Supernatural Movie Actor App

Chapter 96: 1552 Haunted House (28)


At the last moment of the evil spirit's death, Xie Chi sighed: "Although it is impossible for you to live in your head, you have worked happily with me after all. I thought before that if you are willing to return to the dagger, I will definitely serve you well. , Pity."

"This hand is specially reserved for you. If you can see my brother, you will die without regrets."

He seemed to want to express his regret for his talent, but he was full of smug pride and pride in what his brother had done.

Xie Xinglan smiled, no longer distracted, and concentrated on digesting the soul of evil spirits.

Time passed by minute by minute, Xie Xinglan's soul gradually condensed, Xie Xinglan had deliberately restrained his breath, and the trace of leakage still made Xie Chi feel great oppression.

Xie Chi was surprised by Xie Xinglan's change. He was worried that Xie Xinglan couldn't digest the spirit of evil spirits, and his plan was to expel the spirits of evil spirits, but now he got an unexpected joy.

Feeling that Xie Xinglan had finished digesting, Xie Chi immediately asked, "How is it?"

"Mental strength has been significantly improved, vision has been slightly increased, and perception has improved."

Xie Chi smiled and said, "It's a blessing in disguise."

Mental power is very important in some horror movies, such as "Zombie Lover", the ability of fox spirit is charm, and people with high mental power are not easy to be charmed. In ghost movies, it is extremely difficult for people with high mental strength to be sneaked up. High mental strength can also resist mental attacks.

The next time an evil spirit invades the brain, most of the evil spirits can only be Xie Xinglan's food.

Ren Ze was still calling him anxiously outside, Xie Chi said, "I'll go out first."

Xie Xinglan: "Okay."

Ren Ze was terrified. Seeing Xie Chi open his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief: "What's wrong?"

He was dazed for a while at Shang Xiechi's eyes. Those eyes were still the same as before, but there seemed to be some difference. The shimmering light flickered and flowed in them, making his eyes clear and quiet, and quietly exciting. .

With Xie Xinglan's light, Xie Chi could clearly see the pores on Ren Ze's face.

"You..." Ren Ze hesitated.

Xie Chi warmly said, "Don't worry."

[It's okay, it scared me to death! ]

[what's going on]

The two briefly exchanged a few words, the app activated the privacy mode among the actors, Ren Ze was in front of him, but Xie Chi couldn't see it. A blur of light appeared in front of his eyes.

The light group is milky white, like a cloud, still moving and ever-changing. It was spherical in the first second, and turned into an ellipse in the blink of an eye, stretched and stretched, and became a rod again.

Xie Chi felt that this thing was a prop he obtained, but he really couldn't see what it was, so he was puzzled for a while.

The explanation of the app came over, Xie Chi took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, his expression solidified slightly.

[Props: Futuo

Props readme: I never produce power, I'm just a plagiarism, stealing and cheating, bluffing is my talent, and borrowing the power of others to reach the sky is my ability.

Output: This prop is produced by the Tooth Ghost Sisters (the Tooth Ghost Sisters deceived the actors, and recovered their strength through the hands of the actors, and enjoyed the success)

Applicable: Suitable for all horror movies.

Details of props: Actors with "Fu Tuo" can copy props that other actors have used in horror movies. ]


Seeing that his heart was beating a little faster, Xie Chi immediately looked down.

[Note: 1. It must be the horror movie the actor is currently in. The props that the actor has encountered in the horror movie before are not within the scope and cannot be reproduced; 2. The actor can only copy the props that are lower than the quality of the current horror movie, for example: the actor currently If you are in a quality horror film that does not cover the flaws, you can only reproduce the props produced by the quality below the quality of the flaws. 3. Each horror film can only be "recovered" once. , so please choose the object to be re-extracted carefully; 4. Re-extension is a complete re-extension, and the actor inherits all positive and negative effects of the prop; 5. The number of times the prop can be used: three times; 6. Each time the prop is used, the actor must first Deduct 20% of the points earned by the current horror film comprehensive ranking first, for example: the actor is currently in a horror film that does not hide his flaws, and the comprehensive ranking first will receive 500 points. If the actor chooses to use "Fu Tuo", the app will deduct 100 points for you by itself . ]

Xie Chi calmed down a little, and he said that a powerful item must have many additional conditions to limit its ability.

