Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 22: Who is the candidate for the queen


Imart is having an eventful day these days.

Ma Rui sat in the office regretting too much for herself.

If he hadn't wanted to get Weijie into trouble and suppress Yan Su'ang's prestige, he wouldn't have signed Xiaobai. But since Xiaobai came, Imart's feng shui seems to have fallen into evil. The scandal between Feng Yalun and Xiaobai was the one that became evil, and it has been out of control since then.

He used to get up every morning and read the newspaper to get information. Although it was not for enjoyment, occasionally seeing reporters singing praises to his artistes made him quite comfortable physically and mentally. But now, he had to let his wife filter the contents of the newspaper first, and if there was any bad news, he would convey it tactfully.

This morning, his precautions finally paid off.

The wife expressed the scandal between Xiaobai and Yan Suang in extremely veiled language.

This is not just a gossip, but also cheating and colluding with foreign enemies!

The more Ma Rui thought about it, the more angry he became, Gao Qin didn't even put on a good face when he came in.

As the cousin of Xiaobai's manager, he subconsciously classified them as one group, and deliberately forgot that he was the one who called Xiaobai into the company.

Looking at the magazines on his desk, Gao Qin probably guessed what was going on, "Did you drink tiger penis antler soup in the morning? You are so angry."

"Look for yourself." He snapped and threw the magazine in front of him.

"Two-weekly magazine." Gao Qin casually flipped through it, "I said why they didn't make a move. It turned out that they wanted to celebrate the New Year, so they collected so many materials and released them all at once."

"A one-time big show?! Look for yourself, last time it was Feng Yalun, this time it was Yan Suang, what happened to that Zeng Bai! Is he coming to the company for a serious job, or is he just trying to catch someone else? Looking for a boyfriend!"

Gao Qin immediately lowered his face, "Boss, you took out the toilet in the morning, why is your mouth full of stench?"

"Then what do you want me to say?" Ma Rui opened the magazine, poked at the first page and said, "The great god met Xiaobai secretly for lunch. The great god was worried about Xiaobai, and rushed to the hospital bravely. The great god cared about Xiaobai, and his assistant rescued him. The great god I miss Xiaobai, meet at the hotel. It’s already been published, I’m afraid that when I open my eyes tomorrow morning, I’ll see in a magazine that God Xiaobai’s lover will finally get married, church wedding!”

"The serialization ends with a happy ending. This is not very good, the audience likes reunion dramas."

"I don't care, you go tell Xiaobai and warn him not to mess around with Yan Suang again! I have no problem with him having an affair, but it's all about men... Is he, he, is he unreasonable?"

Gao Qin touched his nose.

"Also, help him change his manager and find a girl for him. Even if there are gossips, don't keep breaking your back. Feng Yalun did the same in the past, he hooked up with Zhou Minli after all the homosexual scandals, thinking that this time the king of heaven After the day, it will be a matter of course, who knows that a little white will come out, and the moon will shine in the ditch! Damn it!"

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"You also know that the moon shines on the ditch?"

"I also know how to raise my head to look at the bright moon and lower my head to think about my hometown! Closer to home, you can handle this matter. If it doesn't work, Xiaobai shouldn't use it. It will save me from worrying every day."

"What about Aaron?"

"What Feng Aaron, didn't I let him rest for a while?"

"There must be a time limit. You will not be exiled indefinitely, will you?"

Ma Rui sighed, "It also depends on the public's acceptance. As you know, besides drunk driving, he is also suspected of assaulting the police. The matter has been settled for the time being, but there are still sequelae. Wasn't there a police shootout a while ago? Did Zhong die in the line of duty? Recently, the image of the police is very high, and the public hates those who oppose the police. Feng Yalun is good, he sacrificed his ego to complete the big ego, and ran out to be a model. What else can I do besides letting him go on vacation? ?”

"You mean expediency?"

"Let's see." Marui replied vaguely. "You take care of Xiaobai before you talk."

"Don't worry, I will hold a press conference."

Marui thought for a while, "Alright. But I won't be there."

"You were not scheduled to attend."

"...Damn it. You're going to die if you put it mildly."

"I won't die, but I won't die if I don't talk."

The Broad Sea Forum exploded again.

Ever since Xiaobai Hengkong was born, the sea and the sky have been on the brink of explosion.

It's almost a wave of flattening and another wave.

It didn't take long for Aaron's 'golden pairing' post to cool down, and the voting on who is the real queen of the gods has begun again—

Feng Yalun (Reason: Feng Yalun's best spouse is the Great God, if the best spouse of the Great God is not him, he will be a bachelor.)

Xiaobai (reason: one big and one small, one spirit and one white, if they don't match, who will match?)

Zhang Jiajia (reason: the golden partner of the great god, the best on-screen couple, the typical one in "Seize the Hate" who will love even if he dies!)

Xie Ying (reason: the ex-rumored girlfriend of the great god. After all, she is also an old love. Of course, she will come out to PK with her new love.)

Great God (Reason: Great God should be a narcissus, try to look at the shadow and feel sorry for yourself, and all mortals will stay aside.)

The majority of fans (reason: it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together, the master should be a shared resource!)

Zhou Minli (Reason: This person is purely making up the numbers, if there is any mistake, it is purely a spoof.)

At the beginning of the voting, Zhang Jiajia was far ahead in the number of votes, followed by Xie Ying and the fans, and Zhou Minli was at the bottom.

After noon, the rotten girls wake up from their deep sleep. Feng Yalun and Xiaobai started to catch up.

