Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 48: 50 playgrounds for a day trip


When Yan Su'ang came to pick him up on Sunday, Xiao Bai almost didn't recognize him.

T-shirts, jeans, thick-rimmed eyes, big peaked caps, and masks.

Jia Zhiqing opened his eyes wide and asked, "Master, are you going to run?"

Yan Su'ang glared at him, took off his mask and said, "Before I kill you, there is no need."

Xiao Bai came out of the room wearing a sweatshirt.

Yan Su'ang immediately took out a big bag from behind and handed it to him, "You change into this one."

Xiao Bai looked at the clothes in the bag hesitantly, and Jia Zhiqing hurriedly chimed in and said, "It's like this for ordinary clothes."

Only then did Xiaobai obediently go.

Jia Zhiqing said dog-leggedly: "Generally, you need a few thugs to prepare for emergencies. Do you need it, my god? I'm cheap. The time can be measured in seconds."

"They're usually half-bald. Do you want one?"

Jia Zhiqing said contemptuously: "Master, you are discriminating against hairstyles."

Yan Suang retorted: "I am purely discriminating against you."

Jia Zhiqing choked, and took a long time to catch his breath. He looked at his whole body and said, "Master, are you sure you are going to an amusement park, not to rob a bank?" He was only short of carrying a submachine gun.

Yan Su'ang took a deep breath and said, "Don't you think you're talking too much nonsense?"

Jia Zhiqing continued, "I just want to find an opportunity to be a follower of a great god from the nonsense."

"If you do this as a career, congratulations, you are doomed to be unemployed for life."

Lifetime is such a powerful word. Jia Zhiqing was completely sidelined.

Xiaobai came out of the room, except for the color and pattern of the T-shirt was different from Yan Suang's, the style was exactly the same.

Yan Su'ang glanced at Jia Zhiqing, "How do you feel?"

"The two sets of clothes look very similar, as if..."

Yan Su'ang waited for him to say the word 'couple outfit'.

"Parent-child suit." Jia Zhiqing laughed so hard that he fell down.

Yan Suang pulled Xiaobai and said: "Xiaobai, if you want to move out, please call me anytime, I will provide 24-hour free pick-up service."

Jia Zhiqing complained, "Master, this is abduction."

"No, I am saving."

But whether to save Xiaobai, or to save his love, then he knows it himself.

The playground is in the suburbs.

Yesterday, Yan Suang asked his assistant to buy the tickets.

Because the playground is often overcrowded on Sundays, in order to make every person who buys a ticket worthwhile and for the safety of tourists, there is an upper limit on the number of tickets for the playground every day. Once there, other people cannot buy tickets until other tourists leave the venue.

Xiaobai followed Yan Suang into the playground, then looked back at the long line of people outside and said, "Let's play faster."

Yan Su'ang said: "Uh, they will find another program by themselves."

Their voices are covered by masks, so it sounds a bit muffled.

"If we had known earlier, we would have given them the tickets."

"..." The notes that had just been cut were immediately hot to the touch. Yan Suang was speechless.

Xiao Bai said: "In this way we can find another program."

Yan Su'ang's eyes lit up, "For example."

"Go to the museum or library." Xiaobai said, "The playground is for children."

Playgrounds are for kids... Playgrounds are for kids...

"..." Yan Su'ang froze from thought to body.

Xiaobai walked a few steps, looked back to see that he was still standing there, and couldn't help but greeted him, "Aren't you leaving?"

Yan Su'ang stretched out his hand to press down the brim of his hat and said, "Let's go."

It doesn't matter whether it is a child or a child, as long as they can be with Xiaobai.

There are many people in the playground, but few people look around and look at others. Yan Su'ang couldn't help being slightly relieved. He didn't tell the company about coming to the playground. It's already taboo for an artist to come to the playground, let alone with a rumored boyfriend.

If Zhang Fuman knew, he might just fly the bomber to bomb him. Of course, the premise is that he can drive and rent it.

