Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 72: 1552 haunted house (4)


There was a knock on the door outside, Xie Chi and Lu Wen stopped talking immediately, Xie Chi walked over to open the door.

The fat chef stood outside the door: "When it's time, I'll tell you to go down for dinner since you haven't come down yet."

Xie Chi glanced at his watch, and sure enough it was half past six.

"Then let's go down." Xie Chi glanced at Lu Wen, and Lu Wen packed up and followed.

While walking downstairs, Xie Chi walked to the chef's side and put on a set, seemingly unintentionally asking: "Can I ask about the previous owner of this house?"

The chef looked at him and wondered, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's just that the decoration in the room is quite interesting, which makes me a little curious," Xie Chi walked down the stairs and smiled bitterly, "To be honest, there is a monkey head vase in my room, I was scared when I saw it. "

The chef smiled and narrowed his eyes into an almost invisible slit: "You're so timid."

"Who would have thought." Xie Chi said embarrassedly.

The chef said: "Actually, I don't know much about it. Didn't you get the six-day experience in the mansion? I was hired temporarily to be in charge of your daily life. Let me tell you quietly, this house should have been unoccupied for a long time before I came here. Now, when I first came, the house was so big, there was a lot of dust and nothing to eat. I cleaned it for two days and one night by myself. Washed, after all you want to live in... "

The chef complained, Xie Chi thought that he probably couldn't do anything from a new chef, and just about to give up, the chef said, "Didn't you just ask me about the previous owner here? Actually, I heard before I came here. It's been a while, but I just heard that there used to be a couple living here, very rich and young."

"Is that so," Xie Chi said with interest, "What about later? Why can't it stop, and such a big mansion is abandoned?"

The chef kept his face secretive and whispered: "I heard that the man has a habit of tormenting people, he is quite violent, and he is very possessive. The kind of woman who doesn't let women go out. Anyway, women are very miserable. After that..."


"They may have moved out after that, I don't know." The chef spread his hands.

Xie Chi nodded, so it was the violent man in the marriage who killed the woman

It's only been over an hour since he came in, and he didn't even encounter a ghost, yet he got so much information.

Lu Wen was also surprised by the smooth progress.

"By the way," the chef suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look at the two of them, "Did you find anything in the room?"

Xie Chi was stunned for a moment, and when he realized that he might be talking about teeth, his heart suddenly tightened.

He raised his eyes with a blank expression: "What's wrong? What?"

Lu Wen was puzzled for a moment, but he also reacted, and asked with a worried look: "Is something missing? Is it important? Then let's go back after dinner and look for it later?"

"It's nothing, don't be nervous, you didn't lose anything," the fat chef hurriedly smiled and explained, "I'm just afraid that I didn't clean up before leaving something behind. If I cause you trouble, it will be embarrassing."

"Is that so." Xie Chi and Lu Wen looked clear, "It's okay, the room is very clean."

"That's good." The fat chef laughed.

The three of them have gone downstairs now, and the chef stopped chatting with them and went into the kitchen to serve dishes.

Xie Chi and the other fat chefs disappeared from his field of vision, his face instantly gloomy.

Lu Wen also realized something was wrong: "Xie Chi, he seems to..."

Xie Chi sneered: "He cleaned the whole house, the subtext is - he has searched all the places; he asked us if we found anything, the subtext is - he searched all the places, but still didn't find what he wanted. He should Knowing something, he is likely to lie, he may be the person who is looking for teeth, and teeth may have a special purpose for him, of course, this is only a preliminary guess, we have too few clues."

Lu Wen was stunned: "You too..."

[Hanhan, let me tell you, you're too quick to respond, c'mon! ]

[I'm a bit cloudy]

[Wait for the boss to break the game.]

[Speaking of which, Zhao Jinhua's ability to be psychic doesn't mean he has an advantage... The boss is the first to hang this time]

[It's good to be alive]

[But it's just embarrassing, I said in front of you that I will kill you in the future hahahahaha]

[So what if you can get the news through psychics, Xie Chi always has a way to get the news they got]

[Ah, he is so strong and has a sense of security]

Xie Chi walked over to the dining table. At this time, the others had already sat down. Xie Chi watched the fat chef bring out the dishes, and turned his head to ask Lu Wen, "Are you hungry?"

