Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 39: Hitting people with sugar is not good


Yan Su'ang's exhaustion from driving down the mountain for three hours in a row disappeared completely when he saw the figure in front of him that he had missed for two whole days.

"Xiaobai." He heard his heartbeat and footsteps louder.

Xiao Bai blinked, and stood motionless.

Yan Su'ang was very dissatisfied with his performance.

Are you unhappy to see him? There was no joy at all.

"Great God." Xiao Bai suddenly called out in a low voice when he approached.

Although it was not the name he expected, hearing his soft voice made his unhappiness instantly disappear, and his heart softened involuntarily.

Yan Su'ang had to smile wryly.

Although I recognized it a long time ago, but it was so thorough. Just such a light sentence filled his heart with white flags.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat supper." Yan Su'ang put his arms around him and walked towards the car.

Whatever it is, just plant it. One day, he will plant flowers, bear fruit, and create a bright future.

Just thinking about this, a yellow Ferrari suddenly came out from the sideways, blocking their way abruptly.

Yan Suang and Xiaobai both stopped in their tracks.

The car window moved down, revealing Gao Qin's ice-cold face, and said decisively: "No supper, go home early."

Yan Su'ang raised his eyebrows, hugged his chest and said, "I'm not in your charge, am I?" He hadn't seen Xiao Bai for two days, and he managed to find time to make an appointment and still be taken care of... Yan Su'ang was very angry.

"You are not under my control, but the one in front of you is under my control."

The corner of Yan Su'ang's mouth twitched.

Gao Qin said indifferently: "Long-term pain-you restrain your behavior and bear with me. Short-term pain-you do whatever you want and ignore me. Of course, the result of short-term pain is that you will soon find that Xiaobai's schedule is very tight, and you will be busy all day long. There is someone around for twenty-four hours. It is harder for you to see him than to meet the President of the United States. It won't take long for the two of you to go further and further apart because of the long separation. Short pain?"

Yan Su'ang gritted his teeth and said, "Has anyone told you to threaten to break the law?"

"I've been told it's a crime to abduct innocent teenagers."

Xiaobai has been a little dazed since just now, just watching them back and forth as they are at war.

Yan Su'ang sneered, "Eating supper is considered abducting a boy?"

"Of course." Gao Qin said decently, "Abducting teenagers to gain weight that they shouldn't have, leading to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes... Thus, the youth's brilliant youth and bright future ended in an ignorant and shameless middle-aged It's in the hands of my uncle."

"I'll take him home!" Yan Su'ang said bitterly.

"Then good night." Gao Qin achieved his goal and disappeared immediately.

Xiao Bai suddenly said, "That car looks familiar just now."

"Such a flamboyant car is only liked by Feng Yalun."

Xiaobai looked at his Lamborghini, thought about the yellow Ferrari just now, and whispered: "I think that car looks very good."

Yan Suang immediately lowered his hand to open the door, "Do you like that?"

"Yeah. The yellow one looks nice."

Yan Suang began to consider whether to buy an identical Ferrari, or simply take this Lamborghini and paint it.

"I like the pink one better though."


"Preferably with cute patterns, like Snoopy or something."

"..." Yan Su'ang felt that the car door seemed to be shaking in his hand.

Xiaobai looked at him curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Yan Su'ang laughed dryly, got into the car, and thought about it, "Would it be okay to add some cool pictures to the silver-gray body?"

Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Wouldn't that be weird?"


Xiaobai, who likes pink and Snoopy, actually said his proposal was strange...

Yan Su'ang was confused for a moment, "We'd better... go home."

On the way, Xiaobai was very silent.

After Yan Su'ang tapped his fingers on the steering wheel for a long time, he couldn't help asking: "How have you been these two days?"

Xiaobai pinched the shoulder bag strap with her fingers, and said slowly: "Not good."

"..." Yan Su'ang's heart tightened, he turned the steering wheel and stopped on the side of the road, "What's wrong?"

"The Lowest Enemy is going to stop." His voice was as small as a puppy whimpering.

Yan Su'ang was stunned, "Why?"

"I don't know." Xiaobai looked down at the buttons on his clothes, "Maybe I'm too bad."

Yan Su'ang stroked his hair silently, then took out his phone and sent a text message. The text message was quickly replied, he glanced at it and sighed, "Xiao Fuping's health is not good."

"Huh?" Xiaobai looked sideways at him. The big eyes were flickering, and there were tears hidden in them, but they were strong enough to hold back.

Yan Su'ang's heart twitched slightly, and her voice became softer, "It has nothing to do with you, it's because Xiao Fuping is in poor health and needs to recuperate. Maybe, when he recovers, "The Lowest Enemy" will start broadcasting again."

