Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 10: God's frustration


It took about three or four minutes, but it seemed like three or four hours to the two people huddled inside. Finally someone ran all the way and shouted loudly outside: "Who is inside?"

Xiaobai moved to the door and replied loudly: "I..."

There was silence outside, "Who are you?"

"Zeng... Bai..."

"You wait." The people outside dropped the words indifferently, and were about to leave at Shi Shiran's pace.

Yan Su'ang suddenly said, "And me."

The sound of footsteps outside was interrupted strangely, and then turned into a crackling rush, and then a 'ping-pong' - the sound of the door opening and closing extremely loudly.

Even through the elevator door and that door, Xiaobai still vaguely heard the man yelling, "Oh my god, hurry up, God is locked!"

Yan Su'ang suddenly bent his fingers and tapped on the elevator wall.

The crisp sound is particularly sharp and clear in a closed space.

Xiaobai said quietly: "Don't destroy public property."

Yan Su'ang's fingers stiffened, "Don't worry, even if it's broken, it's because of my fingers."

Xiaobai thought about it, and thought it made sense, "Oh."

... oh what? Did he mean that since it was his finger that was bad, it didn't matter? Yan Su'ang felt the stagnation in his chest gradually rising.

He is in full swing in the entertainment industry, and he hasn't felt the taste of setbacks for a long, long time. Even world-renowned directors are polite to each other when they meet him, and never put on airs. On the contrary, the acting career in front of him has just started, and the young boy with no background or backing has repeatedly hit him with nails. The most exasperating thing is that he clearly knew that the other party didn't deliberately target him because he was Yan Su'ang.

Thinking of this, the stagnant air has already rushed to the Baihui acupoint, and the three flowers gathered at the top. "noob."


"Do you think I'm not pleasing to the eye?"


Hmph, you answered quickly. Yan Su'ang's anger dissipated a little.

"Anyway, I can't see it now."

"..." The dissipated air immediately gathered back, and he asked sullenly, "You mean, if you can see it, you will find me very unpleasant?"


Yan Su'ang waited for his next sentence.

But Xiaobai seemed to be asleep, and even the sound of breathing was very gentle.

"And then?" He couldn't help asking.

"What then?" Xiao Bai, who was about to take a nap, had to pull himself together again.

Yan Su'ang calmed down and said, "Why don't you think I'm not pleasing to the eye?"

It was the first time in his life that he had asked such a... self-harming question.

The two words 'no' made Xiaobai's head dizzy for several times, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Ah, oh, because there is no reason why it is not pleasing to the eye."

"..." Yan Suang borrowed his thoughts to think for a while, and then said in a very gentle tone, "It's because I don't feel anything at all, right?"

Xiaobai nodded vigorously, then thought that he couldn't see it now, and replied crisply with his mouth: "Yes."

The stagnant air directly broke through the top of his head, forming a dark cloud over his forehead, pressing down on Yan Su'ang, "What about Feng Yalun? What's your impression of him?"

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"Brother Aaron is a very good person."

Very nice person? Yan Su'ang laughed at himself. That's right, they are brothers from the same company, and they are rumored boyfriends that are being hyped up by magazines. No matter how you look at it, they are much closer than him, an artist from a hostile company.

I want to return to thinking, but my heart is always uncomfortable.

Although Feng Yalun has compared with him everywhere in the past few years, in fact, he has never really won against him. Whether it is awards, popularity, word of mouth, or album sales, yield and box office. So in the past, he never cared about Feng Aaron. But this time, he hated that person from the bottom of his heart. I didn't expect that he would lose popularity if he didn't lose anything else!

He said angrily, "What's so good about him?"

Xiao Bai happily replied: "He gave me a piece of clothing worth more than 500 yuan."

"..." Yan Su'ang regained consciousness, "Is that all?"

"I can't thank him enough."

Yan Su'ang weighed his words carefully and said: "Is your requirement of judging people too low?"

Xiaobai said in surprise, "You speak just like Zhiqing."


"My best friend." Xiaobai paused, then added, "It's also my manager."

"Great God..." The sound of messy footsteps came from far and near.

Then came the creaking sound of prying open the door.

Relying on the memory of the voice just now, Yan Su'ang grabbed Xiao Bai's arm, "Back up."

Xiaobai obediently took two steps back.


The door was pushed open from the middle to the sides.

The sudden light made Xiaobai and Yan Suang close their eyes at the same time.

The maintenance staff looked flatteringly at Yan Su'ang, and kept apologizing: "Mr. Yan, I'm really sorry, I'll find someone to fix this elevator right away. I've troubled you. I'm really sorry, please don't take offense. We are also... "

Yan Su'ang interrupted him with a smile, "Can you pull us up first and then we can talk." We can't keep letting them hang on the half-floor, looking up at their crotch.

The maintenance staff woke up like a dream, and immediately stretched out their hands to pull them up.

After putting their feet on the ground, the maintenance personnel continued to perform the unfinished ceremony of apology to Yan Su'ang.