"Alright?" Lu Wen didn't know why.

"Don't eat dinner if you can," Xie Chi said. He had been pitted by the story "Broken Finger" in "Horror Skewers" before, and he has a psychological shadow on the food in horror movies.

Lu Wen was slightly nervous: "Do you think there is something wrong with the chef, and you are afraid that he will do something in the meal?"

"Not necessarily." Xie Chi frowned, feeling that it was necessary to make it clear, "You can totally ignore my words, because I don't have much basis, all my inferences are based on illusory human words, whether it is Zhao Jinhua What you say, or what the chef says, are all human words, not evidence, and there is no way to confirm it. You must know that compared to black and white evidence, human words are the most unreliable, and human hearts are the most unpredictable. Once there are any clues Contrary to what I know now, I will overturn all the current views, I just chose the safest way out of our safety considerations, and even sensitive to the point where all the plants and trees are nervous."

Lu Wen was puzzled: "All plants and trees are soldiers? Nervous? Xie Chi, you don't need to say such words to belittle yourself..."

Xie Chi shook his head: "I don't mean to belittle myself, do you know why I'm not ready for dinner?"

"Why?" Lu Wen couldn't keep up with Xie Chi's thoughts.

Xie Chi didn't answer and asked, "How many actors have we come in?"


"I explained to you the origin of the number 13 before, remember?"

"Remember, you said Jesus, and you said that Judas who betrayed Jesus was Jesus' thirteenth disciple, and there were exactly 13 people who had dinner at the time—"

Lu Wen suddenly realized something, and his expression was horrified: "The last supper?! The last supper for thirteen people? We are just thirteen people, and we are still having dinner. You are afraid that this is a hint that you are not going to have dinner because of this. ?!"

"Yeah," Xie Chi shrugged and sighed, "That's why I said that I've reached the point where I'm in a state of being overwhelmed and nervous, because I still can't tell whether it's a hint or just a coincidence, and I'm thinking too much. "

Lu Wen felt that Xie Chi was terrifying. He would always associate some unrelated things. When others knew nothing, he had already looked at something from a new perspective.

"The 1552 haunted house adds up to 13..." When Lu Wen understood, his brows furrowed immediately, "I think there is a problem with the logic, why is it called the haunted house 1552? What a coincidence..."

Xie Chi shook his head: "You're wrong, let's not say that reality is full of unbelievable coincidences. After all, we are shooting a 'horror movie'. No matter how real it is, it is still an entertainment product, not a Reality, film does not equal reality, the plot and details of the film are artistically processed, there may be little logic in it, but it will reveal information, and you can even find some hints of whether you believe it or not.”

"It's like why in the movie "Terrorist Cruise", there is a picture of a Greek god pushing stones back and forth on the ship. In fact, this is not logical in itself, but it implies that the protagonist and his party are in an endless cycle. Horror movie works mostly emphasize a kind of overall beauty, and the logic of deep thinking is actually full of mistakes."

Lu Wen seems to understand but does not understand.

Their pestles were too conspicuous there, and everyone looked up at them. Xie Chi also realized that it was not the time to talk. He smiled and prepared to go to the table, and finally told Lu Wen, "Hide your teeth."

Lu Wen nodded.

They sat down, and the five- or six-meter-long dining table was filled with dishes.

Xie Chi saw the dishes on the table, and was stunned, it turned out to be Japanese food.

"How to eat Japanese food?" Xinrui Luming was a little dissatisfied.

"Yeah, I don't eat raw." You Jing's girlfriend also followed.

You Jing's girlfriend is called Xia Yao.

Xie Chi looked at the dishes in front of him.

There are many raw, cold and fried Japanese dishes. The sashimi in front of him is, to put it bluntly, the seafood on the ice - raw salmon, octopus, etc. Most of them are raw, and the fish in the deep sea is not fishy. , You can eat it directly after dipping it in mustard to kill the poison. Of course, it is not acceptable. After all, it is raw, and the taste of eating is not very familiar.