The lucky buff he got in the rookie movie was activated twice in the zombie movie, which surprised him. He thought that the novice movie could be the best, but the horror variety show and the ghost movie he was in now made him recognize it. , his faint conjecture before was correct—props have quality.

Lucky buff props are not triggered once in horror variety shows and 1552 haunted houses. In fact, no matter how good it is, it is only produced in shoddy horror movies. Maybe it has a high probability of triggering in shoddy horror movies, but if you go further, it is a bit difficult to want a shoddy prop to play a role, and the probability must be high. The amplitude has been lowered. Why is the lucky buff triggering probability of the zombie movie, which is also a flawed one, so high, Xie Chi has a rough guess - the lucky buff fits the zombie movie that pays attention to the cycle of causality, heaven, retribution, and fortune.

However, the adaptation of ghost films and lucky buffs is much lower.

There are so many additional conditions for the prop "Fu Tuo", which is enough to prove its strength. Of course it also has really negative strings attached. The props that the actor has seen before are not counted. You can only reproduce the props of other actors in the current horror film. This is already very troublesome. First, other actors have to use the props. He still has to find out whether the prop is good or not. If he doesn't get enough information and re-exploits it hastily, he may be tortured to death by the unknown negative effects of other people's props. So he learned that he knew himself and the other, which was also in line with the character of his sister and sister to figure out the human heart and use others. He had to find a way to spy on the effects of other people's props.

Xie Chi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this... is it retribution

The props' self-report has clearly pointed out the characteristics of the props - plagiarism, stealing, and fraud. He seems to have deceived a lot of people, but it's quite... coincidental that such a prop is so popular in the world.

Only Futuo and the props of the current horror film quality are lower than the current horror film quality, which further weakens the strength of Futuo, and also makes the reward reasonable. After all, this is just a reward for a flawed film.

The props can be used three times, which means that three horror movies can be used, which is already a lot, so there is an additional condition for deducting points.

20% doesn't seem like much, but it's actually a lot, because Futuo is a prop that is strong when strong and weak and weak. In shoddy horror films, it can't be used. In bland, it can only be shoddy and shoddy. In the middle, it can copy the bland and shoddy. The higher the level, the stronger the props it can copy, and because it is a copy, it is very flexible. He doesn’t have to worry about some good horror movies because he has no suitable props. miss.

Futuo has great flexibility and can be copied anytime, anywhere, and will not limit him. This is the type of props he needs most when he chooses the all-around route.

Of course there are problems.

According to the attributes of Futuo, most of the actors will pursue the quality of the movie to develop more advanced props. The problem is... There will definitely be more powerful actors in high-quality movies. Whether they can get the first place in the comprehensive evaluation is still a very serious matter. .

Take the flawless beauty as an example, the first comprehensive evaluation will be rewarded with 500 points, the second comprehensive evaluation will be awarded 300 points, and the third comprehensive evaluation will only be rewarded with 100 points. Despite the name, he is basically blood-deficient, but if it is the first, it is a treasured item, with a small effort, a particularly large return, and a large freedom.

So this thing is a icing on the cake and a downfall prop, which is exactly the same as the character of my sister and sister - my sister is afraid of Zhao Jinhua, so she provides rewards and help, and for other actors who have no sense of existence, it is a blatant deception.

But Xie Chi did not deny that Futuo is a prop that can be used well as long as it is used well. And to him, it can be said to be a baby.

He didn't think he would be second or third.

Xie Chi then looked down.

[The prop "Fu Tuo" comes with its own skill: bluff. ]

Xie Chi looked at the detailed explanation of the skill, and his expression froze again.

-[Props re-extension comes with three "bluff" effects, actors can re-explore any props they have, they have re-exploited, or encountered in the current movie to scare other actors and protect themselves, but please note that the re-exploitation The props don't actually work, they're just false illusions. ]

Xie Chi: "..." This is an alternative intimidation skill.

Xie Chi sighed deeply, feeling complicated for a while, he seemed to be gone forever on the way of cheating.

[Actors are reminded that the prop "Fu Tuo" has binding requirements: due to the negative character of the prop, the actor's character must have a relatively "negative" side. ]

[Try to bind props? ]

relatively negative

Xie Chi understood.

