Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 1: Gorgeous appearance


The process of acquaintance between a certain Xiaobai and a certain great god mainly happened as an emergency repair after a beautiful mistake.

In this regard, a former host who was not on the scene but played a key role as a matchmaker said: "In this incident, I fully demonstrated the responsibilities and obligations that I must shoulder as a supporting role. Unfortunately, the world Didn't give me the credit I deserved."

For this sentence, the media interviewed a certain director who had been partnering with the former host. He said this: "You can't be too shameless as a human being, especially not as a host, otherwise ncc will become n."

This conversation caused a violent reaction on the Internet. Some netizens launched a vote on the character of a former host on the most famous forum in the country. There are three options for voting, abc, respectively:

A former host is shameless.

A former host is more shameless than n.

A former host is not as shameless as n.

Votes are valid for one week. Within a week, the number of votes for a and c has been evenly matched, and the suspense lasted until the last second of the deadline!

In the end, option c defeated option a with 519,856 votes by a narrow margin of 526,528 votes.

The vast sea and sky forum ended with "n invincible".

The above is just a small episode derived from the stories of the two protagonists. Next, I will talk about the main text.

In other words, it was a sunny day with clear skies.

From "go! go! Since the broadcast of su... super star, the ratings have been sitting at 20-30. The stars who came to the show, all the big names, had to hold together even if their cards were a little smaller.

The show hosts Luo Peijue and Shi Daming also took advantage of the wind and became the head hosts of NCC TV station, and they were voted "My Favorite Hosting Partner" by the audience for two consecutive years.

So before today, the director Fade Chen had a very good life. Needless to say, Shi Daming is a veteran host, and every stop there is a book, and every three sentences can produce a bright spot, which is absolutely overfulfilled for the script. As for Luo Peijue, he is a little lazy, but fortunately he is not stupid, can follow the script, looks good, and is popular with the audience. If it continues like this, at least another year will be fine.

But the evaluation just now only lasted until today.


"Damn Luo Peijue! I'm going to kill you—" The strong airflow on Fade Chen killed every plant and tree in the studio like a typhoon passing through.

The gaffer looked up at the flickering bulb in horror. This is already the third.

"The master is here." The little assistant whispered to remind a famous director whose face was livid.

Fade Chen's expression changed immediately, and his smile turned into a bouquet of blooming roses. He said courteously to Yan Su'ang, who was being surrounded by the studio staff, "You came so early?"

Yan Su'ang smiled and said: "There are still ten minutes until the show begins."

Fade Chen's smile froze, "How time flies." Damn Luo Peijue! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you—huh, what should I do if the skylight is broadcast live

His smile flickered in the light, his face was full of cows.

"Isn't Luo Peijue here yet?" The master glanced across the audience.

"This," Fade Chen struggled in his heart, "He, he, he is sick. It's very serious, and usually he can't get up."

The Almighty glanced over, "Oh."

Fade Chen settled down.

"It turns out that he went to Qingdao to recuperate from his illness."

a bolt from the blue!

Chen Fei's eyes widened exaggeratedly, "How do you know he went to Qingdao?"

Dashen raised his phone, "He sent me a text message to tell me."

Fade Chen squatted in the corner and cried. He lied to the Great God, woohoo, he's so shameful that he's gone out in public!

"Damn Luo Peijue! I'm going to kill you—"

The assistant said apologetically to the master: "The choreographer and director have intermittent seizures."

The great god nodded understandingly, "It seems that it is difficult to recover."

While reading the script, Shi Daming glanced distractedly, "Director Chen, there are still seven minutes."

Fade Chen stood up, tearing back quickly, "Where's the substitute?"


The assistant pushed in a trolley from the door, "It's all here, take your pick, they're all at jumping prices."

A dozen or so people piled together like dead fish in a vegetable market. From this scene alone, it is easy to misunderstand that we are still in the era of slavery.

Fade Chen glanced over, "Woman, out!"

Assistant dissatisfied, "This is sexism!"

Fade Chen pointed in one direction, "Look."

"God, your chest muscles are so strong."

"God, your hair is so stylish."

"God, your lips are so sexy."

"Master, the buttons on your clothes are awesome..."

The figure of the Great God was quickly submerged in the crowd of women.

The assistant wiped off his cold sweat, "It's okay, there are three men. Number one!"

Stand up number one.

The long hair is like snow, like blue and white porcelain, unless it is a time machine, it will be a wreck.

Fade Chen pointed to Shi Daming, "There is already a father here, so there is no need for a grandfather."

Shi Daming bit the script aggrievedly.

The assistant trembled: "Number two."

If the previous one was a quasi-wreck, then this one is a wreck.

Fade Chen sympathized: "If the plastic surgery fails, sue, don't hold back."

