Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 73: 1552 haunted house (5)


The actor gray name didn't know the Japanese ingredients, so he thought that this dish should taste like this, and he didn't think much about it. He didn't like the taste, so he swallowed it reluctantly, and took a sip of Calpis to get rid of his tiredness.

After dinner, it was already dark.

Xie Chi waited for everyone to go back to the room before going to the kitchen.

Lu Wen watched him open the refrigerator and shake it near the sink, and finally turned over the trash can.

Lu Wen walked over: "What's the matter?"

Xie Chi pointed to the trash can: "It stands to reason that when cooking, there must be garbage to throw away, such as vegetable leaves, but I searched the kitchen and found nothing."

The kitchen was clean, and it didn't look like they had just made a feast. They had fried food on the table before, but there was no smell of fried food in the kitchen.

Lu Wen reacted and lowered his voice: "You mean, where did those ingredients come from? How are they made?"

Xie Chi nodded: "And in fact, I am more inclined, even if there is a problem with the dishes, only some dishes have problems."

Lu Wen was stunned: "Is it because of the first day?"

Xie Chi pushed his glasses: "Yeah, it's impossible for all of us to die. Even if we really want to drastically reduce our staff, we'll have to wait until the later stage, and we'll do everything right at the door. Not at the very beginning."

Lu Wen nodded.

The two phones rang suddenly.

"It should be the plot update."

Xie Chi said, took out his mobile phone to check.

[The progress of the plot has been updated, and now all actors are asked to go back to their rooms to sleep, and they can move freely after "events" occur. ]

Lu Wen stared at the word "event" with a solemn expression: "Does this mean that strange things will happen at night?"

Xie Chi didn't take it to heart: "Sure, after all, it's a haunted house theme. I wanted to go to the place where the chef slept, but now there's no other way, let's go back."

Lu Wen followed.

They went back to the room and the app rang again.

[Please turn off the lights to sleep within half an hour. ]

Xie Chi took the time to take a shower, then turned off the light at the last minute and went to bed. Before going to bed, he double-checked that the door was locked.

"What are we doing now?" There was a faint fragrance at both ends of the nose, Lu Wen turned over to look at Xie Chi on the opposite bed, and Xie Chi was so particular about horror movies.

"No, go to sleep." Xie Chi's voice was a little sleepy.

"Really sleeping? Don't you think about the plot?"

"If you can figure it out, you can figure it out, but you can't understand the part that lacks information. The conclusion is that there is no point in doing things other than sleeping, and other mental states are meaningless except for being sleepy."

"Xie Chi, why are you-"

Lu Wen was about to admire subconsciously, Xie Chi closed his eyes and moved his lips: "I think Ren Ze may have one less roommate."

Lu Wen: "...I fell asleep."

He didn't want to be kicked out to join the deadly arrogant Ren Ze.

In the middle of the night, Xie Chi, who was asleep, turned over and put his hand on the pillow, but there was a few "squeaks" from the pillow.

Xie Chi didn't respond, and Lu Wen felt extra safe because of Xie Chi's presence. He slept like a dead pig and snored.

[Old Swan Pond Cubs! ! ! Don't sleep so dead! ! ! Wake up! ! ! ]

[How dare he sleep at ease? ! ]

Three seconds later, "Xie Chi" suddenly opened his eyes.

[Wake up, wake up, scared me to death]

[Why doesn't he seem to be asleep, there is no sleepiness in his eyes]

Xie Xinglan got up and turned over and stared at the pillow on the bed.

The pillow was originally filled with cotton wool, which was soft and flat, but now it began to wriggle. It was like quicksand. The small things, but the terrifying number, were squeezed into the pillow, pushing, shoving, crawling and stomping, rubbing their limbs against the pillow cloth, as if they wanted to run out, but could not do anything.

Xie Xinglan took out the blade of the evil spirit from the bottom of the bed, the sharp blade cut through the pillow cloth, and there was a scream of "squeaky" in his ears, overwhelming and tingling.

At that moment, Xie Xinglan saw clearly what was in the pillow—a little mouse, not a long-haired mouse cub.

Densely packed, there are hundreds of them, all packed into pillows, pink all over, under the pink skin, black organs, generally stained, hundreds of pairs of eyes that haven't grown yet are stacked together, bulging out of the skin, like The eyes of the crab, countless thin claws flutter and stir, like the feet of grass shrimp and centipedes rhythmically.

[intensive phobia died]

Xie Xinglan blinked, the screams of "squeaking" in his ears disappeared, and the pillow in front of him returned to normal. Looking inside from the cut-off place, there was nothing but a pile of broken cotton wool.

hallucinations? But those things seem to have been injured by his evil spirit's blade, otherwise they wouldn't make a scream.

Xie Xinglan frowned.

"Chichi, wake up." Xie Xinglan said warmly.

The voice in my head was lazy and hoarse, as if I had just woken up: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Xie Xinglan sat beside the bed and described to him what had just happened.

Xie Chi woke up instantly: "Rat?"


Xie Chi was silent for a moment, thinking of something, and suddenly said: "Is there any hair?"

"No, it's all pink."

"Are your eyes open?"

"I haven't opened my eyes yet."

"Is the tail long?"

"not long."

Xie Chi's voice was deep: "Brother, that mouse may be used to... eat."