"Let's go play the pirate ship first." Xiao Bai said while holding the introduction of the playground.

Yan Suang agrees.

The two had only walked a few steps when they heard screams and cheers erupting from the side.

Almost subconsciously, Yan Suang blocked Xiaobai behind him.

Outside the roller coaster not far from the pirate ship, a large group of people surrounded them, not queuing up, but looking up with their necks up.

Xiao Bai asked curiously, "What are they looking at?"

Due to the special nature of artists, Yan Su'ang said: "Leave them alone."

Xiaobai asked, "Could it be a flying saucer?"

"There shouldn't be such a high technology in the amusement park." Seeing his gaze fixed there and refusing to leave, Yan Suang could only pull him over and said, "Let's go and ask."

Everyone was engrossed in watching it, Yan Su'ang took out a one hundred yuan card to make a girl look away from the sky.

But soon, Yan Su'ang put one hundred yuan back into his pocket.

"What's the matter?" The girl said displeased.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaobai's voice was crisp.

The girl's face softened slightly and she said, "It's "Say Goodnight Everyday" filming the location here. Anda is sitting on it."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Xiao Bai wondered, "Who is Anda?"

The girl was almost contemptuous, "You don't even know Anda, are you from Mars?"

Xiaobai has no interest in Anda, but is very interested in Mars, "You also know Mars?"

The girl was furious, "Do I look illiterate?"

Xiaobai felt wronged and said, "It's not like that."

The girl's anger rested a little.

"Like a hooligan."

The girl immediately added fuel to the flames, and said with a stroke of her sleeves, "You're here to find fault, aren't you?"

Yan Su'ang was afraid that Xiaobai would suffer, so he hurriedly hid him behind his back.

Xiaobai poked his head out and said, "I didn't say that sentence just now."

The girl said angrily: "Who else is it if you don't? Don't think that if you hide your mouth, I won't know it will move!"

Yan Su'ang took Xiaobai with great difficulty to get away from the girl.

Xiaobai said: "I really didn't say that sentence just now."

Yan Su'ang said: "I know, a child beside her said it."

Xiaobai said, "Then why didn't you explain clearly."

"...Because children can't beat hooligans."

After being told by Yan Su'ang, Xiaobai suddenly felt that this scapegoat was also very valuable. "Well, the next generation of the motherland must be protected."

"But since there are other artists here, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be reporters, so we'd better be careful."

Xiao Bai nodded cautiously, and said again: "Why should we be careful about reporters?"

"Uh," Yan Su'ang thought for a while, and said seriously, "Because I have a job today, so it's considered skipping work. If it gets to the boss's ears, my salary will be deducted."

Xiaobai immediately nodded understandingly, "It's really serious. Don't worry, I will be careful."

Since many people went to the roller coaster to see Anda, there were very few people on the pirate ship.

Xiaobai and Yan Su'ang didn't line up at all, and just sat on it.

Some pirate ships like to sit in the middle, and some people like to sit on both sides, but the seats that are neither up nor down are the most open.

As soon as Xiaobai and Yan Su'ang sat down, the bumper that was jamming their waists was slowly lowered.

Yan Su'ang looked at the thin Xiaobai worriedly, afraid that he would accidentally slip out of the bumper, "You must hold on to the bumper."

Xiaobai nodded solemnly.

Yan Su'ang suddenly grabbed his hand. "Still, I'm at ease."

Xiao Bai stretched out his other hand and patted the back of his hand, "Don't be nervous, it's fine."

Why did the plots that he had envisioned in his mind yesterday get lost in reality

The pirate ship swayed slowly, like waves, rising one after another.

The screams of the passengers were broken into one piece from the beginning, challenging the limit of human hearing with the loudness comparable to that of a high-pitched singer.

Xiao Bai sat upright, silently watching the strangely shaped faces of the passengers on the opposite side of the ship.

The hand being held was suddenly gripped tightly. Xiaobai looked sideways, but found that Yan Suang was frowning as if he was enduring something.