In order to support the vote, the majority of netizens made many photo albums and videos. The most famous of them are as follows-

1. For the great god Shen Lun—Yan Suang and Feng Yalun walked together through wind and rain.

It lists numerous photos of the two at shows and events together.

If the eyes of two people accidentally meet, it is a burning love.

If one person looks at it and the other turns away, it's a doting love fire.

If neither of them is looking at each other, it's awkward love.

In short... as long as two people are in the same photo, the other characters are the background, the shameful light bulb, and the mountains and rivers that block love!

Because Xiao Fuping blocked too much accidentally, he was magnificently named Xiao Bulb and became the first innocent victim of this incident.


2. The best partner - from screen to life. (Lord God and Jiajia)

In the video, the scenes that Zhang Jiajia and Dashen played together were deleted, modified, and reassembled to make a brand new story of past and present lives that even the director and editor of the original film could not recognize after watching it.

Many supporters believe that even if the great god is not with Zhang Jiajia in the end, they will be satisfied with this film. Believe that they can deceive themselves and others to the point of death.


3. The love history of Dashen Xiaobai.

This producer is the most irresponsible of all producers, because he directly copied the magazine's photos and designed the dialogue.

They are also the most authentic and authoritative, because those photos are definitely not synthetic.

However, when the journal becomes authoritative, you can imagine how absurd this research topic has become.

A moment of silence for the moderator.


4. The majority of fans adopt the bombardment method.

The YY article throughout the article really exploded, causing the entire forum to step on landmines and fall into a bottomless pit.

Since then, the forum has been full of wailing and mourning posts.


5. Thank God. (The story of Dashen and Xie Ying)

The supporters of this proposal are all fans of Xie Ying.

A fan with the screen name 'Thank you for your love' used unconstrained and unconstrained sad stories to convince the world that the separation between the Great God and Xie Ying was a last resort. This is interspersed with many factors such as family pressure, disease distress, and misunderstanding by a third party.

Many netizens were incited to tears, almost pointing at the heavens and cursing why fate is so unfair, why is it that Xie Ying has been unlucky for eight lifetimes, and when drinking water can get stuck between her teeth, an author of brought fans thousands of miles to follow him. Come on, berate 'Thank you for your love' for changing her Bun's name and surname.

So the topic finally turned into a big debate about whether pirated texts are pirates!

As for the outcome of the controversy, since it has nothing to do with the scandal, it will not be repeated in this article.

In a word - Amen.

Zhou Minli—This answer is a trap, voters beware of bursting water pipes.

Under this post, there was a lot of scolding for the landlord, saying that he is wicked, and he actually made a joke about the water pipe.

Water pipes also have the dignity of water pipes!

Due to her rebellious psychology, Zhou Minli's vote had a small climax.

The voting time is set for 24 hours. Until the voting ends, the forum received a total of 21098 votes. The specific answer is as follows -

Aaron was awarded 3541 votes (Supporters: When Aaron voted, the great god came to molest our family Aaron, this time we must molest him back!)

Xiaobai 4202 votes (Supporter: I swear in the name of grandpa, this is the truth, the truth!)

Zhang Jiajia 6985 votes (Supporters: Matching men and women is king, and matching men and women is against humanity.)

Xie Ying 1511 votes (Supporters: No matter how strong the rival is, the final victory must be on the side of the tragic heroine. For details, please refer to many Korean dramas.)

Dashen 1594 votes (Supporters: Dashen will always fight for the first place!)

2411 votes from fans (Supporters: Monopoly is shameful!)

Zhou Minli 854 votes (Supporters: We want to help the poor.)

Zhang Jiajia once again verified the charm of on-screen couples.

There is a good thing that the media called Zhang Jiajia's victory this time as a warm-up for this year's best actress competition.

—God knows what the relationship between the two is.

Imart's press conference was eagerly awaited by journalists.

Both Feng Yalun and Xiaobai are now on the cusp of the limelight.

They found that since Xiaobai joined Imat, Imat's appearance rate was far higher than other brokerage companies. Those who have good deeds have also done statistics. In the month before Xiaobai joined, Imat's original situational share was 18.7%, but after Xiaobai joined, it has completely risen to 43.3%, The speed is comparable to Shenzhou VII.

Standing in the background, Xiaobai looked at Feng Yalun who was leisurely sitting beside him playing mobile games, and Gao Qin who smoked by default, and asked curiously, "Should I wait until later?"

"No, you go up with me." Gao Qin put out his cigarette, "Do you know what the reporter will ask you?"

"Hmm. About Yan Suang." Although he didn't quite understand what happened between him and Yan Suang had anything to do with those reporters, but Jia Zhiqing's face was so serious, probably it was serious.

"Do you know how to answer?"

"be honest."

Gao Qin glanced at Feng Yalun, "Oh, if someone asks you about your relationship with Yan Suang, how would you answer?"

what relationship

Xiaobai thought in confusion.

If he hadn't made the trip to the neighboring city, he would have answered without hesitation that he was a friend. But now he was not sure again. Because Yan Su'ang's hot and cold attitude really puzzled him.



"are friends."

"Huh?" Xiaobai blinked. How did he know they were friends

Feng Yalun smiled and said: "In Imat, as long as anyone involved in the scandal, whether male or female, old or young, enemy or friend, life or death, they are all friends. .This is the standard answer. Right, good, friend, friend."

Gao Qin said: "You should be grateful for this kind of standard answer, otherwise you would have been a bald donkey for wanting an answer eight hundred years ago."