Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 38: The Cheapest Enemy is off the air


Early the next morning, Xiao Bai got up to brush his teeth, just as Jia Zhiqing opened the door and came back with a tired face.

"Did you go for your morning exercise?" Xiao Bai's eyes widened. In his memory, Jia Zhiqing had never woken up so early, even if he had a stomachache, he would wait until later to go to the hospital.

"No! I just came back!" Jia Zhiqing stroked the stubble that had grown overnight, and slumped on the sofa.

Xiao Bai asked curiously, "Where did you come back from?"

"The family of the pervert!" The name of the pervert has been finalized in his heart since then.

Xiaobai was silent for a while, "One night?"

So, the conclusion is that he stayed at Lian Juexiu's house all night

Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Fight the Landlord?"

Jia Zhiqing rolled his eyes, "What can a landlord or a farmer fight? Fighting crickets is about the same."

"Then why?"

"Because his home is in a city more than 300 kilometers away from here!" At this point, Jia Zhiqing was full of resentment, "And the reason is that he has no underwear to change!"

Changing underwear is indeed a big deal. Xiaobai nodded understandingly and said, "... oh."

Today, Xiaobai's schedule is very tight. In the morning, he went to the crew of "Tears of Men" to film the kidnapping scene, and in the afternoon he has to rush to make "The Lowest Enemy".

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Jia Zhiqing asked Gao Qin for half a day's leave, so Xiaobai had to squeeze the bus to work.

When we got to the set, Yan Su'ang still didn't show up.

Tan Fei and Chen Dezhang were very active, they were full of energy when filming, probably because they were overwhelmed yesterday.

When Xiaobai was kidnapped, he felt like he was really kidnapped. When she was playing, her body and hands were covered with bruises from being tied up.

But the process went surprisingly smoothly.

The entire kidnapping scene was filmed in almost two hours.

Next, Xiaobai can be free for a while, and it will take about a month before he needs to return to the crew. Because Lian Juexiu wanted to reshoot the scenes of Yan Suang and Chen Dezhang.

When Xiaobai was about to leave after filming, Lian Juexiu suddenly walked over and said, "I heard that Yan Su'ang went to the mountain to shoot a commercial."

Xiaobai's heart finally hung on the tree like a kite with a broken string. "oh."

"Oh?" Lian Juexiu hugged his chest and said, "There is only one?"

Xiaobai looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't you ask me why I tell you?"

"Does this need a reason?"

"Isn't there a reason?" Lian Juexiu gave up after looking at him for a minute, "Forget it. Oh, let's go."

Xiaobai turned his head to leave, but Lian Juexiu chased after him two more steps, "I'll take you out."


"How did your friend go back?"

"Not humanlike."


So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Director Lian Da graciously sent Xiao Bai out all the way.

Chen Dezhang and Tan Fei were desperately repenting.

"I did it just now...was it too ruthless?"


"I knew it earlier, it should be tied looser."


Chen Dezhang suddenly angered Tan Fei, "It's all you, speak desperately on the side, be tighter and tighter."

Tan Fei said aggrievedly: "What I said was a line."

Chen Dezhang touched his chin and said, "I heard that Xiaobai has a great background, so he kicked Luo Peijue away halfway and participated in "go! go! su... super star."

Tan Fei said: "Isn't "go! go! su... super star" going to be discontinued?"

Chen Dezhang's ears perked up, "Where did you hear that?"

"Inside information." When it comes to gossip, there is no difference between celebrities and ordinary people, as long as it is not their own sex. Tan Fei lowered her voice, "I heard that the ratings of "go! go! su...super star" are not getting better day by day, and the big boss couldn't bear to invite Luo Peijue back, so he had to stop the broadcast."

"I heard that not only "go! go! su... super star", even "The Lowest Enemy" will be suspended."

Tan Fei was taken aback, "No way? The ratings of "The Lowest Enemy" are not bad." At least she would watch it whenever she was free, to see the short stories of other people's parents. Gossip's feverish heart.

"It is said that Xiao Fuping's health is too much. He has been admitted to the hospital twice this month."

Tan Fei sighed, "That's such a pity."

No matter how old Xiaobai is, he will never be able to support the show "The Lowest Enemy" by himself.

Chen Dezhang said: "But having said that, what kind of background does Xiaobai have?"

Tan Fei was surprised: "You don't know?"

Chen Dezhang said: "You know?"

Tan Fei said dumbly: "I don't know either."

After a while.

The two expressed emotion at the same time, "Sure enough, there is a background, even the secrecy work is done so tightly."

NCC's studio has always been very popular.

So "The Lowest Enemy" is usually very busy before filming starts.

When Xiaobai arrived, he happened to see several staff members changing the scenery.

Xiao Fuping was reading the manuscript, and when he saw him coming, he smiled slightly and patted the place beside him.