Xiaobai grabbed him back worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Before the sound came out of the mask, it was drowned in the sharp screams.

Fortunately, because there were people queuing up one after another, the time for the pirate ship to wander was not very long.

When getting off the boat, almost half of Yan Su'ang's body was on Xiao Bai's body.

Xiaobai's eyes were full of worry, "Are you okay?"

"Trash can." After Yan Su'ang finished speaking, she immediately covered her mouth, as if she was about to throw up at any time.

This situation has been thought of by the designer at the beginning of the playground construction, so the trash can is just a few steps away.

Yan Su'ang quickly pulled off his mask.

He didn't vomit much, only some yellow water.

Xiao Bai handed him a napkin.

After wiping, he quickly pulled up the mask, calmed down, and then pretended to be relaxed: "What shall we play next?"

Xiao Bai stared at him dumbfounded, "You still want to play?"

"Aren't we here to play today?" He paused, "Otherwise it would be a waste of tickets." As for Xiaobai, as long as you pay out money and waste it, you can't go wrong.

"Stop playing." Xiaobai's voice sounded unhappy.

"..." Yan Su'ang patiently explained, "I used to do bungee jumping without much trouble, but today it's probably because I didn't eat anything in the morning..."

"What time did you finish work yesterday?"

Yan Suang subconsciously said, "Four in the morning."

Xiao Bai looked at him as if he was looking at a disobedient child, "You didn't sleep at all."

"Sleeping." Yan Su'ang's voice slowly trailed off under his gaze, "Four hours."

Xiaobai still stared at him.

"Uh, well, it's actually two and a half."

"Let's go back." Xiaobai turned his head and walked towards the gate.

"Wait." Yan Su'ang grabbed him. Anyway, this is their first date in couple clothes. Even if they can't be as generous as ordinary couples, at least they should leave some good memories. "How about we have a meal before leaving? I'm very hungry now."

Xiaobai immediately nodded.

Eating meant taking off the masks, so Yan Su'ang and Xiao Bai bought two hot dogs and drinks, and found a place with dense trees to sit down.

If it's in a park, even if you make an appointment, you can't make an appointment at such a place. Fortunately, this is a playground, and almost no one wants to sit here and waste time.

Yan Su'ang and Xiaobai sat side by side, with a faint satisfaction flowing in their hearts.

In fact, counting the time he spent with Xiaobai, whether it was eating or on the way home, it was always dull, but it was this kind of dullness that made him feel addicted, wishing not to be separated every second.



"I'm sorry I couldn't let you enjoy yourself today." Yan Suang's tone was full of regret. "Actually, I was really hungry just now, why don't we continue playing after eating the hot dogs?"

Xiao Bai turned his head and looked at him seriously, "You must mean what you say, you said it was only for lunch."

"..." Yan Su'ang bit the hot dog in frustration.

Xiaobai stretched slowly. Every time I was with Yan Suang, I felt indescribably relaxed.

He suddenly remembered Jia Zhiqing's question from yesterday.

—Can you live with him forever

Live with a man forever. If this kind of question was in the past, he wouldn't even think about it, but for some reason, when the object became Yan Su'ang, he actually thought about it seriously.

"Yan Suang."


"Will you spend your whole life with Lianjue?"

"Pfft..." Yan Su'ang was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Xiao Bai quickly handed him the drink.

Yan Su'ang took a sip from his hand, panted for a long time before saying: "Why did you think of asking this?" Could it be that he and Lian Juexiu got too close, which made him misunderstand? Does this mean that Xiaobai... has no feelings for him at all

Yan Su'ang looked at him with piercing eyes.

Xiaobai felt uncomfortable being stared at by him, "I just asked casually."

"Impossible, absolutely absolutely impossible!" Yan Su'ang was afraid that he would think wildly, so he almost cursed.

Sure enough, men and men together is a very strange thing.

Xiaobai smiled understandingly, "Well, I understand."

