Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 86: 1552 Haunted House (18)


"And then, how did my sister die in the end?" Ren Ze couldn't wait to ask.

Xie Chi said: "My sister's resentment will turn into a ghost. She is afraid that her sister will eat people again. After pulling out her teeth, she will kill her cruelly. She is afraid that her sister will also become a ghost because of her unwillingness and will harm people after her death, so she hides her sister's scattered teeth. Everywhere in the house, my elder sister turned into a ghost. Because of her deep resentment, she became a much more powerful ghost than her younger sister. The house is the carrier of her younger sister and her elder sister. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Can hide in the corpse in the wall and linger, waiting for someone who is destined to come before my sister gathers her teeth and help her kill her sister completely."

Ren Ze and Lu Wen were stunned.

Lu Wen: "What about the chef? What's the situation with the chef?"

Xie Chi said: "After my sister turned into a ghost, she directly killed the chef and asked him to cook food for herself in the underworld, so we went to the kitchen to find food raw materials and residues and found nothing, because those foods did not belong to the underworld, and those foods were actually burned for my sister to eat. The chef was enslaved by his sister, so the chef lied to us and said that the couple lived here and that all his actions were beneficial to the sister. We were invited, and it was also planned by the sister, and she wanted to borrow our hand. , to find all her teeth so that she can break free from the rules and kill her."

"After my sister died, everyone who stepped into this place died, including my sister's lover and the police who came to investigate. This place gradually became a famous haunted house, and all the insiders nearby moved away. A few months ago, my sister contacted Zhao Jinhua, who participated in the lottery, through a supernatural phone call, and told her that she had won the six-day experience of the luxury house."

This is the plot details of the movie.

Lu Wen and Ren Ze were as bright as mirrors, and they all showed relaxed expressions. The background story was finally clear, and since the sister and Xie Chi were in contact, the sister must have made a request to Xie Chi or led the way, and they could just do it.

Xie Chi saw that they were slightly slack, and said, "Don't be too happy, my sister did give me a task, but it is difficult to complete. I don't even think it is easier than the sister camp."

Lu Wen said "Ah".

Xie Chi turned on the phone: "I'll send you the tasks of the sister camp."

After Xie Chi first communicated with his sister, he became the spokesperson for the younger sister's camp. The spokesperson could publish information about the camp to other actors and let them choose whether to join the camp.

Zhao Jinhua, You Jing and their sister got on the line, and now they are the spokespersons of the sister camp. You Jing excluded Xie Chi and the three people before, so Xie Chi and the three are not eligible to join the sister camp.

Ren Ze stared at the information on the screen incredulously: "This..."

[Sister's camp mission: Help my sister gather the missing organs and make her stronger enough to compete with her sister and kill her. ]

[Note 1: Because the sister's organs have been completely eaten by the sister, there are no organs belonging to the sister in the house, so the actor can only take the second place and choose the corresponding organs that exist in the house to fill the vacancy in the sister's body. ]

[Note 2: The actor cannot kill the actor, and the organ cannot be obtained by the actor after killing the actor. If this basic rule is violated, the actor will be punished and die directly; the actor killed by the animal will not be used for the organ because of the animal's harassment. Fill the void in my sister's body. ]

Lu Wen's mind couldn't turn his head: "What is 'organs existing in the house'? Actors who can't kill live actors get organs, and actors who can't kill animals can't kill organs. Where do they come from?"

Xie Chi smiled clearly, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Grab the food from my sister's mouth."

Ren Ze groaned and jumped up abruptly, his face extremely ugly.

Lu Wen's heart skipped a beat, and said with difficulty, "You mean, after my sister killed the actor, before eating the actor's organs, we will grab the complete body?"


[Fuck! ! ! Too ruthless, this is not forcing them to meet their sister! ]

[My God grabs food from the ghost's mouth]

[No wonder my sister wants to eat actors' organs! It's not necessarily hunger, she probably just doesn't want her sister to get organs and become stronger]

Ren Ze frowned: "But don't I remember that every time my sister gets a tooth, she can only kill one person? After she has killed the actor, we go to grab the body from her. According to the rules, she can't kill us... "

Xie Chi shook his head: "You can't count it like this, you have to look at it from the perspective of change and development. The premise of your assumption is that the sister's ability is unchanged in the process of obtaining teeth. This is a static point of view in itself, but in fact it is , Sister is getting stronger and stronger in the process of getting teeth, she may kill us people who are not from her camp, and even if she can't, she is estimated to have the ability to seriously hurt us."

Ren Ze's face was solemn.

"The sister camp surfaced, and all my previous guesses about the numbers were confirmed."

Ren Ze: "Numbers?"

"The house number is 1552, and the numbers add up to 13, which implies that the Last Supper—there was something wrong with the dinner," Xie Chi paused, "the three 6's are the devil's code name, and it's Satan. We have already found it in the house. Three 6s."

"Three six?" Ren Ze hadn't integrated the information for the first time.

Xie Chi said concisely: "The first 6, the sister camp finds 6 hidden teeth; the second 6, the animal camp finds 6 dishes; the third 6, the sister camp gathers 6 organs."