Xiaobai sat down obediently.

"How's the movie going?"

Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "It's better than before."

"Better?" Xiao Fuping twitched the corner of his mouth with a half-smile, "This is the most insincere perfunctory word."

Xiaobai said: "But it's really only a little better."

Xiao Fuping said: "Then are you going to keep making movies in the future?"

Always make movies

Xiaobai was dumbfounded. His plan has always been to do one by one, and then achieve the goal. Making movies all the time was something beyond his plans. "I think I'll go back to the pork shop in the future."

"... a pork shop?" Xiao Fuping didn't expect him to answer like this, and he was stunned for a long time before he said slowly, "Oh, that's it." He had already thought about what to say next, but now, all the steps have been beaten Messed up.

... How should I say it? Xiao Fuping frowned.

Fortunately, the director clapped his hands, "Are you ready?"

Over there, a pair of sisters who looked 13 or 14 years old stood timidly in a corner.

"Are they the sisters who came to find their parents?" Xiao Bai asked in a low voice. Regarding the content of the interview to be done today, he had already received it two days ago.

Xiao Fuping nodded.

Xiaobai rubbed her fingers on the sofa, "I like this show very much."

Xiao Fu didn't raise his head, but his eyes were focused on one point.

"Because it can help a lot of people."

Xiao Fuping raised his head slowly, and the choreographer was leading the pair of sisters over.

"This is Grandpa Xiao, and this is Brother Xiaobai." The choreographer was on the sidelines.

Xiao Fuping smiled, "Hi, you guys, which one of you is the elder sister and who is the younger sister?"

The choreographer looked at the gorgeous height difference between the two sisters, and slandered, "It's a matter of lack of nutrition."

The two sisters also seemed to feel that there was no need to answer this question, and they still hid behind the director.

Xiaobai took out a lollipop from his satchel and handed it to them with a smile, "Here, Tangtang is delicious. I like it too."

I don't know if it's the temptation of sugar or Xiaobai's smile. The two sisters are obviously not as reserved as before. They slowly poke their heads out from behind the director, their eyes lingering between Xiaobai and the lollipop.

Xiaobai patted the sofa beside him, "Shall we sit together? I'm so bored sitting alone."

The two sisters looked at the director, who nodded.

The elder sister pulled the younger sister and finally rubbed her on the soft and comfortable sofa step by step.

Xiaobai gently handed the sugar to their hands.

The corners of the two sisters' mouths slowly showed a shy smile.

The atmosphere suddenly became very harmonious.

— except for Xiao Fuping who was left to dry quickly.

The content of the program is quite simple.

It is to talk about their previous lives, why their parents ran away from home, abandoned them, and appealed to the runaway parents to return home as soon as possible through TV.

When doing the show, Xiaobai and their eyes were like faucets, one closed and one opened, one opened and the other opened again, causing Xiao Fuping to hand out napkins while talking.

At the end of the show, Xiao Fuping looked at those six eyes that couldn't be redder, and had to deeply self-examine whether he was too cold-blooded. When the three of them were crying, he was actually doing a rational analysis.

The two sisters were picked up by the orphanage, Xiaobai reluctantly chased them all the way to the door, and agreed to visit them in the orphanage when he was free.

"Xiaobai." On the way back to the studio, Gao Qin walked towards him, "I'll take you home."

Xiaobai said, "I'm going to get my bag."

Gao Qin stretched out his hand from behind. The satchel is impressively in hand. "You can go now."

Xiaobai took the bag and slung it over his body before following him step by step.

"I received an official notice today," Gao Qin said in a casual tone, ""The Lowest Enemy" will be suspended next week."

The lobby is empty.

Gao Qin heard the clang of his leather shoes on the floor.

Xiao Bai's footsteps were very light, just like his breathing.

Two figures appeared on the glass of the automatic door in front, one tall and one short, one calm and one silent.

It's very common for artists to encounter this kind of thing. When Feng Yalun made his debut, he encountered several opportunities that were obviously about to be finalized and then slipped away, but he has always taken the straightforward approach. Anyway, Feng Yalun's character is not unacceptable to such things. But for Xiaobai... He began to reflect on whether he had spoken too directly.

The automatic door suddenly moved to both sides.

As if awakened from contemplation, Xiao Bai raised his head blankly, saw the night sky outside like a black cloth, lowered his head again, and replied softly, "Oh."

Gao Qin looked at the figure leaning against the silver-gray Lamborghini in front of him, and slightly curled his lips, "But the TV station has promised to let you take over other programs. So don't worry."

Xiaobai's head was still lowered, "Yes."

"I'm not taking you home."

Xiaobai turned to look at him in surprise.

Gao Qin glanced at someone who was walking towards here, and walked in another direction, "Anyway, there is free labor, so it's not for nothing."

Xiaobai's eyes finally moved forward - that so-and-so.