"Will it be?" Xiaobai's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Seeing the unreserved trust and expectation in his eyes, Yan Su'ang felt like a strange uncle who seduced young people.

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He patted his forehead and quickly drove the thought out. It must be Gao Qin's words that confused him just now, um, how could an upright and promising young man like him be a strange uncle

"Uh. Of course, besides "The Lowest Enemy", you will have many other opportunities." He said this point with confidence.

Imart's influence in the entertainment industry is no less than that of Weijie. As their artist, apart from enduring Ma Rui's long and smelly speeches like a lazy woman's foot wrap, he has no worries about job opportunities.

Xiaobai said: "Yes. Brother Gao Qin said he would let me take over other programs."

"That's fine too. You'll get used to the other shows soon."

"But..." Xiaobai said two words, then stopped again, and continued to look at the button.

Yan Su'ang turned on the stereo.

It is a guzheng that is as pure as a stream.

The windows are closed.

Ancient music echoed in the narrow space.

The heart seems to be washed away in clear water, and the dust settles, leaving only ethereal and lightness.

"I love this show."

Xiao Bai's voice was crisp and crisp, like a small stone falling into the water with a plop.

Yan Su'ang looked at him intently, expressing his listening.

"Because it can help a lot of people." Xiaobai paused, raised his head, and said seriously, "A pair of sisters came to the show today. Their parents disappeared suddenly a year ago. They miss them very much." They, so I hope to be able to find them through the show...”

Yan Su'ang suddenly reached out to hug him, and folded his arms, wrapping his whole body in his arms.

It's different from the previous kind of joking shoulders, but a real hug.

Xiaobai was stunned.

Time seemed to stand still for an instant.

Only the music is still babbling.

I don't know how long it will be.

Xiao Bai said softly: "Great God."

"Huh?" Yan Su'ang gently rubbed his hair with his ear.

"Can I not hug?"

Yan Su'ang seemed to have poured cold water on his head, and the enthusiasm faded away, "...why?"

Xiaobai wrinkled his face and said, "Because my waist is very sore."

"Oh." Yan Su'ang slowly let go of her hand. As long as you don't hate him.

Xiaobai thumped his waist.

Yan Su'ang said uncomfortably: "Just now you said you wanted to help many people."

"En." Xiaobai nodded firmly.

"Then we can help without going through the show." Yan Su'ang happily suggested, "We can go to nursing homes and orphanages as volunteers." In this way, there will be more reasons to get along with Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai nodded happily, "Okay. Ah, why didn't I think of that."

Yan Su'ang also laughed happily.

"I can also ask Zhiqing and Brother Gao Qin to help."

Yan Su'ang frowned and said: "As far as Gao Qin's character is concerned, he won't do it."

Xiaobai said, "Ah? Why?"

Yan Su'ang said nonsense without changing his face: "Because he has a cleanliness habit, any place with smell and garbage is his forbidden area."

Xiao Bai remembered that he had to take a bath the first time he went to his house, and couldn't help but believe it. "It's okay, and Zhiqing, he will definitely go."

Yan Suang said: "Are you sure he will go?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai said, "Zhiqing is actually a nice person."

"Well, it's really good." A good person shouldn't be too idle. Yan Su'ang has already started planning how to persuade Gao Qin to arrange a full course for this good man, and he doesn't even have time for sex on weekends.

The car window was suddenly knocked twice.

Yan Su'ang was startled, and pressed the car window.

A shirtless young man in a pair of big underpants looked at them with a grin and said with a grin, "Dude, can you lend me two yuan to buy me a pack of cigarettes. I'll pay you back later."

Yan Su'ang searched the memory bank, and after confirming that none of the people he knew would turn into the rascal in front of him, he asked in a good temper: "Do I know you?"

"I don't know you." The young man answered naturally.

Yan Su'ang was so shocked that he was speechless for a long time.

There are such thick-skinned people in this world.

Xiao Bai suddenly stretched out his hand from behind. There is also a lollipop in hand. "Smoking is bad, eat a lollipop."

The young man was left speechless for a long time.

Yan Su'ang looked at the sudden change of roles, and thought silently in his heart: Sure enough, a mountain is still as high as a mountain.

Xiao Bai shook the lollipop again, "You're welcome."

The young man took the sugar with a complicated expression.

Xiaobai imitated his tone and said: "Dude. Remember to quit smoking."

Yan Su'ang was about to laugh, but his eyes suddenly froze, and his face immediately darkened.

Xiao Bai withdrew his hand and said, "Let's go home."

Yan Su'ang drove in silence.

The young man looked at the car that was slowly starting to leave, peeled off the candy wrapper, put the candy in his mouth, pecked it twice, and then sighed, "I never thought that someone driving a Lamborghini would hit people with a lollipop instead of money." .It really is the downfall of the world."