Xie Xinglan was stunned for a moment, a bit of disgust flashing in his eyes.

Xie Chi explained: "The mouse itself is a very dirty thing, with a lot of bacteria on its body. Of course, the mice raised in the laboratory are not dirty, and the mice raised in the artificial culture are not dirty. Most mice like to move in dirty and damp places, so their fur is always dirty. Carrying bacteria and viruses, generally speaking, if the rat is shaved and treated at high temperature, it is not a big problem to eat. Of course, the internal organs must be cleaned, but like the mouse cubs you see, it has not had time to grow hair, and it is easy to handle. , the meat is tender…”

Xie Xinglan frowned: "How can you eat this kind of thing?"

"As far as I know, rat meat is very fresh and delicious, with high nutritional value. It seems that it can also cure frequent urination or something."

Xie Chi paused and rummaged through the information in his mind: "Most of those mice are eaten raw, that is, a dozen or twenty mice are placed on a plate and served directly on the table, and the dipping sauce is placed in the mouth with chopsticks. delivered."

Xie Xinglan was a little incapable of accepting it.

Xie Chi: "Isn't there a dish called 'Sanzhi'er'? That's the way I eat it. Newly-born mice are alive and have little mobility. They are still wriggling on the plate, and those who eat them use chopsticks. When you go to clip it, it feels squeezed and makes a 'squeak' sound. When dipping in the sauce, the mouse will 'squeak' again when it touches the cold sauce and plate, and finally gets bitten in the mouth. , is the last 'squeak', a total of three, so it is called 'three squeaks'."

Xie Xinglan didn't know why there were so many strange things in Xie Chi's mind, so he changed the subject: "Why is there such a thing in this house?"

Xie Chi was silent. The dual personalities share vision. Looking from Xie Xinglan's angle, he just saw the black monkey head on the wardrobe, and a flash of light flashed in his mind: "Brother, the black monkey head, the hollowed out monkey skull, is a bit like a Vegetables... raw monkey brains, raw monkey brains and sanzhi'er, two dishes."

"Someone here has eaten this kind of thing!" Xie Chi was surprised.

"You said that your evil spirit's blade may have hurt them, which means that they may not be physical but a spiritual body. After all, the evil spirit's blade is only an ordinary dagger to a physical entity, and it can only be used for spiritual bodies. There will be greater lethality.”

"That is, someone ate them, they turned into spirits, wandered in this house, and came out to disturb people in the middle of the night, but at present, it seems that they have no lethal power to humans, just as spirits to terrorize human beings Existence, we don't have to worry too much about these little mice..."

Xie Chi suddenly stopped.

Xie Xinglan realized that something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

Xie Chi's breathing was slightly rapid: "Brother, monkey, if the rat larvae are eaten into a spirit body, then analogy to a monkey, if the monkey also becomes a spirit body, where is the monkey's spirit body...?"

Xie Xinglan thought of something, his pupils shrank: "Dinner last night! Ice tofu, monkey brain flower, ice tofu mixed with monkey brain flower."

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

Xie Chi: "If the rat's spirit is disturbing the people, the monkey's spirit, what is it doing...?"

[Why is he standing there motionless? ? ]

[Shouldn't I scream at this time to express fear]

Xie Xinglan stood up abruptly, woke up Lu Wen, who was snoring loudly, and rushed to the corridor, touching them one by one: "Chi Chi, that gray actor's room number."

Xie Chi found it in his memory and quickly said, "The one on the right is the one closest to the stairs, at the entrance of the stairs."

Xie Xinglan came to the door of the room pointed to by Xie Chi, and suddenly heard a "gada" sound. It seemed that something in the room had been brought and fell gently to the ground.

Xie Xinglan's eyes fell on the door handle.

The door was open.

In the theme of haunted houses, ghosts especially like to sneak into the room at night to tease people. Every actor knows this, even the gray-named actor who was filled in by the app must be no exception. That actor must have locked the door before going to bed.

Now... the door opened silently, and the people inside didn't notice it.

- Something slipped in.

problem occurs.

Xie Chi felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Xie Xinglan covered his breath, stood quietly by the door, and heard very little movement in the room. It was a scalp-tingling… chewing sound.

The chewing sound was very small, and it was completely inaudible if you didn't listen carefully. Xie Xinglan had a keen sense of hearing, and the movement was amplified infinitely.

The things being chewed didn't seem to be hard, even very soft. After chewing a little or two, they were chewed up. It was very labor-saving. Xie Xinglan heard the sound of drooling and swallowing, which was accompanied by squeaking from time to time. Sucking sound.

Something is eating, and what it eats seems to be delicious in the world. It is extremely satisfied with its food and eats it upright.

Xie Xinglan clenched the blade of the evil spirit and gently opened the door.

Under the clear moonlight, the gray actor was on his knees, his upper body leaning weakly on the desk, his head was pried open, and the top of his head with hair was thrown on the ground on one side, like a fluffy wig.

Two hairy black monkeys were squatting on the desk, digging out the brains of the famous gray actor with their bare hands to eat.

The white brains wet the black hairs on their hands, and slid down their fingers sticky, sticking to the desk, becoming a pool of white disgusting things.

The gray-name actor's brain is so fat, half of it has been eaten, the left brain has been eaten, and the right brain is left, exuding an oily light in the moonlight, attracting eaters.