It's like the evil spirit's blade, which can only be subdued by Xie Xinglan, who has a high degree of adaptability.

Xie Chi didn't hesitate much, clicked [Confirm], and put his hand into the group of light.

Xie Chiben was a little worried that he didn't meet the "relatively negative" requirement, but the group of light touched his hand without any hesitation, and went straight in with his fingertips. Melted into the limbs and bones.

[Congratulations, the binding is successful. ]

Xie Chi was embarrassed for a moment, and his worries were a little unnecessary.

Because the detailed explanation of the props was too long, when Xie Chi finished binding the props and came out, Ren Ze had already completed it one step ahead.

Xie Chi saw Ren Ze's black face, the air pressure was terribly low, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Ren Ze met his gaze and gritted his teeth: "I got... I got... "

He had an expression of shame and anger on his face.

"What?" Xie Chi's curiosity was hooked.

"I got..." Ren Ze turned his face away, his voice gradually lowered, "Healing props."

Xie Chi was stunned for a moment, looking at Ren Ze's handsome and sharp face and Tall Yingjian's body, he couldn't hold back and laughed.

Ren Ze, who longed to become a violent dps, became a nurse.

"Laughter!" Ren Ze glared at him with a lack of interest. "It comes from the animal camp that has a recovery effect. The degree of treatment depends on the degree of injury. The treatment needs to consume points and can be upgraded."

Xie Chi comforted hypocritically: "After all, it can be upgraded."

Ren Ze snorted coldly, but was secretly grateful. It doesn't really matter what he gets. In such a difficult situation, he thought he was going to die. In fact, Xie Chi brought his life back.

Ren Ze's previous unconvinced and competitive heart has been put aside. He admires Xie Chi, not so diamond, he does not do porcelain work, Xie Chi is indeed better than him in many aspects, and it is worth his learning.

Within two minutes after the binding was completed, the actor's comprehensive evaluation report came out.

["1552 Haunted House" cast list:

Male No. 1: Xie Chi, story exploration is 89%, reward 600 points (all points reward except fan points for new cutting-edge films will enjoy a 1.2 times increase).

Overly strong enemy faction (difficulty increase due to actor problems): 120 points compensation.

Reach the perfect ending: 360 points will be awarded.

A total of 28911 fans (new and sharp flaws do not cover up the good film, the audience limit is 3w), rounded up, 289 points.

A total of: 1319 points.

Current total points: 3368 points.

Male No. 2: Ren Ze, the plot exploration rate is 39%, and the reward is 360 points.

Overpowered enemy faction: 120 points compensation.

Help achieve the perfect ending: 120 points are awarded.

Total increase in fans: 13091, rounded up, 130 points.

A total of: 730 points.

Current total points: 2466 points

Male No. 3: Lu Wen, the plot exploration rate is 31%, and the reward is 120 points.

Overpowered enemy faction: 120 points compensation.

Help achieve the perfect ending: 120 points are awarded.

Total increase in fans: 4312, rounded up, 43 points.

A total of: 403 points.

Current total points: 1457 points.

Female No. 4: Xia Yao, the plot exploration degree is 16%, and the reward is 60 points.

Help achieve the perfect ending: 120 points.

If the overall strength of the faction is too strong, no difficulty compensation will be issued.

A total of 2199 fans, rounded up, 22 points.

A total of: 202 points.

Current total points: 1688 points.

Dead actors: Zhao Jinhua, You Jing, Lu Ming, etc. ]

[Thanks to all the actors for their generous performances, the rewards will be distributed to the app immediately, please pay attention to check them. ]

Outside the horror movie, the big screen lights up again, and the comprehensive evaluation rankings are announced.

"How do I remember, when I was a new talent, Xie Chi was the sixth? Ren Ze was the second? It's almost a thousand points. I rely on... "

"It's okay to be overtaken, look at it, the new and cutting-edge No. 1 tourist scene has all gone to the list of dead actors... cough cough."


"The score machine hammer is too scary, more than 3,000! What title does he have? More than 3,000... It seems that the title can be upgraded?"

"It's amazing! I rely on it! This speed!"

"This is going to make me panic..."

"Can this film be upgraded?"

The author has something to say:

Then the inspiration for the setting of the tooth ghost in this film is the horror film "Tooth Fairy" (the Chinese translation should be called this), and I pay tribute here.