The assistant covered his face, "Number three..."

Fade Chen felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes.

A cute boy with watery eyes and big eyes stood there innocently, against the backdrop of various strange backgrounds, he was as pure and flawless as an angel.

"It's him!" Fade Chen made a final decision! There are also generals among the dwarves. He compared his height, "How tall are you?"

The boy raised his head and blinked his cute big eyes, "1.65 meters."

"Well, it's not much different from Luo Peijue."

——Luo Peijue thought bitterly on the plane: He is 1.78 meters tall.

Snapped! With a snap of the fingers, the woman automatically separated from both sides. The Great God looked at him with a smile, "Not bad."

The atmosphere was instantly rendered pink, and peach blossoms bloomed one after another in the studio.

Shi Daming looked left and right, and then said in a low voice: "Although I don't want to say it, I have to say... There are still two minutes before the start."

"What's your name?" Fade Chen pushed him in front of the camera.

"Zeng Bai."

"Well, Xiaobai, what did you do before?"

"Seller of pork."

Chen Fei sprayed, "Didn't you graduate from a famous art university?"

Zeng Bai nodded and said, "Yes." The director felt a little relieved, it is also possible to sell pork to experience life after graduating from art university... Zeng Bai added, "No."

It's not that you nod your ass! This is not a waste of his feelings.

Fade Chen patted his head.

The assistant said nervously: "There are still ten seconds."

"... insert an ad for me!"

"Ha!" Shi Daming was dumbfounded.

Does the director mean to insert advertisements from the beginning

So, that day, I stood in front of the TV and waited to watch "go! go! The audience of su... super star saw the following scene—

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"Hi everyone, I'm the host Shi Daming." Shi Daming's smile hadn't been fully revealed yet, when the camera turned around, a huge black hole appeared on the screen, and a birdman flew out of it, holding a bottle of milk in his hand. Jiao said with high spirits: "For the sake of having no third wife, no matter how dark it is!"

Fade Chen flew a script to Zeng Bai's face, "Read it, laugh at me if you have any questions, and laugh at me if you don't have any questions! Just leave the rest to Daming." Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He looked at the sky devoutly and prayed: Buddha bless... Amen!

The time is counting down.

The Great God sits on the shining golden throne.

Shi Daming tidied his clothes.

The makeup artist desperately powdered Xiaobai.


The audience in front of the TV was finally freed from the overwhelming advertisements.

Shi Daming's smile at this time made them feel very cordial.

"Hey, Luo Peijue, why did you have plastic surgery to look like this?" Shi Daming smiled wretchedly at Xiao Bai who was sitting on the side.

Xiaobai looked down at the script, and said righteously, "You didn't write that line of dialogue."

Shi Daming burst into tears, and his expression was still very professional, "Don't change the subject! The audience wants to know why I haven't seen you for a week, you look like this."

Xiao Bai was so fierce that he bowed his head, and mumbled: "Even if we see each other every day for a week, I will still look like this."

Shi Daming gave him an appreciative look. No stage fright, good at answering conversations, yes, promising. He jumped up exaggeratedly, pointed at him and said, "Aren't you Luo Peijue?" This topic can finally be brought up.

"Well, I'm Zeng Bai."

Shi Daming pointed at his face and said with a big smile, "No need to add more, it's already painting the wall."

Wearing a thick powder, Xiaobai stared blankly at the director holding up a big sign, saying word by word: "It's better than your certain powder."

Yan Su'ang and Chen Fei looked at the sign saying 'better than your coal powder' at the same time and were speechless.

Shi Daming turned to the camera, "The audience sitting in front of the TV must be wondering why the person sitting next to me is Zeng Bai instead of Luo Peijue, that's because..." He dragged his voice for ten seconds and found The new partner next to him didn't talk to him, so he had no choice but to continue, "He eloped with another man."

Snapped! He threw the script on the table, stood up angrily, and yelled at the camera: "Damn Luo Peijue, don't come back if you have the ability! You actually abandoned me and pissed me off. What's wrong with me? What can't compare to him!"

After he had vented, he turned to see Xiaobai staring at him blankly. "What's your expression?"

Xiaobai suddenly walked up to him and patted his head, "Don't be sad."

Shi Daming Petrochemical.

Fade Chen gestured below. This is not a solo performance, the great god is drying up on the sidelines! He was still waiting for the ratings of this episode to break through 30 due to the popularity of the great god.

Shi Daming clapped his hands, "Welcome today's guests, superstars in the film and television industry, super stars in the singing industry, women's dream lovers, men's natural rivals... Yan, Su, Ang."

The camera turned sharply.

Yan Su'ang leaned on the throne, resting his jaw with one hand, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, like a king descending on the world.

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