Xie Chi used to eat it often. He stared at the North Pole shell in front of him. I wonder if it was his illusion. He always felt that the fat ingredients in the past were a bit like a human tongue.

The arctic shellfish is a very fat and chewy shellfish meat, with a certain thickness, the color of the front end is similar to that of the tongue, slightly lighter, more orange, a bit like the color of Rotten Tomatoes lipstick, the bottom is white, but the front end is white. The several pieces of arctic shellfish stacked together are a little darker in color and slightly thicker.

It looks more and more like a tongue.

Xie Chi frowned slightly.

The fat chef also came, and You Jing raised his head and asked, "Can't you do anything else? Some of us don't eat Japanese food."

Everyone looked at him in unison.

The fat chef shook his head and said embarrassedly: "You guys have won the six-day experience in the luxury house. The menu is given to me, and I have to follow the menu. Tonight's order is to eat Japanese food, and there is no way to change it. Maybe there will be something you want to eat later."

"Try it, it's really delicious, anyway, I'm also a top chef!" The fat chef boasted.

You Jing asked Zhao Jinhua in a low voice, "Mom, is there any problem with the food?"

You Jing also just came out of "Broken Finger" and is very wary of the food in horror movies.

Zhao Jinhua was a little impatient: "I can eat it, this is a haunted house movie. I'm the best at the genre. I've had five of them, and the routines are similar. The ghost harassed the actors for a while, then started to attack people, and finally possessed people... and Food doesn't matter, it's basically the same for us to find out the truth and help Gui Chaodu. How much have you passed? One "Severed Finger" will make you suspicious? The summed up experience is always correct, and this is only the first day, the actor The survival rate is extremely high, don't worry, we have so many means, what can happen."

Xie Chi's ears were sharp. Hearing what she said, he glanced at her and said nothing. What he doesn't believe in is experience. The mind set will kill people. The book of "Hide and Seek" is still fresh in his memory.

Zhao Jinhua is daring and normal. After all, there are many means, and it is not painful for her to make small troubles, and to her, this is just a low-level book.

When everyone heard her say that, they were relieved and moved their chopsticks.

There is no way to accept Japanese materials, and the app does not force it.

Ren Ze was beside Xie Chi. He seemed to want to try it. He stretched out his chopsticks to pick it up. Xie Chi liked little sister Ren Ran quite a bit, and bumped his waist under the table.

The piece of raw meat that Ren Ze had clipped almost fell off, so he tilted his head and glared at him, asking him what he was doing with his eyes.

Xie Chi glanced at the table, remembering each dish, deliberately dropped a chopstick, lowered his head to pick it up, and whispered: "If you really want to eat it, it's better not to eat meat."

Ren Ze paused, Xie Chi reminding him

Xie Chi suddenly remembered the dish of ice tofu, and had some strange associations with a subtle expression.

The monkey head vase in the room, the monkey head is burnt, the charcoal grilled monkey head, the middle is completely empty, there is no brain, the brain of the white flower... a bit like ice tofu.

"You better not eat tofu."

After Xie Chi finished speaking, he picked up the chopsticks casually.

Ren Ze glared at him again, the Japanese food was basically not vegetarian, and if he was not allowed to eat meat, what else could he eat

He simply put down his chopsticks and stared at Xie Chi.

Several people shouted that it was delicious and addicting to eat. A gray actor took a mouthful of ice tofu, and the ice tofu melted in his mouth. He chewed it twice, but felt that the taste was a little strange, a little bit of fishy oil, after eating it. The mouth is dense and feels very thick and thick.

The author has something to say:

Beep, this film is partly inspired by the Italian movie "xx" (it's inconvenient to reveal the name for fear of spoilers, when the story is over, it will be a unified tribute), but the direction is basically completely different, just borrowed a very small The setting, graphics and story are all brand new, adding a lot of what interests me. If you know the related baby, don't spoil mua~