"Why are there six organs?" Lu Wen was stunned. "Tongue, heart, liver, kidney and child, aren't there five?"

He also twisted his fingers and counted carefully.

Xie Chi was stunned and tried to tighten the corners of his mouth.

Ren Ze tilted his head to look at him: "Are you nervous and stupid? How many kidneys do you have?"

"..." Lu Wen lowered his head in shame.

Xie Chi said: "The growth of the sister's strength in the sister camp is stepped. Every time you get a tooth, the strength increases by one step, and the same is true for the younger sister."

Under the app, the sister's strength is explained in detail.

[Find the tongue, liver, and kidney (2), each time one is found, the strength increases by 50%.

Find the heart and increase the strength by 100%.

Find the baby and increase the strength by 200%.

When the younger sister's strength reaches a certain level, she can defeat her elder sister. ]

"Find the baby so much?" Ren Ze was surprised for a moment, then looked blank again, "No, I don't remember any of the actors getting pregnant, where did the baby come from?"

Xie Chi pointed out: "Baby in baby soup, this is why, the app says 'organs that exist in the house', not the actors' organs, but since the strength has increased so much, the baby is definitely not that easy to find."

The clues were unprecedentedly clear, and the two no longer hesitated and chose to join the younger sister's camp.

"What about you?" Ren Zejia looked up at Xie Chi, "Are you joining? Can't you join multiple factions at the same time? Although you can't go to the elder sister's faction, you can join the younger sister's faction. Anyway, the younger sister and the animals are one and the same. Dude, you don't conflict with us, and you can save more plot exploration."

Xie Chi nodded happily, tried to join the younger sister's camp, and found that it worked.

Xie Chi said: "After the incident will allow free movement later, we will move the body of my sister to the room."

The two understood that Xie Chi did this to prevent the loss of his sister's corpse. After all, they had to embed organs into his sister's corpse in the future. If the corpse was lost, it would be a big problem.

"The matter of robbing organs..." Rao was as bold as Ren Ze, but still had a chill on his back.

"We only lack a complete set of organs. My sister has killed two people so far, which means that I have to kill four people to get the next four teeth. It looks like four chances, but it's actually three because I got the last tooth. , she will no longer be bound by the rule that one tooth can only kill one person, and by then, we will definitely not be able to compete with him, so three chances, we have to grab a corpse with no organs eaten."

The two nodded in thought, Lu Wen hesitated for a while, but still said the question in his heart: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask, everything seems to be perfect, it is seamless, and there is no omission, but if You Jing and Zhao Jinhua was not deceived into joining the sister camp, so all the current development of the plot is meaningless? There is no sister who is about to be released, so there is no need for us to join the sister camp and choose to let the sister grow up to fight against her. Isn't it two-way? If one does not exist, the other seems to have no need to be born?"

Xie Chi smiled: "At that time, the app will strongly promote the plot. Even if no one joins the sister camp, the sister will find the six missing teeth within the time limit of the horror film to complete the improvement of strength. Even if we do not To find the corpse of my sister, the app will also release a quest similar to 'Breaking the Wall' to boost the plot and let us find her corpse, but we will not be able to get the exploration degree of this part of the plot."

Lu Wen instantly understood.

The three raised their spirits and formulated a plan to rob the ghosts of their organs.

They are not timid people, and facing ghosts does not require much psychological construction for them.

After the chat, Xie Chi sent a friend request to Xia Yao on the app, and within a minute, Xia Yao passed.

Xie Chi: Haven't slept yet

Xia Yao: No.

Xie Chi: Is it convenient to speak

Xia Yao: You Jing is here, I will find an excuse to go out and give you a message right away.

Xie Chi: Good.

After a while, Xia Yao replied with a message and said it was okay.

Xie Chi: Can you notify me as soon as you collect new teeth

Xia Yao seemed to be hesitating, but finally returned a simple "OK".

Xia Yao didn't have a choice. She had poor strength. If she really met a ghost, Zhao Jinhua and You Jing would not care about her. They would help Xie Chi behind the scenes. Xie Chi might be able to save her. One more person, more ways.

Half an hour later, a woman's scream came from the opposite room.

Xie Chi immediately glanced at the phone: "Xia Yao didn't send me a message, it's not my sister, it's an animal shot, go and find a sign."

The three nodded, and just as they were about to rush over, when they reached the door, Xie Chi's phone screen lit up.

Xia Yao: Xie Chi! Youjing found two teeth at once in the small black plastic bag of the water pipe of the toilet tank!

Xie Chi's pupils shrank, and his brain was running fast. From the perspectives of Youjing and Zhao Jinhua, other actors in danger must be the hands of evil male ghosts or animals. No matter which, Zhao Jinhua and Youjing will not go into this muddy water. save people.

They don't know the existence of the brand, and they will not rush to find the brand immediately. If he is You Jing and Zhao Jinhua, in this case, the first thing he will do is...

Give the found tooth to your sister.

My sister is about to kill someone.

Ren Ze was anxious, and asked restrainedly, "What should I do? Looking for a brand or robbing a body?"

Xie Chi groaned.