Yan Su'ang looked at him suspiciously. What did he understand

When Yan Su'ang came to pick him up on Sunday, Xiao Bai almost didn't recognize him.

T-shirts, jeans, thick-rimmed eyes, big peaked caps, and masks.

Jia Zhiqing opened his eyes wide and asked, "Master, are you going to run?"

Yan Su'ang glared at him, took off his mask and said, "Before I kill you, there is no need."

Xiao Bai came out of the room wearing a sweatshirt.

Yan Su'ang immediately took out a big bag from behind and handed it to him, "You change into this one."

Xiao Bai looked at the clothes in the bag hesitantly, and Jia Zhiqing hurriedly chimed in and said, "It's like this for ordinary clothes."

Only then did Xiaobai obediently go.

Jia Zhiqing said dog-leggedly: "Generally, you need a few thugs to prepare for emergencies. Do you need it, my god? I'm cheap. The time can be measured in seconds."

"They're usually half-bald. Do you want one?"

Jia Zhiqing said contemptuously: "Master, you are discriminating against hairstyles."

Yan Suang retorted: "I am purely discriminating against you."

Jia Zhiqing choked, and took a long time to catch his breath. He looked at his whole body and said, "Master, are you sure you are going to an amusement park, not to rob a bank?" He was only short of carrying a submachine gun.

Yan Su'ang took a deep breath and said, "Don't you think you're talking too much nonsense?"

Jia Zhiqing continued, "I just want to find an opportunity to be a follower of a great god from the nonsense."

"If you do this as a career, congratulations, you are doomed to be unemployed for life."

Lifetime is such a powerful word. Jia Zhiqing was completely sidelined.

Xiaobai came out of the room, except for the color and pattern of the T-shirt was different from Yan Suang's, the style was exactly the same.

Yan Su'ang glanced at Jia Zhiqing, "How do you feel?"

"The two sets of clothes look very similar, as if..."

Yan Su'ang waited for him to say the word 'couple outfit'.

"Parent-child suit." Jia Zhiqing laughed so hard that he fell down.

Yan Suang pulled Xiaobai and said: "Xiaobai, if you want to move out, please call me anytime, I will provide 24-hour free pick-up service."

Jia Zhiqing complained, "Master, this is abduction."

"No, I am saving."

But whether to save Xiaobai, or to save his love, then he knows it himself.

The playground is in the suburbs.

Yesterday, Yan Suang asked his assistant to buy the tickets.

Because the playground is often overcrowded on Sundays, in order to make every person who buys a ticket worthwhile and for the safety of tourists, there is an upper limit on the number of tickets for the playground every day. Once there, other people cannot buy tickets until other tourists leave the venue.

Xiaobai followed Yan Suang into the playground, then looked back at the long line of people outside and said, "Let's play faster."

Yan Su'ang said: "Uh, they will find another program by themselves."

Their voices are covered by masks, so it sounds a bit muffled.

"If we had known earlier, we would have given them the tickets."

"..." The notes that had just been cut were immediately hot to the touch. Yan Suang was speechless.

Xiao Bai said: "In this way we can find another program."

Yan Su'ang's eyes lit up, "For example."

"Go to the museum or library." Xiaobai said, "The playground is for children."

Playgrounds are for kids... Playgrounds are for kids...

"..." Yan Su'ang froze from thought to body.

Xiaobai walked a few steps, looked back to see that he was still standing there, and couldn't help but greeted him, "Aren't you leaving?"

Yan Su'ang stretched out his hand to press down the brim of his hat and said, "Let's go."

It doesn't matter whether it is a child or a child, as long as they can be with Xiaobai.

There are many people in the playground, but few people look around and look at others. Yan Su'ang couldn't help being slightly relieved. He didn't tell the company about coming to the playground. It's already taboo for an artist to come to the playground, let alone with a rumored boyfriend.

If Zhang Fuman knew, he might just fly the bomber to bomb him. Of course, the premise is that he can drive and rent it.

