to be beaten. You see you beat me, can this matter be written off?"

Xie Chi raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

Zhou Wen seemed to have anticipated his reaction, and smiled: "I'll be honest, I wasn't going to apologize, and I didn't think I was wrong. After all, the weak eat the strong, everyone is like this here, but now Zhang Lan is definitely dead. Now, we need someone to go to the elevator to see what's going on, the safest and safest person here is you, so I admit my mistake, please do me a favor to save face, okay?"

Zhou Wen: "You have the ability, I have the experience, we don't really need to be enmity, we can completely benefit from each other."

Zhou Wen said it so sincerely, Xie Chi felt that it was really unreasonable for him not to agree. He pinched the cigarette and slightly curled the corners of his lips: "Okay, I'll go take a look."

Xie Chi lowered his head and said to Yan Jing, "You are waiting for me outside."

Because Xie Chi and the ghost baby won the game, it is absolutely safe no matter what happens tonight. Yan Jing is not worried about Xie Chi at all, and nodded obediently.

Xie Chi put on white gloves to open the elevator door, the smell of blood came out unsurprisingly, and Xie Chi frowned slightly.

Blood overflowed from the elevator, and the newlyweds were horrified when they saw Zhang Lan who had died tragically.

Zhang Lan sat on the ground with his head raised at a strange angle, his belly was surprisingly large, like a pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

Xie Chi got closer and found that he had been opened, and the heart and lungs in his chest were stuffed into his stomach, so bulging that he had to stretch out.

There were also a few cigarettes scattered in the filthy blood.

Zhou Wen followed behind and patted Xie Chi on the shoulder unintentionally.

A hint of interest flashed in Xie Chi's eyes. Deliberately leading him into the elevator where he had just died, and sticking unknown objects on him, the purpose is obvious.

Zhou Wen seemed to have a guilty conscience, deliberately squatted down to examine the corpse, and covered up: "Why do you think that ghost stuffed Zhang Lan's heart and lungs into his stomach? It feels like a pregnant woman... The way a ghost kills will also reveal a bit of information, you Look, here's another half-smoked cigarette..."

Zhou Wen was talking, his elbow "accidentally" hit the elevator door closing button, the elevator door closed instantly, and the two of them were suddenly in the closed elevator, with a tragic corpse lying beside their feet.

Zhou Wen thought that Xie Chi would be in a hurry to open the door, but he had already moved to the door, ready to stop him as soon as possible to buy time for the ghost, Xie Chi smiled suddenly, and leaned on the clean elevator wall beside him: "Actually, I am also very sorry. ."

With Xie Chi's back against the elevator wall, Zhou Wen's vision was blocked, and he couldn't see the Satan Eye on his back. He was a little anxious and absent-mindedly said: "Sorry for what? Sorry for hitting me?"

Xie Chi smiled gently, and just about to say something, his eyes fell on Zhou Wen's back: "You've got blood, I'll wipe it for you."

Xie Chi patted Zhou Wen on the back shoulder.

Zhou Wen was at a loss and did not understand what his sudden gesture of affection meant. Could it be that he realized the consequences of offending him, so he chose to go down the steps

"I'm sorry," Xie Chi paused, glanced at the evil eyes on Zhou Wen's shoulders, and smiled, "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, no matter how many ghosts I bump into tonight, I won't hurt one. Finger, I played a game with the ghost baby, he lost, tonight, the ghost can't kill me."

The disguised smile on Zhou Wen's face couldn't hold anymore.

30 points wasted.

"What I'm still sorry about is," Xie Chi's eyes were gentle, "I'm sorry for forgetting to remind you a word."

Zhou Wen had an ominous premonition in his heart: "W-what...?"

With a "click", a drop of water dripped from the top of the elevator onto Zhou Wen's shoulder without warning.

Xie Chi smiled harmlessly: "Please look up."