After Yan Su'ang managed to convince them that he would never take this matter to heart, he found that Xiao Bai had already left on his own, so chic that he didn't even say goodbye.

The next day "go! go! su... super star" aired, the average audience rating was 32.6, and the highest time period was 38.3, which was three percentage points higher than the episode that the master participated in!

At the same time, the wonderful content made the official forum explode again.

Netizens were excited to find that since Xiaobai joined the show, they don't have to worry about having no place to spit, because he is really a troublemaker.

After offending the king of heaven and the queen of heaven, he didn't take a breath.

The moderator took the opportunity to pin the two posts to the top—

Vote for who Aaron Feng is with:

Zhou Minli


Yan Suang

no one wants



The voting situation was stalemate. As of twelve o'clock that night, a total of 3,486 enthusiastic netizens had participated in the voting. What was surprising was that Yan Su'ang, who had the most fierce rivalry with Feng Yalun in the past two years, won the championship. The result is as follows:

Zhou Minli 812


Yan Suang 1256

no one wants 223

np 176

Other 45

The gorgeous four-digit number makes people want to ignore it.

Typical reasons for voting are as follows:

Fans of the Great God: No matter what, the Great God will strive to be the first, and never give up!

Netizens who voted for Xiaobai: In the sneak photo published by the magazine, Feng Yalun took care of Xiaobai like a sweetheart, it was so emotional and evil!

Netizens who voted for Zhou Minli: Anyway, it's been so many years, I'm used to watching it. If you switch back and forth and have to adapt again, the trouble is dead.

Vote for netizens who don't want anyone: People who are lovers should share with the public! Hello everyone is really good!

Netizens who voted for np: Chaos is healthier.

Vote for other netizens: Everyone else is going to die, Feng Yalun loves me the most!

Another pinned post - a delicate moment between rivals in focus.

It was quite difficult for the person who posted it, because he almost put the "go! go! su... super star" put it under a microscope.

Xiaobai's sincere expression when he 'hurt' Zhou Minli, Zhou Minli's stiff smile when answering, the cold sweat that broke out from time to time on Shi Daming's forehead...all were cut out one by one. Coupled with the narration made by netizens, it is not only lifelike, but also full of interest.

Compared to the lively Internet, Imart held a low-key and deserted emergency meeting, and the participants were Ma Rui and Gao Qin.

The main content of the meeting is aimed at Xiaobai, who is now in the limelight.

Xiaobai's way of becoming popular is very similar to those entertainers in the entertainment industry who specialize in cursing, exposing people's privacy, and cursing others to get ahead. The speed is fast, the method is strange, and the hitting area is large. But Xiaobai is following the idol route. In Ma Rui's words: he is a deformed freak. Without long-term professional training, talking and doing things are one-sided, offending people but not consciously, it is a hot potato, but it can make money.

"I think it's better to hide him for a while, and don't expose him to the audience so quickly. Wait a little longer, restore his brain to be a little bit more complete, and don't always lose his strings when he speaks." Zhou Minli's The brokerage company is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the yin and yang of the phone call just now made people's scalp tingle.

Gao Qin smiled and said: "I think he is very good now. He is completely uncarved and has his own unique style. The most fundamental reason why Imart has not been able to support a star as popular as Feng Yalun in the past few years We are constantly repeating Feng Aaron. But no matter how good the newcomers are, no matter how much they are like Feng Aaron, it is impossible to replace him. So it is time for me to consider changing my thinking mode and creating a new path.”

Ma Rui didn't agree with his words, "Feng Yalun's success shows that the public likes this style. Feng Yalun will grow old one day, and of course we need a successor. Isn't Zhang Fuman the same? Yan Suang's similar mold to build?"

If you always run behind Zhang Fuman's butt like this, you will never really surpass him.

This sentence swirled around in Gao Qin's mouth, but he didn't choose to say it in the end.

Ma Rui said: "I don't mean to give up on Xiaobai, I just think it's very irresponsible for us to let him grope around alone like this. After all, the journey of an artist is very long, and now he has all the wrists in the circle He's all offended, who would dare to use him in the future? You also know that in this circle, everything depends on interpersonal relationships and face."

Gao Qin had to admit that his words made sense. "I'll go back and think about it."

"Of course, since I've entrusted you with the role of agent, I completely trust you." Ma Rui straightened up with satisfaction, "I think Jia Zhiqing is a good kid, very clever, and willing to learn. It's a pity that he grew up Wrong face, if he had Xiaobai's face, I would give him all my support right now."

Does this mean that Xiaobai has looks but no brains, does Jia Zhiqing have brains but no looks

Gao Qin curled his lips, "If Mr. Ma had the face of Xiaobai and the head of Jia Zhiqing, I wouldn't have praised Aaron."

Marui: "..." Damn! It's okay after chatting for so long just now, I thought the poison on this kid's tongue was cured, but I didn't expect to be tricked!