"Let's go play the pirate ship first." Xiao Bai said while holding the introduction of the playground.

Yan Suang agrees.

The two had only walked a few steps when they heard screams and cheers erupting from the side.

Almost subconsciously, Yan Suang blocked Xiaobai behind him.

Outside the roller coaster not far from the pirate ship, a large group of people surrounded them, not queuing up, but looking up with their necks up.

Xiao Bai asked curiously, "What are they looking at?"

Due to the special nature of artists, Yan Su'ang said: "Leave them alone."

Xiaobai asked, "Could it be a flying saucer?"

"There shouldn't be such a high technology in the amusement park." Seeing his gaze fixed there and refusing to leave, Yan Suang could only pull him over and said, "Let's go and ask."

Everyone was engrossed in watching it, Yan Su'ang took out a one hundred yuan card to make a girl look away from the sky.

But soon, Yan Su'ang put one hundred yuan back into his pocket.

"What's the matter?" The girl said displeased.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaobai's voice was crisp.

The girl's face softened slightly and she said, "It's "Say Goodnight Everyday" filming the location here. Anda is sitting on it."

Xiao Bai wondered, "Who is Anda?"

The girl was almost contemptuous, "You don't even know Anda, are you from Mars?"

Xiaobai has no interest in Anda, but is very interested in Mars, "You also know Mars?"

The girl was furious, "Do I look illiterate?"

Xiaobai felt wronged and said, "It's not like that."

The girl's anger rested a little.

"Like a hooligan."

The girl immediately added fuel to the flames, and said with a stroke of her sleeves, "You're here to find fault, aren't you?"

Yan Su'ang was afraid that Xiaobai would suffer, so he hurriedly hid him behind his back.

Xiaobai poked his head out and said, "I didn't say that sentence just now."

The girl said angrily: "Who else is it if you don't? Don't think that if you hide your mouth, I won't know it will move!"

Yan Su'ang took Xiaobai with great difficulty to get away from the girl.

Xiaobai said: "I really didn't say that sentence just now."

Yan Su'ang said: "I know, a child beside her said it."

Xiaobai said, "Then why didn't you explain clearly."

"...Because children can't beat hooligans."

After being told by Yan Su'ang, Xiaobai suddenly felt that this scapegoat was also very valuable. "Well, the next generation of the motherland must be protected."

"But since there are other artists here, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be reporters, so we'd better be careful."

Xiao Bai nodded cautiously, and said again: "Why should we be careful about reporters?"

"Uh," Yan Su'ang thought for a while, and said seriously, "Because I have a job today, so it's considered skipping work. If it gets to the boss's ears, my salary will be deducted."

Xiaobai immediately nodded understandingly, "It's really serious. Don't worry, I will be careful."

Since many people went to the roller coaster to see Anda, there were very few people on the pirate ship.

Xiaobai and Yan Su'ang didn't line up at all, and just sat on it.

Some pirate ships like to sit in the middle, and some people like to sit on both sides, but the seats that are neither up nor down are the most open.

As soon as Xiaobai and Yan Su'ang sat down, the bumper that was jamming their waists was slowly lowered.

Yan Su'ang looked at the thin Xiaobai worriedly, afraid that he would accidentally slip out of the bumper, "You must hold on to the bumper."

Xiaobai nodded solemnly.

Yan Su'ang suddenly grabbed his hand. "Still, I'm at ease."

Xiao Bai stretched out his other hand and patted the back of his hand, "Don't be nervous, it's fine."

Why did the plots that he had envisioned in his mind yesterday get lost in reality

The pirate ship swayed slowly, like waves, rising one after another.

The screams of the passengers were broken into one piece from the beginning, challenging the limit of human hearing with the loudness comparable to that of a high-pitched singer.

Xiao Bai sat upright, silently watching the strangely shaped faces of the passengers on the opposite side of the ship.

The hand being held was suddenly gripped tightly. Xiaobai looked sideways, but found that Yan Suang was frowning as if he was enduring something.

Xiaobai grabbed him back worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Before the sound came out of the mask, it was drowned in the sharp screams.

Fortunately, because there were people queuing up one after another, the time for the pirate ship to wander was not very long.

When getting off the boat, almost half of Yan Su'ang's body was on Xiao Bai's body.

Xiaobai's eyes were full of worry, "Are you okay?"

"Trash can." After Yan Su'ang finished speaking, she immediately covered her mouth, as if she was about to throw up at any time.

This situation has been thought of by the designer at the beginning of the playground construction, so the trash can is just a few steps away.

Yan Su'ang quickly pulled off his mask.

He didn't vomit much, only some yellow water.

Xiao Bai handed him a napkin.

After wiping, he quickly pulled up the mask, calmed down, and then pretended to be relaxed: "What shall we play next?"

Xiao Bai stared at him dumbfounded, "You still want to play?"

"Aren't we here to play today?" He paused, "Otherwise it would be a waste of tickets." As for Xiaobai, as long as you pay out money and waste it, you can't go wrong.

"Stop playing." Xiaobai's voice sounded unhappy.

"..." Yan Su'ang patiently explained, "I used to do bungee jumping without much trouble, but today it's probably because I didn't eat anything in the morning..."

"What time did you finish work yesterday?"

Yan Suang subconsciously said, "Four in the morning."

Xiao Bai looked at him as if he was looking at a disobedient child, "You didn't sleep at all."

"Sleeping." Yan Su'ang's voice slowly trailed off under his gaze, "Four hours."

Xiaobai still stared at him.

"Uh, well, it's actually two and a half."

"Let's go back." Xiaobai turned his head and walked towards the gate.

"Wait." Yan Su'ang grabbed him. Anyway, this is their first date in couple clothes. Even if they can't be as generous as ordinary couples, at least they should leave some good memories. "How about we have a meal before leaving? I'm very hungry now."

Xiaobai immediately nodded.

Eating meant taking off the masks, so Yan Su'ang and Xiao Bai bought two hot dogs and drinks, and found a place with dense trees to sit down.

If it's in a park, even if you make an appointment, you can't make an appointment at such a place. Fortunately, this is a playground, and almost no one wants to sit here and waste time.

Yan Su'ang and Xiaobai sat side by side, with a faint satisfaction flowing in their hearts.

In fact, counting the time he spent with Xiaobai, whether it was eating or on the way home, it was always dull, but it was this kind of dullness that made him feel addicted, wishing not to be separated every second.



"I'm sorry I couldn't let you enjoy yourself today." Yan Suang's tone was full of regret. "Actually, I was really hungry just now, why don't we continue playing after eating the hot dogs?"

Xiao Bai turned his head and looked at him seriously, "You must mean what you say, you said it was only for lunch."

"..." Yan Su'ang bit the hot dog in frustration.

Xiaobai stretched slowly. Every time I was with Yan Suang, I felt indescribably relaxed.

He suddenly remembered Jia Zhiqing's question from yesterday.

—Can you live with him forever

Live with a man forever. If this kind of question was in the past, he wouldn't even think about it, but for some reason, when the object became Yan Su'ang, he actually thought about it seriously.

"Yan Suang."


"Will you spend your whole life with Lianjue?"

"Pfft..." Yan Su'ang was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Xiao Bai quickly handed him the drink.

Yan Su'ang took a sip from his hand, panted for a long time before saying: "Why did you think of asking this?" Could it be that he and Lian Juexiu got too close, which made him misunderstand? Does this mean that Xiaobai... has no feelings for him at all

Yan Su'ang looked at him with piercing eyes.

Xiaobai felt uncomfortable being stared at by him, "I just asked casually."

"Impossible, absolutely absolutely impossible!" Yan Su'ang was afraid that he would think wildly, so he almost cursed.

Sure enough, men and men together is a very strange thing.

Xiaobai smiled understandingly, "Well, I understand."

Yan Su'ang looked at him suspiciously. What did he understand